Engineered performance of timber publications
The following publications detail the work involved in the development of CSIRO’s Engineered performance of timber.
Reviews and book chapters
Leicester R, Handmer J, 2008, Bushfire. Transitions. Pathways towards Sustainable Development, CSIRO Publishing, Australia, pp.245-252.
Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, Wang C-H, 2008, Manual No. 2: Derivation of Reliability-based Design Equations for Use with AS1720.1, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson LJ, 2008, ‘A Reliability Model for Termite Attack on Housing’, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 93:468-475.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen MN, 2008, Manual No. 8: Termite Attack, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
MacKenzie CE, Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Nguyen MN, 2008, Timber Service Life Design Guide, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang, C-H, 2008, Manual No. 5: Atmospheric corrosion of fasteners in timber structures, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang, C-H, 2008, Manual No. 6: Embedded corrosion of fasteners in timber structures, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, 2008, Manual No. 7: Marine Borer Attack on timber structures, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Foliente GC, 2008, A Draft Proposal of AS1720.5 – Timber Service Life Design Code, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, 2008, Service Life Models for Timber Structures Protected in Building Envelope, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, 2008, Manual No. 3: Inground Decay in timber structures, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, 2008, Manual No. 4: Above-ground Decay in timber structures, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, 2008, Manual No. 10: Commentary on Draft Proposal for AS 1720.5, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, 2008, Manual No. 11: Equations for use in a service life design guide, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, 2008, Manual No. 12: Equations for use in TimberLife, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Forest & Wood Products Australia.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, Foliente GC, 2007, ‘TimberLife: Service-life prediction and design of timber construction’, In: Civil Computing — Computer Application in Civil Engineering, ACECOMS, pp.39-41.
Leicester RH, 2006, ‘Application of linear fracture mechanics to notched timber elements’, Prog. Struct. Eng. Mater., 8: 29-37.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson L, 2006, ‘A reliability model for assessing the risk of termite attack on housing’, Reliability Engineering and System Safety: Special Issue on Probabilistic Modelling of Structural Degradation, Elsevier.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson LJ, 2006, ‘Probabilistic procedure for design of untreated timber piles under marine borer attack’, Reliability Engineering and System Safety: Special Issue on Probabilistic Modelling of Structural Degradation, Elsevier.
Wang,C-H., Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, 2006, ‘Probabilistic procedure for design of timber poles in-ground under attack of decay fungi’, Reliability Engineering and System Safety: Special Issue on Probabilistic Modelling of Structural Degradation, Elsevier.
Leicester RH, 2001, ‘Engineered durability for timber construction’, Prog. .Struct. Eng. Mater., 2: 216-217.
Leicester RH, 1988, ‘The use of timber as a structural material’, In: Technology in Australia 1788-1988, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, pp.318-321.
Leicester RH, 1988, ‘Laminated timber’, In: Encyclopaedia of Building Technology, Cowan HJ (ed), Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, pp.133-134.
Brotchie JF, Beresford FD, Leicester RH, 1971, ‘Design Construction and performance of a post-tensioned hyperbolic paraboloid shell’, Constructional Review, 44: 68-74.
Original papers
Leicester R, 2009, ‘Buckling Strength of Timber Structures’, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, Engineers Australia, 9: 249-256.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen MN, 2009, ‘Design of Exposed Timber Structures’, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, Engineers Australia, 9: 241-248.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson L, 2009, ‘Service Life Design for Timber Piles Attacked by Marine Borers’, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, Engineers Australia, 9: 217-224.
Stephens SI, Adams MA, Handmer J, Fearns FR, Leicester R, Leonard J, Moritz, MA, 2009, ‘Urban-Wildland Fires: how California and other regions of the US can learn from Australia’, Environmental Research Letters, 4: 5.
Leicester RH, 2008, ‘A Breakthrough in Timber Durability Design’, Civil Engineers Australia, 9: 44-45.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson L, 2008, ‘Probabilistic procedure for design of untreated timber piles under marine borer attack’, Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 93: 482-488.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, 2008, ‘Probabilistic procedure for design of timber poles in-ground under attack of decay fungi’, Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 93: 476-481.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Seath C, 2004, ‘Identification of strength-reducing characteristics in lumber using microwave scanners’, Key Engineering Materials : Advances in Nondestructive Evaluation, pp.270-273, pp.1513-1520.
Foliente GC, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, MacKenzie CE, Cole IS, 2002, ‘Durability design for wood construction’, Forest Products Journal, 52: 10-19.
Lu JP, Leicester RH, 1997, ‘Mechano-sorptive effects on timber creep’, Wood Science & Technology, 31: 331-337.
Lu JP, Leicester RH, 1997, ‘Effect of cyclic humidity exposure on moisture diffusion of wood’, Wood and Fiber Science, 29: 68-74.
Leicester RH, 1990, ‘Failure in two-cycle fatigue’, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 13: 161-164.
Leicester RH, 1987, ‘Stress grading timber’, Connections, 6: 4-5.
Leicester RH, 1985, ‘Computation of a safety index’, Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers, Aust., Spec. Iss. on Risk, Reliability and Limit States Design, 27: 54-60.
Leicester RH, Pham L, Kleeman PW, 1985, ‘Use of reliability concepts in the conversion of codes to limit states design’, Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers, Aust., Spec. Iss. on Risk, Reliability and Limit States Design, 27: 1-6.
Leicester RH, Hawkins BT, 1983, ‘Large models of low rise buildings loaded by the natural wind’, J. Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 13: 289-300.
Pham L, Holmes JD, Leicester RH, 1983, ‘Safety indices for wind loading in Australia’, J. Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 16: 3-14.
Leicester RH, Beresford FD, Bubb CTJ, Dorman C, 1982, ‘Characteristics of cyclone risk to dwellings’, Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers, Aust., 24: 242-247.
