ON Alumni
Teams who have been through a CSIRO's ON Program experience in the past and now form our ON Alumni.
If you would like to know more about our Alumni teams, please reach out to us at on@csiro.au
Name | Lead organisation | Summary | Program | Program Location | Added |
Cardihab | CSIRO | Each year around 54,000 Australians experience a heart attack. About 60 per cent survive and are recommended to complete cardiac rehabilitation (CR) to reduce the risk of a second heart attack. Cardihab provides convenient CR from wherever you are, using an evidence based, clinically validated solution of a patient smartphone app that shares patient information with a secure clinician web portal. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
Anonalytix | CSIRO | Anonalytix offers a new approach to data anonymisation by producing data sets that cannot be re-identified. Anonalytix preserves the statistical properties of the original data for analytical uses, while reducing the risk of privacy breach. The Anonalytix approach removes costly management overheads for data sharing, and enables high quality analytical results in a range of industries. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
WASP | CSIRO | Currently being used in mining and athlete tracking, Wireless Ad hoc System for Positioning (WASP) has the potential to revolutionise safety in dangerous work environments such as oil and gas, drilling and processing. Even with extensive safety precautions in high risk work environments risk cannot be completely eliminated, it can however be managed. WASP provides high risk work environments with the ability to: Track movement of people or vehicles Predict collisions Pinpoint dangers like gas leaks Direct people in emergencies Location tracking not only improves safety for workers and creates a better work environment, it also enables businesses to verify what happened if there is an incident, reducing their exposure to liability. Greater visibility improves decision making leading to better productivity. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
Graph Air | CSIRO | Graph Air removes the lengthy, expensive and energy consuming vacuum production process that currently exists and produces the Nobel Award winning material in an environmentally friendly process that is ten times cheaper and seven times faster. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
Vesi | CSIRO | Vesi enables customers to achieve a greater understanding of their harshest process environments, allowing them to more effectively optimise their processes. Vesi is the only solution in the market that has the potential to provide cost effective measurement and productivity benefits for mining, petroleum, food and beverage and environmental industries. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
Kebari | CSIRO | One in five people in the western world are avoiding gluten for health reasons. Unfortunately, that can sometimes mean their diets become inferior in nutrition and taste. Kebari – the gluten free barley provides the food and beverage industry with a palatable and healthy gluten-free barely to produce healthy and tasty options for people who are coeliac, gluten intolerant or gluten avoiding. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
TranspiratiONal | CSIRO | The world must double food production by 2050 to feed a global population expected to exceed 9 billion people. It must do this using the same agricultural land area but with minimal to no increase in water, nutrient and agrochemical use. TranspiratiONal’s sprayable biodegradable polymer membrane cuts agricultural plastic pollution and reduces agriculture’s ecological footprint, while helping to meet the requirement of doubling food production by 2050. The technology behind TranspiratiONal will reduce soil evaporation so that more of the water that farmers have access to passes through the transpiration stream to increase crop yield. Being biodegradable TranspiratiONal will also remove a major source of pollution associated with current petroleum based non-biodegradable preformed plastics. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
Biora | CSIRO | Biora will revolutionise FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) companies that are looking for sustainable packaging and material solutions providing functionality advantage Biora is a breakthrough natural polymer coating, designed to replace potentially harmful chemical-based coatings, like BPA (Biosphenol A). The team is designing BPA-free cans for use in the food and beverage industry, and plans to expand into the packaging modifiers and plasticisers market. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
Vaximiser | CSIRO | Over half a million people die every year because of seasonal influenza. The solution is vaccination. However, producing enough doses of vaccine can be challenging. Influenza vaccines are grown in eggs and up to two eggs are required to produce one single dose of vaccine. Our solution is a premium high-yield egg that increases vaccine growth tenfold. This will increase profitability for vaccine companies by improving production efficiency across the supply chain, which means more vaccine in less time. Vaximiser will enhance the capacity to respond to disease outbreaks and help to protect the world from the next pandemic. | ON Accelerate1 | National | Jul-20 |
PainChek | Curtin University | Imagine you are in excruciating pain, but you can’t tell anyone. This is the reality for millions of non-communicative people world-wide, such as those with moderate to severe dementia. PainChek’s point of care apps utilise facial recognition technology to detect facial micro-expressions which are indicative of pain, to provide these people with a voice. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
RapidAIM | CSIRO | Fruit fly are the number one biosecurity issue in fruit & vegetable production. Globally US$30b worth of fruit and vegetable production is lost due to fruit fly, and US$18b in global trade is threatened by the pest. Millions of fruit fly traps across the globe are checked manually, causing delay and risking outbreaks. This can close markets! RapidAIM is a new era in biosecurity. We provide a service of real-time alerts for the presence and location of fruit fly using wireless trapping technology. This immediate data-driven decision service allows biosecurity agencies, growers and agronomists to respond rapidly to fruit fly detection to control the pest. This allows for targeted workflow, the protection of existing markets and supports the development of new trading opportunities. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
ExByte | CSIRO | Each year 7,000 critical water main breaks occur in Australia resulting in billions of dollars in rectification and consequence cost. In contrast, the cost of preventative maintenance is only 10 per cent of the reactive repair cost. The Enterprise Analytics team has developed a disruptive technology that uses data analytic techniques to predict failure probability based on learned patterns, offering a solution to accurately predict water pipe failures resulting in effective preventative maintenance and a reduction in customer interruptions. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
FutureFeed | CSIRO | The world is under increasing pressure to produce more food, and producing more food is contributing to climate change. Livestock feed supplementation with FutureFeed is the solution. It can improve farm profitability and tackles climate change. FutureFeed can also provide farmers access to other income streams through carbon markets and provide access to premium niche markets through a low carbon footprint and environmentally friendly product. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
Suricle | CSIRO | We change the face of polymers by embedding functional particles into the surface to give them new and useful properties. Our patented technology paves the way for development of many new, innovative materials and products. An immediate area of application is to protect high-value marine sensors from biofouling. The unwanted growth of marine organisms causes signal attenuation, sensor malfunction, increased weight and unwanted drag due to ocean currents. There are many thousands of marine sensors deployed globally, costing up to $120K each, which require frequent cleaning to keep them in service. Suricle are focusing on treating adhesive polymer films with antifouling properties for attachment to sensors to mitigate biofouling. Kits containing this film will be sold via our e-commerce store for application in the field by the end-users, offering savings of thousands of dollars per year in reduced maintenance costs. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
Voconiq | CSIRO | When resources companies lose the trust of the communities they work alongside, conflict occurs. Projects take twice as long to develop as they did a decade ago and cost 30 per cent more than they should because of social conflict. Companies don’t have the tools to systematically understand what their communities think about them, and communities have few constructive ways to feel heard. Voconiq has solved this problem by providing our customers with a sophisticated data analytic engine that translates community survey data we collect into prioritised opportunities for trust building and risk mitigation strategies. Our analytics identify those factors that build and degrade trust in a company, in the minds of community members; our customers are then able to invest resources and energy into the issues that matter most. Using mobile technology, our data streams to our customers in real time via a subscription model. We have engaged over 14,000 community members in eight countries, and generated $1.5m in revenue in the last three years. And while we started in mining, our process is valuable wherever these relationships are important. We are building a service delivery platform to scale up our process and we are seeking support and advice to turn our successful global research program into a successful global business. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
Coviu | CSIRO | The way we work is changing. We need tools to enable those changes.Traditional video conferencing tools are clunky and do not support experts like coaches, clinicians or lawyers in delivering and charging for their professional services online. Coviu is the solution. Professionals get a frictionless and easy-to-use solution for setting up online consulting rooms and invite clients to rich interactive consults. One click and your client is talking to you in their browser – no software installations, no complicated call setup. Coviu is a groundbreaking new video and data conferencing technology that works peer-to-peer allowing for massive scalability, speed and affordability. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
Emesent | CSIRO | Every year, Australia loses billions of dollars due to infrastructure failures, spends billions of dollars on inspecting its aging assets and loses some of its bravest men and women who take the risk to do this dangerous job. Utility companies and governments are turning to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to reduce costs and improve safety. However, current UAVs are ‘dumb and blind’ so require expert pilots and can’t fly in many places. Our solution is an intelligent UAV with advanced collision avoidance, non-GPS flight and accurate 3D mapping capabilities – all tailored to suit industrial inspection requirements. Hovermap is the ultimate inspection tool of the future that can be used to safely and efficiently inspect hard-to-reach assets and collect extremely high fidelity data in previously unreachable places. It is suitable for inspecting telecommunication towers, bridges, power line assets and smoke stacks. This innovative technology will reduce risks, improve safety and efficiency and lower costs, all of which benefit customers and businesses. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
Modular Photonics | Macquarie University | Modular Photonics uses a novel integrated photonic chip to enhance the data rate across existing multimode fibre links by 10x and more. The technology enables multiple data channels in parallel without the length restrictions imposed by conventional multimode fibre links. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
elumin8 | CSIRO | It is very difficult for households to improve their energy efficiency and transition to a sustainable future as current solutions are boring, costly and confusing. elumin8 solves this problem by providing tailored energy information via a unique communication channel, allowing homeowners to directly engage with their home in a human and personable way. elumin8 guides the household step by step along the journey to energy independence by improving energy efficiency and taking the risk and confusion out of installing solar and batteries. Advanced analytics are utilised to understand the behaviour and needs of the household in order to offer the whole family education around energy and reward them for making sustainable choices. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
Meals by Design | CSIRO | Ready-to-eat convenience doesn’t have to result in dissatisfaction and guilt. By bringing together the latest innovations in food manufacturing, including High Pressure Thermal processing, and an understanding of the nutritional needs of a diverse population, cuisine favourites can be prepared in a convenient format without compromising eating satisfaction or, importantly, nutrition. Meals by Design develops premium and customisable meal solutions that cater to nutritional and functional needs, offering healthy convenience without compromise. | ON Accelerate2 | National | Jul-20 |
DetectORE | CSIRO | The gold content of mineral samples cannot be detected in the field, costing explorers time, money and productivity. Currently, samples are collected, packaged, transported and analysed for gold in a distant chemical laboratory – a procedure that can take weeks to months. In contrast, our detectORE technology delivers a simple, cost-effective real time solution for detecting gold in remote locations, transforming the current workflow. Geologists will now be able to sample, analyse and generate ‘real time’ results, giving them the ability to modify work plans ‘on the fly’ and in the process efficiently manage people, equipment, time and costs. | ON Accelerate3 | National | Jul-20 |
NxtOil | CSIRO | Consumers are increasingly demanding our fuels and industrial materials are produced from more sustainable and renewable resources. Plant oils are the most technically suitable, low-cost alternative, but current production systems will struggle just to keep pace with the projected 50% increase in demand needed just for food use. New, highly-scalable systems for renewable oil production are needed to meet both this food security challenge and the renewable fuel opportunity. Our technology is game-changing in enabling the production of oil in leaves of potentially any plant, rather than just the seeds and fruits of our currently limited array of oil crops. | ON Accelerate3 | National | Jul-20 |
Marine Visual Technologies | CSIRO | Observation of activity and catches on fishing vessels is expensive, dangerous and often not sufficient for good industry, environmental and economic management. This includes confirmation of what is caught, and the threatened species that are accidentally caught. Increasingly, on-board cameras (e-monitoring) are replacing human observers on vessels. Hours and hours of recordings are then viewed in the office by analysts. This is expensive and inefficient, and even though 100 per cent of a fishing trip is recorded, typically 10 per cent of the footage is actually examined. Our solution to this problem is rapid, real-time event detection and species identification with automated video analysis. | ON Accelerate3 | National | Jul-20 |
Silentium Defence | Defence Science and Technology Group | Defence Forces want persistent, comprehensive situational awareness without compromising their own survivability. Current RF surveillance sensors are a choice between either being effective but vulnerable (using active sensing), or having limited effectiveness but survivable (using traditional passive sensors that only sense emitting objects). By using our passive radar (that uses pre-existing and non-sensor sources of RF energy), our clients would not only maintain their situational awareness, but will do so without advertising their presence. The ability to be aware of both active and silent objects using a sensor that is itself silent is therefore a disruptive capability for Defence. | ON Accelerate3 | National | Jul-20 |
Australian Silicon Photonics | RMIT University | Australian Silicon Photonics’ novel devices will help data centre technology suppliers such as Intel, Broadcom, Cisco and Juniper increase data centre computing power and reduce power consumption by replacing electronic interconnects with photonic links. This will help our customers’ customers, the internet and cloud computing giants such as Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Apple, support continued growth in today’s internet and cloud computing applications, and enable new applications such as autonomous vehicles and the internet of things. Our devices enable cost-effective, low-power, high-capacity “multi-lane” photonic links within data centres. | ON Accelerate3 | National | Jul-20 |
Going for Gold | CSIRO | World-wide small–medium enterprise (SME) gold miners typically lose US$20 billion worth of gold annually and significant gold resources remain untapped. This is due to a confluence of challenges that relate to resource size, transport costs, stringent regulatory approvals processes, social and environmental constraints. The barriers to using the dangerous and hazardous chemical cyanide, the current industry standard, are also increasing. We have a non-hazardous solution that overcomes all of these barriers which can unlock untapped resources and allows SME gold miners to recover the majority of their lost gold. | ON Accelerate3 | National | Jul-20 |
DentalAR | The University of Western Australia | At present, accessing critical clinical information during dental procedures requires interruptions, changes in ergonomics and further delays to follow infection control protocols. IntARface is a radical technology for dentistry that brings head-up display Augmented Reality to deliver increased efficiency, accuracy, improved hygiene and cloud connectivity. The smart glasses feature gesture control and sensor connectivity that changes the way a dentist interacts with a patient, clinical environment and information by introducing augmented reality in clinical practice. It connects seamlessly with current existing equipment and new innovative technologies offering a glimpse into the dentistry of the future. | ON Accelerate3, ON Prime1 | National | Jul-20 |
LuciGem | Macquarie University | Many of the most fundamental, life governing biological processes take place at size and time scales that remain invisible with current technologies. This matters because understanding these processes could pave the way to new treatments, cures and development of novel drug therapies. We undertake this challenge by making the invisible, visible. Our solution will enable life-science researchers to push the technological boundaries and discover new breakthrough science. We make this possible with bright and stable nanometre scale diamond and ruby probes which perform ideally in live cellular environments – currently one of the main shortcomings of other probes available in biotechnology. | ON Accelerate3, ON Prime1 | National | Jul-20 |
Creatures and Co. | The University of Newcastle | Therapy using radiation on human skin cancer, is a proven, non-invasive treatment providing excellent local and long-term cancer control outcomes. Skin cancer is the most common non-melanoma skin cancer in horses, impacting on the equine industry which contributes $6.3 billion to the Australian economy per annum. Equally, skin cancer accounts for a third of the total cancer incidence in dogs and cats. A standardised and effective treatment approach is non-existent globally. Research has shown that translation of Radiation Therapy for skin cancer in humans to the animal world, works. Our proposed approach to translating radiation therapy from humans to animals will challenge and enhance the current available treatment techniques with a scalable and adaptable alternative. | ON Accelerate3, ON Prime1 | National | Jul-20 |
SeaNU | Flinders University | The Flinders University Centre for Marine Bioproducts Development and CSIRO Health & Biosecurity are working together to explore the potential of an under-utilised nutrient-rich Australian brown seaweed as a source of supplements for health and wellness markets, with a focus on Asia where acceptability of seaweed products is high and where Australian-sourced natural ingredients are prized. Our ability to isolate components of the seaweed enables us to formulate mixes of nutrients that meet consumer needs. Our initial goal is to develop a multi-mineral non-dairy drink containing seaweed ingredients and which supplies high levels of calcium, magnesium and other beneficial micronutrients. | ON Accelerate3. ON Prime1 | National | Jul-20 |
Grover Scientific | James Cook University | There is a pressing need for more information on the health and biodiversity status of our aquatic environments. To acquire this knowledge, monitoring of species and populations is essential to obtain reliable distribution patterns in space and time. However, sampling is expensive and poses many resourcing, safety and logistical challenges. We have developed an innovative method to extract DNA directly from a water sample without having to catch the target organism. This eDNA Pump makes field sampling affordable to researchers, managers and citizen-scientists alike with a more reliable and cost-effective approach for environmental monitoring of aquatic resources. | ON Accelerate4 | National | Jul-20 |
Cloud180CAM | CSIRO | We have seen most solar fields are forced to curtail their solar production due to the impacts of cloud coverage on the solar field. The result is solar systems are not utilised to their full capacity and useable energy often wasted. To address this issue we have developed the SkyCAM System, a state of the art solar forecasting platform. Driven by computer vision and cutting edge algorithms, the system delivers tailored, local and relevant forecasts for your system. SkyCAM significantly reduces costs and the use of diesel usage by a minimum of 15 per cent. Savings of up to 30 per cent can be achieved with SkyCAM with 99 per cent forecast accuracy. Between 2017 and 2025 the SkyCAM Systems solution can have a Global savings impact of $7.25 billion dollars—with a $660 million dollar savings impact in Australia. | ON Accelerate4 | National | Jul-20 |
Noisy Guts | The University of Western Australia | The Noisy Guts team is developing an acoustic belt that records gut noises over time so doctors can accurately screen and diagnose gut disorders. The team was initially inspired by acoustic sensing technology designed to pick up the munching sounds of termites. Our research shows a strong correlation between gut noises and specific gut disorders. Noisy Guts’ belt is a safe, non-invasive screening, monitoring and diagnostic tool. With a current focus on differentiating between Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and healthy gut sounds, they hope to extend their technology to other gastro-intestinal conditions. | ON Accelerate4, ON Prime1 | National | Jul-20 |
GutHealthCo. | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Despite the public being able to access an existing IIP/leaky gut test (traditionally used as a research tool), there remains poor uptake of the test. As well as its cost, it is a six hour test performed at home, making it an undesirable experience for users. GutHealthCo. have developed a timed blood test which can be done at a clinic in 90 minutes. Its cost to delivery is also lower. Our diagnostic test will be paired with a subsequent simple dietary plan to repair leaky gut, improve health and enhance quality of life. | ON Accelerate4, ON Prime2 | National | Jul-20 |
ViON | Curtin University | ViON introduces a novel online approach to accurately predict faults within various assets in the power network before they arise. This identification allows companies to take immediate and preventative action before any catastrophic consequences occur. ViON measures the input/output of current/voltage for each asset in the electricity grid to create a ‘fingerprint’. Any variation in the fingerprint is then an early indication for faults. This variation can be automatically detected in real time using intelligent software. | ON Accelerate4, ON Prime2 | National | Jul-20 |
Genics | CSIRO | Our Prawn pathogen technology is one-of-a-kind. It diagnoses 13 commercially relevant pathogens of prawns (plus known genetic variants) in one assessment, drastically reducing testing costs, turnaround times and increasing the use of pathogen diagnostics in everyday management decisions in prawn farming. Our technology is unique in its ability to detect multiple pathogens simultaneously in a highly specific, sensitive and semi-quantitative manner that is equivalent to and in many cases superior to current single pathogen detection systems used globally. This technology for the first time, will enable farmers to make informed management decisions, due to its affordability and quick results. | ON Accelerate4, ON Prime2 | National | Jul-20 |
Inflametric | The University of Western Australia | Sports scientists realise that athletes must be adequately stressed to stimulate performance increases. However excessive stress caused by over-training or insufficient recovery increases the likelihood of subsequent injury or a failure to reach peak performance. We have developed a simple finger prick blood metabolic stress test that is both sensitive and cost-effective. By using our test sports scientists can accurately devise the exercise programs that support an athlete’s preparation, and following injury, plan and train for recovery and re-entry into competition. Our test has the ability to be developed into a point-of-care device, delivering immediate information to the sport scientist. | ON Accelerate4, ON Prime2 | National | Jul-20 |
Diffuse Energy | The University of Newcastle | Currently, small wind turbines are under-represented in the renewable energy market as people often perceive that it is cheaper and easier to install photovoltaic solar panels if they wish to go ‘off-grid’ or to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Traditionally, small wind turbines have had a significantly lower efficiency than their large-scale counterparts, increasing their levelised cost of energy. Diffuse Energy’s product is a small wind turbine that, through being enclosed within a diffuser, can produce nearly twice the power output of existing wind turbines of the same size. Their additional diffuser also makes their turbine safer and quieter than existing turbines, both of which are key considerations for potential customers. | ON Accelerate4, ON Prime3 | National | Jul-20 |
Hyperdrive Science | Macquarie University | Globally, all pharmaceutical companies face the same challenge of finding effective drug targets that will translate into higher drug approval rates. Three memebers of the Hyperdrive team. Hyperdrive technology increases the accuracy of, and cuts the time required for, drug candidate selection, reducing the costs of drug development. The technology takes advantage of naturally occurring processes that allow genomic information from a cell to be translated into its corresponding protein library to be tested for new and emergent drug targets. The rapid access to new target information of any drug candidate allows pharmaceutical companies to make more rational selections and unlock hidden value. | ON Accelerate4, ON Prime3 | National | Jul-20 |
Scienticians | The University of Newcastle | The Scienticians platform uses virtual and augmented reality technology across multiple platforms to deliver applications allowing users to learn and practice necessary health related procedures in a cost effective, fail-safe, consistent and immersive environment. Scienticians uses innovative Virtual and Augmented Reality, encouraging concepts such as mastery learning, anytime/ anywhere learning and training, whilst providing fail-safe training environments and solutions. | ON Accelerate4, ON Prime3 | National | Jul-20 |
Contactile | The University of New South Wales | Contactile gives robots the sense of touch. Contactile’s technology is a tactile sensor that provides the sensory advantages of the human hand without the physical limitations related to size, strength, environment and fatigue, enabling robotic gripping with just the right amount of force – maximising grip security and efficiency. | ON Accelerate5 | National | Jul-20 |
Parts Per Billion | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | The Parts Per Billion solution gives users the information they need to make critical decisions in real time, wherever they are. This technology delivers laboratory-quality analytical results within minutes. It uses molecular machines, biosensors, to measure trace components in complex fluids. The biosensors can detect almost any molecule of interest. Parts Per Billion’s testing device, about the size of six-pack Esky, can sit at the centre of your laboratory or production site, to rapidly deliver all the critical biological information that you need. | ON Accelerate5 | National | Jul-20 |
Advanced Genetic Tests | University of Western Australia | DNA can predict your health better than your doctor can and AGT team can discover what it knows. This knowledge can help save your life. Advanced Genetic Tests’ technology can improve health and save lives. Their unique methods defines Genetic Risk SignaturesTM predicting disease outcomes and to predict risk of diseases like heart attacks, or death from cancer. Many companies talk about precision medicine, but this is the only team who can do it for common diseases. | ON Accelerate5 | National | Jul-20 |
N1 Analytics | CSIRO’s Data61 | N1 Analytics use homomorphic encryption, which allows computation on data while it is still encrypted, to enable organisations that cannot share their data directly to collaborate on data analytics. They provide algorithms for particular business use cases built on an encrypted API platform that have mathematical guarantees of data privacy and confidentiality. This technology removes the risk of data loss or data misuse when data is made available for use by others. | ON Accelerate5 | National | Jul-20 |
IRIS | Curtin University | IRIS is a software program for use during online assessment that helps provide educators with assurance of assessment integrity and greater equivalence to in person invigilation, while allowing students to work remotely. IRIS records the audio from the student computer’s microphone, video from their webcam, and takes successive screenshots of what the student is seeing on their computer screenLesley Sefcik, Steve Steyn, Connie Price and Michael Baird from the IRIS team . Facial markers are identified and tracked; IRIS analyses the information and flags behaviour that may indicate potential academic dishonesty. Educators can then review this data at a time that is convenient to help ensure student identity verification and assessment integrity. | ON Accelerate5 | National | Jul-20 |
Inova Medical | Curtin University | Inova Medical’s product Abcease helps clinicians treat abscesses by preventing surgery and improving outcomes. Abcease is a single use medical device that penetrates soft tissue by converting rotational force into axial movement. Abcease provides a way to access deep skin abscesses, drain them, and manage the healing process. Further, Abcease stands to remove the need for in-theatre treatment, and the risks associated with general anaesthesia and a hospital stay. Abcease will initially be used by General Surgeons, ED Physicians and Radiologists, but has the potential to be utilised in primary care settings by General Practitioners. | ON Accelerate5, ON Prime2 | National | Jul-20 |
