Official documents of CSIRO.
CSIRO's Strategy for 2007-2011 aimed to grow our impact by delivering great science and innovative solutions for industry, society and the environment.
The CSIRO 2003–07 Strategic Plan links CSIRO’s broad vision for the future with specific annual operational plans that specify current priority initiatives.
Section Two of this strategic plan comprises the executive summaries of the 22 sector plans developed through a comprehensive and intensive process involving detailed consultation with CSIRO's external Sector Advisory Committees. Seventy per cent of the members of these Committees are drawn from industry and the community; 30% from Commonwealth and State government departments with a direct interest in our work. CSIRO has had to make some hard decisions on key areas of the research investment portfolio. The nature of these decisions and the strategic considerations behind them are summarised in Section One.
The CSIRO Strategic Research Plan for 1997-98 to 1999-2000 reflected a new approach to the way in which the organisation was structured and managed its business.
The Strategic Plan 1988-92 defined the broad objectives which CSIRO set itself for accomplishment between 1988 and 1992, as well as the policies and strategies that were to be followed in achieving those objects.