Leicester RH, Reardon GF, 1976, ‘A statistical analysis of the structural damage by cyclone Tracy’, Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers, Aust., pp.50-54.
Leicester RH, 1975, ‘Cyclone Tracy and structures’, Chartered Engineer, 10: 4-5.
Walsh PF, Ryan A, Leicester RH, 1973, ‘The strength of glued lap joints in timber’, _ Forest Products J._, 23: 30-33.
Leicester RH, 1971, ‘A rheological model for mechano-sorptive deflections of beams’, Wood Science and Technology, 5: 211-220.
Leicester RH, 1971, ‘Lateral deflections of timber beam-columns during drying’, Wood Science and Technology, 5: 221-231.
Leicester RH, 1970, ‘Southwell plot for beam-columns’, J. Engineering Mechanics Division, Trans. of American Society of Civil Engineers, 94: 945-965.
Leicester RH, Bunker PC, 1969, ‘Fracture of butt joints in laminated pine’, Forest Products J., 19: 59-60.
Leicester RH, 1968, ‘Finite deformations of shallow shells’, J. Engineering Mechanics Division, Trans. of American Society of Civil Engineers, 94: 1409-1423.
Leicester RH, Schuster KB, 1968, ‘Point loading on hyperbolic paraboloidal shells’, Experimental Mechanics, Nov.
Leicester RH, Massey PC, 1961, ‘Tests on a small concrete hyperbolic paraboloidal shell roof and footing’, Constructional Review, 34: 25-30.
Leicester RH, 1960, ‘A resistance analogue of beams and arches’, J. Institution of Engineers, Australia, April-May.
Leicester RH, Massey PC, 1960, ‘A model analysis of a concrete shell roof’, Architectural Science Review, 3: 116-119.
Leicester RH, Grant DJ, Rumball BL, Young FG, 1988, ‘Structural engineering properties of machine stress-graded, Australian grown radiata pine’, Technical Report TR88/1, Division of Construction and Engineering, CSIRO Melbourne, Australia. 46 pages.
Leicester RH, Keating WG, 1982, ‘Use of strength classifications for timber engineering standards’, Division of Building Research Technical Paper (Second Series), No.43, CSIRO, Australia.
Leicester RH, Beresford FD, 1978, ‘The resistance of Australian housing to wind forces’, Estimating Insurance Risk in Tropical Cyclone Areas for the Technical Committee Natural Disaster Insurance Scheme, Part 3, Commonwealth Department of Housing and Construction, Dec.
Leicester RH, Reardon GF, 1976, ‘Wind damage in Australia – a pictorial review with particular reference to domestic and other low-rise structures’, Division of Building Research Special Report.
Leicester RH, 1973, ‘The effect of size on the strength of structures’, Division of Building Research Technological Paper No.71, Melbourne.
Leicester RH, 1971, ‘Some aspects of stress fields at sharp notches in orthotropic materials’, Division of Forest Products Technological Paper No.57, Melbourne.
Leicester RH, Reardon G, 1970, ‘An assessment of storm wind intensity’, CSIRO Division of Forest Products, Internal Report, 18 pages.
Conference proceedings
Leicester R, 2008, ‘Engineered Performance’, In: Proc. 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE2008, Miyazaki, Japan, June 2-5.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen MN, Foliente GC, Cole IS, MacKenzie C, 2008, ‘Engineered Durability: Completion of a 10-year Project’, In: Proc. 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE2008, Miyazaki, Japan, June 2-5, Paper 403.
Leicester R, Reardon G, 2008, ‘Impact Statistics of Tracy and an Opportunity Missed’, In: Proc. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) National Conference, Geelong, 29 Jan-1 Feb.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Foliente GC, 2008, ‘Service Life Models and Design Procedure of Metal Fasteners Subjected to Corrosion in Timber Structures’, In: Proc. 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE2008, Miyazaki, Japan, June 2-5, Paper 326.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Foliente GC, 2008, ‘Service Life Design for Metal Fasteners in Timber Construction’, In: Proc. Australasian Structural Engineering Conference ASEC2008, Melbourne, Australia, June.
Nguyen MN, Paevere P, Leicester R, Syme M, 2008, ‘Models for Prediction of Microclimate and Timber Moisture Content within the Building Envelope’, In: Proc. 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE2008, Miyazaki, Japan, June 2-5.
Paevere P, Nguyen MN, Syme M, Leicester R, 2008, ‘Nailplate Backout – is it a Problem in Plated Timber Trusses’, In: Proc. 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE2008, Miyazaki, Japan, June 2-5.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, 2008, ‘A probabilistic procedure for design of Timber aboveground under attack of decay fungi’, In: Proc. Australasian Structural Engineering Conference ASEC2008, Melbourne, Australia, June.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, Foliente GC, 2008, ‘A Service Life Prediction Model for Timber Above-Ground under Decay Attack’, In: Proc. Australasian Structural Engineering Conference ASEC2008, Melbourne, Australia, June.
Blanchi RM, Leonard JE, Leicester RH 2006, ‘Lessons learnt from post bushfire surveys at the urban interface in Australia’, In: Proc. International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Viegas DX (ed), November 27-30, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 12 pages.
Blanchi RM, Leonard JE, Leicester RH, 2006, ‘Bushfire risk at the rural-urban interface’, In: Proc. Bushfire Conference 2006, Life in a fire-prone environment: Translating science into practice, Brisbane, Australia, June 6-9, 6 pages.