Bee Innovative | CSIRO’s Data61 | Bee Innovative is unlocking global agriculture by harnessing the superpower of pollination. Bee Innovative has developed BeeDar, a radar like sensor for bees which is able to identify, track and report bee pollination activity across the orchard and field in near real time. Bee Innovative then provides this critical information to farmers to help increase yield and value. Bee Innovative is also developing a real time biosecurity platform to protect Australian pollinated agriculture worth $6 Billion annually from Varroa destructor which has decimated honeybee populations around the world. Bee Innovative’s frontline biosecurity platform includes BeeID, a facial recognition technology for bees. Bee Innovative is passionate about increasing global food production and defending Australia from Varroa destructor, as Australia is the last country in the world free from Varroa. | ON Accelerate5, ON Prime3 | National | Jul-20 |
MGA Thermal | University of Newcastle | MGA represents a newly developed family of materials called ‘Miscibility Gap Alloys’, invented at the University of Newcastle. The new materials feature millimeter scale grains of PCM (phase change material) which store energy when melting, trapped in a bulk solid matrix of high thermal conductivity material. The matrix remains solid at all times, giving the opportunity to store energy with the benefits of a PCM, without the associated difficulty of handling a molten material “solar boiler” type storage blocks with little heat transfer infrastructure. At the same time, its high thermal conductivity rapidly disperses energy to the PCM. | ON Accelerate5, ON Prime3 | National | Jul-20 |
Adaptive Eggs | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Improving sustainability, profitability and reputation, Adaptive Eggs identifies “male eggs” when they are laid avoiding the costly and undesirable culling practices in the egg laying industry. The incentive to adopt Adaptive Eggs breakthrough technology comes from the simultaneous elimination of economic losses associated with the incubation, hatch and cull of day old male layer birds and the potential conversion of this waste stream into novel value-added bio-products (e.g. enhanced eggs for human influenza vaccine production). | ON Accelerate5, ON Prime4 | National | Jul-20 |
Laronix | Western Sydney University | An artificial voice-box generating natural voice for larynx amputees Imagine waking up one day without your voice. This lasts a lifetime for people who lost their larynx due to cancer. As a result, more than 500,000 larynx amputees around the globe suffer a life-time of isolation and communication disability. They have the second-highest rate of suicide among all cancer survivors. Laronix has developed the world’s first smart, wearable (non-invasive), artificial voice box for larynx amputees. Laronix’s voice prosthesis technology has been tested successfully in pre-clinical trials and creates an exceptionally high-quality voice for these people. Hence, Laronix patented technology is strongly considered to become the new standard of care. | ON Accelerate6 | National | Jul-20 |
Maslow | University of Technology Sydney | Maslow is a voice-enabled rehabilitation assistant for young people living with paralysis When a young person suffers paralysis from a traumatic injury, they spend 6-9 months in rehab hospital learning everything about their condition only to be discharged with little to no support on how to manage independently. Maslow is a mobile application provides access to vital health and life management tools where they matter most – at home. Maslow achieves this through best practice health education, care and rehab management tools, and by facilitating better communication with specialists so that young people can spend less time managing health and more time enjoying life. | ON Accelerate6 | National | Jul-20 |
Raven | The University of New South Wales | Providing a greater understanding of your business at the push of a button. Raven specialises in supplying IoT solutions for a variety of industries, with the goal of providing knowledge to clients about their businesses and operations. This is achieved by removing the technical nuances of establishing a reliable sensor network and providing custom ‘turnkey’ solutions for specialised applications. The company’s patented device, Smart Sash, focuses on monitoring behaviour around energy-intensive equipment in laboratories. The solution is currently utilised at UNSW, USYD, and CSIRO. By putting the right data in the right hands, Raven provides significant benefits in the form of efficiency, safety, and environmental impact. | ON Accelerate6 | National | Jul-20 |
AloxiTec | CSIRO Manufacturing | A packaging material that can extend the shelf life of fresh food without the use of refrigeration or chemical processing. AloxiTec have created novel packaging material which can extend the shelf life and maintain the freshness of produce without refrigeration or other chemical intervention. The material is made from a flexible ceramic which absorbs any airborne chemicals in the vicinity of fresh produce to effectively stop ripening and decay at room temperature. It is a solid, flexible and light sheet which can be applied to various types of existing packaging. The first prototype testing indicated the ability to keep bananas and apples fresh for over 48 and 83 days respectively and doubled the shelf-life of cherries. | ON Accelerate6, ON Prime3 | National | Jul-20 |
Nomad Atomics | Australian National University | Providing next generation quantum sensors to transform the way we measure the world. Nomad Atomics develops next generation quantum sensors to provide unsurpassed data quality and generate new capabilities in oil and gas, mining, water management, automotive, and defence. For years these sectors have attempted to solve extremely complicated problems while relying on costly, insufficient data of accelerations, electromagnetic fields and time from current sensors. Nomad Atomics addresses this challenge by providing a tailored data service based on our high-sensitivity, compact sensor technology. Its introduction to the energy and mining sectors alone can recover an estimated >$17 Billion/year from inefficient resource production, limit environmental cost and increase safety. | ON Accelerate6, ON Prime5 | National | Jul-20 |
Rapid Repair | Southern Cross University | A wound dressing that is applied for up to 24 hours to rapidly repair skin. The Rapid Repair dressing aims to nano-engineer the molecules in damaged skin to heal wounds fast and reduce scarring. The dressing can be used instead of stitches, staples and glue. It is simple and painless to apply, with no local anaesthetic required. The device is non-invasive and has a long shelf life. Potential early adopters of the technology are plastic and cosmetic surgeons, because they place a high value on minimised scars, and veterinary surgeons, as their patients can often lash out when their wound treatment becomes too painful. | ON Accelerate6, ON Prime6 | National | Jul-20 |
Quantum Brilliance | Australian National University | Room-temperature quantum computers, eliminating the need for costly infrastructure, that will help power the technologies of tomorrow. Quantum computing promises almost unimaginable advances in computing power. A single quantum processor can outperform a classical supercomputer. With diamond, this processor can shrink down to the size of a GPU accelerator card. Diamond means that quantum is no-longer limited to niche applications by cryogenics and massive infrastructure requirements. Imagine holding a quantum computer in your hands; what could you achieve? Quantum Brilliance have a rapid path to market, and plan to deliver to their first customers in early 2021. | ON Accelerate6, ON Prime6 | National | Jul-20 |
Space Services Australia | The University of New South Wales | Helping organisations optimise their potential through digital twin systems. Space Services Australia’s mission is to harness the economic potential of the miniaturised satellite industry and establish the space traffic management systems of the future. To achieve this mission, they provide a hardware-integrated platform for the rapid prototyping and operation of miniaturised satellite constellations that reduces the barriers to market and increases the in-orbit reliability of those systems through leveraging digital twin technologies. By reducing development costs and streamlining functional testing processes to increase system reliability, Space Services Australia will address current in-orbit failure rates to keep the skies clear of satellite debris. | ON Accelerate6, ON Prime6 | National | Jul-20 |
HydGENE Renewables | Macquarie University | HydGENE Renewables have developed a sugar-powered biohydrogen generator that supplies carbon-neutral electricity on-demand. Hydrogen is a clean fuel of the future. However, nearly 96% of hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels. HydGENE Renewables have engineered designer microbes to produce hydrogen from renewable biomass. By coupling hydrogen production with a fuel cell, electricity can be generated on-site and on-demand. The sugar-powered biohydrogen generator can be scaled for a broad range of power requirements; from portable to fixed systems, reducing the high costs associated with the storage and transport of hydrogen. The sugar-powered biohydrogen generator can therefore provide a sustainable, round-the-clock and on-demand energy solution. | ON Accelerate6, ON Prime6, ON Prime4 | National | Jul-20 |
Redback Systems | Macquarie University | A robust, high-definition spectrometer that is enabling new research in extreme environments. Colour information in light holds the key to understanding materials and processes in the world around us. Redback Systems builds fundamentally powerful optical instruments that help unlock this information. Researchers across many scientific disciplines utilise spectroscopic techniques to interrogate light and reveal its colour composition. However, the colour range is often narrowed significantly when higher resolution is required. Redback Systems has designed and built a compact, robust and affordable spectrometer for imaging the entire visible spectrum in a single snapshot and with ultra-high resolution. The device provides researchers with the ability to carry out precision experiments in any environment. | ON Accelerate6, ON Prime7 | National | Jul-20 |
Prism Neuro | University of Canberra | An objective scientific solution for athlete talent identification, performance monitoring, concussion diagnosis and return-to-play decisions Multimillion dollar professional athlete recruitment deals are often based on ‘gut feeling’ about how well an athlete moves now, and therefore how likely they are to perform in the future. Decisions about whether an athlete is concussed and whether they are fit to return to play are likewise based on subjective assessments. The Prism Neuro team has been involved in human performance research with elite athletes, the US military and NASA for more than 20 years and this has led us to develop a diagnostic system that can objectively predict athletic talent, monitor performance and identify concussion and its resolution. | ON Accelerate6, ON Prime7 | National | Jul-20 |
Wildlife Drones | The Australian National University | Wildlife Drones believe that innovative technology provides unprecedented opportunities to work in more efficient and cost-effective ways.Our idea is to use lightweight, highly portable radio-tracking drones to locate radio-tagged animals rapidly and accurately. In over 100 countries around the world, tracking has traditionally been done on foot which is expensive, time-consuming and very labour intensive work. The key value proposition of Wildlife Drones for our customers is the significant reduction in time, effort and money required to locate radio-tagged animals, especially within rugged or remote landscapes. These customers include wildlife researchers, pest animal managers and conservation non-government organisations. | ON Prime1 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
CyroClock | The University of Adelaide | CryoClock performance is approaching attosecond stability, and today is 10-1000x more stable than any competing technology. This increased timing precision is essential for quantum computing and enables increased spatial resolution for GPS navigation and phased-array radar, and higher capacity and beam-forming for 5G communications. | ON Prime1 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
VARIwise | University of Southern Queensland | VARIwise is a site-specific irrigation application control software that can adapt to any crop, irrigation system, soil type, crop and weather profile. Implementation of this system has led to yield improvements of 4-11 per cent and water savings of 12-22 per cent. | ON Prime1 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
NOS.E (electronic nose) | UTS | According to the World Wildlife Fund’s report of 2013, wildlife and forest crime is the 4th largest transnational crime in the world. The major trafficking enforcement issue is the lack of a rapid and accurate method to distinguish legal from illegal wildlife parts; even dogs trained to detect threatened wildlife parts cannot provide species-level wildlife identification. NOS.E (electronic nose) is a portable electronic olfactory device developed to identify illegal wildlife parts on-site. Equipped with machine intelligence, NOS.E will provide a low cost and low-power consumption solution to detect specific illegal wildlife parts efficiently. | ON Prime1 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
A Multi Material AM Laminated Tool Having Improved Thermal Coupling | Swinburne University of Technology | Introduction of a laminated construction of massive injection moulding tools that improve thermal coupling. | ON Prime1 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Robotic Finger Orthosis | Curtin University | The design of the orthosis allows 1 linear actuator to drive all 3 finger joins. The hand exoskeleton will have a wide range of application in rehabilitation and daily activities, is capable of mass customisation, is lightweight and has a low manufacturing cost. | ON Prime1 | Perth | Jul-20 |
ADOPT | CSIRO Food and Agriculture | The adoption and diffusion prediction tool (ADOPT) is an easy-to-use model designed to deliver a prediction of an innovation’s likely peak level and speed of adoption and engage users in evaluating the potential to increase adoption. A first version of ADOPT has been developed for broadacre agriculture in Australia. | ON Prime1 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Apple team | CSIRO Food and Agriculture | New transformative food processing technologies to create high value food ingredients, fractions and nutritious food products from apple pomace; will help apple juice processors who want to recover, re-use and transform apple pomace by diverting the pomace back into the food supply chain. This will help the industry create value from waste apple pomace and increase the demand for apples and processed apple products, and contribute to global food and nutrition security creating a cleaner environment; unlike existing approaches which divert pomace to landfill or animal feed. | ON Prime1 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
BIO-DOALCARE | CSIRO Mineral Resources | CSIRO has a unique organics removal and caustic recovery process that can help a number of high value producing commodity industries better manage their waste streams, saving them money and reducing their environmental impact. The technology has potential to be applied to various industries, such as alumina, pulp and paper, beverage, textile, leather, potatoes, dairy and meat processing industries, or other processing industries which have organic rich waste streams and high caustic consumption. Recovering and recycling value from waste and shrinking the environmental footprint of these industries are what the CSIRO technology aims to deliver. | ON Prime1 | Perth | Jul-20 |
BIO-P MOP | CSIRO Land & Water | Phosphorus (P) is a critical element for life, but its current use is non-sustainable. Given the growing demand, recycling P from wastewater appears a promising approach to complement P supply. Approximately 1,000 tons of P is recoverable from wastewater of a city of one million people and the current market value is $756/ton-phosphate. Hence, P recovery can become a lucrative business. Our BIO-P MOP technology harnesses the ability of microbes to concentrate P in wastewater. It has the potential to facilitate cost-effective recovery of P from various waste streams of different industries, including water utilities and the livestock industry. | ON Prime1 | Perth | Jul-20 |
BiomarX | University of Newcastle | BiomarX have identified a new non-invasive diagnostic test that can detect the presence of endometrial cancer. | ON Prime1 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Biometric marketing Research laboratory | Curtin University | The team has developed a mobile laboratory that uses psychophysiological measures to track consumers’ feelings and thinking in an accurate, reliable, quantifiable and real-time manner. The team introduces a scientific approach to answer some of the industry’s toughest business questions through the use of mobile devices measuring facial expressions and brain wave activity. | ON Prime1 | Perth | Jul-20 |
CoalSim | UNSW | Accurate prediction of gas flow is critical for optimisation of recovery from Coal Seam Gas reservoirs in Petroleum Industry and for safety of Coal Mining in Mining Industry. We propose and develop COAL SIMulation (COALSIM) technologies for characterisation and simulation of gas recovery and drainage. The technology is based on X-ray computed tomography to image the internal structure of coal in 3D. The imaging combined with numerical simulations provide an efficient means to estimate flow of methane. We apply statistical methods to predict the behaviour of the whole coal seam reservoir or coal mine based on limited core samples. | ON Prime1 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
COOLASPACE | CSIRO | In Australia, air-conditioning is a significant contributing factor to higher energy bills and many of us use fans, evaporative coolers and portable air-conditioners to stay cool. However, there is a better solution. The Coolaspace is a portable air conditioning system that uses just one-third of the energy consumption of conventional cooling. It is ideal for use in a bedroom, living area, mobile home, caravan, office space or workshop.The Coolaspace uses new technology enabling the user to stay comfortable for longer, while using less energy as opposed to a portable air conditioner, or a direct evaporative cooler that humidifies the air in the room when used over long periods of time, causing health issues from moisture build-up and mold. | ON Prime1 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Diamond Lasers | Macquarie University | Lasers with very high power have the potential to solve a range of problems including in beaming power to remote locations, reducing the cost of space propulsion and for defending against modern defence and security threats. However, increasing laser power is challenging using current technology and the wavelengths they generate are risky to the eyes of by-standers. Macquarie University has developed a generic high power technology that solves both these problems. Our solution, which exploits the outstanding thermo-optical properties afforded by synthetic diamond, addresses a fundamental bottleneck for customers in many areas of science and technology but foremost in particular aerospace, space and defence. | ON Prime1 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Field Acquired Information Management Systems | Macquarie University | FAIMS is an open-source platform for developing customised systems to collect the diverse data generated by field research. FAIMS mobile lets research teams efficiently create data, under difficult conditions and later transfer it into established systems and workflows, eliminating manual digitisation and producing richer and more comprehensive datasets. | ON Prime1 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
High quality single nanoparticle arrays | The University of Melbourne | The technology will allow the placement of single nanoparticles into addressable locations. This may involve scattering, fluorescence or absorption, polarisation, circular dichroism or SERS. The technology allows particles to be placed so that they can be studied, stored, archived and re-addressed as many times as necessary. This solution addresses many problems with the current evaporative methods to generate arrays of single nanoparticles with arbitrary geometry. | ON Prime1 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
High Temperature Optical Fibre Sensor | The University of Adelaide | The ability to measure temperatures above 1000°C is critical to optimising the operation and improving energy efficiency in many industrial processes including minerals and metals processing, power generation using gas turbines and nuclear plants.Our solution is a high temperature optical fiber sensor. With this we can achieve high accuracy and precision, high speed measurements, high spatial resolution, multiple point measurement with a sensor that is resistant to corrosion and magnetic fields.We are actively seeking industry customers who want to trial the technology in their applications. | ON Prime1 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Home Fertility Assessment | The University of Adelaide | ‘Can we have children?’ is a question many couples want the answer to, but can only be answered by consolation with doctors. But what if there were “at home test kits” that assess your fertility. Combined with other information about your health and circumstances, these kits would guide you in making informed decisions on your ability to have a healthy baby and whether or not professional help is required. We want to make this possible through “at home fertility screening kits” for both men and women that utilises everyday technology such as your smart phone. | ON Prime1 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Microwave assisted convective dryer for agricultural products | Queensland University of Technology | Intermittent microwave convective drying (IMCD) increases both energy efficiency and product quality in food drying. IMCD can be four times faster than convection drying and is 5-11 times more energy efficient compared to convective drying. | ON Prime1 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Rapid Imaging | The University of Newcastle | Rapid imaging is a 3D histology service encompassing tissue cleaning, staining, imaging, image processing and data analysis. A simple web interface and portal will be used for customer interaction and delivery of 3D datasets. | ON Prime1 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
RedChip Lasers | University of South Australia | Unmanned aerial vehicle LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) manufactures generate high resolution 3D maps of the terrestrial surface, and rich information via airborne spectral mapping. Currently these are based on laser diode solutions which are low power, fixed wavelength, and have poor optical qualities. There is a major market opportunity for high power, mid-range, low cost solution to drive down mission times and counts in a compact flight package. RedChip laser engines provide a compact, higher power, low cost solution to LiDAR manufacturers developing the next generation of UAV LiDAR capabilities. | ON Prime1 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Scienide | University of Tasmania | There are many examples of commercially available sensors across farming applications however there is little integration of these sensors/sensor-systems across software, hardware or data layers, leading to higher deployment costs, and also missed opportunities for robust data analytics across sensors. This proposal aims to develop a Flexible Sensor Platform (FSP) that acts as a single gateway to integrate commercially available sensors/sensor-systems: providing all sensors in a agri-sensing ecosystem with unified power sources, communications wireless protocols, and mechanisms to share data using a common sensor language. This innovation will improve agri-sensor eco-systems by reducing sensing costs and increasing analytical capabilities. | ON Prime1 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Social Atlas | CSIRO Mineral Resources | Use of a web-based social atlas that illustrates the benefits and impacts of mining across Australia that will make transparent the costs and benefits of mining for all stakeholders. | ON Prime1 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
SCOMA | University of Southern Queensland | Soil Constraints Mapping and Analysis (SCOMA) is a novel approach for identifying soil constraints in dryland cropping fields so farmers can apply decision and precision agriculture practices within their cropping operations. The system will save farmers time and enable them to optimise their seed and fertiliser inputs at a find spatial scale.Collecting the underlying soil information required for decision and precision agriculture is costly and requires specialist expertise. The SCOMA system removes this barrier by combining yield maps with crop management and weather information within a crop production modelling framework to diagnose areas of soil constraints. | ON Prime1 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Terahertz MetaMEMS | The University of Western Australia | MetaMEMS are metamaterials or meta-atoms which are artificially structured materials used to control and manipulate reflection and absorption of electromagnetic waves. By combining a suspended meta-atom array with a tunable Fabry-perot-like filter, the team has successfully fabricated metaMEMS devices which create a tunable pass-band for THz light. | ON Prime1 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Virtual reality to treat fears and phobias | The University of New South Wales | The Virtual Reality Therapy team is building a suite of virtual and augmented reality experiences to assist therapists in treating specific phobias. Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is known to be effective, but is not commonly available to therapists or patients. With the help of these virtual experiences, patients can gain control over their fears and phobias at their own pace and in complete safety. | ON Prime1 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Virtual Training for health and aged care | Curtin University | Delivering high quality training to increasing numbers of trainees is challenging due to availability of resources and the costs involved. However we offer cost effective, high quality virtual training solutions for health and aged care workers. The ‘Virtual Home Visit’ serious game enables the trainee to visualise and experience a home visit and develop a falls risk management plan for an elderly client. The Empathy Simulator provides trainees with a safe and interactive way to develop advanced skills in communicating and developing empathy. Our target market includes universities, colleges, registered training organisations and medical, health care and aged care providers. | ON Prime1 | Perth | Jul-20 |
VitiApp | University of Tasmania | There is growing demand for premium food and wine both domestically and by the burgeoning middle classes in Asia. To meet that demand in an increasingly intensified wine industry, farmers need risk management tools to prevent and/or mitigate significant and costly losses that can occur in production and distribution. “VitiApp” captures and interprets historical, current and forecast data from multiple sources for wine businesses and their service providers, and delivers information in an accessible format for easier, pro-active and environmentally-responsive decision making. Greater economic value will lead to wider uptake by the$300B global wine industry and other crop-based industries. | ON Prime1 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
X-ray vision | RMIT | X-ray imaging is a cornerstone of modern medical diagnosis. However, X-rays do not provide enough contrast in soft-tissues. This is a serious limitation for radiographic cancer screenings and other medical processes that presently require high contrast imaging. We have developed a new, phase-contrast technology that improves X-ray image sensitivity and quality while reducing the dose to the patient, enabling superior imaging for tumour identification. Our technology, will improve the early detection of cancer and will be as cost effective as conventional X-ray imaging, thus reducing the need for more expensive scans such as CT and MRI. | ON Prime1 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
ZAP Wave | CSIRO Agriculture | Development of a novel and improved antenna microwave (MW) device which will be primarily used for biosecurity applications of disinfestation of fruit flies and vegetables. This can be extended to applications in food pasteurisation and sterilisation. | ON Prime1 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Build4Lyfe | CSIRO Energy | The building and renovation market is able to offer solutions that would provide significant, long term, cost-effective, carbon emission mitigation but there is currently minimal demand for the solutions from purchasers and renovators. Home owners, buyers, builders and renovators lack a trusted, contemporary, fit-for-purpose source of advice on ‘sustainable’ residential products and services. Build4Life is a social media platform that will engage, inspire, connect and inform consumers so that they understand what the opportunities are and then arm them with what they need to renovate homes in ways that ensure reduced emissions – before sharing their outcomes with other consumers. | ON Prime1 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Presagen | The University of Adelaide | Infertility is a major health issue worldwide, with 4% of babies born in Australia conceived via assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF, the equivalent of one child per classroom. Furthermore, one in six couples experience some form of infertility and this figure will only rise. However, IVF is not a Band-Aid, as less than 20% of cycles result in a live baby. We are developing a non-invasive test, computational software, to predict which embryos are the healthiest, hence more likely to result in a healthy baby. This improves on current techniques that involve cell biopsies or expensive equipment. | ON Prime1 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
#Beyond_digging | CSIRO Land & Water | Metals are currently almost exclusively extracted from their ore via physical excavation. This energy intensive process dictates that metal mining remains amongst the foremost CO2 emitters and mine waste is the single largest waste-form by mass. We are developing an alternative and more environmentally friendly approach, electrokinetic in situ leaching (EK-ISL), which allows metals to be extracted from ore bodies without excavation. EK-ISL comprises the installation of electrodes directly into an orebody. An electric current is then applied to induce the transport and recovery of electrically charged metal ions, such as copper, through the rock via a process called electromigration. | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
Biological Wool Harvesting | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | CSIRO created a novel way to remove wool from sheep in the 1980/90s, known as BioClip or biological wool harvesting (BWH). The economics didn’t quite stack up then, but with improvements in proteomics, dose-response detection tools and the manufacturing of recombinant proteins, as well as improvements to fleece-retention systems over the past 20 years and the increased cost of shearing, the value proposition has changed. A team from CSIRO Livestock & Aquaculture will investigate how best to create a cost-effective BWH system for one of Australia’s largest agricultural industries. | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
