IBDV vaccine publications

By September 29th, 2010

The following publications detail the work involved in the development of CSIRO’s Infectious bursal disease virus vaccine.


Azad AA, Hudson PJ, Fahey KJ, 1998, ‘Cloning and expression of a host-protective immunogen of IBDV’, U.S. Patent Number 5,849,575 – Publication Number WO/1986/007060.

Azad AA, Macreadie IG, McKern NW, Vaughan PR, Jagadish MN, Fahey KJ,Chapman AJ, Heine HG, 1997, ‘Production of IBDV VP2 in highly immunogenic form’, U.S. Patent Number 5,614,409 – Publication Number WO/1990/015140.

Azad AA, Jagadish MN, Fahey KJ, 1994, ‘IBDV VP2 epitope recognised by virus neutralising and protective monoclonal antibodies’, U.S. Patent Number 5,350,575 – Publication Number WO/1988/010298.

Macreadie IG, Vaughan PR, Azad AA, 1987, Expression System, TW2514.

Key publications

Fahey KJ, Chapman AJ, Macreadie IG, Vaughan PR, McKern NM, Skicko JI, Ward CW, Azad AA, 1991, ‘A recombinant subunit vaccine that protects progeny chickens from infectious bursal disease’, Avian Pathology, 20: 447-460.

Azad AA, Macreadie IG, Vaughan PR, Jagadish MN, McKern NM, Heine HG, Failla PP, Ward CW, Chapman A, Fahey K, 1990, ‘Full protection against an immunodepressive viral disease by a recombinant antigen produced in yeast’ In: Vaccines 90: modern approaches to new vaccines including the prevention of AIDS, Brown F, Chanock RM, Ginsberg HS, Lerner RA (eds), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, pp.59-62.

Macreadie IG, Vaughan PR, Chapman AJ, McKern NM, Jagadish MN, Heine HG, Ward CW, Fahey KJ, Azad AA, 1990, ‘Passive protection against infectious bursal disease virus by viral VP2 expressed in yeast’, Vaccine, 8: 549-552.

Azad AA, Jagadish MN, Brown MA, Hudson PJ, 1987, ‘Deletion mapping and expression in Escherichia coli of the large genomic segment of a birnavirus’, Virology, 161: 145 152.

Hudson PJ, McKern NM, Power BE, Azad AA, 1986, ‘Genomic structure of the large RNA segment of infectious bursal disease virus’, Nucleic Acids Research, 14: 5001-5012.


Hudson PJ, Power BE, Macreadie IG, Morgan M, Azad AA, 1988, ‘The genomic structure of birnaviruses’, In: Orbiviruses and birnaviruses: Proceedings of the double-stranded RNA virus symposium, Oxford, Roy P, Schore CE, Osburn B (eds), University of California Press, pp.94-100.

Original papers

Macreadie IG, Azad AA, 1993, ‘Expression and RNA dependent RNA polymerase activity of birnavirus VP1 protein in bacteria and yeast’, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology International, 30: 1169-1178.

Azad AA, McKern NM, Macreadie IG, Failla PP, Heine HG, Chapman A, Ward CW, Fahey KJ, 1991, ‘Physiochemical and immunological characterisation of recombinant host-protective antigen (VP2) of infectious bursal disease virus’, Vaccine, 9: 715-722.

Fahey KJ, McWaters P, Brown MA, Erny K, Murphy VJ, Hewish DR, 1991, ‘Virus-neutralising and passively protective monoclonal antibodies to infectious bursal disease virus of chickens’, Avian Diseases, 35: 365-373.

Heine HG, Haritou M, Failla PP, Fahey K, Azad AA, 1991, ‘Sequence analysis and expression of the host-protective immunogen VP2 of a variant strain of infectious bursal disease virus which can circumvent vaccination with standard type I strains’, Journal of General Virology, 72: 1835 1843.

Jagadish MN, Laughton DL, Azad AA, Macreadie IG, 1991, ‘Stable synthesis of viral protein 2 of infectious bursal disease virus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae‘, Gene, 108: 275-279.

Jagadish MN, Azad AA, 1991, ‘Localisation of a VP3 epitope of infectious bursal disease virus’, Virology, 184: 805-807.