Leicester RH, Leonard J, Blanchi R, 2006, ‘Attack by wildfire’, In: Proc. World Conference on Timber Engineering, Portland, USA, 6 Aug, 8 pages.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen MN, MacKenzie C, Foliente GC, 2006, ‘Codification of Durability Models’, In: In: Proc. World Conference on Timber Engineering, Portland, USA, 6 Aug.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Cookson LJ, Foliente GC, 2006, ‘An engineering model of marine borer attack on timber piles’, In: Proc. World Conference on Timber Engineering, Portland, USA, 6 Aug, pp.390.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Foliente GC, 2006, ‘The development of durability models for service-life prediction and engineering design of timber construction’, In: Proc. 10th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Kanok-Nukulchai, Worsak, Munasinghe, Sunil, Anwar, Naveed (eds), Bangkok, Thailand, 3 Aug, pp.529-534.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Nguyen MN, Foliente GC, Sicad N, 2006, ‘TimberLife: durability prediction and design of timber construction’, In: Proc. World Conference on Timber Engineering, Portland, USA, 6 Aug, pp.283.
Leicester RH, 2005, ‘The use of reliability concepts in drafting Australian timber engineering design codes and standards’, In: Proc. Conference on Probabilistic Models in Timber Engineering: Tests, Models, Applications, COST Action E24 Reliability Analysis of Timber Structures, Arcachon, France, 8-9 Sept, pp.43-51.
Leicester RH, 2005, ‘Design specifications for notched beams in AS: 1720′, In: Proc. CIB W18 Meeting, 29-31 August, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Mackenzie C, Cole I, Wang C-H, Nguyen M, Cookson L, 2005, ‘The development of durability models for engineered timber Construction’, In: Proc. Australian Structural Engineering Conference, Newcastle, 11-14 Sept.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen M, Foliente GC, 2005, ‘Design specifications for the durability of timber’, In: Proc. CIB W18 Meeting, 29-31 August, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen M, Foliente GC, 2005, ‘Engineering models for biological attack on timber structures’, In: Proc. 10DBMC International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Lyon, France, 17-20 April.
Nguyen M, Leicester RH, Cookson, L, Foliente GC, 2005, ‘A model for timber piles attacked by marine borers’, In: Proc. Australian Structural Engineering Conference, Newcastle, 11-14 Sept.
Foliente GC , Leicester RH, Wang C-H, MacKenzie CE, Cole IS, 2004, ‘Durability design for wood construction’, In: Proc. Forest Products Conference Woodframe Housing Durability and Disaster Issues, Las Vegas, October 4-6.
Leicester RH, 2004, ‘Application of linear fracture mechanics to timber engineering’, In: Proc. SIF2004 Structural Integrity and Fracture Conference, 26-29 September, Brisbane, Australia, 9 pages.
Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Wang C-H, Nguyen MN, Cookson LJ, 2004, ‘Modelling the uncertainty of biological attacks on timber construction’, In: Proc. Australian Risk Engineering Conference – Risk 2004, Melbourne, Australia, 8-9 Nov.
Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Wang C-H, Nguyen M, Wang X, Mackenzie C, Thornton J, Cause M, 2004, ‘Structural Durability of Exposed Timber’, In: Proc. Forest Products Conference Woodframe Housing Durability and Disaster Issues, Las Vegas, October 4-6, 10 pages.
Leicester RH, Ganther W, Seath CA, Wang C-H, Nguyen M, Foliente GC, Cole I, Mackenzie C, 2004, ‘Australian Houses: Monitoring and Predicting Microclimate and the Durability of the Building Envelope’, In: Proc. Forest Products Conference Woodframe Housing Durability and Disaster Issues, Las Vegas, October 4-6, 18 pages.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson, L, 2004, ‘A Probabilistic Model for Termite Attack on Housing in Australia’, In: Proc. Forest Products Conference Woodframe Housing Durability and Disaster Issues, Las Vegas, October 4-6, 28 pages.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen M, Thornton JB, Cause M, Wang X, Foliente GC, MacKenzie, C, 2004, ‘A probabilistic model for termite attack’, In: Proc. 8th World Engineering Conference on Timber Engineering, Lahti, Finland, June, I: 201-204.
Leicester RH, Wang X, Mackenzie C, Thornton J, Foliente GC, Cause M, 2004, ‘Structural Durability of Exposed Timber’, In: Proc. 8th World Engineering Conference on Timber Engineering, Lahti, Finland, June, II: 571-576.
Leonard J, Blanchi R, Leicester RH, 2004, ‘On the development of a risk-model for bushfire attack on housing’, In: _Proc. Conf., 8 Nov.
Leonard J, Blanchi R, Leicester RH, 2004, ‘Bushfire interface risk modelling’, In: _Proc. Annual AFAC Conf., Perth, 7-9 Oct.
Paevere P, Leicester RH, Goldfinch JI, Foliente GC, 2004, ‘Performance of plated trusses’, In: _Proc. Helsinki, RIL, 14 June, II: 499-504.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson LJ, 2003, ‘A risk model for termite attack in Australia’, In: Proc. Conference of International Research Group 34, Brisbane, Australia, 18-23 May.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen M, Foliente GC, Mackenzie C, 2003, ‘Structural durability of timber in ground contact’, In: Proc. CIB-W18 Meeting, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 11-14 Aug, 10 pages.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Nguyen MN, Thornton JD, Johnson G, Gardner D, Foliente GC , MacKenzie C, 2003, ‘An engineering model for the decay of timber in-ground contact’, In: _Proc. Conference of International Research Group 34, Brisbane, Australia, 18-23 May, Section 2, Paper No. IRG/WP/03, 21 pages.
Leonard J, Leicester RH, Bowditch P, 2003, ‘Bushfire catastrophe: myth or fact’, In: _Proc. Conference Aon Re Australia Ltd, Britton NR (ed), Sydney, NSW, 17 Aug.
Leicester RH, 2002, ‘Future directions of timber engineering research’, In: Proc. 7th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia, August, 13 pages.
Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Cole IS, Wang C-H, Mackenzie C, 2002, ‘Prediction models for engineered durability of timber in Australia’, In: Proc. 9th DBMC Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 17-20 Mar, Paper 221.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson L, 2002, ‘An engineering model for termite hazards’, In: Proc. 7th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia, August, 2: 68-75.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Cookson L, Creffield J, 2002, ‘A model for termite hazard in Australia’, In: Proc. 9th DBMC Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 17-20 Mar, Paper 220.
Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, Seath CA, Foliente GC, 2002, ‘Algorithms for stress grading timber using microwave scanners’, In: Proc. 7th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia, August, 1: 334-341.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Foliente GC, 2002, ‘A prediction model for decay of timber in-ground’, In: Proc. 7th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia, August, 8 pages.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Gardner D, Thornton J, Johnson G, Cause M, 2002, ‘A Model for In-Ground Attack by Decay Fungi’, In: Proc. 9th DBMC Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 17-20 Mar, Paper 219.
Wang X, Foliente GC, Wang C-H, Leicester RH, 2002, ‘Lifetime reliability of timber poles under decay attacks – an application in maintenance modelling’, In: Proc. 7th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia, August, 8 pages.
Wang X, Foliente GC, Wang C-H, Leicester RH, 2002, ‘Reliability of timber utility poles under decay attack’, In: Proc. 9th DBMC Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 17-20 Mar, Paper 87.
Wang X, Foliente GC, Wang C-H, Nguyen MN, Leicester RH, 2002, ‘Reliability-based maintenance planning of timber utility poles under decay attack’, In: _Proc. Ed. Mathew, Joseph, Brisbane, Queensland University of Technology. Sept, Conference Proceeding, 363-369.
Cole IS, Ganther W, Leicester RH, 2001, ‘Processes controlling the microclimate in dwellings on the Eastern Seaboard of Australia’, In: Proc. Int. Conf. On Building Envelope, Ottawa, Canada, June, 5 pages.
Ganther W, Cole IS, Leicester RH, 2001, ‘Measurement of microclimate in dwellings along the Australian Eastern Seaboard’, In: Proc. Int. Conf. On Building Envelope, Ottawa, Canada, June, 5 pages.
Leicester RH, 2001, ‘Engineered performance of timber construction’, In: Proc. Burgess-Lane Memorial Lectureship in Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada, 7 Feb.
Leicester RH, 2001, ‘Engineered performance applied to timber construction’, In: Proc. 2k2 Conf. On Safety & Reliability of Built Structures, ASEP, Manilla, Philippines, 13 pages.
Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Cole IS, Wang C-H, Mackenzie C, 2001, ‘Prediction models for engineered durability of timber’, In: Proc. 27th Forest Products Research Conference, Clayton, Australia, 12-13 November.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, 2001, ‘A probabilistic model of termite attack’, In: Proc. ICOSSAR 8th International Conference of Structural Safety & Reliability, Newport Beach, CA, 17-21 June.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Foliente GC, 2001, ‘A prediction model for termite attack’, In: Proc. 27th Forest Products Research Conference, Clayton, Australia, 12-13 November.
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Foliente GC, 2001, ‘A probabilistic decay attack model of timber in-ground’, In: Proc. ICOSSAR 8th International Conference of Structural Safety & Reliability, Newport Beach, CA, 17-21 June.
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Gardner D, Thornton J, Johnson G, Cause M, 2001, ‘Prediction models for in-ground attack by decay fungi’, In: Proc. 27th Forest Products Research Conference, Clayton, Australia, 12-13 November.
Wang X, Foliente GC, Wang C-H, Leicester RH, 2001, ‘Timber utility pole reliability under decay attack’, In: Proc. 27th Forest Products Research Conference, Clayton, Australia, 12-13 November.
Leicester RH, 2000, ‘Engineering models for decay of timber’, In: Proc. WCTE Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, 31 July-3 Aug.
Leicester RH, 2000, ‘Applications of reliability concepts to timber engineering’, In: Proc. WCTE Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, 31 July-3 Aug.
Leicester RH, 2000, ‘Application of material models to structural lumber’, In: Proc. International Conference on Wood and Fiber Composites, Aicher S (ed), Stuttgart, Germany, 13-15 April.
Leicester RH, 2000, ‘Developments in solid and composite wood products’, In: Proc. of IUFRO Conference The Future of Eucalypts for Wood Products, Launceston, Tasmania, 19-24 March.
Leicester RH, 1999, ‘Durability analysis of timber construction’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Rotorua, NZ, March.
Leicester RH, Foliente GC, 1999, ‘Models for timber decay and termite attack’, In: Proc. 8th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Vancouver, Canada, 30 May-3 June.
Leicester RH, 1998, ‘Structural utilization of timber, including reference to lesser used species’, In: Proc. Conference, Myanmar, Yangon, March.
Leicester RH, 1998, ‘International Trends in Timber Engineering and Utilisation of Lesser Used Species’, In: Proc. 1998 International Conference on Value-Added Hardwood Processing of Lesser-Used Species, Kumasi, Ghana, March, 56 pages.
Leicester RH, Breitinger H, Fordham H, 1998, ‘A comparison of in-grade test procedures’, In: Proc. CIB-W18B Meeting on Timber Structures, Savonlinna, Finland, Aug.
Leicester RH, Cole IS, Foliente GC, MacKenzie C, 1998, ‘Prediction models for durability of timber construction’, In: Proc. 5th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Montreaux, Switzerland, 17-20 Aug.
Leicester RH, Fordham H, Breitinger H, 1998, ‘Bearing strength of timber beams’, In: Proc. CIB-W18B Meeting on Timber Structures, Savonlinna, Finland, Aug.