Decarbonising Nickel Processing | The University of New South Wales | Renewable microgrids are a key opportunity to decarbonise Nickel ore processing and production. At the moment, some mining companies are using hybrid renewable/fossil fuel microgrids but have been hesitant to move to 100% renewable microgrids due to concerns around reliability. Our recent model based on a metal processing plant shows that demand response can enable a cost-competitive renewable energy microgrid. Demand response involves using processing loads (grinding circuit…) flexibly during times of low renewable generation/low batteries. Our solution prevents oversizing the renewable energy microgrid by making use of demand side flexibility. | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
Diabetic Foot Management | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | An estimated 1.2 million (6%) of Australian adults are living with diabetes, a complex and challenging condition to manage. One severe chronic complication associated with poor diabetic management is diabetic foot, where peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and reduced sensation from neuropathy can lead to infection, ulcers, and ultimately, amputation. At the AEHRC, in partnership with QLD we have developed a new digital platform for diabetic foot monitoring using smartphones and wearable devices to safely and noninvasively monitor foot health in the home to enable succesful individual management and better health outcomes across Australia | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
Flavour House | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Flavour is an important key to ensure the success of food product. In the emerging plant-based meat market globally, consumer satisfaction and acceptance are low due the gap in meaty flavour compared to traditional meat and high sodium level for health-conscious consumers. Meanwhile, food companies are facing increasing pressure to reduce the salt and sugar in general. There are lack of commercial-scale alternatives in the market. Our flavour house platform aims to deliver umami-based meaty peptide, sweet and salty flavours using precision fermentation process. Our products can maintain the flavour experience and functionality without negative side effect (e.g. bitter taste). | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
LEE | The University of Sydney | The excessive use of fossil energy has caused a significant increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, which has led to a series of problems, including global warming, desertification, and ocean acidification. Meanwhile, renewable electricity has seen tremendous growth in recent years, led to a drop in electricity prices. The electrochemical CO2 conversion technology offers opportunities to use renewable electricity to cleanly and economically produce products such as fuels and chemical raw materials. The penetration of renewable energy into industrial production to replace current fossil fuel-based energy will result in a net reduction in CO2 emissions. | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
Membrane Transporter Engineers (MTE) | Australian National University | Demand for technology enabling separation and processing of valuable resources from complex sources is ubiquitous across diverse industries including mining and agriculture. Existing methods for purifying resources like lithium require toxic acids and ion exchange processes, create toxic waste and are water use inefficient. Advanced membrane separation technologies can enable environmentally friendly and water-use-efficient lithium processing. Membrane Transporter Engineers has developed technology that enables retrieval of precious resources from high value liquid sources whilst also generating clean water. Our system is engineered to improve speed and cost of recovery of target elements and create clean water as a by-product. | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
NetNada | The University of New South Wales | NetNada is designed to make sustainability affordable and accessible to businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. Our vision is for NetNada to be a tool for all businesses to track their emissions and carbon footprints make up while matching solutions to the areas of considerable emissions. Utilising API, IOA and LCA’s NetNada converts consumption data to emissions and gives businesses a fast and accurate map of their greenhouse gas emissions. We believe that by providing all businesses in the supply chain with the knowledge to action sustainability we can create a bottom up swell towards carbon neutral business. | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
Team Fizz | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Intake of adequate amount of water remains a huge challenge among children around the globe. Less water consumption prompts them to fulfil the fluid balance through other drinks including carbonated beverages and sugary juices. Various researchers have revealed that consumption of sugary drinks has an indirect link to increased health cost associated with obesity, diabetes, dental decay, and several other diseases. Therefore, our research team has designed a product (colourful, tasty and healthy “waterfizzer”) that can encourage higher uptake of water among children by imparting a visual and sensory effect when it is dropped into water. | ON Prime10 | Online | May-22 |
3DC Analytics | University of Wollongong | Over 10% of the worldwide adult population suffers from debilitating brain diseases. The impairments are often life-long, with substantial impact on the quality of life. While billions have been spend developing drugs against a range of brain disorders, their benefits are limited and often come at the cost of severe side effects. This dire situation is largely caused by a lack of reliable, cost-effective and scalable human brain models of these diseases. 3DC Analytics is developing the capacity to improve the identification and selection of beneficial drug candidates against brain disorders and stop ineffective treatments early in development before major resources are spend. | ON Prime2 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
The Gluteneers | CSIRO Agriculture | Coeliac disease affects 1% of the global population and the only treatment is a lifelong gluten-free diet. Accurately detecting gluten contamination in GF products is critical to consumers and manufacturers as it poses a risk to the consumer (health) and to the manufacturer (recalls, loss of income, reputation). Current testing using antibodies is inaccurate. We will develop a simple accurate and reliable test allowing detection and accurate quantification of trace levels of these potentially-toxic cereals in both raw and processed foods providing assurance to consumers and manufacturers alike. | ON Prime2 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Abalone Waste Utilisation | CSIRO Agriculture | Blacklip abalone, an important part of the Australian seafood industry (worth over $200 million per annum) are generated from 5,000 tonnes of wild-caught and farmed abalone. Abalone is marketed as whole animals, or as processed meat, generating large amounts of waste (shell and offal) which is an environmental and economic problem. Abalone waste has been found to contain bioactive molecules with anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory activities. Utilisation of these molecules as ingredients in nutraceuticals and other health products may provide a means to reduce the environmental burden of abalone waste and improve the profit margin in the abalone industry. | ON Prime2 | Toowoomba | Jul-20 |
Adaptive Design Social Enterprise | Swinburne University of Technology | For individuals and their families living with a disability, assistive products have significant benefits in everyday life. Yet, these items are often highly bespoke, making them costly to produce and buy. Our solution will develop low-cost/high-design assistive products using leading-edge production and design processes, within a social enterprise business model. Using co-design processes, individuals, families and health professionals will work with designers to understand specific needs. Designers will use CAD and 3D printing to create products based on individual requirements. The social enterprise will be based at Swinburne University Technology, accessing world-leading manufacturing, design, occupational health and social enterprise expertise. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Affie: an emotional thesaurus | University of Technology Sydney | You’ve heard of a thesaurus – it identifies words with similar literal meanings. We have an idea for an emotional thesaurus. It draws on scientific data to identify words that feel similar to other concepts. It’s a data-driven tool for thinking outside the literal box. Affie suggests Mac computers feel like playmate, dance with and young. Conversely Windows computers feel like school teacher, talk to and cooperative. Affie provides innovators a way of exploring the emotional core of an issue to better connect with the deeper needs of users. With affect and emotion gaining prominence in innovation, Affie aims to promote ideas that make sense emotionally and socially, as well as economically. | ON Prime2 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Amino Acid Biotechnology | University of Newcastle | Current detection methods cost $40-80 per sample/animal to detect one type of pathogen, with prawns often harbouring multiple pathogens simultaneously, and detection methods having slow turnaround times. | ON Prime2 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Anidra | Federation University Australia | A continuous early intervention would minimise many fatal situations in hospitals. Our Sensor Kit enables hospitals to collect and perform health score calculations automatically every minute rather than performing it manually every few hours. This results in better care, as one can detect patient health deterioration with reduced labour costs. Our product includes hardware and pre-configured software, specially written to transmit data to hospital servers or the Cloud where our algorithms process the data and make it visible to authorised healthcare workers via their mobile devices. Our product is also capable of sending alert messages to healthcare workers for early intervention. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
APC for Sustainable Planet | Curtin University | Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), which is one of the most widely used construction materials, is associated with many problems related to the sustainability of the planet. A more sustainable alternative cement called Alkali Pozzolan Cement (APC) has been developed at the laboratory of Curtin University to resolve this problem. The team seek the opportunity to manufacture APC commercially through an industrial partner(s). The potential customers are the constructors of concrete/masonry structures who use OPC. | ON Prime2 | Perth | Jul-20 |
AvoCulture | University of Queensland | With the current Aussie avocado market trading volumes worth $770m/year and an explosive global demand that just keeps growing; Aussie Avocado farmers are under so much pressure to produce more they are now paying a record $50 per tree! The major bottleneck is undersupply of new planting material. This is caused by lack of a cost-effective and efficient technology for avocado plant propagation. We present a new, high-throughput, cost-effective propagation technology, free from environmental and seasonal constraints, to capitalise on the booming opportunity for avocado market expansion in Australia and globally. | ON Prime2 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Better CO2 capture by design | CSIRO Energy | There is a growing demand in industry for effective carbon dioxide (CO2) removal technologies. Many gas resources contain CO2 which needs to be removed before transport or use. With growing concerns around climate change CO2 removal from exhaust gases represents a significant emerging market. The removal of CO2 comes at large costs as the standard process using absorption liquids requires significant amounts of energy. We have developed a range of bespoke absorption liquids that can absorb more CO2 than the standard solutions and release it at lower energy requirement. Our aim is to identify suitable commercialisation pathways for this technology. | ON Prime2 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Biological Joint Robotic-Testing System | University of Adelaide | The movement of our joints is very complex; because of this, joint implants often fail and need to be recalled. Our team has developed a six-degree-of-freedom (6DOF) robotic testing system to accurately simulate and improve fundamental understanding of physiological joint motions, which can be used to rigorously test new implant designs. Our testing solution is more cost-effective and functionally capable than existing 6DOF solutions on the market thanks to the unique robot structural design, consistent updates of the robot software (e.g. comprehensive test protocols and automated test programs), and 6DOF load control at real-time speeds (currently under development). | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Ynomia | CSIRO’s Data61 | For many applications, real-time sub level location accuracy is needed within complex environments such as shopping complexes, buildings, work places etc. While many solutions already exist, from video (image processing), AGPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth based solutions, through to bespoke hardware/software tracking technologies, there is a need for a low cost, scalable solution that can accurately allow items (people, assets, etc.) to localise themselves in real-time within complex work environments. The BLEAT system allows clients to easily deploy and maintain the beacon network and achieve real-time localisation of people and assets using smartphones and low cost, off-the-shelf devices for asset tracking. | ON Prime2 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Buzz Balance Ball | University of Canberra | Balance and body awareness are typically taken for granted by much of the population. However, compromises in these sense can have significant impacts on sufferers – approximately 30% of adults of the age of 65 or older are affected by poor balance. The Buzz Ball combats these. Rather than simply using exercises, the Buzz Ball adds a new dimension of spatial information through touch receptors in the hands. By doing this, it can fine-tune the other senses contributing to balance for increased accuracy and performance. Not only does the Buzz Ball enable the user to retrain their senses to maintain or regain their indepecnce, it can be done from the privacy and comfort of a users home, removing the potential for embarassment. The buzz ball is simple to use, requiring no user training and low cost. | ON Prime2 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Caetra | Monash University | 40-80% of chemotherapy patients get oral mucositis – an extremely painful ulceration of the mouth lining. Patients with aggressive tumors and receiving strong and high doses of chemotherapeutic agents like fluorouracil and cisplatin have a 90% incidence of oral mucositis. Of those that develop lesions, 11% have to discontinue or alter their chemotherapy treatment plan due to severe mucositis. Caetra is a thermally regulated oral device that can prevent oral mucositis when used simultaneously with chemotherapy infusion. Caetra protects the mouth lining from the full brunt of chemotherapy damage by reducing the tissue’s metabolic rate and chemo uptake. Oral mucositis increases cost of care by $2500 – giving the Caetra device a positive cost-benefit ratio to support Medicare and private insurance coverage. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Conservation connect | CSIRO Land and Water | Australia spends hundreds of millions of dollars each year on conservation, yet our unique biodiversity is still in decline. There is a huge opportunity in the biodiversity conservation world to use scientific and digital progress for better outcomes for people and nature. Our digital platform CONSERVATION CONNECT will connect conservation managers with conservation funders using smart matching technology. CONSERVATION CONNECT will harness and create the best available information on current, most-needed and most cost-effective management actions to solve Australia’s biodiversity crisis. | ON Prime2 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
D-START | University of Adelaide | We have developed a computerised Disability support needs assessment program (D-START) in association with the State Governent of South Australia. We also have a computerised Secondary School student support needs assessment program (START) designed to assess student issues related to completing school and transitioning to post school options. D-START has the capacity to improve the effective and efficient delivery of disability and aged care services, and START can provide secondary schools and the associated student counsellors with important information about students issues that can be used to facilitate successful completion of secondary school and transitioning to worthwhile post school options. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Doctors Control Panel (DCP) | University of Adelaide | Prevention is better than cure. However, Australians are receiving only half of the recommended preventive care despite seeing their general practitioner an average of six times each year. Patients and general practitioners remain unaware that fundamental elements of care have not been offered or provided. People don’t know what preventive care is recommended for them, or whether any of that care is due to be performed. They want and expect their general practitioners to tell them. Our technology helps people to receive recommended preventive care from their general practitioner with a minimum of time, effort or cost. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Delta Core | RMIT | Delta Core falls into the category of Serious Games and is the gamification of the first stage of forensic fingerprint analysis. Players examine real casework prints, analysing them in the same way forensic experts do by spotting and marking features in the ridge pattern. If successful, players unlock access to higher difficulty prints, cold case files and potentially live casework. Delta Core is designed to identify members of the public with a high affinity for fingerprint analysis and this will reduce the time taken to train new experts where such players can be recruited by law enforcement agencies. | ON Prime2 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
DiagamiRs | CSIRO Health and Biosecurity | Infectious diseases threaten human, animal and environmental health on a global scale. Unfortunately, many infectious diseases cannot be detected during the early stages of infection. During this time, the pathogen replicates and spreads within the host but does not manifest sufficiently to be detected using existing technologies. Our solution is a diagnostic assay that measures host responses to infection. During early stage disease, the host is rapidly mounting an exquisitely sensitive and specific immune response. Host biomarkers may inform the development of improved diagnostic assays that report disease sooner and improve infectious disease management. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
FinTech@Deakin | Deakin University | Financial planners face a variety of challenges to obtain accurate forecasts, owing to lack of a useful tool, inconsistent approaches, and no common set of assumptions. We develop an effective financial forecasting tool that integrates both quantitative and qualitative aspects of a forecast using statistical and artificial intelligence methodologies. This software product aims to provide forecasts based on quantitative analysis from data and qualitative knowledge from domain experts to account for business variations and market predictions. With the increasing magnitude of financial transactions, the proposed tool will play an important role in supporting financial planners in their decision making processes. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Flinders FPEP | Flinders University | Defence personnel are often deployed at short notice to locations that are very different to their usual living and training environment. With limited time to acclimatise to new environmental conditions, physical and mental performance may be sub-optimal and tasks can be compromised. This is a problem not only for individual defence personnel but also the potential effective functioning of units. It is therefore vital to understand the particular requirements and susceptibilities of individuals moving at short notice to locations that are very different to their usual living and training environment. Based on this, we can provide tailored preparation and support to maximize their ability to operate at top end of their capacity to mitigate physical and mental stress. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
IV Fluid Telemetry | University of Canberra | Errors in Intra Venous (IV) fluid intake measurements have serious negative consequences for patients, one of which is fluid overload (hypervolemia). Current methods used by nurses and doctors to measure, monitor and record IV fluid administration rely heavily on manual input of information by nursing staff, and are error prone. “IV Fluid Telemetry” is a novel, IoT based system that accurately measures and records cumulative IV fluid intake in hospitalized patients. It is more accurate than current methods, and compatible with existing IV fluid administration products in the market. This allows for easy and cost-effective implementation in hospitals. | ON Prime2 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Health Technology Evaluation | University of Newcastle | We evaluate the evidence behind health technology claims. Healthtech startups are being launched at a rapid pace, some of the technology works, some of it harms. Unfortunately the framework and methods for assessment are lagging behind development and adoption. Users have been subjected to poorly validated technology and investors have lost millions of dollars. Our service will bring state of the art clinical, epidemiological, public health, cyber security and health economic analyses together with digital monitoring of patient outcomes to protect patients, health care organisations, insurers, and healthtech investors. Rigorous evaluation and monitoring ensures the product is safe, clinically effective, and cost-effective. | ON Prime2 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
HipSafe | University of Wollongong | Worldwide, annually 1.6 million hip fractures occur and by 2050 it is expected to reach 6.3 million. This problem particularly affects elderly people (over the age of 50) and those living in long term care facilities. In Australia there are 20,000 hip fractures from falling per year and it is increasing by 40% each decade. Issues with existing hip protectors include usability for users and staff in Long Term Care facilities. They provide major obstacle for the elderly when engaging in daily activities. Our improved solution will provide appropriate protection and superior usability, therefore increasing patient adherence to hip protectors. | ON Prime2 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
In home test for chemotherapy-induced diarrhoea | University of Adelaide | Chemotherapy for cancer causes debilitating and unpredictable diarrhoea. We are developing an in-home test to help patients track changes in their gut bacteria during chemotherapy, and predict the onset of diarrhoea. This will provide patients with greater control over their cancer treatment and valuable information about the likelihood and onset of diarrhoea. Ultimately, this test will ensure optimal management of diarrhoea via the proactive delivery of supportive care measures thus improving the quality of life for cancer patients and the likelihood of remission. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Injury Alarm | Edith Cowan University | In Australian and all industrialised nations’ workplaces there is an unacceptable frequency and cost of serious injuries. ‘Injury Alarm’ provides a mechanism to identify the level of risk in an organisation, defines what it must to in response to the level of risk including ensuring effective emergency management. The solution analyses existing safety data and information, so organisations do not need to implement a new program as part of this process. This product enables organisations to be proactive, like an alarm warns of danger, to forecast injuries and therefore be proactive, rather than prevent recurrence. | ON Prime2 | Perth | Jul-20 |
LASAGNE Applications | Defence Science and Technology Organisation | In today’s interconnected world, up-to-date operational data is invaluable for organisations to support critical decision making. With the advent of the Internet of Things and Big Data, an organisation’s potential to quickly analyse operational data is unparalleled, however, connecting heterogeneous data sources still presents a significant challenge. Have you ever wondered how to connect multiple dispersed computer systems? Ever come across barriers prohibiting the flow of information being disseminated in your organisation? LASAGNE is a software framework that can be applied to these problems, aiding the free flow of data in a network and accelerating your ability to make decisions. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Coal2Fibres | University of Newcastle | A global race is now on to develop low cost carbon fibres to meet the growing demand in the automotive and renewable energy sectors. A step change in carbon fibre cost will allow deeper adoption into a wide range of technologies, for example reducing vehicle weight and emissions. As a feed material, coal is 50-100 times cheaper than current precursors. Coupled with an innovative processing technology, this project could transform Australia (and in particular the Hunter Valley) from a global supplier of coal to a leader in advanced manufacturing of carbon composites. | ON Prime2 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Macquarie Waveguides | Macquarie University | We are building better WiFi systems to change the home internet once and for all. Earlier, we looked for the modem; now the modem will look out for us. We believe that for home WiFi to be truly efficient, it should focus upon its users rather than cast broad radiation over the whole home. We have developed a system for WiFi to concentrate and focus its reach to very specific areas, perfect for use in home and for more precise WiFi use on aircraft. | ON Prime2 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
MicroPoll | CSIRO Land and Water | Micropollutants are chemicals found in the environment that can, at very low levels, threaten the health of organisms and ecosystems. Detecting these chemicals and predicting their toxicity presents a challenge to government, industry and public utilities. Our micropollutant screening tools will help environmental testing laboratories who want to advise on potential micropollutant risk by providing early and accurate detection of emerging contaminants, enabling near real-time management decision-making and solutions. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Nanosensors for environmental monitoring | CSIRO Manufacturing | Environmental pollutant analysis, monitoring and reporting currently involves a number of costly and time-consuming steps, which are crying out for a disruptive technology solution. In line with this, we have a novel, portable sensing technology that can detect organic environmental pollutants at a fraction of the cost of current methods. This technology can be adapted to in-field analysis, remote sensing, and even the formation of integrated smart sensor networks for real-time feedback of environmental systems. We envisage this technology disrupting enterprises within mining and chemical processing, in addition to assisting environmental regulatory agencies. | ON Prime2 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
New Antimicrobial Additives | Monash University | Antimicrobial resistance has been declared a global crisis. Silver is commonly used to prevent bacterial growth. However, the predominance of silver in broad-spectrum antimicrobials is causing concern due to toxicity, environmental accumulation and the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. New and safer antimicrobial additives are required, to replace silver. Our team has developed novel metal complexes showing antibacterial activity comparable to commercial silver additives, against a range of bacteria. The compounds are viable candidates for the development of new, safe antibacterial polymer-based products such as plastics and natural fibres, including coatings and packaging for clinical or community settings. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
OLED Device for Home Treatment of Jaundice in Newborn Infants | CSIRO Manufacturing | Portable Phototherapy Device for Home Treatment of Jaundice in Newborn Infants: effective and safe at-home phototherapy care for newborn infants with jaundice, to reduce the requirement for hospital treatment of low risk infants. The device would comprise a battery-operated light source and power supply in a single unit, significantly smaller, more portable and safer than equipment currently available. This offers a practical and less invasive home treatment option for an essentially routine condition. Benefits include improved bonding opportunities between parents and newborns at home and reduced hospital costs. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Optimus | CSIRO astronomy and space science | OPTIMUS (Observing with Parkes, Training and Introduction, Module for University Science) is a package providing undergraduate students a hands-on introduction to radio astronomy observational techniques and data analysis using pulsars as the context. Offered on a subscription basis to universities globally it includes background educational material, tutorials, a virtual machine to allow students to install a complete package of relevant software tools, access to data and a number of hours of telescope time on the 64m Parkes radio telescope plus support and observer training. Topics include pulsar timing and the search for gravitational waves. | ON Prime2 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
