CSIROpod hits the web

By November 7th, 2006

How do you protect your home from bushfires? How many photos should you take to ensure no one is blinking in the final picture? How did scientists work out that the Jenolan caves in NSW are between 290 and 340 million years old? Why are honey bees so important to human survival?

Listen to CSIRO scientists talk about these and other fascinating stories in CSIRO’s new podcasts – CSIROpod.

“We believe this shows Australians are keenly interested in science and the amazing things it can tell us about our world.”

Manager of CSIRO Media Liaison, Marilyn Chalkley, says; “Every time CSIRO has a story we think you would like to hear, we will aim to put it up as a podcast, as well as telling the media about it.”

CSIROpod is an informative and lively insight into the science and story behind the work carried out by CSIRO’s 6500 staff across its 57 sites in Australia. So if you missed that story on the radio, or someone has recycled your newspaper, follow it up on www.csiro.au and click on the CSIROpod icon on the front page.

“In addition we will do special podcasts about subjects of interest to the public, such as climate change, bushfires, sharks and the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet,” Ms Chalkley says.

“CSIROpod casts are short, sharp and about our science.

“We are delighted that without any advertising whatsoever CSIROpod in the last two weeks has been the fourth most listened to podcast of the science broadcasts on Australia’s ITunes site, and number 47 overall.

“We believe this shows Australians are keenly interested in science and the amazing things it can tell us about our world.”

Sign up for more episodes of CSIROpod