CSIRO review of issues raised about CSIRO’s interactions with DataTrace
CSIRO had no prior knowledge of the allegations raised in the articles published on 11 April 2013, naming CSIRO, DataTraceDNA Pty Ltd and a European pharmaceutical company that is a customer of DataTraceDNA Pty Ltd (“DataTrace”). As soon as CSIRO was aware of the allegations, we initiated a review of all the issues relating to CSIRO. This review has included examination of our records, interviews with staff, meetings with DataTrace and examination of relevant Board documents from the meetings of the DataTrace Board.
The CSIRO review of these allegations has proceeded as far as is currently possible and here is what we have found:
- We have found no evidence that CSIRO staff, or CSIRO’s nominees who were appointed to the Board of DataTrace, deceived or wilfully misled DataTrace or its customer, or have behaved unethically.
- The core allegations relate to a negotiation and a commercial transaction between DataTrace and its customer and a then proposed role for CSIRO in supplying materials to DataTrace. We have found that CSIRO was not a party to the negotiations between DataTrace and its customer or to their commercial contract. And that CSIRO does not have a role or contract to supply materials to DataTrace for use with its customer.
- We have found no evidence that any CSIRO staff deceived or wilfully misled either DataTrace or its customer as to the supply of materials.
- We have found no evidence that any CSIRO officers deceived or wilfully misled DataTrace or its customer with respect to the security level of the solution offered by DataTrace to its customer.
- Furthermore, DataTrace’s customer has not approached CSIRO to express any concerns about the conduct of CSIRO officers in relation to the supply of materials to it by DataTrace or the security level of the solution offered by DataTrace.
- DataTrace is now a fully owned subsidiary of the company DataDot Technology Limited (“DataDot”). Neither DataTrace nor DataDot has approached CSIRO to express any concerns about the conduct of the CSIRO officers or CSIRO’s nominees who were on the DataTrace Board, or in relation to the supply of materials by DataTrace to its customer or the security level of the solution offered by DataTrace.
The matters raised in the allegations are principally between DataTrace and its customer and relate to a negotiation and a commercial transaction between DataTrace and its customer, rather than to CSIRO. CSIRO understands that there is an ongoing investigation into the allegations is being conducted by DataDot and CSIRO will await the outcomes of that investigation, to which CSIRO has provided assistance. If any further issues or evidence are raised with CSIRO, then of course we will investigate and take action if needed. Our scientific and business integrity is at the core of what we do.