OurFlora | University of Sydney | Botanical knowledge is critical for monitoring and mitigating the effects of climate change, shoring up food security and for developing cultural competence in our community. What if, with each passing generation as a community we knew less and less about plants? Despite most of us knowing that plants photosynthesise and produce oxygen for us to breath, we seem to know little else. OurFlora offers a collaborative way to learn botanical and cultural narratives of the street trees in your suburb, and for school children to learn aboriginal words from stories that have been connected to the land for thousands of year. OurFlora. Our solution. | ON Prime2 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Pedestal3D | Macquarie University | The web platform Pedestal (currently in beta form) helps educators and learners in a wide range of disciplines and levels who want to utilise 3d object models in online learning. It does this by lowering the technology limitations of traditional offline methods to view 3d and enhance the learning experience through new and novel approaches to object based learning. | ON Prime2 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Pharmacy Simulator | University of Tasmania | A simulation tool that allows students to practice professional duties in an immersive and engaging virtual environment. Our technology enables the rapid implementation and distribution of 3D computer-based simulated learning experiences that are dynamic, expressive, and impactful. Prior solutions lack user-driven content creation and customisation features, making them difficult to embed into your curriculum. Our solution allows educators to create or modify training scenarios to suit their particular teaching needs. Scenarios are shared through the cloud, benefitting the broader community and ensuring that there is a continually expanding suite of content for students to experience. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Portable Hardware Energy Optimisation (PHEO) | University of Adelaide | Many smartphone users routinely complain about inadequate battery life. One way to increase energy efficiency is to configure devices and apps according to usage patterns. However, the involved software development processes are expensive, labour-intensive, and error prone. PHEO’s aim is to put methods from the area of computational intelligence at the core of software engineering processes. The resulting next-generation software products will dynamically adapt themselves: they analyse their collected usage data, perform what-if analyses, and optimise their configurations accordingly for the next usage period. Hence, the products will be faster, more reliable, and less energy-hungry. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Powering the future with printed solar films | CSIRO Manufacturing | Our growing commitment to renewable energy has seen an increasing number of solar panels spanning the rooftops of suburbia. However, conventional solar panels, based on rigid silicon, are essentially one-size-fits-all. We’re developing a flexible, lightweight, low-cost alternative to silicon in which ‘solar inks’ are printed onto polymer films. This means that clean, renewable energy can be harvested from windows, lightweight building structures and packaging, for portable devices and in remote locations and the developing world. Moreover, the design freedom of printing unlocks endless aesthetic possibilities. Printed solar – solar energy from everywhere, for everyone. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Predator Aversion Technologies | University of South Queensland | Livestock producers facing problems with feral pest animals are often unable to control these pests because common control tools place high-value livestock working dogs at great risk of accidental injury and death. There is an urgent need to identify and develop tools that can protect working dogs from poisons, traps and other devices intended to kill pest animals. Development of an autonomous, GPS-enabled aversion collar for livestock working dog owners could eliminate the risk of pest control to working dogs, enable effective pest control programs, and assist the growth of the sheep industry and rural communities. | ON Prime2 | Toowoomba | Jul-20 |
PROhealth APP | Murdoch University | Quality of life is often affected in chronic disease, but is not considered systematically in clinical care because assessment is largely paper-based and generates unwieldy data. The PROhealth APP delivers electronic patient self-reports from personal devices into medical practice through a secure portal. Using a custom interface, doctors review a pre-processed synthesis of the reports with patients during their visit. Patients benefit by having their psychosocial needs met and doctor’s capacity to deliver holistic care will increase. The product supports longitudinal data collection and is configurable to enable use in diverse health care contexts. | ON Prime2 | Perth | Jul-20 |
CapAIBL | CSIRO health and biosecurity | Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by a progressive and gradual decline in cognitive function. Recent advances in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has allowed two hallmarks (Amyloid and Tau proteins) of AD to be measured many years before clinical symptoms. In collaboration with world leading clinicians (Prof Rowe and Villemagne), the CSIRO has developed software to extract the specific information implicated in AD. This is provided as a clinical report with quantitative and qualitative assessment. These measures will allow improved diagnosis and allow the doctor and patient to better understand the implications of their diagnosis, its certainty, and plan appropriately. | ON Prime2 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Rapid detection of insect traits using near-infrared spectroscopy | University of Queensland | The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the principal vector for all four dengue virus serotypes, as well as Zika and chikungunya viruses. Current methods of arbovirus detection in mosquitoes involve tedious and time-consuming detection of viral RNA through quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). it is expensinve, and normally means that testing is only conducted on small, inadequate samples. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-destructive technique of measuring the radiated energy reflected from biological samples following their partial penetration by an electromagnetic beam. NIRS can detect multiple parameters simultaneously (including mosquito age, arbovirus infection, and Wolbachia infection), is portable, simple to use, and can be used in areas with minimal infrastructure. It will considerably improve the speed, accuracy and capacity of arbovirus evaluations and risk mapping exercises. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
NanoMat-sense | Griffith University | Water, our most basic need, is poised to be the most baffling challenge of the 21st century. Water contamination restricts urban renewal and other uses and has the potential to negatively impact human and ecosystem health, more than 1 million people per year die from its scarcity and contamination. Thus real-time water quality monitoring of surface water is critical. NanoMat-sense will develop a real-time, fine-scale sensing platform for a broad range of chemical and microbiological contaminants in water. It will be based on advanced functional nano-sensors that can be tailored for high sensitivity and selectivity. | ON Prime2 | Toowoomba | Jul-20 |
Real-World Optimization Platform | Macquarie University | In the modern world, engineering analysis and design rely heavily on computer-aided engineering software. A key component of such software systems is efficient global optimization algorithms for solving complex design problems. Yet even the most advanced commercial multidisciplinary design packages are struggling to provide a solution when it comes to optimizing real-world design parameters. Without this capability, optimized designs still need additional manual refinements, which prolong the design cycle and increase the cost of a product. By using our optimization platform, our clients (technology companies, engineers, R&D companies, researchers, etc.) will be able to progress rapidly and confidently from an idea to its implementation. | ON Prime2 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Reducing noise in personal spaces | Australian National University | The majority of PhD graduates leave academia on completion of their degree, but find job searching difficult. This is because employers do not understand what PhD graduates have to offer and rarely mention the PhD as a qualification. Our prototype ‘Jobs Explorer’ website uses Natural language machine learning processing to ‘read’ large data sets of job ad texts and sort according to level of research skill required. This tool can help graduates and employers find each other and be used strategically by universities and governments who are interested in making more effective use of Australia’s annual investment in research training. | ON Prime2 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Smart Antennae Systems | Macquarie University | A low-cost, power efficient and compact beam-steering antenna system is pivotal in providing satellite based high-speed internet services. Current mechanical beam-steering technologies are bulky and expensive. Alternative electronic methods are inefficient and also expensive. Our invention fills a large gap between existing mechanical and electronic beam-steering methods by providing high performance in a small package at low cost. | ON Prime2 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Smarter Irrigation | University of Tasmania | Agriculture is the biggest user of water supply in Australia. Farmers need to make more accurate, timely and spatially cognisant irrigation management decisions. However current irrigation practices are often inefficient or ineffective in part due to the poor adoption of irrigation scheduling devices. We have developed software to enable growers to identify different soil types, and guide growers as to how much water to apply to each soil zone depending on their crop and local weather forecasts. Information is displayed as simple colour coded map of the irrigation area via a mobile phone. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
StableMate | La Trobe University | The global uptake of smartphones means that most of us also have a high-resolution camera in our pockets. Using smartphones to accurately record images has pervaded all aspects of our lives, including in research and education. The microscopic world is one area where recording images is tricky with a smartphone. We have developed an interface that connects the smart phone to a microscope, ensuring easy capture of quality images (stills or video) delivered into the hands of the user. The added benefit is in simplifying administrative processes around data collection and image sharing between users. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
The Amber System | University of Western Australia | Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is the most common hospital acquired chest infection that occurs in the intensive care unit (ICU). VAP doubles patient mortality rates, contributes to half of all antibiotic use in ICU, and costs the US health care system up to $5.1 billion USD annually. When a patient is intubated, the endotracheal tube used provides a direct conduit from the mouth for bacteria to enter into the lower respiratory tract – a perfect breeding ground for infection. Our AMBER System is a unique endotracheal tube device that seeks to lower the incidence of VAP in ICU patients by inhibiting bacterial biofilm growth within the tube, in a safe manner that does not depend on antibiotic use. | ON Prime2 | Perth | Jul-20 |
The SPAD Lads – SPAD based Laser Airborne Depth Sounder (LADS) System | Defence Science and Technology Organisation | LADS systems are designed to perform hydrographic surveying of shallow coastal and inland water areas, a powerful tool to determine the seafloor depth for topographical data, water column charaterisation for oil and gas detection, biomass assessments, and target detection for military purposes. Current LADS systems operate on aircraft and need a laser with sufficient power to penetrate into the water, the biggest limitation is being able to detect the weak return signal. The Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) is a type of solid-state photo-detector that is designed and biased in such a way that it has the ability to detect a single photon. Creating a collection of SPADs (or array) is possible by miniaturizing SPAD devices so that they all can fit onto a single integrated circuit chip. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
The WiRE (Women in Rural, Regional and Remote Enterprises) Program | University of Southern Queensland | Women in rural and remote areas face a unique set of challenges when it comes to building their entrepreneurial potential and growing their businesses. We are creating a platform for Women with an entrepreneurial spirit to help build their capabilities so they can take their innovative business ideas to market, scale their existing business, create their social enterprise, and empower their confidence. The programme will deliver measurable increases in women’s entrepreneurial business skills and will create a support ecosystem for rural women entrepreneurs. ‘WiRE’ (Women in Rural Enterprises) is the first major, integrated entrepreneurial capacity building program for Australian Women in Rural Enterprises. | ON Prime2 | Toowoomba | Jul-20 |
TRR Project – Remote Casualty Care Support | Monash University | The Resus Logic project aims to combine hands-free, fully auditable, secure and distributed, real-time ‘wireless computer assisted decision support’ with ‘remote expert decision support’ for pre-hospital medical care. Once achieved the Remote TRR© System will become the ‘gold standard’ for resuscitation oversight. The ON Prime Program will allow engagement with a blockchain developer and a big data analytics database developer to create a decentralised machine-learning solution for the decision-support algorithms – in response to their use, timing, efficacy and individual operator log-on. This expertise will significantly accelerate development of machine-learning algorithms for life-saving intervention in prolonged field care. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Ultrasound for more seed oil recovery | CSIRO Agriculture | CSIRO has developed the megasonics technology for increased oil recovery from oil processing by-product or co-product materials. It consists of pretreating the oil bearing material with sound waves to further separate and remove the oil in oil extraction processes. The ON Program will help understanding the product-market fit and refine the value proposition for megasonics, which has proven potential for sustainably reducing the oil losses in cake to about 30-50%. The implementation of the megasonics technology in the seed oil processes will unlock opportunities for annual recovery of oil projected to be of $17M in Australia and $2.2B globally. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
URCHIN | CSIRO Manufacturing | Biological molecules are now ubiquitous in consumer products including home care products (e.g. washing powders), biosensors, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals (e.g. probiotics). These molecules are susceptible to degradation over time and lose their potency if exposed to excess heat, moisture or temperature. At CSIRO we have recently developed and patented a rapid, versatile and unique method for encapsulating, protecting and preserving a range of biomolecules. Our solution is to shield the biomolecule in a resilient porous cage – a Metal-Organic Framework (MOF). | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Vibrant Data | University of Technology Sydney | Vibrant Data wants to maximise agricultural crop production by optimising irrigation and fertilisers in the field. Using a large network of wireless sensors in agriculture fields, Vibrant Data can measure the humidity of the soil; additionally, the integration of precipitation live feeds helps manage irrigation. The sensors will measure a range of dimensions, including but not limited to pH and temperature. With this data, soil nutrient levels will be far more accurate, and the right amount of fertiliser can be used. All the information gathered by this system would be stored in a safe cloud system which could be used by scientists and farmers to analyse the current status of the soil and take any required measurements. | ON Prime2 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
INTRCPT | University of Newcastle | The lives of stroke patients and brain trauma survivors change dramatically after their stroke, often leaving them with physical and cognitive impairments, depression, anxiety, and lack of social support. Our solution is the creation of a virtual reality (VR) enviroment that delivers gamified interventions for improving a stroke patient’s connection to him- or herself. This would be accomplished by patients using home-accessible VR equipment that is set up for regimented or leisurely use in manner that cultivates interest and usage. The goal is to not only ‘recover’ lost function, but to offer a pathway to renewal of self. | ON Prime2 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Vulnerability assessment using computational material science and machine learning | Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation | Determining the effects of explosive loading in different environments is a dynamically complex but essential activity in the evaluation of structural vulnerability of protective armour and the minimization of blast-induced damage susceptibility. Our existing methods of determining and assessing material vulnerability are computationally expensive requiring complex modelling of structural responses and involve large data sets. Our solution is to develop, in parallel, a machine learning software tool which can make rapid vulnerability assessment against multifactorial explosive loading, environmental and material data. This will build on experimental tests, modelling and simulations and literature sourced data to train the algorithms. | ON Prime2 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Weed Management System | University of Southern Queensland | Farming systems in Southern Queensland have transformed from regular tillage to zero tillage with a heavy reliance on herbicide. A lack of tillage has favoured weed species e.g. Conyza bonariensis, Sonchus oleraceus, Echinochloa colona. These small-seeded weeds emerge at surface soil when soil moisture and temperature are suitable for their germination. These weeds compete with crops for water and nutrients which consequently reduces crop productivity and profitability. Our solution, WMS (Weed Management System), is a framework which predicts the timing of weed emergence and warns farmers to take a timely action i.e. chemical or non-chemical. This warning system predicts the probability of weed emergence and sends warning emails to the registered farmers and alert them. The system is built by developing a mathematical model based on observations through field experiments. | ON Prime2 | Toowoomba | Jul-20 |
Working Well | University of Southern Queensland | Stress and burnout are significant problems for healthcare workers, and result in adverse outcomes for practitioners, patients, and organisations. In fact, stress and burnout among healthcare workers has been associated with increased risk of making medical errors, higher rates of absenteeism and staff turnover, poorer interactions with patients, and greater risk of the practitioner experiencing further emotional difficulties, such as anxiety or depression. Our team, Working Well, is committed to using innovative methods to improve the health of our health practitioners, which in turn leads to healthier communities for Australians. | ON Prime2 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Yield Prophet | CSIRO Agriculture | Australia’s climate is one of the most variable in the world. Knowing what inputs will maximize profit is incredibly challenging for our farmers. Without a reliable guide to likely crop performance, over- or under-investment in inputs like fertiliser represents a high level of financial risk in an industry that typically operates on very tight margins. Yield Prophet is a web-based crop monitoring and forecasting tool based on highly-advanced agricultural systems modelling. It provides farmers with user-friendly guidance around yield potential and management options, and represents a valuable source of objective analysis to anchor a more profitable decision making process. | ON Prime2 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Detecting Malicious Mobile Advertising | LaTrobe University | Our project combines two key elements necessary to detect zero-day malware: a novel sandboxing environment and a supervised malware classifier. This malware classifier is extended from an existing classifier that works with API calls, to use network traffic and other observable characteristics. By using a multi-layered strategy, each code sample from an ad can be downloaded from a web page, executed in a safe environment, and its behaviour can be analysed to see if it is consistent with ‘malvertising’ behavioural pattern. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Advanced Transceivers for Aerospace Applications | The University of Adelaide | The Advanced Transceivers for Aerospace Applications project is investigating a technology base that will improve the practical use of new RF transceiver designs to make aerospace communications significantly better. This has been achieved by developing revolutionary advances in the composite efficiency of the combined supply modulator and transceiver. This will allow current and next-gen RF transceivers to implement very fast supply modulation with sufficiently low loss and high power handling capabilities. | ON Prime3 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
AuthIoT | CSIRO’s Data61 | It is hard to protect large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) networks with low-resource devices and it is highly desirable to make customizable IoT applications in an easy way. Our solution is to address these problems by providing new cryptographic schemes and an IoT device mashup platform. | ON Prime3 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Banana Wax | Queensland University of Technology | Agricultural waste treatment is expensive, and if not done correctly can lead to harmful health and environmental consequences. We propose targeting one of the big waste streams in Queensland, banana tree waste, and turn it into high value products. The extraction of high value metabolites from banana tree waste will positively impact both the environment and human health, and develop new income streams. | ON Prime3 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Bed Load Detector | CSIRO Mineral Resources | We have developed the Bed Load Detector (BLD), an instrument for measuring the height (depth) of a settled bed of solids (stationary or moving) in a pipe or other shape of duct. The device measures the amount of solid build-up inside slurry pipelines. It can also detect pipe blockages/scaling in pipelines and alert the user to undertake necessary maintenance. It can either be built-in or inserted retrospectively into a slurry pipeline and will enable mineral processing plants and other slurry pumpers to save millions of dollars currently lost through catastrophic blockages, bursts and process upsets. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Beefy AI | James Cook University | With the advancement of artificial intelligence, we have developed a low-cost cattle monitoring technology using sensors to reliably yield animal weights, their condition and pasture estimates. Our idea is to create curated image-sets of on-farm animals and pastures and use them to train our deep-learning AI neural networks (which are featured off-site). As a result, neural nets can be deployed on-farm with very low-cost robust devices, and used as the basis of next generation on-farm sensors. These low-cost, low-bandwidth sensors will be our new ‘eyes on the ground’ which will give farmers quick and accurate information about their herds without having to physically inspect the paddock. | ON Prime3 | Northern Australia | Jul-20 |
Blind Inspection | CSIRO’s Data61 | Postal systems worldwide deploy various methods and technologies to detect hazardous or illicit materials concealed within benign looking envelopes, without opening them. Our tech proposition, Blind Inspection, carries out this very same same principle but in the cyber world. Current solutions for detecting hazardous content concealed within encrypted network traffic (i.e. HTTPS), attains security by somewhat compromising a user’s privacy. Blind Inspection, however, utilizes advanced cryptographic techniques to overcome this difficulty, where a middle box blindly cross checks a set of security rules across a bucket of encrypted keywords representing the encrypted network traffic content (i.e. online banking application using HTTPS). | ON Prime3 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Blue Quince | Swinburne University of Technology | Our programme will connect generations and bridge social and digital divide by combining community service and STEM education, using coding and robotics to inspire students and older adults to engage with digital technologies. The programme will connect schools and aged-care residences, teaching students coding and robotics, and providing a structure for students to share their knowledge with older adults. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Breaking the Mould: Chemical-Free Technology to Reduce Global Food Waste | Murdoch University | Fresh produce is highly susceptible to moulds and decays, even when stored correctly. We have developed a chemical-free process to prevent moulds from occurring, using the most abundant form of matter in the universe – plasma. Plasma is an ionized gas, and the technology is similar to that used in plasma television screens. Plasma kills the moulds that grow on fruit and vegetables, making fresh produce healthier for consumption and increasing shelf-life. Our plasma technology will directly address the global food security challenge by making more food available for more people. | ON Prime3 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Cardio Health Checker | The University of Adelaide | Cardiovascular diseases are diseases which develop slowly over the course of many years and are inherently difficult to diagnose. We want to make it possible to easily ascertain your vascular health and your risk of developing clinical complications, before more severe intervention such as medicines and surgery are required. To do this, we are designing a device that is able to accurately detect a bio-marker of early vascular disease, which will help people live longer, healthier lives. | ON Prime3 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
CocoBIO Australia | The University of Queensland | Recent findings have allowed for radical improvements in the cloning of coconuts so that they are more reproducible and that the supply and demand of coconuts are much more feasible on a larger scale. This ‘core’ cloning technology is an innovative new step that bypasses the traditional seed-based coconut farming and has been successfully tested on a wide range of coconut varieties. Through this initiative, we hope to bring our research idea into life and also provide coconut planters with more affordable and reliable planting materials, better yields and use of unused land resources in Northern Australia. | ON Prime3 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
EREBUS | CSIRO Energy | Currently, there is no way to remotely protect energy systems from non-authorised appliances, or authorised appliances with malicious intent. Also, there is no way to identify specific appliances by type or connection from a single location; which means appliances can be left connected, unnoticed and nobody is any the wiser, until they physically come across it. Our innovation, Project EREBUS, will detect, identify and notify the asset owner/manager of all non-authorised appliances that have been connected to the energy system in secure and controlled environments. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
CSIRO Seeds | CSIRO Services | Imagine a national club where like-minded Australian students can share and extend their passion for science, technology, engineering and maths. Where they can be connected to authentic education, publishing and scientific research with a highly trusted and respected scientific organisation. The new club would fill the gap left by the old Double Helix Science Club, in a niche that has not yet been filled and of which we still hear incredible impact stories. This club would take STEM into the lives of students, their families and teachers across Australia, improving scientific literacy, showcasing STEM careers, and helping cement CSIRO as a household name. | ON Prime3 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
DeeepSense | The University of Queensland | Retailers have increasingly relied on online marketplaces to sell their products. An important success factor within these markets is how fast they can adapt their practices based on feedback provided by online reviews. Retailers, however, do not currently have access to a tool that helps them quickly classify and rank these reviews. DeeepSense addresses this problem using state-of-the-art technology. DeeepSense Review (DS-R), our B2B2C plug-in, computes the quality of each review and ranks it based on the value it holds and presents a handy list of useful, reliable and trustworthy reviews. DS-R also helps buyers make better informed decisions. | ON Prime3 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
DiveTime | Australian Institute of Marine Science | DiveTime is a user-friendly mobile application and online portal that provides a high-resolution model and future prediction of tides, currents and slack water for targeted diving sites, moorings, shipping routes and major ports used by recreational and commercial operators. For commercial activities conducted in murky marine environments or in macro-tidal regions, the app will highlight suitable windows of time where operational risk is reduced, which will in turn facilitate an increase in productivity and efficiency. | ON Prime3 | Northern Australia | Jul-20 |
Eat.Be. | The University of Newcastle | A poor quality diet is the number one contributor to disease burden both here in Australia and globally. Adopting healthy eating behaviours can be easy to stick to in the short-term, but often strategies are a ‘one size fits all’ approach, rather than being a personalised one. As a result, people often fall back into their old, unhealthy eating habits. Eat.Be disrupts traditional care models by improving access to expert, personalised nutrition advice with lower costs, shorter duration and more frequent one-on-one consultations with a dietitian (using web and mobile tools). Our philosophy is: small, incremental changes for sustainable, healthy eating habits. | ON Prime3 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
EmojiFit Diabetes | Charles Darwin University | One in eleven people around the word have diabetes, and of that number 85 to 90% of them suffer type 2 diabetes. Most people with type 2 diabetes don’t have access to the information and support they need to manage their blood sugar, blood pressure and blood fats well. This places them at high risk for the complications of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, amputations, kidney disease, blindness and sexual health problems. We have developed an app, using emojis and pictograms, to enable people with type 2 diabetes, wherever they are and whatever their background, to make evidence-based decisions about how best to make the lifestyle changes to reduce their risks for diabetes complications. | ON Prime3 | Northern Australia | Jul-20 |
Gallifree | CSIRO Health and Biosecurity | Allergy to chicken eggs is a widespread condition affecting up to 2.5% of children and is the second most common food allergy. This presents a major food safety issue for the community since eggs are used in such a wide range of food products. Furthermore, the widespread use of egg-based flu vaccines poses additional risks. The incidence of egg allergy in Australia is increasing and the cause of this is not understood and subject to much debate. We have invented a method for gene editing in chickens that will allow us to develop hens for the production of allergen-free eggs. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
PestAssess | CSIRO Agriculture and & Food | Weeds, pests and disease organisms plague nearly all human endeavours. There’s a bunch of ways to try and control these biological threats, but how can we measure if these threatened species are under control? Counting the visible signs of infestation is not the answer, because of hidden populations and survival stages like eggs, pupae and microscopic larvae. Using our Genetic Drive Chip, we can test how robust a population is and whether it is under control or not. We’re using the power of genetics to manage threats in a more sophisticated way. | ON Prime3 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
