CSIRO launches its ‘Wellbeing Plan for Kids’ book

By September 22nd, 2009

CSIRO will launch its new publication, The CSIRO Wellbeing Plan for Kids, at Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Markets at 10am today.

The book provides practical, easy to understand information on nutrition and activity that is relevant to Australian parents and children from toddlers to teenagers.

Written by researchers in CSIRO’s Preventative Health National Research Flagship and based on extensive research, The CSIRO Wellbeing Plan for Kids reduces the guess work for parents by focusing on key lifestyle habits that will make a significant difference in achieving a healthy and active lifestyle for the whole family.

“In 2007 the Australian Children’s National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey found that children across all ages are not eating enough dairy foods, fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereal foods and are consuming too much saturated fat, sugar and salt,” Dr Bowen said.

CSIRO researcher and co-author, Dr Jane Bowen, said that the book was inspired by the results of a national survey of children’s eating and physical activity habits and a survey of Australian parents.

“In 2007 the Australian Children’s National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey found that children across all ages are not eating enough dairy foods, fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereal foods and are consuming too much saturated fat, sugar and salt,” Dr Bowen said. “We also found that children become less active and spend more time in front of the television or computer as they get older.

“Parents also told us, in separate research, that while knowing what food and activity children need is important, knowing how to encourage children to adopt healthy habits is what would really help.“

Co-author, CSIRO researcher Dr Nadia Corsini, says the book is a positive guide for parents to help their children adopt healthy habits that they will take into adulthood.

“We all want our children to lead happy, healthy lives and parents know that kids need to eat well and be active, but they are often unsure how to get started,” Dr Corsini said.

“This book explains what healthy habits to prioritise, how to manage the challenges of raising healthy children and how parents can motivate their families to make changes that can last. It also includes over 100 delicious recipes for stress-free family cooking.”

National Research Flagships

CSIRO initiated the National Research Flagships to provide science-based solutions in response to Australia’s major research challenges and opportunities. The 10 Flagships form multidisciplinary teams with industry and the research community to deliver impact and benefits for Australia.

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