BarleyMax™ Publications

By July 30th, 2015

The following publications detail the work involved in the development of CSIRO’s BarleyMax.


Bird AR, Rahman S, Regina A, Morell MK, Topping DL, 2004, Methods and means of improving bowel health (Provisional specification for a high amylose wheat).

Batey I, Morell M, Topping DL, 2001, PCT/WO02/37955/A1 Barley plant with high amylose starch

Bird AR, Denton E, Lang T, Topping DL, 1999, PP2915 Food supplement.

Jozsa AJ, Rao P, Topping DL, 1998, PCT/AU98/00503 Health supplement.

Brown IL, Conway PL, Topping DL, Wang X, 1995, PCT/AU97/00176 Enhancement of microbial colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Brown IL, Mcnaught KJ, Ganly RN, Conway PL, Evans AJ, Topping DL, Wang X, 1994, PCT/AU95/00613 Probiotic compositions.

Annison G, Illman RJ, Topping DL, 1993, PCT/AU94/000713 Fatty acid delivery system.

Reviews and Book Chapters

Topping D, Morell M, 2014, Barley foods and public health. In: Barley: Chemistry and Technology, Shewry PR, Ullrich SE, (eds), AACC International, St Paul, Second Edition, pp 223-231.

Topping D, Conlon MA, 2014, ‘Feeding a hungry microbiome: large bowel fermentation and human health’, Medical Journal of Australia, 201: 438.

Topping DL, Segal I, Regina A, Conlon MA, Bajka BH, Toden S, Clarke JM, Morell MK, Bird AR, 2010, Resistant starch and human health. In: Dietary fibre: new frontiers in food and health, van der Kamp JW, Jones J, McCleary B, Topping D, (eds),. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, pp 311-321.

Topping DL, Bajka, BH, Bird AR, Clarke JM, Cobiac L, Conlon MA, Morell MK, Toden S, 2008, ‘Resistant starch as a vehicle for delivering health benefits to the human large bowel’, Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 20: 103-108.

Topping D, Bird A, Toden S, Conlon M, Noakes M, King R, Mann G, Li Z, Morell M, 2007, Resistant starch as a contributor to the health benefits of whole grains. In: Whole grains and health, Marquart L, Jacobs D, McIntosh G, Poutanen K, Reicks M, (eds), Blackwell Publishers, Ames, pp 219-227.

Topping D, 2007, ‘Cereal complex carbohydrates and their contribution to human health ‘, Journal of Cereal Science, 46: 220-229.

Rahman S, Bird A, Regina A, Li Z, Ral JP, McMaugh S, Topping D, Morell M, 2007, ‘Resistant starch in cereals: exploiting genetic engineering and genetic variation’, Journal of Cereal Science, 46: 251-260.

Topping DL, Morell MK, King RA, Li Z, Bird AR, Noakes M, 2003, ‘Resistant starch and health – Himalaya 292, a novel barley cultivar to deliver benefits to consumers’, Starch/Stärke, 53: 539-545.

Topping DL, Clifton PM, 2001, ‘Short-chain fatty acids and human colonic function: roles of resistant starch and nonstarch polysaccharides’, Physiological Reviews, 81: 1031-1064.

Bird AR, Brown IL, Topping DL, 2000, ‘Starches, resistant starches, the gut microflora and human health’, Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology, 1: 25-37.

Brown I, Conway P, Topping D, 2000, ‘The health potential of resistant starches in foods, an Australian perspective’. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition, 44: 53-58.

Topping DL, Bird AR, 1999, ‘Short chain fatty acids produced by intestinal bacteria’, Australian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 56: Supplement, 15-19.

Cobiac L, Topping DL, 1998, ‘Dietary Fibre: Potential role in the aetiology of disease’, In: Encyclopaedia of Human Nutrition, Sadler M, Caballero B, Strain S, (eds),, Academic Press, London, pp 545-552.

Brown IL, Wang X, Topping DL, Playne MJ, Conway PL, 1998, ‘High amylose maize starch as a versatile prebiotic for use with probiotic bacteria’, Food Australia 50: 603-610

Topping DL, 1998, ‘Physiological effects of dietary carbohydrates in the large bowel: Is there a need to ecognise dietary fibre equivalents?’ Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 8: Supplement, S22-S26.

Annison G, Topping DL, 1994, ‘Resistant starch: Chemical structure vs physiological function’, Annual Review of Nutrition 14, 297-320

Topping DL, Wong SH, 1994, ‘Preventive and therapeutic aspects of dietary fibre,’ In: Preventive Nutrition in Medical Practice, Vobecky JS, Wahlqvist ML, (eds),. Smith-Gordon Ltd, London, pp 179-197.

Topping DL, Illman RJ, 1986, Bacterial fermentation in the human large bowel. Time to change from the roughage model of dietary fibre? Med J Aust, 144: 307-309.


McOrist AL, Miller RB, Bird AR, Keogh JB, Noakes M, Topping DL, Conlon MA, 2011, ‘Fecal butyrate levels vary widely among individuals but are usually increased by a diet high in resistant starch ‘, Journal of Nutrition, 141: 883-889.

Bird AR, Vuaran MS, King RA, Noakes M, Keogh J, Morell MK, Topping DL, 2008, ‘Wholegrain foods made from a novel high-amylose barley variety, Himalaya 292, improve indices of bowel health in human subjects ‘, British Journal of Nutrition, 99: 1032-1040.

King RA, Noakes M, Bird AR, Morell MK, Topping DL, 2008, ‘An extruded breakfast cereal made from a high amylose barley cultivar has a low glycaemic index and lower plasma insulin response than one made from a standard barley’, Journal of Cereal Science, 48: 526-530.

Bird AR, Flory C, Davies DA, Usher S, Topping DL, 2004, ‘A novel barley cultivar, Himalaya 292 with a specific gene mutation in starch synthase IIa resulting in altered grain starch and non-starch polysaccharide composition raises large bowel starch and short chain fatty acids in rats’,Journal of Nutrition, 134: 831-835.

Bird AR, Jackson M, King RA, Davies DA, Usher S, Topping DL, 2004, ‘A novel barley cultivar, Himalaya 292, high in amylose and soluble and insoluble non-starch polysaccharides, lowers plasma cholesterol and alters indices of large bowel health in pigs‘,British Journal of Nutrition, 92: 607-615.