GLAS | The University of Adelaide | The use of coloured glass is prevalent in our society; from the bottled beverages we drink, the jewellery we wear, to the architectural materials we use in our buildings. The problem is that producing specific colour codes of glass requires the use of toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium and arsenic; all of which pose hazards to human health and the environment. With this issue in mind, our team has formulated the ‘GLAS’ technique, developing a more environmentally friendly and healthy range of glass colour codes. | ON Prime3 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Condicion | Macquarie University | When someone experiences a heart attack, injury occurs to the heart muscle at two different points: after the attack and throughout a heart procedure; these injuries are known as ischaemia-reperfusion injuries (IRI). Our innovation, HeartGuard, is a non-invasive fully automated compact medical device designed to protect your heart against IRI; and does so by delivering a patient-specific treatment that can be administered at critical moments, like in an ambulance as an emergency medical service, in hospital before an elective procedure or on patients who are at high-risk of heart failure. | ON Prime3 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Holistic Petroleum Geology | CSIRO Energy | Having identified a technical vacuum in the petroleum industry’s in-house capability for research and exploration, we propose to strengthen our geoscience offering by providing integrated scientific research projects instead of services. These projects will provide better knowledge and outcomes than traditional services, which will equate to better value for money for our customers. By addressing issues in a comprehensive manner, the aim will be to reduce exploration costs, reduce exploration risk and/or increase drilling success rate. | ON Prime3 | Perth | Jul-20 |
The Interplay Project | Flinders University | Measuring wellbeing is a key part to improving it. This disadvantages diverse groups such as Indigenous Australians whose values and needs are neglected by mainstream measures. We have developed a statistical system to measure wellbeing for Indigenous Australians that can now be used to improve wellbeing in other groups. The Interplay Wellbeing Framework is a statistical tool to measure and strengthen wellbeing. It integrates stories and numbers to design, evaluate and visualise the wellbeing impacts of programs. This scalable product has broader utility with other groups or as a personal tool – in government, community and corporate settings. | ON Prime3 | Northern Australia | Jul-20 |
Ling Emission | Australian National University | The Cold Storage CO₂Capture (CSCC) system combines both cold storage and carbon capture processes in one single unit. Cold storage offers a way to alleviate peak grid load by offering demand management for air conditioning and improve air conditioning efficiency by storing cooling produced at opportune times and deployed as needed. Carbon capture is enabled by the specific phase change material used in the CSCC system. When the material is storing cooling it absorbs CO₂ from gaseous mixtures; when it releases it, it liberates pure CO₂gas. Such a process can be employed in CO₂ separation from fuel gas, biogas, shale gas and flue gas before combustion so as to reduce carbon emissions. The two processes happen at the same time so that both outcomes can be achieved at the expense of one. | ON Prime3 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
LithSonic | CSIRO Mineral Services | Battery technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives, from transport to mobile technology to storage of renewable energy. The leading battery technology, lithium-ion, was developed in the 1980’s and is now reaching its limits. To continue the exponential advances brought about by batteries, we need to move to a post-lithium-ion era. Lithium metal-based batteries, with theoretical energy densities as high as gasoline, are the holy grail of energy storage technology. Once the technological hurdles are overcome, only the price and availability of lithium metal will limit the revolution. LithSonic is the answer to low-cost, widely available lithium metal. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Maintenance Optimisation of Rail Transport Infrastructure | RMIT | The aim of this project is to develop a system to optimise and prioritise the planned maintenance tasks for rail infrastructure. We are developing an innovative data collection approach coupling wireless vibration monitoring and video camera recordings to create a framework that predicts rail deterioration and allows the optimisation of maintenance for rail transport infrastructure. This will minimise the cost and time associated with maintenance by prioritising the maintenance activities on rail infrastructure. As a result, our tech project will provide significant benefits to the Australia’s economy, along with benefiting society with cost and time savings for all rail passengers. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Natrocleanz | Griffith University | We have a unique undiscovered natural product which has the potential to improve the wellbeing of many people. Additionally – the potential to improve the educational prospects for pre-adolescent children of remote northern Australian Indigenous communities is anticipated from product sales. In Northern Australian horticulture this is a well suited species which we envisage will attract a broad marketplace interest from domestic and international clients. | ON Prime3 | Northern Australia | Jul-20 |
mdbox | Australian National University | Computational techniques such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are increasingly used to study the interactions of biomolecules and/or materials at an atomistic level. MD simulations are still computationally costly, requiring supercomputer access and significant scientific input. Our aim is to develop an open-access repository for MD simulation data sets, which would provide a platform for storing and sharing trajectories and their corresponding input files. This open data approach is of tremendous value for further development of molecular modelling. It would give research teams the ability to access a large number of simulations in a single repository, thereby creating unprecedented opportunities for research using data mining and machine learning techniques. | ON Prime3 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Media Doctor | The University of Newcastle | Poor health information is potentially harmful but quality stories provide reliable, beneficial information; so how do to you tell which is which? You don’t need to be a scientist or a doctor to assess the value of most health stories. Our tech proposition, Media Doctor Citizen Scientist, is in establishing an open-access site and an evidence-based tool which trains people in identifying the good and bad aspects of health reporting by using a star rating system for health stories. Ratings are pooled with other users to form a meta-rating and the results are posted on the site so that everyone can easily determine which health information is true or misleading. | ON Prime3 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Medtex | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | The Medtex technology helps hospitals who want to maximise their bottom line by ensuring accurate and timely coding of patient medical records. Medtex is a smart Artificial Intelligence (AI) software solution that analyses patient medical records and highlights appropriate clinical codes for coders to audit. More importantly, it can also identify gaps in clinical documentation, which may result in higher reimbursements, so that clinical coders can follow-up with clinicians to ensure more accurate coding. The solution improves clinical coding accuracy and throughput leading to faster and increased hospital funding. | ON Prime3 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Mirage Photonics | The University of Adelaide | There is an unmet need for affordable, mid-infrared, moderate-power lasers in both the commercial sector and within the research community. At the core of our technology is a fibre-optic laser which operates in the mid-infrared part of the light spectrum. Light at these wavelengths have a wide range of applications and can be very effective in detecting and monitoring greenhouse gasses, petroleum based chemicals, and other volatile organic compounds. Our laser technology is significantly more effective, affordable and portable compared to existing technologies; with further potential applications in environmental monitoring, oil and gas development, transportation, and medicine. | ON Prime3 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Mucosal Vaccines | Australian National University | We have developed mucosal-systemic live vaccines that manipulate immune responses to provide excellent protection against high priority mucosal pathogens. | ON Prime3 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
New Traits in Canola | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Canola farmers need to deal with many problems such as maintaining oil yield and disease to be successful. They need breeders to continue to improve varieties but their ability is limited by a lack of new genes to improve traits. We have a platform that delivers new genes to breeding companies that can improve yield, increase disease resistance and adapt crops to local environments. Using our platform we have already found hundreds of new versions of genes and are testing how these can improve plant performance. | ON Prime3 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
OccIDEAS | Curtin University | OccIDEAS is an online application which allows people with no occupational health training to assess their risk of exposure to chemicals at work or at home. It identifies problems and recommends solutions based on the best international research evidence. It’s like having the world’s top occupational health expert look at your workplace (or your renovation) and guide you through doing the task safely. We want to bring OccIDEAS to the people who need it via hardware suppliers, DIY forums or trade guilds and make work a safer place. | ON Prime3 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Opticellutions: Delivering low cost biologicals | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Cell lines are used throughout the world for the production of many bio-pharmaceuticals, including antibodies, vaccines and therapeutics. Our team is at the forefront of creating bespoke modified cell lines that can decrease production costs, leading to increased profits for customers. A decreased cost of goods will ultimately lower the cost for the consumer and open up markets such as lower socio-economic markets, where these goods are currently out of reach. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Oscar | Curtin University | We have identified a new class of material that’s suitable for biomedical implants such as knee and hip replacements. Existing materials currently on the market are far from perfect and typically fail after 10-15 years due to mechanical, chemical and biological incompatibilities with the human body. Implant failure is painful and expensive to fix and involves long recovery periods. Our biomedical material innovation has significant advantages over existing metal and ceramic implants and is likely to make a major impact on the materials science of biomedical implants. | ON Prime3 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Oscillating Foil Turbine | University of Tasmania | The team seeks to get a much deeper understanding of what the market expects for this to become the preferred solution for this form of renewable energy. We hope to learn more about how to evaluate the current market opportunity to guide our future investments into the technology and the business around it. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
PASF | Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) | The Queensland Government through its Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) has been developing the Polychaete-Assisted Sand Filter (PASF) system for broad-scale pond water treatment used in aquaculture-based prawn production. The method uses shallow constructed sand beds to filter pond-water and simultaneously produce marine worms. The sand-worm filters can remove more quantities of suspended solids, chlorophyll, nitrogen and phosphorus in one pass when compared to the conventional use of settlement ponds. The system uses a relatively low farm footprint and has the added advantage of producing a valuable marine worm by-product that can be used in shrimp maturation diets, as a feed for prawn and fish broodstock and for fishing bait. | ON Prime3 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Potato Suitability App | University of Tasmania | The humble potato is consumed in countries all around the world. Most of us eat a portion of potato every week, if not every day. To supply all that demand, farmers and potato companies have had to make concessions by planting their crops in locations with poor soil, trying weather, and less than ideal environments. This generates low quality potatoes and can even contribute to the upturn of diseases in some crops, turning potato farming into an unsustainable production. Our idea is to help the people involved in the potato industry by developing an app which allows farmers to better select locations and to work in a more sustainable way that keep potatoes growing healthy and in enough quantities. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Rapid Bacterial Detection | The University of Newcastle | Joint infections are potentially lethal or can cause debilitating complications and are considered a medical emergency. A problem with diagnosing infection in joints is that infection is clinically similar to inflammation alone, and there is no rapid test for the detection of bacteria in joint fluid. We have developed a test that measures the number of bacteria in joint fluid and other clinical samples within 20 minutes from sample collection, and have tested this method in a hospital setting on patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery. We now aim to develop this into a real-time diagnostic test in pathology laboratories. | ON Prime3 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Red Belly Blockchain | The University of Sydney | Blockchain is an emerging way for businesses, industries, and public organizations to almost instantaneously make and verify transactions. Our tech innovation, Red Belly Blockchain, is a secure and fast blockchain system that relies on a novel consensus protocol that was proved correct and offers deterministic guarantees. It also offers unprecedented performance in terms of throughput, throughput that is seven times faster than VISA with a settlement of only a couple of seconds. | ON Prime3 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
ReefScanner | Australian Institute of Marine Science | The ReefScanner is a user-friendly, portable device used to map shallow reef and seabed environments. Imagery captured by the device is uploaded to the cloud, enabling citizen scientists to participate in and contribute to the monitoring and management of the marine environment, whilst at the same time increasing our knowledge of key coastal resources and unmapped regions. Users do not need to enter the water, eliminating the requirement of diving qualifications and associated risks surrounding exposure to marine stingers, crocodiles and sharks. | ON Prime3 | Northern Australia | Jul-20 |
Resveratrol Revival | RMIT University | Since the French Paradox and over the last few decades, polyphenols, have been associated with the health-promoting effects derived from diets rich in vegetables and fruits, including moderate wine consumption of resveratrol (Rsv). The big idea is that Rsv human health benefits can be hugely expanded by the addition of Rsv to beverages and foods thereby multiplying the effectiveness for improving the quality of life. The interplay between Resveratrol foods and chronic diseases is a new and critical way for improving the quality of life. Understanding dietary Rsv intake can lead to new molecular nutrition therapeutic approaches to treating many diseases. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
X-ray Imaging Improvements | University of Canberra | Scatter radiation reaching the image receptor has been a major problem in X-ray imaging for more than a century. The best current solution, anti-scatter grids, cannot remove all scatter radiation and increases a patient’s radiation dose to harmful rays. We are developing a new hybrid solution that will reduce the amount of ionising radiation needed in an X-ray image, reducing levels by a factor of up three times. As a result, the amount of ionising radiation a patient is exposed to will be reduced, the image quality will be improved (when compared to X-rays that use anti-scatter grids) and clinicians’ confidence in making an accurate diagnosis will be improved. | ON Prime3 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
SA-go | The University of Adelaide | Golden Staph is a common bacterium carried by two to three out of ten people. While it is mostly harmless, if it enters the body through a cut or abrasion, it can in some cases cause any number of serious infections, like meningitis, endocarditis or pneumonia, which can in turn prove to be devastatingly fatal. We have found that a treatment combination composed of the iron chelator Deferiprone (Def) and the haem-analogue Gallium-Protoporphyrin (GaPP) has potent synergistic anti-microbial effects killing mainly Gram-positive microbes including Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) staphylococcus aureus (golden staph) strains. | ON Prime3 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Protective Clothing | RMIT University | Our idea is to take high-performance materials such as Kevlar, PBI and Nomex, which are used as protective apparel across a range of contexts where risk of physical injury is high – like emergency service departments or in the defence force – and incorporate nanoparticles to boost robustness and create ultra-strong high performance materials (USHP). Our innovation will provide even more protection and increase the rate of survival by increasing hardiness, UV and impact abrasion resistancy. Other benefits include greater durability, improved resistance to harsh environmental conditions and allow inherent hydrophobic/hydrophilic finishes to the materials. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
SmartLights | Australian Institute of Marine Science | Since the invention of the humble incandescent light bulb, people’s reliance on artificial lighting has continued to grow across an array of applications and contexts. And as artificial lighting technology has advanced, so has the ability to tune and adjust the spectrum of light, manipulating it so that we can enjoy the health benefits of being exposed to certain wavelengths. Our innovation, the SmartLights system, has the ability to mimic the full colour spectrum and produce lights at wavelengths equivalent to natural sunlight. As a result, we believe our innovation, when installed in spaces requiring lighting, will positively impact health and quality of life across a broad range of applications. | ON Prime3 | Northern Australia | Jul-20 |
StayGreen | Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) | Producing more food with less water is one of the major challenges facing humanity in the coming decades. Delayed foliar senescence (or ‘Staygreen’) has long been associated with increased lodging resistance and higher grain yield of sorghum under terminal drought. Recently, we demonstrated that PIN genes located within the Stg1 (SbPIN4), Stg2 (SbPIN2) and Stg3b (SbPIN1) chromosomal regions act pleiotropically to modulate canopy development (tillering, leaf size) and root architecture (nodal root number, root length) in sorghum. We anticipate that PIN genes could be modulated in other major cereal species like wheat, maize and rice to enhance their drought adaptation globally. | ON Prime3 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
TeraHertz | The University of Western Australia | TeraHertz scanning technology has the potential to radically improve real-time security detection at airports, identification of tissue cancers, and the efficacy and value of pharmaceutical drugs. It has many further applications including improved productivity and accuracy of scientific research globally. The TeraHertz group has built a functional software platform that is being utilised in the research community and has commenced industrial trials in a number of high value areas with major local corporations. This technology has the potential to be truly transformational across a number of industries globally. | ON Prime3 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Literacy Education Solutions | University of Canberra | Spelling is a cornerstone of literacy, yet becoming proficient in spelling takes time and is largely influenced by the quality of instruction one receives. While effective instruction must be informed by valid and reliable diagnostic assessment data, current spelling assessments fail to provide the kind of feedback that is needed to facilitate and enhance student learning in spelling. This project involves the construction of an innovative digital spelling assessment resource. The resource will be easy and quick to use, and will provide comprehensive diagnostic feedback that is essential for developing fundamental literacy skills required for success in life. | ON Prime3 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Kelpie Energy | CSIRO Energy | Kelpie Energy is a device that allows households that own batteries (and in the future, electric vehicles) to provide ‘grid services’. Providing ‘grid services’ involves financially rewarding owners of batteries that discharge energy into the electricity grid. Such households positively impacts the electricity utility, as their self-reliance places less demand on the electricity utility having to upgrade infrastructure. The Energy Ninja does all this in an automated way. Using batteries at home is less expensive than installing purpose-built batteries, and allows the owner of the battery to maintain direct control over their system. Furthermore, the Energy Ninja system, by placing minimal reliance on electronic communications, is designed to be reliable and robust. | ON Prime3 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
UltrasonicDry | CSIRO Agriculture | The current practices involved in drying foodstuff – exposure to long drying times or high temperatures – negatively affects food product quality. Using our present innovation which relates to the application of ultrasound, we have been able to intensify the low temperature drying of food products, in a way that provides energy savings with increased throughput and reduced drying time. This in turn will contribute to better product quality by minimising thermal degradation. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Under Pressure | James Cook University | Existing devices for measuring blood pressure cause patients discomfort, cannot perform continuous measurements and require significant manual interaction. This makes diagnosing and monitoring blood pressure conditions difficult, especially if measurements are needed outside clinical settings. We are developing a wearable and non-invasive device that solves these problems. All the patient needs to do is position the device on their wrist, and their blood pressure will be measured on a continuous basis without inhibiting their daily activities or sleep. With this powerful tool, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and other blood pressure related conditions will be revolutionised. | ON Prime3 | Northern Australia | Jul-20 |
Versatile Recycling Process for Lithium Batteries | CSIRO Energy | The absence of an Australian recycling process for lithium batteries will cause immense difficulties in the near-term future as large-scale grid storage batteries (from residential through to utilities level) reach their end of operating life. To meet this challenge, a versatile and modular recycling process is required to rapidly meet ebbs and flows of a fluctuating lithium batteries market. This can be without need to retool operating plants, thereby saving operating and capex costs whilst maximising profits and enabling a viable Australian recycling industry to be set up. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Vigilant | Macquarie University | Vigilant is a self-powering, wearable device that inconspicuously monitors a person’s vital signs to automatically detect and diagnose situations where the wearer may be in life-threatening danger. | ON Prime3 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
VR Cycling Simulator | Griffith University | Imagine being able train on a track thousands of miles away and from the comfort of your own city. We envisage every high-performance cycling centre will use VR train with our cycling simulator to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. Then, imagine being able to use the same software at your local gym for your own exercise. Our software will take gym training to the next level and take the experience of being an elite athlete and making it available to everyone. | ON Prime3 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
WaterNet | University of Tasmania | WaterNet displays a catchment scale data sharing network that provides foresters, farmers, downstream communities and other water users with real time information on river condition, soil moisture and water availability. This will enable people to make more efficient use of water, increase their productivity and collaboratively manage water security in a changing climate. | ON Prime3 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Worldwide AR | University of Adelaide, Queensland University of Technology | Precise visual-based localisation in a given environment is a key requirement for applications such as augmented-reality and self-driving cars. Our aim is to develop a localisation and mapping engine that will enable ordinary mobile devices to map and navigate the world with millimetre precision on a city-scale, and beyond. At the core of this technology is a cloud-enabled computational platform capable of producing results more accurate than GPS and more data efficient than existing state-of-the-art vision-based methods. The goal is to generate novel technology and algorithms capable of fundamentally changing the way large-scale localisation and mapping is solved today. | ON Prime3 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
FFR project | Curtin University | Improving spinal surgery. | ON Prime3 | Perth | Jul-20 |
3D Face | University of Technology Sydney | Current methods of forensic human identification require a physical comparison between the DNA profile from a crime scene and a reference. Thousands of criminal and disaster victim identification cases with biological evidence in Australia and elsewhere come to a dead end due to lack of investigative leads on the suspect and/or victim. Imagine you can predict individual’s visual appearance, including facial appearance, pigmentation and ethnicity from a DNA sample. Our product “Genetic Eyewitness” will enable agencies (law enforcement, military, intelligence) to predict visual appearance and ethnicity of the ‘person of interest’ based on available DNA sample. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Active Team | University of South Australia | We have designed a physical activity challenge, delivered as a social, gamified smartphone app, that users complete with friends. It addresses the huge problem Australia faces with physical inactivity and lifestyle diseases. Research trials show that on average, users increase their weekly physical activity by around 2 hours per week using the program, which is much larger than we usually see for physical activity programs. We want help to give the Active Team app a life beyond its current research funding cycle, perhaps by partnering with a private health insurance company or by repositioning it as a corporate wellbeing program. | ON Prime4 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Ag-IQ | University of South Australia | Demands for almonds is rising around the world but inefficiencies in almond processing have to be tackled urgently to allow the industry to meet it. UniSA researchers have developed almond processing technologies comprising of a suite of tools to hull, shell and separate almonds that can be used to reduce transport volume, enable efficient storage, improve product quality and increase processing throughput. With a low environmental footprint, our technologies will allow almond consumers to enjoy a better quality product with longer shelf-life and create a more sustainable industry in the process. | ON Prime4 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
AG-KH | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Currently Australia is investing significantly in agricultural innovation, but we are lagging with investment in turning that innovation into output. We want to develop a new type of knowledge platform for use in transfering agricultural knowledge to producers, accelerating innovation and output. We will do this by providing a social knowledge platform of authoritative information that can be queried using question and answer approaches. Secondary information is being provided by users in through a moderated posting process with question forming a multi-sided output which can be referenced real time to understand current and emerging problems. | ON Prime4 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
AI-enabled Urban Analytics | The University of Western Australia | In estimating housing premiums, the insurance industry relies on existing urban data that is inaccurate, incomplete and outdated. Surveying methods such as aerial inspection by drone can provide a solution to this problem. However, drone operation is costly and restricted by law and regulation within residential areas. We combine satellite images with AI technology to produce accurate, detail and up-to-date urban analytics for the insurance industry. Equipped with new type of information, insurers can avoid financial loss resulting from inaccurate premium setting, save on site visit and improve user experience. | ON Prime4 | Perth | Jul-20 |
AITennis | Queensland University of Technology | The solution is the marriage of AI (Computer Vision & Deep Learning) and Robotics. For the first time, we introduce AI into the tennis machine to build its brain in analysing and mimicking players from videos. This will revolutionise the tennis training industry. Our machine lets you play tennis in real life against the likeness of professional tennis players. We use AI that has learned the playing style of the tennis greats, and put it inside a modified tennis ball machine. Are you ready for Wimbledon? | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Anonymize Me | The University of New South Wales | Users often have to provide sensitive personal information to use online services. Most service providers sell this personal information to advertising companies, which creates a privacy concern for users who are completely unaware of how, where and for what their personal information is being used. To solve this problem we propose an application (both web and mobile) which would generate fake profiles. Users would replace their sensitive information with corresponding information from the fake profile generated by our application and safeguard their privacy. | ON Prime4 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
