Analysing Australians’ attitudes to science

By June 24th, 2014

Most Australians equate CSIRO with Science, and attitudes in support of CSIRO rise and fall with changes in community attitudes to Science. While awareness of, and trust in, CSIRO remains high across the wider community, increasingly young people and those with anti-science outlooks are unaware of, or uninterested in, CSIRO and its work.

The Community attitudes towards science and technology in Australia report is analysis of several attitudinal studies.

The report reveals the drivers of different community attitudes and awareness, looking at how individual values impact attitudes; levels of trust and the impact of negative media coverage on trust; people’s preferred sources of information; disengagement by young Australians, impacts of science at school on later attitudes to science.

Download a copy of the report from the CSIRO Research Publications Repository: Community attitudes towards science and technology in Australia.

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