Dung bettle program publications

By February 15th, 2011

The following publications detail the work involved in the development of CSIRO’s Dung bettle program.


Tyndale-Biscoe M, 2001, ‘Common dung beetles in pastures of south-eastern Australia’, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 71 pp.

Key publications

Bornemissza GF, 1976, ‘The Australian dung beetle project 1965-1975′, Australian Meat Research Committee Review, 30: 1-30.

Bornemissza GF, 1966, ‘Specificity of male sex attractants in some Australian scorpion flies’, Nature, 209: 732-733.

Bornemissza GF, 1964, ‘Sex attractant of male scorpion flies’, Nature, 203: 786-787.

Bornemissza GF, 1961, ‘Termination of pupal diapause in the cinnabar moth and the reproductive capacity of the resulting females’, Nature, 190: 936-937.


Michaels K, Bornemissza GF, 1999, ‘Effects of clearfell harvesting on lucanid beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in wet and dry sclerophyll forests in Tasmania’, Journal of Insect Conservation, 3: 85-95.

Bornemissza GF, 1983, ‘Darwin and the Tasmanian dung beetles’, Tasmanian Nature, 75: 1-3.

Bornemissza GF, 1979, ‘The Australian Dung Beetle Research Unit in Pretoria’, South African Journal of Science, 75: 257-260.

Bornemissza GF, 1971, ‘A new variant of the paracopric nesting type in the Australian dung beetle, Onthophagus compositus‘, Pedobiologia, 11: 1-10.

Bornemissza GF, 1971, ‘Mycetopagous breeding in the Australian dung beetle, Onthophagus dunningi‘, Pedobiologia, 11: 133-142.

Bornemissza GF, 1970, ‘Insectary studies on the control of dung breeding flies by the activity of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella F. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae)’, Journal of the Australian Entomology Society, 9: 31-41.

Bornemissza GF, Williams CH, 1970, ‘An effect of dung beetle activity on plant yield’, Pedobiologia, 10: 1-7.

Bornemissza GF, 1969, ‘A new type of brood care observed in the dung beetle Oniticellus cinctus (Scarabaeidae)’, Pedobiologia, 9: 223-225.

Bornemissza GF, 1968, ‘Studies on the histerid beetle Pachylister chinensis in Fiji, and its possible value in the control of buffalo-fly in Australia’, Australian Journal of Zoology, 16: 673-688.

Bornemissza GF, 1966, ‘An attempt to control ragwort in Australia with the cinnabar moth, Callimorpha jacobaeae (L.) (Arctiidae: Lepidoptera)’, Australian Journal of Zoology, 14: 201-243.

Bornemissza GF, 1966, ‘Observations on the hunting and mating behaviour of two species of scorpion flies (Bittacidae: Mecoptera)’, Australian Journal of Zoology, 14: 371-382.

Bornemissza GF, 1960, ‘Could dung eating insects improve our pastures?’, Journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science, 26: 54-56.

Bornemissza GF, 1957, The first Projapygidae from Western Australia, with some additional notes on the family and its allies’, Western Australian Nature, 6: 76-79.

Bornemissza GF, 1957, ‘An analysis of arthropod succession in carrion and the effect of its decomposition on the soil fauna’, Australian Journal of Zoology, 5: 1-12.


Tyndale-Bisoce M, 1996, ‘Australia’s introduced dung beetles: original releases and distributions’, CSIRO Entomology Technical Report, 62: 149 pp.