Macreadie IG, Azad AA, 1991, ‘Internal initiation and frameshifting in infectious bursal disease virus sequence expressed in Escherichia coli‘, Virology, 184: 773-776.

Ramm HC, Wilson TJ, Boyd RL, Ward HA, Mitrangas K, Fahey KJ, 1991, ‘The effect of infectious bursal disease virus on B lymphocytes and bursal stromal components in specific pathogen-free (SPF) White Leghorn chickens’, Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 15: 369-381.

Heine HG, Haritou M, Failla PP, Azad AA, 1990, ‘Immunogenic epitopes of infectious bursal disease virus expressed as fusion proteins’, Protein Engineering, 3: 390-391.

Jagadish MN, Vaughan PR, Irving RA, Azad AA, Macreadie IG, 1990, ‘Expression and characterisation of infectious bursal disease virus polyprotein in yeast’, Gene, 95: 179-186.

Fahey KJ, Erny K, Crooks JK, 1989, ‘A conformational epitope on VP-2 of infectious bursal disease virus that induces virus-neutralising antibodies that passively protect chickens’, Journal of General Virology, 70: 1473-1481.

Macreadie IG, Jagadish MN, Azad AA, Vaughan PR, 1989, ‘Versatile cassettes designed for the copper inducible expression of proteins in yeast’, Plasmid, 21: 147-150.

Jagadish MN, Macreadie IG, Azad AA, Vaughan PR, 1988, ‘Expression of infectious bursal disease virus antigens in S. pombe‘, Yeast, 4: 154.

Jagadish MN, Staton VJ, Hudson PJ, Azad AA, 1988, ‘Birnavirus precursor polyprotein is processed in Escherichia coli by its own virus-enclosed polypeptides’, Journal of Virology, 62: 1084-1087.

Morgan MM, Macreadie IG, Harley VR, Hudson PJ, Azad AA, 1988, ‘Sequence of the small double-stranded RNA genomic segment of infectious bursal disease virus and its deduced 90 kDa product’, Virology, 163: 240-242.

Vaughan PR, Macreadie IG, Irving RA, Azad AA, Jagadish MN, 1988, ‘Expression of infectious bursal disease virus antigens in yeast’, Yeast, 4: 174.

Wood GW, Drury SE, Hourigan BM, Muskett JC, Thornton DH, Fahey KJ, 1988, ‘Antibody to the Australian 002-73 strain of infectious bursal disease virus neutralizes and protects against European IBD virus strains’, Australian Veterinary Journal, 65: 94-95.

Boyd RL, Mitrangas K, Ramm HC, Wilson TJ, Fahey KJ, Ward HA, 1987, ‘Chicken B lymphocyte differentiation: ontogeny, bursal microenvironment and effect of IBD virus’, Progress in Clinical Biological Research, 238: 41-51.

Fahey KJ, Crooks JK, Fraser RA, 1987, ‘Assessment by ELISA of passively acquired protection against infectious bursal disease virus in chickens’, Australian Veterinary Journal, 64: 203-207.

Azad AA, Fahey KJ, Barrett SA, Erny KM, Hudson PJ, 1986, ‘Expression in Escherichia coli of cDNA fragments encoding the gene for the host-protective antigen of infectious bursal disease virus’, Virology, 149: 190-198.

Hudson PJ, McKern NM, Fahey KJ, Azad AA, 1986, ‘Predicted sequence of the host-protective immunogen of infectious bursal disease virus’, FEBS Letters, 201: 143-146.

Azad AA, Barrett SA, Fahey KJ, 1985, ‘The characterisation and molecular cloning of the double-stranded RNA genome of an Australian strain of infectious bursal disease virus, Virology, 143: 35-44.

Fahey KJ, O’Donnell IJ, Azad AA, 1985, ‘Characterisation by western blotting of the immunogens of infectious bursal disease virus’, Journal of General Virology, 66: 1479-1488.

Fahey KJ, O’Donnell IJ, Bagust TJ, 1985, ‘Antibody to the 32K structural protein of infectious bursal disease virus neutralises viral infectivity in vitro and confers protection on young chickens’, Journal of General Virology, 66: 2693-2702.