John Busby

By September 4th, 2018

John Busby retired as the inaugural General Manager of the Australian Government’s Office of Spatial Data Management, a whole-of-government initiative to facilitate use of spatial data within government agencies. John has over 30 years’ experience with biodiversity data management in multi-jurisdictional networks. With the Australian Biological Resources Study, he coordinated the Australian Biogeographic Information System and was a member of the team that developed BIOCLIM. He was on the management team of the Environmental Resources Information Network, an Australian Government initiative to build a comprehensive continental-scale biodiversity information infrastructure. While based in the UK, John was inaugural Head of Capacity Building at the UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre and then Program Leader, Biodiversity Conservation Information System, a consortium of 12 international non-government organisations. John has advised on information network governance, protocols and standards under contracts to the Convention on Biological Diversity, European Commission, European Environment Agency, OECD, UNEP, and US Dept of Interior.