CAP-Model | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | The Care Assistant Platform (CAP) helps health provider organizations adopt custom telemedicine solutions to increase the quality of care for their patients while reducing cost and increasing care efficiency. CAP brings together a multidisciplinary team of scientists, engineers, educators, and clinicians to evaluate the individual needs of each customer, and then develop and implement a scientifically validated custom telemedicine platform for chronic or preventative health care. CAP provides ongoing support, training, and education to ensure broad and efficient uptake and continuing use of the telemedicine program and customized remote care at a lower cost for their patients. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
CHIPIT – Next generation photonic | RMIT University | Photonics is ubiquitous in our increasingly high-tech lives. From proximity sensors to lasers for surgery, the global market of this technology increases at a rate of about 8 per cent each year. There is increasing demand for miniaturising bulky circuits into micro-scale, cost-effective and efficient devices. Our novel technology promises to deliver integrated photonic devices with improved performance over current commercial products. We aim to establish a photonic foundry to support researchers and industry, and to create new products with applications ranging from ultra-fast switches for telecommunications and defence, to efficient laser converters for biomedicine. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
CONECT | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Comparative oncology will revolutionise the transition of cancer drugs to the market. This has been recognised in the US where comparative oncology programs are being established by the National Cancer Institute to accelerate translation of drugs to the clinic. A significant factor is that drugs continue to be tested on animal models that do not fully recapitulate human disease. CONECT will the leading international specialised comparative oncology CRO supporting clinical trials using relevant large animal models of human disease, extensive patient referral base and advanced imaging technology all within a fully regulated framework. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
CPC-Prime | The University of Sydney | Our goal is make protein analysis by mass spectrometry (proteomics) an accessible technique for all biological and medical science laboratories, which can produce high quality data to solve scientific and clinical questions. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Cyano-screen | The University of Newcastle | Recent research has highlighted the need for novel, biodegradable, UVA absorbing compounds for use in the drug and cosmetics industry. Currently commercialised solutions rely on harvesting biodegradable UVA absorbing compounds from slow growing algae, that produce varying amounts of the active ingredient, shinorine. By mining the genetic resources of cyanobacteria, that live in high UVR environments, we can a develop a library of UVA absorbing compounds with properties tuned to the requirements of the client. Testing of these UVA absorbing compounds, and their analogues, will provide the blueprint and chemical characterisation required prior to large scale industrial synthesis. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
CyberMEDx | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Many diseases have poorly defined symptoms, which can result in late diagnoses; negatively impacting health outcomes. Existing diagnostic technologies are too expensive and/or too harmful to be used for mass screening of at-risk. Point-of-care diagnostic devices will significantly help in the implementation of mass screening programs but there is no currently available device that combines the simplicity, affordability and accuracy needed to enable routine screening in a clinic and/or pathology lab. The CYBERTONGUE® technology is a cheap, accurate, painless, and simple to use point-of-care diagnostic that addresses this technology gap. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Diagnome | Monash University | While late detection of cancers is responsible for extensive mortality, if detected early, a number of cancers can be cured or managed to significantly improve the length and quality of life. Due to non-existence of a test which can screen for multiple cancer sub-types in a single assay, no comprehensive screening program for early cancer detection currently exists in the Australian (or any) healthcare system. Our $100 Diagnome Cancer Screening Test can quantitatively identify biomarkers of over 20 cancer sub-types in a single assay, giving patients an opportunity to be treated on time, resulting in better prognosis and improved survival. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Digital Diaramas | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Modern farming require good spatial data and this has been expensive to obtain in large Australian landscapes. Farmers, engineers and natural resource managers have high precision technologies but often lack the high precision data required to drive them in a cheap and efficient manner. Digital Dioramas solves this by producing high resolution digital models of farms and landscapes using aerial photography already obtained by Australian governments. These 3D models can show where water flows on farms and therefore helps to inform soil management to improve water use and minimise erosion. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Watts & Fisher | The University of Western Australia | We have unlocked a way to use an organic substance to dissolve a rare earth ore with an industrial speed and recovery. It is an alternative to using corrosive liquids in extreme conditions to break down insoluble and inert minerals. | ON Prime4 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Evidence-based Quality OTC-medicines | RMIT University | Natural Immunity enhancement is one of the priority items in complement medicines consumer market. However, the existing over-the-counter (OTC) herbal medicines are non-standardised and lack clinical or scientific evidence including batch-to-batch consistency. The Quantitative-Pattern-Activity-Relationship (QPAR) chemometrics approach developed by Dr. Daniel Sze will be applied in this project to develop a standardised and batch-to-batch consistent new 4-herb OTC-medicine. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
FluoroKit | The University of Sydney | The underlying chemistry of the human body ultimately dictates healthy processes as well as disease. In order for medical researchers to further their understanding of the body, they need rapid access to a wide range of tools to see the chemistry of individual cells. Rather than requiring researchers to buy expensive tools for each question they have, our solution is to provide a modular toolkit that will enable them to “mix and match” tools tailored to the systems that they are studying. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
GGHS | Curtin University | A lean de-centralised grain supply chain utilising a low capital cost, effective storage product managed by automation and optimisation models has the ability to reduce supply chain costs significantly in Australia, making Australian farming practices more profitable and competitive on the global stage. | ON Prime4 | Perth | Jul-20 |
HealtheMove | The University of Newcastle | Millions of people suffer from aches and pains due to musculoskeletal injuries from work and sport. Utilising the latest biomechanical research, HealtheMove uses discreet wearable sensors to quantify human movement to provide user-specific feedback on postures and movements that increase injury risk. Our goal of developing this device is to prevent injury by identifying risky movement behaviours before an injury occurs, saving the individual and healthcare system from the personal and economic burden of injury. HealtheMove is accessible to individuals who may use it to recover from injury or improve their sport performance to give them a competitive edge. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
High efficiency membranes | Curtin University | Membrane technology is used into many industries, such as gas separation, batteries, desalination, energy storage, fuel cells, natural gas reforming, filtration etc. However, the current membrane technology still requires large energy consumption because the membrane structure cannot supply high surface area (small pore size) and small mass transfer resistance (large pore size) at same time. We have developed a dendritic microchanneled membrane structure which provides both high surface area and small mass transfer resistance at same time through a dendritic porous structure. | ON Prime4 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Implantable Pressure Sensing Cannula | Griffith University | Our invention is a medical device that can be implanted in the body to measure pressure: blood pressure in an artificial heart; the pressure in a repaired aorta; the action of the gut; monitoring all sorts of disease. Unlike other pressure measuring systems, this device does not suffer drift. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
In-Suit | Macquarie University | Intelligent suit and assistive technology (In-Suit) is a smart system for fall detection for elderly. This system is suitable for elderly who live by themselves. In-Suit combines state-of-the-art wearable technology, a sophisticated artificial intelligence, and cloud-based technology together to bring a revolution on both fall detection system and fashion industries. This means that In-Suit is able to monitor our parents or grandparents, without neglecting their taste in fashion. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Infrastructure Maintenance | RMIT University | This project develops a system to optimise/prioritise the planned maintenance tasks for rail transport infrastructure. The project expects to develop an innovative data collection approach coupling wireless vibration monitoring and video camera recordings. The expected outcome is a robust framework to predict the rail track deterioration and optimise the maintenance activities for rail transport infrastructure. This should minimise the costs and time associated with maintenance by prioritising the maintenance activities on rail infrastructure. The results from this project should provide significant benefits to the Australia’s economy. This project also provides benefit to society by saving cost/time of rail passengers. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Mamas & Bub App | The University of Newcastle | Aboriginal women want healthy pregnancies and to grow strong healthy babies. There are a number of barriers that make it difficult for an Aboriginal woman to access antenatal care and care for her baby. A community led App for Aboriginal women during and post pregnancy to support SEWB, smoking cessation, adoption of a healthy lifestyle and support the development of their baby involving family and social networks may improve access to timely and preventative health care during this vital time. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Maple Glass Printing | Monash University | In an ever increasing consumerist society, our advancements in recycling and sustainability has slowed. But 3D printing is a technology breakthrough that is changing the way we think about design and materials; we can now already print across a wide range of materials. Maple Glass Printing intends to bring 3D printing into glass manufacturing. Our 3D printer will not only enable more sustainable, versatile glass manufacturing, but also complex designs and new glass composites. The technology brings with it endless possibilities for creative thought, sustainable living and another possible step to the solution of our global waste problem. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
MiDeX | RMIT University | Current technologies for the detection of viruses and pathogenic bacteria in waste/recycled water requires the use of PCR technologies that are inherently time-consuming, require highly trained personnel for operation and not ideal for on-site (point-of-use) applications. The solution is a validated highly sensitive and selective nucleic acid amplification test coupled with paper chromatography strips for the detection and quantification of enteric viruses in waste/recycled, recreational waters and biosolids at point of use. We have demonstrated proof-of-concept for the detection and quantification of soil-transmitted helminths such as *Ascaris* species and *E.coli* using this technology. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
NanoBright | Murdoch University | Most toothpastes commercially available contain a mainly silica abrasive (and some low levels of fluoride to strengthen the teeth) to remove the biofilm that contributes to oral cavities. This bacterial process is unavoidable. Our group has used an innovative, efficient ultrasound process initially together with other subsequent processes engineered to create the nano/micro dental powders. | ON Prime4 | Perth | Jul-20 |
NCEPT | Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation | Proton and Carbon ion therapy are part of the latest generation of cancer treatments that demonstrate advantages over conventional radiation therapy using X-rays by maximising the radiation dose to the tumour and reducing dose to normal body tissues. However a known issue with these treatments is secondary neutron emission which can cause total body dose and influence the occurrence of secondary cancers and the radioactivity of the treatment room. The ANSTO developed NCEPT technology minimises the risk of thermal neutrons and ensures that radiation energy is directed more efficiently at the cancer being targeted. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Neora | University of Southern Queensland | Australia’s space agency is about to blast-off, potentially sending spacecrafts to mine valuable resources from bypassing asteroids. Before mines are established on Earth, ground-based and satellite surveys are conducted, discovering viable mining sites. Sending robotics to asteroids, conducting this same research, would be extremely ineffective and expensive. How do we move forward, mapping asteroids with valuable resources, without leaving Earth? We’ve developed a solution that uses an amateur telescope network, spread across the globe. This network would obtain detailed surface maps of bypassing asteroids, without leaving Earth. Our solution will propel Australian space research through the 21st century and beyond. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
NSCLabOn | Swinburne University of Technology | Online Social Networks (OSNs) are becoming an integral part of people’s daily life around the world. However, the popularity of OSNs also attracts spammers. Spammers spread malicious links via OSNs, and platform users may become victims if they click the links. They may got hacked and lose wealth. We, thus, propose an innovative AI-embedded framework which can protect OSN users from spam. It will learn from existing and incoming tweets, and update classifiers with the spam samples from the unlabelled incoming tweets to further improve the accuracy. | ON Prime4 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
OurPlace | CSIRO Land & Water | Our natural environment deserves to be understood and managed better. OurPlace enables positive environmental outcomes by providing policy analysts and researchers with an online platform to find credible, trusted, environmental data as easily as a Google search. OurPlace connects data providers with users and enables community around the projects, the data initiatives and ultimately positive environmental outcomes. Data providers connect with OurPlace to enable discovery and access of their data to users. Users find, use and provide feedback to data providers on the data they used and link to environmental outcomes that data providers can then easily see. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
OzCyberSec | The University of New South Wales | Phishing is well known as online identity theft, which aims to steal sensitive information such as username, password and online banking details from its victims. Therefore, we develop a serious game that teaches people how to thwart phishing crimes. After engaging users with the developed game, we will record how they differentiate phishing attacks from legitimate ones. We will then develop a threat model understanding how cyber criminals leverage their attacks within the organisation through the human exploitation. | ON Prime4 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Phoenix Carbon | University of Southern Queensland | We use waste materials from food industries such as Bauple nut shells and use these to provide energy to the processing plant through a gasification process. High quality activated carbon is useful by product of this process. We take this carbon and enhance it to treat a range of biological and toxins commonly encountered in Australia’s ground water. We further enhance the natural capabilities of this product with the use of Capacitive deionization technology or CDI. CDI allows a greater adsorption and importantly allowing cleaning and reuse of the filter, allowing for a far greater usable life. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Seaskip | The University of New South Wales | To get the job done safely and economically, today’s maritime users need the best and most accurate information available. Seaskip Systems delivers a clear, real-time picture of seastate conditions ensuring both geographic resolution and on-going accuracy of data. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Shockwave | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Shockwave is a novel, non-thermal and non-invasive technology that can be used for tissue disintegration and structure modification which has shown to improve tenderness of meat, improve juice yield from vegetables and improve milling yield in grains. This innovative new technology should provide significant competitive advantages to Australian food industry by improving yield, quality and shelf-life of food products. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Surgical Kit Innovations | University of South Australia | A disposable, ergonomic, easy to use depth gauge with the following improvement over current devices in the market: 1. Usability: allows single-handed use by surgeon with comfortable grip and easy readability of scale from all angles 2. Manufacturing: low cost injection moulding 3. Sterilisation: single use, eliminating the need for costly re-sterilisation. 4. Time-saving: promotes faster surgical procedures and eliminates surgery delays related to re-usable equipment 5. Adaptability: The design can be adapted for use on other parts of the body. | ON Prime4 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Sustainability certificate for cities | CSIRO Land & Water | We will develop comprehensive metrics for cities accessible on an online platform. The competition among and within cities for achieving sustainable urban development and environmentally sustainable built infrastructure is growing and is becoming an important factor in deciding where people want to live and where industries want to invest. The information base to make such decisions is, however, sparse. This knowledge gap will be addressed though a spatially explicit urban metabolism knowledge base that reports environmental pressures and impacts of investment and purchase decisions in cities and creates new opportunities for circular economy, urban competitiveness and livability. | ON Prime4 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Team_Galaxy | Queensland University of Technology | The meat/cattle industry is under growing pressure to have greater safety and traceability. Our team utilises iris recognition to identify individual animal in the non-invasive, safe, and reliable ways, combined with blockchain technology to provide a more widely deployable traceability ecosystems. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Team VARA | University of South Australia | Can a suite of virtual reality applications (using illusions) augment and accelerate the traditional management of traumatic injuries (e.g., whiplash from car accidents) and work-related injuries (e.g., back injuries from lifting)? Can augmented reality increase treatment effectiveness in patients with mental illnesses such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by guiding application of brain-targeted treatments, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation? Our business concept explores two medical treatment areas using the same software development platform in the hope of improving patient treatment outcomes, decreasing treatment times and thereby decreasing treatment costs and returning patients to work sooner. | ON Prime4 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Thin Film Conductors | University of South Australia | Smart-glasses bring high levels of interaction for end-users in a wide range of environments. Augmented Reality (“AR”) has become a leading exemplar application for smart-glasses, in a race that Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft have now all entered. University of South Australia researchers have developed an electrochromic film for smart-glasses that enables optimal tuning of visible light under variable ambient lighting conditions, producing unmatched contrast and clarity of AR images. Powered by a fraction of the energy used in LCDs, these films offer near real-time transitions for a wider contrast range, all while providing for low ‘haze’, highly stable performance. | ON Prime4 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Tingle | University of South Australia | Making sense of big data so that it can be effectively used by decision makers, stakeholder communities and the general public is an increasingly important and complicated task. The Tingle data physicalization process explores the communication opportunities created when complex digital data is translated into a physical object that can be easily shared, and understood in a meeting by people with different skill sets and agendas. Tingle data-objects are individually designed to address the specific communication requirements of a particular dataset, and custom made using 3D printing and digital fabrication technologies. | ON Prime4 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Viridi | Swinburne University of Technology | Viridi Innovations is giving wine makers control over key business costs, wine production and environmental footprint to materially increasing profitability. Our mission is to improve wine maker profits and increase the sustainability of the industry. | ON Prime4 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
WormSeek | The University of Queensland | Intestinal worm infection in sheep costs the Australian livestock industry over $436 million dollars each year. Current methods of detecting worms are time consuming, laborious and require skilled personnel. This leads to ineffective drenching practice which promotes the development of chemical resistance. Our portable diagnostic tool will allow farmers to quantify worm infections in herds instantly and non-invasively at farm-side, allowing for immediate treatment decisions. We believe this technology will revolutionize the Australian livestock industry by reducing loss of life, increasing production and delaying chemical resistance. | ON Prime4 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
A Dual-Mode Propeller-Turbine System | University of Tasmania | In high-end yacht design, propellers either need to be designed to be retracted for the times the vessel is under sail (to reduce drag), or a propeller design must be used that operates as a turbine to generate some power. Until now the efficiency of dual mode propeller turbine devices (DMPTDs) has meant that neither option is cost effective. Our designs will revolutionize the energy efficiency of DMPTDs and offer an alternative for a range of maritime propulsion/turbine systems offering the opportunities for single mode system to be replaced with dual mode systems to increase utility and improve cost effectiveness. | ON Prime4 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
AESOP | University of Southern Queensland | Food waste in Australia currently represents an economic loss of $AUD20 billion/year, but has the potential to unlock far more value for growers via transformation into other materials. Hurdles to unlocking this potential include high operating and transport costs, and time-consuming processes. It is also non-core agribusiness with a lack of food waste policy. We propose to overcome this by using transportable, modular, robust processing equipment that can be used at the site of waste generation (thereby reducing transport costs) or at centralised large processing sites. Our approach could recover the $20 billion economic loss and generate $300-500 million annually. | ON Prime4, ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Additive Assurance | Monash University | We provide quality assurance for high value metal 3D printing (additive manufacturing). Due to the nature of the process, metal additive manufacturing suffers from inconsistent quality. With Additive Assurance’s monitoring and analysis solution defects are detected as they occur, saving manufacturers time and money, while also providing the quality assurance demanded by end users. | ON Prime5 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Algae Vax | The University of Queensland | Australia’s $358 million prawn industry is threatened by White Spot Syndrome Disease. This disease has has cost the industry ~$100mio in the last year alone. Imagine if you could eradicate WSSV and save the industry from decline. Our microalgae based prawn feed containing immune-activating ‘vaccines’ will not only help wipe out WSSV completely, but will also increase the growth rate and improve the overall health of the prawns. | ON Prime5 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Aqua Breeding Database | James Cook University | Aquaculture species are difficult to selectively breed due to their biology and the required farming practices. We have developed a user-friendly database & web based software which implements aquaculture breeding workflows & data management solutions which can lead to improved product quality and farm outcomes. Combined with consulting services, this is a unique offering to aquaculture farmers to improve their data management practices and facilitate genetics driven selective breeding which can result in initial productivity increases of approximately 12.5 per cent per generation. Our software & services are aimed at the $1.3+ billion Australian aquaculture market with an initial focus on prawn. | ON Prime5 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
ARTAM – Meta-monitoring technology | The University of Western Australia | ARTAM creates value through improved decision processes, earlier proactive corrective actions, and enhanced operational effectiveness. 1. Earlier identification of pending problems along with reduced time to decision and action; 2. Reduction in interpretive stress load on control room staff, and engineers/analysts allowing current staff to handle real emergencies and alarms under less duress; 3. Significant expedition of the assessment process thereby cutting down risk exposure times; 4. Improved intervention planning and a reduction in unplanned intervention costs. (Unplanned intervention in unmanned platform developments is generally a high-cost activity especially the downtime impacts). | ON Prime5 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Athena – Online STEM education systems | University of Southern Queensland | Online courses typically are valuable as a resource to a teacher or other educational provider. Our system provides everything that a traditional classroom learning experience would, except all information is available online. The subjects are self-paced, and our multi-faced student support systems are integrated into the course materials. We are providing highly capable, secondary school students with the opportunity to study advanced STEM education and gain direct entry into university and 21st century STEM careers. Talented students can learn at their own pace, at any time and anywhere in the world using an independent, personalised learning model. | ON Prime5 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
BrainFarm Project | RMIT University | The mission of BrainFarm is to make farming interesting again. This project enhances and enables collaboration, international engagement and skills development. It also provides investment into advanced manufacturing know how and a broad set of enabling technologies, and practices which farmers can adopt to improve productivity and competitiveness. The proposed interconnected swarm of robots using reliable technologies on a series of light, solar powered and self sufficient autonomous vehicles will work safely alongside humans to help improve agricultural efficiencies and boost crop yields, with benefits including reduced crop wastage, pesticide usage and energy consumption. | ON Prime5 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Cerebro Biosystems | Garvan | Our idea is to drastically reduce the turnaround time for microbial infection diagnosis using real-time DNA sequencing and cloud-based analytics. Our process involves enriching microbial DNA from blood and loading it onto a nanopore sequencer. Nanopore sequencing generates data in real-time allowing DNA sequences to be analysed within minutes of starting sequencing. Leveraging this technology, we hope to provide a diagnostic tool capable of real-time identification of pathogens and their corresponding antimicrobial resistances. We hope to couple this with a platform that provides diagnostic alerts direct to treating clinicians which improves in accuracy as more of the sample is sequenced. | ON Prime5 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Cognitive therapies | The University of Adelaide | Our aim is to produce a Nootropic product comprised of a proprietary blend of cognitive enhancing compounds. Our vision is to allow cognitively challenged individuals to live a richer and fuller life while also enhancing the cognitive capacity of healthy individuals to aid them in their professional performance. | ON Prime5 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
DeweyFish | The University of Western Australia | The lack of cataloguing scattered scientific data is wasting considerable amounts of research and development funding because of endless literature searching or duplicating existing experimentation. Collating and cataloguing experimental data is achieved by labour-intensive, poorly funded and financially unsustainable manual curation. Our software DeweyFish allows researchers, R&D and library staff to discover content, capture information and transform more data in less time. Our solution will cut the cost of generating and maintaining data collections preserving more resources for data analysis and innovation in the academic and commercial research sector. | ON Prime5 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Fair Dinkum Batteries | CSIRO Energy | Battery storage systems are an important, emerging tool in the global effort to increase renewable energy and mitigate climate change. Australia is an early leader in the deployment of both large-scale and small-scale battery systems, but battery systems are hindered by high costs and a lack of customer confidence in performance. Performance certification and labeling can provide confidence in the performance of cells manufactured by low-cost providers, enabling them to increase competition in the battery cell manufacturing business. Labeling can also provide greater transparency and confidence in the residential market, accelerating uptake of small-scale battery systems. | ON Prime5 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Fight Recorder | Defence Science and Technology Group | The Fight Recorder seeks to improve battlefield casualty survival and recovery by reducing response time through alerting recovery and support teams and by delivering vital information required to effectively examine and enhance the performance of the warfighter’s ensemble through event reconstruction. | ON Prime5 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
