Chicken interferon gamma publications

By September 21st, 2010

The following publications detail the work involved in the development of CSIRO’s Chicken interferon gamma.


Lowenthal JW, Johnson MA, O’Neil TE, York JJ, 2003, ‘Uses of avian interferon gamma (IFN-gamma)’, U.S. Patent Number 6,642,032 B2.

Johnson MA, Prideaux C, McCoy R, Lowenthal JW, 2001, ‘Fowl adenovirus vectors: Recombinant avian adenovirus vector’, U.S. Patent Number 6,296,852.

Granted US Patent 6296852; Granted Australia 64994/94; Granted New Zealand 263772; Granted Europe94912411.9; Granted Europe 05076351.5; Granted Japan 6522542.

Lowenthal JW, York JJ, Connick TE, Rhodes S, Digby MR, 2000, ‘Recombinant avian interferon gamma (IFN-γ)’, U.S. Patent Number 6,083,724.

Granted US Patent 6642032/6083724; Granted Australian Patent 47792-96; Granted New Zealand Patent 302188; Under Examination European Application 96903821.4; Under Examination Canadian Application 2214453; Under Examination Mexican Application 976735.


Johnson MA, Pooley C, O’Neil TE, Tyack S, Ignjatovic J, Lowenthal JW, 2001, ‘Fowl adenovirus as a delivery vector for vaccines and therapeutics’, In: Current Progress on Avian Immunology Research, Schat KA (ed), American Association of Avian Pathologists, Kennett Square, PA, pp.35-44.

Lowenthal JW, York JJ, O’Neil TE, Rhodes S, Strom ADG, Digby MR, 1998, ‘Potential use of cytokine therapy in poultry’, Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 63: 191-198.

Key publications

Johnson MA, Pooley C, Lowenthal JW, 2000, ‘Delivery of avian cytokines by adenovirus vectors’, Dev. Comp. Immunol., 24: 343-354.

Sheppard M, Werner W, McCoy RJ, Johnson MA, 1998, ‘The major late promoter and bipartite leader sequence of fowl adenovirus’, Archives of Virology, 143: 537-548.

Digby MR, Lowenthal JW, 1995, ‘Cloning and expression of the chicken interferon-γ gene’, J. Interferon Cytokine Res., 15: 939-945.

Lowenthal JW, Digby M, York JJ, 1995, ‘Production of interferon-γ by chicken T cells’, J. Interferon Cytokine Res., 15: 933-938.

Other publications

Hilton LS, Bean AGD, Lowenthal JW, 2002, ‘The emerging role of avian cytokines as immunotherapeutics and vaccine adjuvants’, Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 85: 119-128.

Lowenthal JW, 2002, ‘New Therapeutics for poultry – therapeutic applications of chicken interferon gamma’, Poultry Digest., 17: 18-22.

Lambrecht B, Gonze M, Schuurmans R, Lowenthal J, Meulemans G, van den Berg TP, 2001, ‘Development of an ELISA for the measurement of ChIFN-γ. Application to infectious bursal disease’, In: Immunosuppressive Viral Diseases In Poultry, Coudert F, Mulder R, van den Berg T (eds), COST 389 Annual Report, pp 81.

Lowenthal JW, Staeheli PJ, Schultz U, Sekellick MJ, Marcus PI, 2001, ‘Nomenclature of avian interferons’, J. Interferon Cytokine Res., 21: 547-549.

Lowenthal JW, 2001, ‘Therapeutic applications of cytokines – what can the chicken teach us?’, In: Current Progress on Avian Immunology Research, Schat KA (ed), American Association of Avian Pathologists, Kennett Square, PA, pp.1-7.

Lowenthal JW, Richards GG, Bean ADG, O’Neil TE, Hilton LS, Tyack S, Pooley C, Johnson MA, 2001, ‘New vaccination strategies for control of coccidiosis‘, In: Current Progress on Avian Immunology Research, Schat KA (ed), American Association of Avian Pathologists, Kennett Square, PA, pp.71-77.

Lowenthal JW, Lambrecht B, van den Berg TP, Andrew ME, Strom ADG, Bean AGD, 2000, ‘Avian cytokines – the natural approach to therapeutics’, Dev. Comp. Immunol., 24: 355-365.

Lowenthal JW, O’Neil TE, Strom ADG, Andrew ME, 1999, ‘Cytokine therapy: a natural alternative for disease control’, Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 72: 183-188.

Lowenthal JW, O’Neil TE, Broadway M, Strom ADG, Digby MR, Andrew M, York JJ, 1998, ‘Co-administration of interferon gamma enhances antibody responses in chickens’, J. Interferon Cytokine Res., 18: 617-622.

Sekellick MJ, Lowenthal JW, O’Neil TE, Marcus PI, 1998, ‘Chicken interferons type I and II act synergistically to enhance an antiviral state and nitric oxide secretion’, J. Interferon Cytokine Res., 18: 407-414.

Sheppard M, Tsatas E, Johnson MA, 1998, ‘DNA sequence analysis of the genes of the fowl adenovirus serotype 10 putative 33K and pVIII’, DNA Sequence. J. Sequencing and Mapping., 9: 37-43.

Sheppard M, Werner W, Johnson MA, 1998, ‘DNA sequence of the fowl adenovirus serotype 10 short fiber gene’, DNA Sequence. J. Sequencing and Mapping, 8: 391-396.

Sheppard M, Werner W, Tsatas E, McCoy RJ, Prowse SJ, Johnson MA, 1998, ‘Fowl adenovirus recombinant expressing VP2 of infectious bursal disease virus induces protective immunity against bursal disease’, Archives of Virology, 143: 915-930.

Lowenthal JW, York JJ, O’Neil TE, Rhodes S, Prowse SJ, Strom ADG, Digby MR, 1997, ‘In vivo effects of chicken interferon gamma during infection with Eimeria‘, J. Interferon Cytokine Res., 17. 551-558.

Lowenthal JW, Digby M, Connick TE, York JJ, 1996, ‘The potential use of cytokine therapy in poultry’, J. Interferon Cytokine Res., 16: 657-658.

Lowenthal JW, York JJ, Digby MR, 1995, ‘Interferon production by avian T cells’, In: Advances in Avian Immunology Research, Davison TF, Bumstead N, Kaiser P (eds), Carfax Publishing Co., London, pp.179-186.