Mashford JS, Leicester RH, Marksjö B, 1998, ‘Neural sensor fusion for timber grading by microwave scanning with mechanical stress grading’, In: Proc. IEEE ICIPS’98 Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 4-7 Aug.
Leicester RH, 1997, ‘Development of international timber standards for structural purposes’, In: Proc. 1997 International Building and Construction Standards Conference/Workshop, Sydney, Australia, May, pp.86-100.
Leicester RH, 1997, ‘Research of wood engineering: An international perspective’, In: Proc. Wood Workshop, ASCE Structures Congress XV, Portland, Oregon, April.
Leicester RH, 1997, ‘Scanning timber for strength predictions’, In: Proc. 15th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Grzebieta RH, Al-Mahaidi R, Wilson J (eds), Melbourne, Dec.
Leicester RH, 1997, ‘Probabilistic design models for the durability of timber construction’, In: Proc. CIB-W18 Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Aug, 17 pages.
Leicester RH, 1997, ‘Concepts for drafting international codes and standards for timber construction’, In: Proc. CIB-W18 Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Aug, 15 pages.
Leicester RH, Pham L, Foliente GC, 1997, ‘Concepts for the development of performance-based building codes and standards construction’, In: Proc. International Workshop on Performance-based Design, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov.
Milner HR, Leicester RH, 1997, ‘Mechano-sorptive deformation in timber’, In: Proc. 15th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Melbourne, Dec.
Foliente GC, Leicester RH, 1996, ‘Evaluation of mechanical joint systems in timber structures’, In: Proc. 25th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov, 1, Paper 2/16.
Leicester RH, 1996, ‘A reliability model for durability’, In: Proc. 25th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov, 1, Paper 2/14.
Leicester RH, Breitinger HO, Fordham H, 1996, ‘Equivalence of in-grade testing standards’, In: Proc. CIB-W18 Meeting 29, Bordeaux, France, Aug, Paper 29-6-20.
Leicester RH, Breitinger HO, Fordham H, 1996, ‘Harmonised standards for evaluating bending strength’, In: Proc. International Wood Engineering Conference, New Orleans, USA, Oct, 2: 271-276.
Leicester RH, Seath CA, 1996, ‘Application of microwave scanners for stress grading’, In: Proc. International Wood Engineering Conference, New Orleans, USA, Oct, 2: 435-442.
Leicester RH, Seath CA, 1996, ‘Microwave scanners in stress grading operations’, In: Proc. 25th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov, 1, Paper 2/15.
Clancy P, Beck VR, Leicester RH, 1995, ‘Time dependent probability of failure of wood frames in real fire’, In: _Proc. 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Fire and Materials’, Washington DC, USA, Nov, pp.85.
Leicester RH, 1995, ‘Fire codes and timber structures in Australia’, In: _Proc. National Workshop on Fire and Timber in Modern Building Design’, FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia, July.
Bolden S, Walsh PF, Leicester RH, Grant DG, Young FG, Seath CA, 1994, ‘In-grade evaluation of Australian pine’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July, 2: 716-724.
Breitinger HO, Leicester RH, Seath CA, Walsh PF, 1994, ‘In-grade wood beam-shear strengths’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July, 1: 642-645.
Carson J, Leicester RH, 1994, ‘Australian Structural Standards’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July, 2: 2070-2125.
Leicester RH, 1994, ‘Quantification of serviceability criteria’, In: Proc. Australasian Structural Engineering Conference, Sydney, Australia, Sept, 2: 1087-1092.
Leicester RH, 1994, ‘Statistical control for stress-graded timber’, In: Proc. Conference on Quality Control of Timber Products, Portland, USA, Nov.
Leicester RH, Carson J, 1994, ‘Australian standards for structural timber’, In: Proc. Australasian Structural Engineering Conference, Sydney, Australia, Sept, 2: 1053-1058.
Lu JP, Leicester RH, 1994, ‘Deformation and strength loss due to mechano-sorptive effects’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July, 2: 1682-1720.
Syme MJ, Pham L, Leicester RH, 1994, ‘The design of rafter overhangs’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July, 1: 149-152.
Yang J, Pham L, Leicester RH, 1994, ‘Strength and stiffness of floor systems’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July, 1: 140-143.
Young SA, Clancy P, Beck VR, Leicester RH, 1994, ‘Model for the performance of timber-framed assemblies in real fires’, In: Proc. Australasian Structural Engineering Conference, Sydney, Australia, Sept, 2: 705-712.
Leicester RH, 1993, ‘Serviceability Criteria for Building Codes’, In: Proc. Colloquium on Structural Serviceability of Buildings, IABSE, Göteborg, Sweden, June, 69-84.
Leicester RH, 1993, ‘Procedures for the acceptance of wood-based structural board products in Australia’, In: Proc. Workshop, Structural Board Association, Toronto, Canada, Jan, 17 pages.
Leicester RH, 1992, ‘Fundamental properties of timber’, In: Proc. International Seminar on Wood Engineering, Stalnaker JJ (ed), University of Colorado, Denver, USA, April, pp.147-169.
Leicester RH, 1992, ‘Stress-grading timber and load testing structures’, In: Proc. International Seminar on Wood Engineering, Stalnaker JJ (ed), University of Colorado, Denver, USA, April, pp.170-179.
Leicester RH, 1992, ‘Fire resistance of timber structures’, In: Proc. 2nd CIB W18B International Conference on Tropical and Hardwood Timber Structures, Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Leicester RH, 1992, ‘Impact of building standards on the demand for structural timber products’, In: Proc. Conference on Wood Products for Engineered Structures, Forest Products Research Society, Las Vegas, USA, Nov, pp.29-40.
Leicester RH, 1992, ‘Connector codes development: an overview’, In: Proc. International Workshop on Wood Connectors, Las Vegas, USA, Nov.