FracSense | CSIRO Energy | Tiltmeter-monitoring is one of the fracture-diagnostic-techniques widely used in the hydraulic-fracturing industry over the past two decades. However, the technology of the commercially available tiltmeters is outdated and is followed by high purchasing and maintenance costs (>$20k each). In-addition, the tilt-monitoring operation is rudimentary, data-handling is manual, and lacks the implementation of innovative technology. FracSense offers a complete tilt-monitoring setup that features easy-install power-efficient radio-capable tilt-meters paired with a wide-area autonomous data collection setup. The solution combines optimized hardware and software technologies to facilitate a better understanding of the fracture growth in real-time which is necessary for crucial treatment adjustments. | ON Prime5 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Fractal flow device for mixing applications | CSIRO Energy | Our fractal flow splitting and blending technology has the potential to be developed for a large number of industrial and domestic applications, thus returning significant value to CSIRO and Australia. | ON Prime5 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Hybrid Functional Nanofibre Materials | CSIRO Manufacturing | To find support to produce these functional hybrid nanofibre materials at scale for use in environmental remediation. To take the TRL of our research from 2-3 to 5-6 for and expose the technologies to interested parties. To be able to take this functional hybrid material and take in from a research material to a material that is available for everyday use to obtain clean air and water. | ON Prime5 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Iris Biomedical | The University of Western Australia | Iris Biomedical is developing a multimodal diagnostic device to identify clinically relevant fetal distress during childbirth in order to prevent hypoxia, brain damage or death. Current competitors measure clinically less relevant parameters. Our device will allow objective decision making about the health of the baby and whether to proceed to c-section or not. | ON Prime5 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Li meng | University of South Australia | What if more people can enjoy affordable, fresh, reliable and easy obtained organic food. This study develops an online organic food purchasing system, which enables consumers to make informed purchase choices by knowing more about how the food is grown, transported and stored. By doing so, consumer’s preferences for high quality organic food could directly influence the growers of food, transporters and retailers to adopt innovative and sustainable methods of production and business practice. This enables supply and demand are better matched and the environment will be protected, and human health will be improved from safer and more sustainable food. | ON Prime5 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Machine Learning Services | Australian National University | We want to place people at the centre of the next digital revolution in workplace automation. Through our education tools, we want to put the power of machine learning in the hands on non-computer scientists and involve them in the creation of new technologies. | ON Prime5 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Magda | CSIRO’s Data61 | Magda helps government agencies quickly and easily find, share and publish their datasets, so that the public can benefit from more effective and open policy-making and governance. | ON Prime5 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
N-of-1 toolbox | The University of Queensland | We are developing an N-of-1 digital toolbox (integrated digital system with mobile platform for clinicians and patients) to design, conduct and analyse N-of-1 trials. N-of-1 trials measure treatment response in individuals, using multiple alternating randomised active and non-active treatments. They provide personalised information about treatment effectiveness, empowering patients. Data across many N-of-1 trials can be aggregated to provide group results. This requires far less participants (so faster and cheaper), than a conventional clinical trial for equivalent power. The toolbox will save time and money for Australian Complementary Medicine companies’ clinical research and reduce economic hurdles of developing many novel treatments. | ON Prime5 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
NATHRx | Monash University | Cancer and viral diseases are among the most challenging medical conditions we face today. This challenge lies in the ability of cancers and viruses to generate biological mutations in their genetic code. These mutations promote resistance to conventional treatments. Importantly, the mutations can be vastly different among patients. We use the power of biological information to tailor-make patient’s treatment. Our technology directs the immune system to destroy cancer in a personalised manner or to respond to viral infections rapidly. This can ultimately extend the long-term survival of populations diagnosed with retractable cancers or at high risk of multiple viral infections. | ON Prime5 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
People Analytics for all Australian Workplaces and Workers | The University of Western Australia | About 15 million Australians go to work every day. This defines our identity, wellbeing, income, among other. However, not all work experiences are created equal. Many people are disengaged from their work, which significantly affects organisational and economic success. Worse, the effect of work-related stress, burnout, and family conflict carry significant costs. We need to do better! We pair the science on work, people and organisations with modern analytics to enable the conscientious use of evidence so Australian’s can better lead themselves and others. Our people analytics ecosystem provides diagnostic information and evidence-based advice to aid better work for all. | ON Prime5 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Prevent Second Stroke | The University of Newcastle | Stroke can lead to serious consequences for those who survive in terms of physical and cognitive disability, psychological problems, and lower social participation affecting quality of life. Improving lifestyle and health risk behaviours (including reducing tobacco and alcohol use, increasing physical activity, improving diet quality, and reducing depression and anxiety) has the potential to significantly improve recovery, enhance quality of life, independent living, and lower risk of recurrent stroke. There is a striking lack of information for stroke survivors and their families about effective lifestyle strategies to help them improve recovery. This app addresses the health information needs stroke survivors. | ON Prime5 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
PuP program | Griffith University | The Parents under Pressure (PuP) program is a family-support parenting program for complex families, struggling with parental substance misuse, financial disadvantage, and where children may be in the child protection system or on the ‘edge of care’. Griffith University has delivered PuP since 2010, providing a ‘framework for practice’ for practitioners throughout Australia, UK, Ireland and New Zealand. We seek to design, develop and deliver an accessible, mixed-mode, scaleable business model for the program, to enable wider dissemination of PuP. Our ultimate goal is to keep children out of the child protection system, at home with safe and loving families. | ON Prime5 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
RaBio | RMIT University | We are aiming to integrate Raman spectroscopic and automated-valved microfluidic technologies to realise a low-cost, label-free and computer-controlled system for detecting cancer cells from patients’ blood samples. This novel system can be used as a non-invasive biopsy approach for cancer diagnosis, which is expected to provide an affordable and one-stage rapid solution particularly useful for pre-emptive cancer screening and response to treatment monitoring. The successful commercialisation of the system will potentially address the growing demand of Australian cancer diagnostics. | ON Prime5 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Regional and Remote Groundwater Assessments | CSIRO Land & Water | Regional groundwater assessments will identify new prospective water resources based on the current water security risk-profile. This provides great flexibility by: (i) providing an immediate rapid assessment of water resources proximal to current high-risk remote communities which addresses the most urgent problem, (ii) identifying new water resources for intermediate to low-risk communities,(iii) identifying new water resources for economic development by industry, and (iv) providing essential information to guide, optimise and prioritise long-term public and private planning and investment (5-8 years), based on risk. Initially CSIRO will focus on remote locations, with broader adaptability to other areas of Australia and internationally. | ON Prime5 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
SA Cancer Trials Network project | University of South Australia | This project will establish a best-practice cancer CTN, inclusive of an SCC, across all sites providing cancer treatment and care in SA bringing together public and private settings, and expanding to regional sites which are currently limited in their capacity to support clinical trials. This will be known as the South Australian Cancer Trials Network (SACTN). The SACTN will have an impact on clinical trial capacity and sustainability in SA that has not been achieved in this state to date. It will tie together multiple stakeholder groups, geographic regions, multiple health sectors, industry and end-users, and research infrastructure. | ON Prime5 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Salutem Analytics | Telethon Kids Institute | Hospitals are challenged to combat pressure injuries (PIs). The prevalence of PIs among patients is 25 per cent. A median of 95,695 cases are diagnosed with PIs in Australia pa with a direct cost of $1.64 billion for treatments. Current PIs detection uses visual inspection mapped onto a categorical PI staged scale. This is a subjective method that can result in late PI detection only when visually present on the skin surface. A point of care objective digital technology named Scan2Detect is currently being developed by Salutem Analytics to identify early formation of PIs before they become visible on the skin surface. | ON Prime5 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Sense-ational | The University of Western Australia | We have developed a cheap, reliable and rapid sensing device for the continuous on-site monitoring of water quality. Impact from urban runoff, industrial operations and agricultural areas can affect the quality of surface, ground, and marine waters, resulting in detrimental effects on animals and humans. Traditionally, environmental monitoring has involved collection of samples from the field followed by laboratory testing, which is expensive (labour + equipment), unreliable (risk of sample contamination), and slow (involves a long lag time between sampling and testing). Our new technology, which monitors at the source using sensors, enables early detection and rapid response. | ON Prime5 | Perth | Jul-20 |
LiXiA | James Cook University | By making infrastructure alive – by employing low-cost IoT sensors and Cloud processing – Skins Alive will be able to monitor all sorts of infrastructure. Old or new, big or small, static or mechanical, concrete or steel – all types of infrastructure can treated as a living system constantly feeding back information about its own health and remnant life. Buildings and bridges will be able to talk to us and tell us when they need maintenance and inspection. Across the economy $B’s can be saved by infrastructure owners in a new era of connected, intelligent infrastructure. | ON Prime5 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
UQ Boomtown Toolkit | The University of Queensland | The UQ Boomtown Toolkit provides a transparent, scientifically rigorous method for companies, governments and philanthropists to be more effective investors in social sustainability initiatives. The Toolkit method enables communities affected by resource or other infrastructure development (and decommissioning) to realise long-term benefits from short-term opportunities. This toolkit directly addresses, and provides insight into responding to situations of rapid growth (or decline), rapid investment (and withdrawal), and associated cumulative impacts. At a time of energy source transition, widespread human displacement and increasing public pressure for transparency and accountability in policy and decision-making, the Toolkit is both timely and relevant. | ON Prime5 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Team Prickles | University of Canberra | The Australian Prickly Pear fruit faces challenges associated with social misconception, and farm-to-plate distribution challenges. Currently the fruit goes to waste and consumers have difficulty reaching it! Our research has investigated ways to get this currently wasted food from the farm-to-supermarkets and to-consumers, without spoilage. Reintroduction of the fruit into Australia is supported by the reported health benefits, soon to be demonstrated in clinical trials at the University of Canberra. We are looking to gain knowledge in innovation and business to assist in ‘lifting-off’ products from the ground, under the motto- “If you can’t beat it, eat it” (unknown). | ON Prime5 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
UAS Nebulizer | RMIT University | RMIT University has developed novel low-cost and portable acoustomicrofluidic nebulisation technology, which promises to enable the aerosolisation of next-generation therapeutics for pulmonary delivery. Given its size and weight, the entire platform can be mounted on a UAS or MARV. Such systems can remotely scan, map and sequentially navigate unknown environments using simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM), optical vision and satellite (GPS) positioning, potentially enabling, for example, the treatment of immobilised soldiers trapped in multi-storey buildings, or civilians trapped beneath earthquake damage rubble. As well as making treatments with advanced therapeutics remote and rapid, this also eliminates risk to first responders. | ON Prime5 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Voice Story App | RMIT University | The Voice Story app is an innovative use of technology that can be used with any language by all learners. The focus of the app is on learners’ oral language development through telling stories. The app is open-ended so that it can be used by students of any age and language ability. Students create stories with the use of emojis and photos and then record their oral stories. They can then share their stories which would form valuable assessment data for teachers in any school setting. | ON Prime5 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Biosecurity protection through prediction | Bureau of Meteorology | The incursion and spread of pests and pathogens is one of the most serious threats to Australian agriculture and farmer livelihoods, with the worst of these potentially closing down whole industries and Governments spending over one billion dollars a year in monitoring, surveillance and eradication efforts. In many cases weather and climate is a factor in whether a pest or pathogen can survive, thrive and spread. The Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO are seeking to harness their capabilities to develop a system to support more effective and efficient management of these weather and climate related biosecurity risks. | ON Prime5 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Robotic Harvesting of Asparagus | Australian National University | Over the past decade agricultural practices have evolved, with Growers becoming highly specialised in 1-2 crops and unit area of production increasing. Growers, pushing hard to cut production costs, are investing in new and innovative harvesting methods. A number of new harvesting machines focusing on selective asparagus harvesting have been designed/proposed, but industrial interest has so far been low due to reports of poor harvesting success rates and/or high damage rates to spears and paddocks. We are engineering a robotic platform capable of selectively harvesting green asparagus that will utilise state of the perception capabilities and a novel harvesting approach. | ON Prime5 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
A new treatment for Parkinson’s disease | The University of Sydney | There are no current treatments to halt or delay the progression of Parkinson’s disease. We will develop the first ever treatment to prevent the progression of Parkinson’s disease that works by restoring energy levels in the neurons that are affected in Parkinson’s Disease. Restoration of neuronal energy levels will prevent or delay the loss of neurons and the progression of Parkinson’s disease in affected patients. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
An integrated solar-hydrogen/solar thermal system for 100% heat and power supply to standalone applications | RMIT University | The proposed solution is a hybrid renewable energy arrangement that includes a solar-hydrogen CHP system integrated with solar thermal collectors. The solar-hydrogen part of this integrated system employs a unitised regenerative fuel cell (URFC) that offers compactness and simplicity in design. The system is primarily sized and optimised to fully meet the power demand. The URFC heat (when operating in fuel cell mode) is recovered to complement the heat supplied by the solar thermal collectors. This complementary arrangement can then be optimised and sized to meet 100% of the thermal demand throughout the year without requiring any fossil fuel-based booster. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Bettafoodie | The University of Queensland | We acknowledge that the consumption of unhealthy, junk foods has a seriously harmful effect on individual and national health and is a contributing factor in the increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease. Bettafoodie seeks to embrace innovations in food science and nutrition research and translate them into healthy, consumable food products. Our first product is a sachet mixture of oats, soluble dietary fibre, and bran that helps reduce cholesterol, improve overall gut health and provide satiety. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Better in the box | The University of Adelaide | We aim to create a secured one-piece foldable carton box, with inserts to address any form of damaging of bottles and labels | ON Prime6 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
BOM Energy: An enhanced suite of Weather-related information services for the Energy Sector | Bureau of Meteorology Research Activities | Our project will explore and define the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s options for providing an enhanced integrated suite of products and services designed to better meet the needs of the key players in the Energy Sector. Encompassing both Energy Demand Planning/Forecasting; and (Renewable) Energy Supply capacity via Solar, Wind and Wave powered energy generation. Our project will involve the creation of a set of tools, (mobile) applications and data sets that provide a platform for the Bureau and for third parties to build custom solutions for the Energy sector. The Bureau is in a unique position to facilitate this ecosystem. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
BOM Marine & Coastal Weather Mobile Application Platform | Bureau of Meteorology Research Activities | Develop a Mobile Application (iOS/Android), associated responsive design web application, and data API/platform that makes the Bureau’s existing Marine Knowledge Centre Information, Alerts and Services available in a more convenient, accessible and integrated format. Support and encourage the development of a viable “ecosystem” of third-party developers who can build additional value-added solutions on top of the core Bureau “BOM Marine” mobile application platform. Provide a set of practical tools/solutions relating to marine and coastal weather-related conditions, to increase the personal safety, and optimise marine and ocean related economic and social activities to benefit all Australians. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Cancer Treatment Toxicities Group | University of South Australia | Mucositis is a debilitating side effect of cancer treatment resulting in life-threatening infection, and significantly reduced chance of remission. Therefore, mucositis has been the focus of much research, with efforts made to reduce its impact. However, impeding reliable guidelines on how to manage and treat mucositis are that clinical trials largely rely on patient reported outcomes (PROs), which for mucositis have been shown to be inaccurate and unreliable. Our project therefore aims to develop an app to facilitate mucositis clinical trials to collect reliable and accurate PROs that will thereby strengthen the evidence for effective management and treatment of mucositis. | ON Prime6 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Care · Collaborate · Connect | University of South Australia | The rates of suicide in Australia have been relatively unchanged for the past century. The traditional risk assessment approach to people who disclose suicidality is not working and can leave people traumatised and their needs unmet. In a world first, Care · Collaborate · Connect provides a strategy to meet the needs of people who are distressed. The training helps health professionals (and others) feel confident to support people who are distressed in a helpful and non-stigmatising way. Its potential impact if disseminated broadly may be a reduction in mental illness, trauma from help seeking, and deaths by suicide. | ON Prime6 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
CFS Diagnostics | The University of Western Australia | Many people know someone who is suffering from Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), but what you may not realise is that despite the common and debilitating nature of this disease, it cannot be reliably diagnosed. We have developed a fingerprick blood test which shows differences between healthy people and people with CFS after a short, easy leg exercise. We are looking to convert this test into a commercial diagnostic product suitable for use by doctors and with blood analysis by pathology laboratories. This will facilitate appropriate care to people suffering the condition and relieve diagnostic pressure on primary care physicians. | ON Prime6 | Perth | Jul-20 |
CHELTech | Australian National University | This is a platform technology that can enable new, unprecedented levels of performance to be achieved for providing clean, affordable hydrogen-based energy by splitting water as well as remediating CO2 emissions using inexpensive, readily made or sourced materials. | ON Prime6 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
cMMG | The University of Queensland | Clinical mechanomyography (MMG) is a laser-based technique that measures the contractile properties of muscle. These contractile properties will change under detrimental conditions such as fatigue and injury. By investigating these changes from ‘healthy’ states, MMG can be used to predict, diagnose and monitor the rehabilitation of a musculoskeletal injury. The MMG technique is portable, non-invasive and inexpensive, making it ideal for in-clinic or workplace applications. MMG thus presents itself as a cost-effective method to alleviate the financial burden of muscle injuries for the everyday athlete, patient, clinician, employer, and insurer. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
CSIRO – UQ BioFoundry | CSIRO Land & Water | Most research in synthetic biology is still being done manually. This comes with inherent problems including repetitive strain injuries. To increase productivity, reliability and efficacy of research we envision creating an automated robotic facility called a biofoundry. By translating manual workflows into much more efficient robotic ones, we can alleviate many problems encountered today in synthetic biology, both in academic and industrial settings. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
danaXa | Australian National University | Improving customer satisfaction and their shopping experience is key in the marketplace to drive revenue and profit margins. Achieving this is difficult without adequate feedback about the behaviour/activities of customers and employees, and we offer a solution to close this information gap. The solution entails advanced analysis of video feed from surveillance cameras to extract information where people are, how they move and interact with products, and alert if they need help in person. This can help the design and layout of shelves, marketing material, give feedback on individual products and provide employee performance data. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Detecting microbes in meat | Curtin University | This technology uses DNA-based probes designed to form hairpin structures, and detector probes which are also DNA-based. Detector probes will bind to regions that are unique to the microorganism the user wishes to identify. If these microbes are present in the samples, the detector probes will induce a structural change in the hairpin probes which causes a dye in the reaction buffer to change colour. This colour change is visible to the naked eye and indicates the sample contains the microorganism of interest. The whole reaction, from adding DNA to the reaction mix to receiving the result takes 20-30 minutes. | ON Prime6 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Dried Blood Spot for healthcare solutions | University of South Australia | Today, ‘healthcare’ is typically monitored by exception rather than by rule – a visit to the GP which often results in diagnosis and treatment. The approach may be described as ‘sick-care’. This has served society well, but it is expensive and inefficient. Advances in our understanding of the breakthrough benefits from preventative medicine and individualised monitoring are contributing towards the need for greater personalised healthcare by making tools available to individuals to monitor their health. Our challenge is to determine how we can accelerate and motivate modalities of healthcare monitoring, such as Dried Blood Spot sampling. | ON Prime6 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
EnerNeXT: energy advice for everyone | University of Wollongong | A clear shift to renewable energy generation is taking hold both within Australia and globally. In an industry where technology is experiencing rapid growth, the consumer is left behind without any dependable information to confidently make a significant transition to achieve their energy consumption goals. Our project looks to provide the consumer, whether residential, commercial or industrial the required information to address this knowledge gap. An online questionnaire and design tool would give the user independently sourced, jargon-free information to allow an informed decision to be made. | ON Prime6 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Ensemble forecasts | CSIRO Land & Water | ustralia has a highly variable climate. Accurate weather and climate forecasts can assist agricultural and water resource managers make decisions that consider risks associated with climate variability. However, readily available weather and climate forecasts often do not reflect the local conditions experienced or provide users with insights into past forecast performance. As a result, forecasts are rarely use for risk-based decision making. To address this gap, we propose a platform that generates tailored ensemble forecasts of weather variables that reflect the local conditions and enables to users to understand past forecast performance. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Erwin Adi | The University of New South Wales | Staff members in organisations are troubled by scattered data within the organisations, impeding their understanding of the organisation standards and processes. As such, form-filling is a new challenge in current organisations, as staff members are puzzled by the different processes and terminologies that the organisations have discussed or developed. We will develop software to empower organisations with insightful data, meaningful knowledge and optimise processes by exposing hidden data sets, patterns, insights and knowledge from across the company/institutions documents, emails, chats, blog posts, software applications and processes. The software also automates form-filling. | ON Prime6 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
GaugeIT | The University of Western Australia | There are over 1.5 million distal radius fractures every year and this number is ever-increasing especially among the young and elderly. The current surgery for to fix a mechanical depth gauge used to measure lengths of the fractured bone, followed by a selection screws to secure the bone. The lack of preciseness in our mechanical depth gauges renders complications such as nerves and tendons irritation or rupture. Patients then return for re-surgeries. Our project aims to tackle this problem with improved depth gauge effectiveness and accuracy for the surgeons, leading to improved health outcomes for the patients. | ON Prime6 | Perth | Jul-20 |
genomiQa AI | QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute | Unlock the value of whole genome data for patients, doctors, researchers, biopharma and government. Utilising genomIQa’s whole genome analysis pipeline, which is Next Generation Sequencer Agnostic, we can provide cost effective analysis of a patients whole genome, to assist doctors to personalise their treatment plan for better outcomes, support the identification of new biomarkers, adding value to clinical trials to understand outcomes for patients and to extend the indications for medications and support governments in assessing the cost effectiveness of personalised treatments. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Global 3D Position Encoding Patterns | University of Technology Sydney | Global 3D Position Encoding Patterns are a new type of visual patterning system that simplify 3D localisation in a range of applications. These applications include: autonomous vehicles; the scanning of large, complex objects and localisation in shopping malls, mines or construction sites. They have the potential to do this less expensively, more robustly and more accurately than current solutions. In some applications, the improved accuracy of this system can be achieved without the need for the infrastructure required for satellite-based approaches. Our system also provides obvious social benefits to a range of communities. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Good vibrations | University of Wollongong | The ever increasing local, national and global energy demand in an era of global warming, ocean acidification, industrial pollution and resource depletion indicates a strong need for us to move toward the use of renewable energy sources. Australia is particularly blessed with ocean energy resources with a convenient predominantly coastal population. Current limited efforts to harvest marine current and tidal flow energy have focussed on complex turbine technology. Our approach utilises flow-induced vibration instead, demonstrating advantages not just in simplicity (with consequent lowered costs and increased reliability) but also in energy extraction. | ON Prime6 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Grain caster masters | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Farmers focused on crop production are unable to accurately predict crop yield at the field scale or at the farm scale making it difficult to make decisions on key inputs such as water and fertilisers leading to under investment in potential yield or over use of inputs and inefficiencies. Currently, in markets around the world, a small number of consulting agencies in each country deliver information about crop size and yield to a small suite of clients. GrainCast creates real-time information about the area planted and the expected crop size and yield, forecasting the grain crop for agriculture and agribusiness. | ON Prime6 | Perth | Jul-20 |
