GrazFeed publications

By October 21st, 2010

The following publications detail the work involved in the development of CSIRO’s GrazFeed.

Key publications

Freer M, Moore AD, Donnelly JR, 2008, ‘The GRAZPLAN animal biology model for sheep and cattle and the GrazFeed decision support tool’, CSIRO Plant Industry Technical Paper.

Nagorcka BN, Freer M, 2005, ‘Mathematical modelling of wool growth at the cellular and whole animal level’, In: Quantitative Aspects of Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism 2nd edition, Dijkstra J, Forbes JM, France J (eds), CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp.583-606.

Corbett JL, Freer M, 2003, ‘Past and present definitions of the energy and protein requirements of ruminants’, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 16: 609-624.

Freer M, Moore AD, Donnelly JR, 1997, ‘GRAZPLAN: decision support systems for Australian grazing enterprises. II The animal biology model for feed intake, production and reproduction and the GrazFeed DSS’, Agricultural systems, 54: 77-126.

Freer M, Christian KR, 1983, ‘Application of feeding standard systems to grazing ruminants’, In: Feed Information and Animal Production, Robards GE, Packham RG (eds), Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Farnham Royal, UK, pp.333-355.


Freer M, Dove H, Nolan JV, 2007, Nutrient Requirements of Domesticated Ruminants, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, 270 pages.

Freer M, 2002, ‘The nutritional management of grazing sheep’, In: Sheep Nutrition, Freer M, Dove H (eds), CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp.357-376.

Freer M, 1981, ‘Control of food intake in grazing animals’, In: Grazing Animals, World Animal Science B1, Morley FHW (ed), Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp.105-124.

Other publications

Donnelly JR, Freer M, Moore AD, 2002, ‘GrazFeed – a DS tool for managing the nutrition of grazing animals’, Animal Production Australia, 24: 448-451.

Donnelly JR, Freer M, Salmon L, Moore AD, Simpson RJ, Dove H, Bolger TP, 2002, ‘Evolution of the GRAZPLAN decision support tools and adoption by the grazing industry in temperate Australia’, Agricultural Systems, 74: 115-139.

Donnelly JR, Simpson RJ, Salmon L, Moore AD, Freer M, Dove H, 2002, ‘Forage-livestock models for the Australian livestock industry’, In: Agricultural System Models in Field Research and Technology Transfer, Ahuja LR, Ma L, Howell TA (eds), CRD Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp.9-32.

Bell AK, Allan CJ, 2000, ‘PROGRAZE – an extension package in pasture and grazing management’, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 40: 325-330.

Dove H, Freer M, Foot JZ, 2000, ‘Nutrition of grazing ewes during pregnancy and lactation: a comparison of alkane-based and chromium/in vitro-based estimates of herbage intake’, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 51: 765-777.

Stuth JW, Freer M, Dove H, Lyons RK, 1999, ‘Nutritional management of free-grazing livestock’, In: Nutritional Ecology of Herbivores, Jung H-JG, Fahey GC (eds), American Society of Animal Science, Savoy, Illinois, pp.696-731.

Donnelly JR, Freer M, Moore JR, 1998, ‘Using the GrassGro decision support tool to evaluate some objective criteria for the definition of exceptional drought’, Agricultural Systems, 57: 301-313.

Donnelly JR, Moore AD, Freer M, 1997, ‘GRAZPLAN: decision support systems for Australian grazing enterprises. I. Overview of the GRAZPLAN project and a description of the MetAccess and LambAlive DSS’, Agricultural Systems, 54: 57-76.

Moore AD, Donnelly JR, Freer M, 1997, ‘GRAZPLAN: decision support systems for Australian grazing enterprises. III. Pasture growth and soil water submodels and the GrassGro DSS’, Agricultural Systems, 55: 535-582.

Corbett JL, Freer M, 1995, ‘Ingestion et digestion chez les ruminants au pâturage’, In: Nutrition des Ruminants Domestiques, Jarrige R, Ruckebusch Y, Demarquilly C, Farce M-H, Journet M (eds), INRA, Paris, pp.871-900.

Corbett JL, Freer M, Hennessy DW, Hodge RW, Kellaway RC, McMeniman NP, Nolan JV, 1990, Feeding Standards for Australian Livestock. Ruminants (a report to the Standing Committee on Agriculture from the Ruminants Subcommittee), SCA and CSIRO, Melbourne, 266 pages.

Freer M, Moore AD, 1990, GrazFeed: a Nutritional Management System for Grazing Animals, Horizon Agriculture Pty ltd, Sydney, 157 pages.

Corbett JL, Freer M, Graham NMcC, 1987, ‘A generalised equation to predict the varying maintenance metabolism of sheep and cattle’, In: Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals, Moe PW, Tyrrell HF, Reynolds PJ (eds), Rowman and Littlefield, New Jersey, pp.62-65.

Corbett JL, Freer M, Nolan JV, 1987, ‘Present situation of the modern protein systems – Australia’, In: Agriculture – Feed Evaluation and Protein Requirement Systems for Ruminants, Jarrige R, Alderman G (eds), Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp.69-79.

Freer M, Christian KR, 1981, ‘Use of simulation models in constructing grazing systems’, In: Forage Evaluation: Concepts and Techniques, Wheeler JL, Mochrie RD (eds), CSIRO Melbourne and the American Forage and grassland Council, Kentucky, pp.493-496.

Christian KR, Freer M, Donnelly JR, Davidson JL, Armstrong JS, 1978, Simulation of Grazing Systems, Centre for Agricultural Publication and Documentation, Wageningen, 115 pages.

Christian KR, Armstrong JS, Davidson JL, Donnelly JR, Freer M, 1974, ‘Model for decision-making in grazing management’, In: Proc. 12th International Grassland Congress, Moscow, pp.105-110.

Christian KR, Armstrong JS, Donnelly JR, Davidson JL, Freer M, 1972, ‘Optimization of a grazing management system’, In: Proc. Australian Society of Animal Production, 9: 124-129.

Freer M, Davidson JL, Armstrong JS, Donnelly JR, 1970, ‘Simulation of summer grazing’, In: Proc. 11th International Grassland Congress, Gold Coast, pp.913-917.