Leicester RH, Breitinger HO, 1992, ‘Measurement of beam shear strength’, In: Proc. IUFRO S.05.02 Timber Engineering Meeting, Bordeaux, France, 17-21 Aug, 12 pages.
Leicester RH, Lhuede EP, 1992, ‘Mechano-sorptive effects on toothed plate connectors’, In: Proc. of IUFRO S.5.02 Timber Engineering Meeting, Bordeaux, France, 17-21 Aug, 9 pages.
Leicester RH, Lu JP, 1992, ‘Effects of shape and size on the mechano-sorptive deformations of beams’, In: Proc. IUFRO S.05.02 Timber Engineering Meeting, Bordeaux, France, 17-21 Aug, 22 pages.
Leicester RH, 1991, ‘The development of LSD codes for structural timber’, In: Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Reliability-Based Design of Engineered Wood Structures, Florence, Italy, June, 26 pages.
Leicester RH, 1991, ‘The development of structural timber standards’, In: Proc. 1991 International Timber Engineering Conference, London, UK, 2, Sept, pp.302-310.
Leicester RH, 1991, ‘Harmonisation of LSD codes’, In: Proc. 24th Meeting of CIB-W18A – Timber Structures, Oxford, UK, Sept, 13 pages.
Leicester RH, 1991, ‘Potential impact of building standards on the global demand for forest products’, In: Proc. Conf on Wood Demand and the Environment, Forest Products Research Society, USA, 13-15 Nov, pp.54-61.
Leicester RH, Breitinger HO, 1991, ‘A discrete co-relationship with Weibull’, In: Proc. 1991 International Timber Engineering Conference, London, UK, Sept, 2: 151-157.
Leicester RH, Young FG, 1991, ‘Shear strength of continuous beams’, In: Proc. 24th Meeting of CIB-W18A – Timber Structures, Oxford, UK, Sept, 5 pages.
Leicester RH, Young FG, 1991, ‘Equivalence of characteristic values’, In: Proc. 24th Meeting of CIB-W18A – Timber Structures, Oxford, UK, Sept, 10 pages.
Leicester RH, Young FG, 1991, ‘Use of small samples for in-grade strength measurement’, In: Proc. 24th Meeting of CIB-W18A – Timber Structures, Oxford, UK, Sept, 9 pages.
Leicester RH, 1990, ‘On developing an Australian Limit States Code’, In: Proc. 1990 International Timber Engineering Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Oct, 1: 12-20.
Leicester RH, Barnacle JE, 1990, ‘Durability – a structural approach’, In: Proc. 23rd Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov, 1, Paper 2/4, 9 pages.
Leicester RH, 1989, ‘Beam-column formulae for design codes’, In: Proc. Second Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 28-31 Aug, 1: 251-254.
Leicester RH, 1989, ‘Codes, standards and other mixed blessings’, In: Proc. Canfor Symposium; Opportunities for Harvesting and Wood Products Engineering Research, Vancouver, Canada, 19-20 Oct, pp.21-44.
Leicester RH, 1989, ‘Design for timber structures’, In: Proc. Fire Engineering for Building Structures and Safety, National Committee on Structural Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Australia, ACT, Aug, pp.187-205.
Leicester RH, 1989, ‘Fire statistics’, In: Proc. Fire Engineering for Building Structures and Safety, National Committee on Structural Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Australia, ACT, Aug, pp.16-21.
Leicester RH, 1989, ‘Structural control through standards’, In: Proc. Second Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 28-31 Aug, 1: 301-304.
Pham L, Leicester RH, 1989, ‘A software package for the teaching of timber engineering’, In: Proc. Second Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 28-31 Aug, 1: 37-39.
Sandie RB, Leicester RH, 1989, ‘Buckling strength of nail-laminated and spaced beam-columns’, In: Proc. Second Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 28-31 Aug, 2: 235-240.
Hutchings BF, Leicester RH, 1988, ‘Scrimber’, In: Proc. 1988 International Conference on Timber Engineering, Seattle, USA, Sept, 2: 525-533.
Leicester RH, 1988, ‘Format for buckling strength’, In: Proc. 21st Meeting of CIB-W18A, Parksville, Canada, Sept, Paper 21-2-1, 11 pages.
Leicester RH, 1988, ‘Challenges to research on wood engineering : South-East Asian/Australian point of view’, In: Proc. 1988 International Conference on Timber Engineering, Seattle, USA, Sept, 1: 60-74.
Leicester RH, 1988, ‘Rogue factors in proof grading’, In: Proc. 1988 International Conference on Timber Engineering, Seattle, USA, Sept, 1: 345-350.
Leicester RH, 1988, ‘Timber engineering standards for tropical countries’, In: Proc. 1988 International Conference on Timber Engineering, Seattle, USA, Sept, 1: 177-185.
Leicester RH, 1988, ‘Use of eucalypts for structural timber’, In: Proc. International Conference for Australian Bicentenary 1988, Australian Forest Development Institute, Albury-Wodonga, Australia, April, 2, 11 pages.
Leicester RH, 1987, ‘Impact of building codes on trade in forest products in south-east Asian and Pacific rim countries’, In: Proc. 3rd International Symposium on World Trade in Forest Products, Seattle, USA, 18-20 March.
Leicester RH, 1987, ‘Load factors for proof and prototype testing’, In: Proc. 1st National Structural Conference, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Melbourne, Aug, 2: 546-550.
Leicester RH, 1987, ‘Mitigation of the impact of natural hazards on dwellings’, In: Proc. Atlas of Urban Geology; Urban Geology in Asia and the Pacific, ESCAP, United Nations, 2: 24-35.
Leicester RH, Pham L, 1987, ‘Serviceability limits’, In: Proc. 1st National Structural Conference, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Melbourne, Aug, 2: 530-534.
Leicester RH, 1986, ‘Confidence in estimates of characteristic values’, In: Proc. 19th Conference of CIB-W18, Firenze, Italy, Sept.
Leicester RH, 1986, ‘Load factors for proof and prototype testing’, In: Proc. 19th Conference of CIB-W18, Firenze, Italy, Sept.
Leicester RH, 1986, ‘Creep buckling strength of timber beams and columns’, In: Proc. 19th Conference of CIB-W18, Firenze, Italy, Sept.
Leicester RH, 1986, ‘Paper No. 1 Reliability; Paper No. 7 Timber structures; Paper No. 9 Code implementation’, In: Proc. Seminar on Safety of Limit-States Structural Design Codes, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Melbourne, Sydney, March.
Leicester RH, 1986, ‘Timber structures and fires’, In: Proc. 22nd Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov, Paper 2/L.
Leicester RH, Walford GB, 1986, ‘A statistical model of strength for stress graded timber’, In: Proc. 10th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Adelaide, August, pp.453-458.
Grundy P, Leicester RH, 1985, ‘Functions and design’, In: Proc. Timber Bridges Seminar, Monash University Melbourne, 6-8 Nov, Paper No.5.1.
Holmes JD, Pham L, Leicester RH, 1985, ‘Wind load estimation and the safety index’, In: Proc. 4th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Kobe, Japan, 3: 131-139.
Leicester RH, 1985, ‘Building technology to resist fire, flood and drought. Natural Disasters in Australia’, In: Proc. 9th Invitation Symposium, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences, Sydney, pp.221-236.
Leicester RH, 1985, ‘Configuration factors for the bending strength of timber’, In: Proc. Symposium on Forest Products Research International, Pretoria, South Africa, 22-26 April, 4, Paper No.3-8.
Leicester RH, 1985, ‘Proof grading technique’, In: Proc. Symposium on Forest Products Research International, Pretoria, South Africa, 22-26 April, 4, Paper No.3-11.
Leicester RH, 1985, ‘Structural design of timber power poles’, In: Proc. National Pole Conference, Rockhampton, 18-20 September, Paper No.4.
Leicester RH, 1984, ‘Closed form solutions for cost-optimised reliability’, In: Proc. IUTAM Symposium on Probabilistic Methods in the Mechanics of Solids and Structures, Stockholm, 19-21 June.
Leicester RH, 1984, ‘Structural grading systems’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, IPENZ, Auckland, New Zealand, 21-25 May.
Leicester RH, 1984, ‘Proof grading’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, IPENZ, Auckland, New Zealand, 21-25 May.
Leicester RH, 1984, ‘Prototype testing and the safety index’, In: Proc. 9th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Sydney, pp.322-325.
Leicester RH, 1984, ‘Use of continuous proof testing machines’, In: Proc. 21st Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, 19-23 November, Paper E2.
Leicester RH, 1984, ‘Configuration factors for bending strength’, In: Proc. 21st Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, 19-23 November, Paper E3.
Leicester RH, Mackenzie CE, Thomson RF, 1984, ‘Mill studies for proof grading’, In: Proc. 21st Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, 19-23 November, Paper E1.
Leicester RH, Pham L, 1984, ‘Ultimate strength of plywood webs’, In: Proc. Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, IPENZ, Auckland, New Zealand, 21-25 May.
Leicester RH, 1983, ‘Fire performance of timber’, In: Proc. UNIDO Workshop on Timber Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 2-20 May, Paper 21, 40 pages.
Leicester RH, 1983, ‘Buckling strength of timber columns and beams’, In: Proc. UNIDO Workshop on Timber Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 2-20 May, Paper 13, 33 pages.
Leicester RH, Pham L, Kleeman PW, 1983, ‘Conversion to limit states design codes’, In: Proc. Metal Structures Conference, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Brisbane, Australia, May, pp.29-33.
Leicester RH, 1982, ‘Probabilities of correlated failure modes’, In: Proc. 8th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Newcastle, Aug, Paper No.22.
Leicester RH, Walsh PF, 1982, ‘Numerical analysis of notches with non-zero notch angles’, In: Proc. International Conference on Fracture Mechanics Technology Applied to Material Evaluation and Structural Design, Melbourne, Aug.
Leicester RH, 1981, ‘A Risk Model for cyclone damage to dwellings’, In: Proc. 3rd International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Trondheim, Norway, June.
Leicester RH, 1981, ‘The future of grading structural timber’, In: Proc. XVII IUFRO World Congress, Division 5, Forest Products, Kyoto, Japan, Sept, pp.35-46.
Leicester RH, 1981, ‘Structural utilisation of timber’, In: Proc. 20th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov, 3.
Leicester RH, 1981, ‘Damage due to proof loading’, In: Proc. 20th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov, 1, Paper E1.
Leicester RH, Hawkins BT, 1981, ‘Models for evaluating stress grading’, In: Proc. 20th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov, 1, Paper E3.
Pham L, Leicester RH, 1981, ‘Strength of slender plywood webs in shear’, In: Proc. 20th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov, 1, Paper E2.
Leicester RH, 1980, ‘Grouping and selection of species for structural utilisation’, In: Proc. 11th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Trinidad. (Also In: Division of Building Research Technical Paper, Second Series, CSIRO, Aust, 1981)
Leicester RH, Pham L, 1980, ‘Alfutov, Balabukh, Timoshenko and the buckling of layered orthotropic plates’, In: Proc. 7th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Perth, May, pp.8-13.
Pham L, Leicester RH, 1980, ‘Combination of stochastic loads’, In: Proc. 7th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Perth, May, pp.154-158.
Leicester RH, 1979, ‘In grade structural properties of Australian timbers’, In: Proc. 19th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov.
Leicester RH, 1979, ‘Trends in timber engineering research’, In: Proc. 19th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov. (Also In: Division of Building Research Technical Paper, Second Series, No.42, CSIRO, Aust, 1982)
Leicester RH, 1979, ‘Proof grading, a practical application of reliability theory’, In: Proc. Third International Conference on Application of Statistics and Probability in Soil and Structural Engineering, Sydney, Australia, Jan-Feb.
Leicester RH, Bubb CTJ, Dorman C, Beresford FD, 1979, ‘An assessment of potential cyclone damage to dwellings in Australia’, In: Proc. 5th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Colorado, USA, July.
Leicester RH, Hawkins BT, 1979, ‘Measurements of wind loads with one-third scale model structures’, In: Proc. Annual Conference, Institution of Engineers, Aust, Perth, May.
Leicester RH, Pham L, 1979, ‘Design buckling strength of timber structures’, In: Proc. 19th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov.
Leicester RH, Poynter WG, 1979, ‘On the design strength of notched beams’, In: Proc. 19th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov.
Leicester RH, Reardon GF, 1979, ‘Performance characteristics of some commercial trusses’, In: Proc. 19th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov.
Leicester RH, Reardon GF, Schuster KB, 1979, ‘Tooth-plate metal connectors subjected to long duration loads’, In: Proc. 19th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov.
Leicester RH, Seath C, Pham L, 1979, ‘The fire resistance of metal connectors’, In: Proc. 19th Forest Products Research Conference, Melbourne, Nov.
Pham L, Leicester RH, 1979, ‘Structural variability due to the design process’, In: Proc. Third International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Soil and Structural Engineering, Sydney, Australia, Jan-Feb.
Leicester RH, 1978, ‘Building regulations and the design of horticultural structures’, In: Proc. Seminar on Modern Trends in Nurseries, Burnley Horticultural College, Melbourne, July.
Leicester RH, 1978, ‘Building to resist tropical cyclones’, In: Proc. Annual Conference of the Australian Institute of Building, Singapore.
Leicester RH, 1978, ‘Guidelines for load testing’, In: Proc. Conference on Design for Tropical Cyclones, James Cook University, Sept, 1 Paper K.
Leicester RH, 1977, ‘Load factors in design and testing’, In: Proc. 1977 Conference of the Australian Fracture Group, Melbourne, Oct, pp.27-34.
Leicester RH, 1977, ‘Loads for limit state codes’, In: _Proc. Seminar on Limit State Design and the Practising Engineerp, Assoc. of Consulting Engineers, NSW, North Ryde, June.
Leicester RH, Beresford FD, 1977, ‘A probabilistic model for serviceability specifications’, In: Proc. 6th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Christchurch, NZ, Aug, pp.407-414.
Leicester RH, 1976, ‘Design to mitigate wind damage to domestic structures’, In: Proc. Symposium on High Wind and the Brisbane House, Institution of Engineers, Brisbane, Sept.
Leicester RH, 1976, ‘Load factors for design codes’, In: Proc. Metal Structures Conference, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Adelaide, Nov, pp.94-98.
Leicester RH, Reardon GF, 1976, ‘Case studies of wind damage to domestic and other low-rise buildings’, In: Proc. Conference on Natural Hazards in Australia, Aust. Academy of Science, Canberra, May.
Leicester RH, 1975, ‘Reliability models for proof testing of structures’, In: Proc. 5th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Melbourne, Aug, pp.343-354.
Leicester RH, 1975, ‘Design of bracing systems for timber structures’, In: Proc. IUFRO Wood Engineering Group, Delft, Holland, 2.
Leicester RH, 1975, ‘Buckling strength of plywood webs’, In: Proc. IUFRO Wood Engineering Group, Delft, Holland, 2.
Leicester RH, 1974, ‘Application of fracture mechanics to design of timber structures’, In: Proc. 1974 Conference of Australian Fracture Group, Melbourne, Oct.
Leicester RH, 1974, ‘Fracture strength of wood’, In: Proc. First Australian Conference on Engineering Materials, Sydney, Aug.
Leicester RH, 1974, ‘Design of structural systems with restraints against buckling’, In: Proc. Conf. on Metal Structures and the Practising Engineer, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Melbourne, Nov, pp.23-26.
Leicester RH, 1974, ‘Reliability model for prototype testing’, In: Proc. Conf. on Application of Probability Theory to Structural Design, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Melbourne, Nov.
Reardon GF, Leicester RH, 1974, ‘Load sharing characteristics of timber structural systems’, In: Proc. Conf. on Application of Probability Theory to Structural Design, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Melbourne, Nov.
Leicester RH, 1973, ‘Structural reliability of timber’, In: Proc. Seminar on New Concepts in Timber Engineering, Canterbury University, Christchurch, NZ, Aug, (Also In: Proc. IUFRO Wood Engineering Group, Delft, Holland, 2, 1975).
Leicester RH, 1973, ‘Buckling strength of slender timber members’, In: Proc. Seminar on New Concepts in Timber Engineering, Canterbury University, Christchurch, NZ, Aug.
Leicester RH, 1972, ‘Contemporary concepts for structural timber codes’, In: Proc. Seminar on Timber Design and Construction in the 70s, University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ, Aug, (Also Forest Products Laboratory Reprint No. 993).
Leicester RH, 1971, ‘Test loads for proof and prototype testing of timber structures’, In: Proc. IUFRO Working Group on Structural Utilisation, Forest Products Laboratory, Princes Risborough, UK.
Leicester RH, 1971, ‘Analysis of sharp notches with non-zero notch angles’, In: Proc. 3rd Australasian Conference on Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Auckland, NZ, July.
Leicester RH, 1969, ‘The size effect of notches’, In: Proc. Second Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Adelaide, July.