GraphON – advancing Graphene material | CSIRO Manufacturing | There are two components to commercialising this technology; applications development, and the supply of GraphON. One option for the commercial supply of GraphON is the creation of supply company, Graphonica, whose mission would be to be: the global supplier for de novo functionalised graphitic materials (bulk solids and coatings) for high-end applications development. Concurrently, applications work is being pursued within the AFCI Program (CSIRO Manufacturing business unit), and through collaborations with commercial players with existing interests in the application of graphene and graphitic materials. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Huey | Curtin University | Huey is a smart, beautiful desk lamp created to bring energy awareness to the whole family. By presenting the real-time status of a household’s energy balance (consumption, generation and storage) in an always-present, consumer-friendly way, households will be empowered to better manage their energy use. | ON Prime6 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Integrated load and generation forecasting for optimal storage system control | University of South Australia | How we best control energy storage systems; be it batteries or thermal storage systems, for electricity users with onsite renewable energy sources to minimise the day to day cost of conventional electricity supply. Our solutions bring together mathematically derived optimal control strategies for the control of storage as well and load and renewable energy forecasting to deliver a framework to realise optimal outcomes for a range of customers. Value is derived in realising direct financial benefits of optimum storage utilisation and indirectly from having a physical hedging mechanism onsite as the policy and tariff mechanisms evolve. | ON Prime6 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Keeping Young People Safe | The University of Newcastle | Zero-tolerance and non-interactive educations prove unsuccessful in reducing dangerous health-related activities amongst young people. Young people in Australia largely lack a safe platform and interactive educational activities to assist them towards understanding potential dangers in drug/alcohol experimentation. Likewise, young people’s significant adult others often find difficulty in knowing how to properly support their adolescents. To create success, it is necessary to re-evaluate; rather than talking at young people, we need to converse with them. KYPS, an integrated, interactive educational and support system offers a safe platform to facilitate two-way communication and addresses risk-reduction and harm-minimisation for young people around drugs. | ON Prime6 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Leaf Protein | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Our project will develop new high-quality leaf-based protein crops other than legumes, with enhanced protein content for food and feed to meet growing global demand for proteins. Both GM and non-GM approaches will be applied for maximising the protein content and nutritional composition in leaf protein. The key proteins will be explored for digestibility, allergenicity and bioavailability. These three traits are key aspects that impact the utility of novel plant-based proteins. New germplasm for the expanding plant-based protein market will be generated. Designed protein extraction approaches will be generated for proteins classes that are critical to deliver yield but-more-importantly-nutritional-benefits. | ON Prime6 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Liquid-phase hydrogen carriers | University of Technology Sydney | Australia is in a unique position to establish itself as a world-leading renewable energy exporter, but development of the key technologies required to achieve this transition is incomplete. In the emerging hydrogen economy, key roadblocks involve the storage and transport of hydrogen in a safe and efficient manner. Our project aims to address this technological barrier by developing novel liquid-phase hydrogen carriers. The excellent compatibility of these hydrogen carriers with existing infrastructure such as pipelines and oil tankers for liquid hydrocarbons will enable efficient hydrogen storage and delivery at scale, coupled with the ability for transport over long distances. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Lithium Sulfur Batteries | University of Technology Sydney | Energy storage systems are critical components of future smart electrical grids which incorporate renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and tidal energies. However, electrical energy is difficult and expensive to store in large quantities. The major challenge is to make energy storage systems robust, reliable, and economically competitive. It is necessary to go beyond present strategies and leapfrog current battery technologies. Our lithium-sulfur battery energy storage system with adequate energy density, low cost, long service life will be developed for megawatt-scale energy storage system. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
LYRO Robotics | Queensland University of Technology | At LYRO we create a new generation of robots that learn, adapt, and deal with flexible and unpredictable scenarios; robots that work with and can handle a wider variety of goods. Our robotic systems are designed, developed, and built with a tight integration of state-of-the-art computer vision, machine learning (AI), and hardware stacks, fully developed in-house. They can successfully identify, pick up and pack objects, as well as learn new items as they become available to keep up with ever changing tasks and applications, from warehousing to logistics, from food handling to waste management. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Measure Theory Analytics | University of Technology Sydney | Measure Theory Analytics solves integration, growth and complexity problems facing community organisations via the translation of research from social sciences, statistical physics, AI/deep learning and GIS fields into CX-driven and human-centred AI campaigning platforms. We use modular design to offer bespoke solutions in a way that remains scalable across sectors, helping drive down costs of tailored solutions while providing better metrics for assessing campaign impact and ROI. By working collaboratively with clients, Measure Theory Analytics enables the unlocking of valuable insights to empower communities. We believe in AI for the many, not just the few. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
MiniLoad | RMIT University | Current methods for DNA extraction for any application in biology/medicine require a significant quantity of biological material to obtain enough DNA, and the extraction process involves many steps, requiring expensive reagents and/or expensive, sensitive equipment, operated by highly-skilled people and, not ideal for point -of-use and high-throughput applications. MiniLoad has the potential to be the “kit-free” DNA isolation method with a very high-efficiency, high-throughput and single-step. It requires at least 6x less biological material, no reagents – it is “kit-free”, involves a smaller number of simpler processing steps and takes as much as 100x less time than existing methods. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
NanoG | University of Wollongong | Our idea is to produce large-scale high quality processable graphene to translate the research from laboratory to real-life applications. We are currently producing these materials in gram scale in the laboratory, but it can be scaled up to ton scale with proper process design in a pilot plant. We can then commercially sell the graphene to different industries initially. There is big opportunity to expand in different sectors in future to capture at least 20 percent of graphene market which is currently worth 278.47 million and will be 811.4 million by 2023. | ON Prime6 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
NeuroSyd Brain Machine Interface | The University of Sydney | Our project offers a novel minimally-invasive brain machine interface enabling a long, reliable, and ambulatory brain signal monitoring solution through which opening the door for accurate and detailed seizure log-keeping and potentially seizure prediction for people living with epilepsy. Such solution could transform the life of patient and family members living in constant state of fear due to the unpredictability of seizure strikes. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Number 8 Bio | Macquarie University | Our project will increase the sustainability and efficiency of animal production by engineering yeast strains that reduce livestock methane emissions and provide enhanced nutrition. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
PDS | The University of New South Wales | Today’s research on optical sensors, photovoltaics, LEDs and functional coatings is driving to thinner, lighter materials. However, such materials are harder to characterise. We have developed an absorption spectrometer that is 1,000 times more sensitive than available tools. With this instrument we can shine light on new materials development. We seek to commercialise our technology, first in the growing thin film solar materials market, where we have an established network and expertise. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Physical Activity Assisted Cooling Jackets | The University of Newcastle | We aim to develop a cooling jacket (or vests) ideal for professional athletes/ construction workers and military soldiers who experience high temperature and harsh environment. The working principle of our technology is based on a transformation of mechanical energy generated during physical activity into an electrical energy which is then utilised in powering our cooling device to remove the heat from the skin surface. Physical and mental performance would significantly increase because of instant cooling and long-lasting cooling effect that our material would have on a skin. | ON Prime6 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Prashan Premaratne | University of Wollongong | Developing a relatively small amount of electrical power around 100W at very low noise levels provides a great opportunity for retirees and anyone who live in the outback, for very basic needs. Solar power is great, but a lengthy overcast period requires the use of small generators which are noisy due to high revolutions per minute of their engines. We have designed and optimised a dual axial flux generator which is coupled with a ‘Hit and Miss’ engine to develop 100W at 100 revolutions per minute. The system can operate for about 8 hours with one litre of gasoline. | ON Prime6 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
PV Performance Laboratory | CSIRO Energy | Australia is currently experiencing a phenomenal rate of growth in large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants, with around $20 billion invested in 2018 alone. Yet Australia has very little domestic capability in solar PV testing. Field-based testing would be particularly valuable, since it avoids the need for hundreds of thousands of panels to be shipped to specialist laboratories. Our project aims to develop new tools and methods for field-based PV testing, and to demonstrate that these can be used to reduce the risk, improve the performance, and extend the lifetime of Australia’s solar PV assets. | ON Prime6 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Reframe the Behaviour | Telethon Kids Institute | Reframe the Behaviour is a project aiming to forge new pathways for supporting the most vulnerable young people in Australia. The project focuses on improving outcomes for justice-involved young people with neurodevelopmental impairments and FASD. The team will build upon a workforce training intervention which upskills justice professionals in the management and support of detained young people with neurodevelopmental impairments, expanding its availability to the education, child protection, justice and health sectors. The broader application of this intervention has significant capacity to change the way multiple sectors recognise and respond to the needs of young people with neurodevelopmental impairments. | ON Prime6 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Remove the Mask | The University of Sydney | We are developing surface monitoring technology that can detect and guide patient motion, allowing us to “remove the mask” from HNC radiotherapy treatment. We will integrate surface guidance with our other technologies for pausing or adapting the treatment beam when motion occurs. Our technology could enhance HNC treatment quality. Not only could it match the accuracy of existing HNC radiotherapy, it could simplify the treatment procedure. Above all, significantly improving the treatment experience of HNC patients by reducing their physical discomfort, anxiety and emotional distress. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Rexegy | University of Canberra | Renewable energy is key to combating climate change, but many options such as installing solar panels or batteries are expensive. Rexegy is developing virtual battery technology that enables existing appliances to act as storage, reducing energy bills by up to 20%, whilst reducing carbon emissions and supporting renewable energy. Because the virtual batteries are already paid for, this solution is low cost, with a high return on investment | ON Prime6 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
ScreenIT: Online screening, integrated care | Queensland Metro South Health | Healthcare is on the precipice of evolutionary change. That change is putting the person at the centre of their care – so patients and their family receive the right care at the right time by the right professional, as guided by them. Our platform, ScreenIT, is the vehicle for that change. Prior to their scheduled appointments, patients and their families enter data regarding what is of high priority to them. That data is analysed in the back end and each patient provided a risk profile and then directed to the care appropriate to their needs. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
sepr8: next-generation separators for energy applications | University of Wollongong | Rechargeable batteries rely on thin plastic membranes called ‘separators’ to allow ions to travel back-and-forth during charging and discharging, and to keep internal components from touching and short-circuiting. Today, separators can account for up to 25% of the cost, and up to 37% of the volume of a battery, which is a huge proportion for a component that doesn’t add to the overall energy available from the battery. Our solution leverages our expertise in developing and optimizing polymer membranes for health-based applications, as well as our cutting-edge research in batteries to lower cost and open new avenues for battery separators. | ON Prime6 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Solar Farm Fault Detection | The University of Queensland | Prompt detection of faults, determination of their location and fault type identification in large scale solar farm is essential to ensure the safety, longevity of farms and to guarantee maximum power yield. Solar farms are spread over many hectares of land and comprise of many thousands of panels which make the task of fault diagnosis in solar farms challenging. At UQ, we have developed a new approach to automate solar fault detection, location and identification. The approach is valid for any farm topology. The idea has been experimentally validated on a small-scale test system located at UQ’s Gatton solar farm. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Solar forecast | CSIRO Energy | Our project aims at development of a more advanced forecasting technology for application in solar power generation. It uses innovative analytical algorithms and cloud cover assessment techniques to achieve higher forecasting accuracy and richer forecast information to meet the commercial needs of solar power generation. | ON Prime6 | Newcastle | Jul-20 |
Solid-State LiDAR for enhanced self-driving vehicle perception | Australian National University | Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) sensor will make it easier for autonomous vehicles to achieve human-like perception. | ON Prime6 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Storage Matters | University of Wollongong | We would like to find the best way to derive value from our combined understanding of both existing and on-the-horizon energy storage systems (such as sodium ion batteries), with our unique economic modelling capabilities incorporating an analysis of electricity changes, to make a real-world impact that helps businesses and government to make the right decisions. One specific approach for consideration may be to promote our capability through a case study in which we demonstrate how a new energy device might influence the current energy market. | ON Prime6 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Structural Integrity Research Group | Flinders University | Over the next ten years, there will be significant government and defence industry investment coming into South Australia for the acquisition of aircraft and navel platforms. To support the on-going longevity of these platforms, structural integrity research, development, design and testing needs to be undertaken. Currently, this capability does not exist in South Australia and existing facilities interstate are at capacity, and unable to cater for the needs of Defence in South Australia. Our project proposes the creation of a group focused on structural integrity research, development, design and testing of Defence aircraft and navel platforms based in South Australia. | ON Prime6 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Suelynn Choy | RMIT University | Satellite navigation technology has revolutionised many aspects of the modern Australian economy. By 2023, there will be more than 10 million self-driving cars on the road. The drone market has grown from $17 billion in 2018 to $48 billion. Precise automated agriculture is expected to exceed $11 billion. All these applications demand for rapid and accurate position information. We are pioneering a new correction data service to complement the next generation GNSS augmentation systems enabling cost competitive, more compact and truly scalable high accuracy high performance GNSS solutions for the mass-market users. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Sustainable and Effective Workplace Bullying Prevention: A Scalable Evidence-Based Risk Audit Tool | University of South Australia | Workplace bullying is a major work health and safety hazard that costs our economy up to $36 billion each year. Although research on bullying risk factors highlights aspects of the work environment (e.g., organisational red tape), anti-bullying approaches in organisations typically treat bullying behaviour as an interpersonal problem between staff members. One reason for this discrepancy between evidence and practice is a lack of practical tools for the risk management of bullying. Our evidence-based risk audit tool will support organisations to proactively identify and address the risk factors that enable bullying in organisations, leading to sustainable and effective bullying prevention. | ON Prime6 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Team Toxin | RMIT University | There are no pharmaceutical treatments for low-tone muscle disorders. Current treatments are either ineffective of have low compliance. We aim to develop variants of toxins which can be administered to alleviate these syndromes. Our innovative solution will enable sufferers of sleep apnoea, sphincter disorders and other syndromes to vastly improve their quality of life. There will also be cosmetic applications (think of Botox with the opposite effect). | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Ultra-fast charging/discharging battery for EV charging stations | University of Tasmania | At a technical level the project is progressing over 3 stages; 1. Investigate the underlying scientific basis of heat generation and heat transfer mechanism in an individual battery cell during ultra-fast charging at high charging rates; 2. Development of an accurate electro-thermal model to predict the thermal characteristics of a high-power on-site battery bank and corresponding advanced cooling solutions to avoid formation of hotspots. 3. Experimentally validate developed cooling solutions and demonstrate their applicability in EV fast charging applications. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
UniSA PB | University of South Australia | With gas prices skyrocketing and renewable electricity generation costs plummeting, a new paradigm of energy generation for commercial and industrial customers now exists; low-cost renewable electricity to generate heat. Our technology generates heat from low-cost electricity to be stored thermally, discharging heated air as required. Initial cost and performance estimations suggest that this technology can deliver a 20 % internal rate of return for gas users, lower carbon intensity of their process or product, and certainty of long-term heating costs. | ON Prime6 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Virtual companions for children with autism | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Harlie is a conversational agent or chat-bot, akin to Apple’s Siri, but tailored for children on the autism spectrum. Our goal for Harlie is to help the child user build social confidence through regular interactions. Harlie incorporates modules for building bullying resilience, speech & language and more. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Virtual Medical Doctor (vMD) | The University of Western Australia | vMD is a web-based application which situates medical students in a virtual patient consultation setting, employing authentic practice-based tasks. The tasks facilitate student understanding of the diagnostic process and the role of different information sources in this process, including history, examination and investigations. Lecturers can create patient cases that include expert modelling of authentic practice-based tasks (e.g. appropriate prescriptions, pathology tests, medical imaging etc) as well as coaching and scaffolding of tasks. | ON Prime6 | Perth | Jul-20 |
WeijenTech | Australian National University | We aim to improve the lives of patients with neurological conditions by transforming cutting-edge computer science research into innovative medical technologies. Over 5 million people each year have strokes that result in speech impairment. The speech impairment is often more debilitating than a physical disability. Current resources are insufficient to help the increasing numbers of patients. Our device will assist communication, while aiding recovery. It will revolutionise speech rehabilitation. We believe that our device will significantly improve quality of life, reduce healthcare costs, and allow patients to rapidly return to work and to communicate with their loved ones. | ON Prime6 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Wireless Power transformer monitoring system | The University of Queensland | Our project is aimed at providing a solution for real-time and continuous monitoring of individual distribution transformers in metropolitan distribution network based on low cost Internet of Things (IOT) platform and cloud-based storage. It also aims to apply compressive sensing, information fusion and deep learning techniques to integrate real-time sensing and historic data of thousands of transformers in the metropolitan distribution network. This will allow users to make appropriate decision on transformer operation. | ON Prime6 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
BIPV Enablers | RMIT University | The advancement of BIPV technology and its implementation in building envelops offer attractive economic and environmental benefits which interest property owners, architects, photovoltaic (PV) planners, engineers, building developers. However, the tools that’re currently used for BIPV design and development do not support all aspects of the BIPV design process. Therefore, this research propose a framework offering an integrated approach to BIPV project design and development which would match alternative design solutions offering efficient and cost-effective decision making in BIPV Projects. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Cheap Printable Electrically Conducting MOFs | Monash University | The demand for solution processible clean sustainable energy storage and conversion technologies is growing as they are used in the production of lightweight, smart energy devices. The major factors impeding this progress are the high production cost, high raw material cost, low stability and technically demanding manufacturing processes. We have introduced new class of highly conducting, solution processible, MOF materials that is extremely cheap and environmentally benign. The proposed project investigates new synthetic routes for the large-scale synthesis of this new class of materials. This will also provide us an opportunity to interact with industry for its large-scale applications. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Dr Asim Bhatti | Deakin University | Front line defence personnel, such as combat marines and pilots are continuously subjected to physical and cognitive stresses while in operations. This negatively affects their physical and cognitive abilities, which in turn affects their performance. Capability to quantify the physiological and cognitive factors such as situational awareness, cognitive load and fatigue, in real time and provide intuitive real time feedback could lead to enhanced efficiency and performance. iPupilXH, a light weight wearable technology, provides such a capability by continuously monitoring and quantifying cognitive factors of the operators and provide real time tactile feedback when cognitive abilities are detected to compromised. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Dr William Figgett | The University of Melbourne | In autoimmune diseases such as lupus, the immune system continuously damages the patient’s body, causing fatigue and a wide range of symptoms once different organs become affected. Treatment currently relies on drugs which suppress the immune system, which are not ideal because they have toxic side effects and they compromise natural immunity against infections and cancers. We are developing the first targeted therapy for lupus which stops the disease while preserving natural immunity. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Flexible Kesterite CZTS Solar Cell | The University of New South Wales | In this project, we will develop high efficiency and low cost flexible Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin film solar cells. Based on our research progress on this technology in University of New South Wales, we could approve that it is feasible to transfer this lab scale mini-module to large scale production line. Flexible CZTS solar cell will enable the application of renewable energy to many novel fields and reduce the production cost of the photovoltaic device, which will also make a sustainable and environmentally friendly future possible. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Long Shi | RMIT University | The biggest barrier for the current building energy retrofitting projects is the high construction cost and long installation period. A prefabricated modular solar energy system is proposed to allow massive prefabrication in the factories and easy implementation in buildings that enable a lifetime energy saving with low initial investment. It could enable massive adoption in buildings, leading to a potential $625 million savings in energy costs and 1.8 million tons of greenhouse gas emission reduction each year for Australia. It can promote the reuse and recycling of construction wastes, lift industries’ productivity and competitiveness, and create new jobs. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Materials inspired by prebiotic chemistry | CSIRO Manufacturing | We have developed a disruptive platform coating technology that improves the function of advanced materials, including biomedical devices, water purificaion materials and chemical reactors. The water-based process uses a commercially available chemical, and provides highly adhesive coatings (EXOLON) on almost any substrate material, with tunable physical and chemical properties. The coating can be applied rapidly using e.g. ultra-sonic spray coating technologies or electrodeposition methods. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Platypus Energy | The University of Melbourne | Surplus PV generation from multiple households being exported to the electricity network can lead to technical issues on the network infrastructure. This means that DNSPs must either limit installations or carry out expensive network reinforcements. Although residential batteries can help reduce surplus PV generation, current battery controllers are ineffective to this extend. Our team developed an advanced controller that not only provides benefits to their owners (electricity bills) but also reduces household power exports; hence also mitigating technical issues on the electricity network. This could become an alternative to otherwise required costly network reinforcements, saving billions of dollars in investments. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Solar Architecture | Macquarie University | Renewable energy has become an integral part of the world’s energy mix allowing growing population to live sustainability without contributing to CO2 emission and therefore global warming. Photovoltaics (PV) utilises the free abundant solar energy, providing cost-competitive, and clean energy to homes and business across Australia and the world. This project aims to expand the market and applications of photovoltaics (PV) beyond solar farm and rooftops by developing fully integrated photovoltaics solutions improving their aesthetics and adding value and additional functions to building fabrics. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Solar Vision | The University of New South Wales | Photovoltaic electricity generation has become the cheapest form of power generation. This project aims at providing to customers a PV power plant inspection solution that can help PV developers, system owners, solar module manufacturers and research institutes identifying faults in power plants or solar modules that are – or are likely to become – performance limiting. Ultimately this will improve up-time, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of solar power plants. The aim is achieved via a novel and proven outdoor photoluminescence technique that can identify electronic defects in already deployed solar modules in the form of photoluminescence images of individual modules. | ON Prime6 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Aquatic Chicken | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Tilapia also known as Nile Pearch is farmed in over 135 nations valued at $10b+ per annum. It is known as the ‘Aquatic Chicken’ for similarities in farmed production of a sustainable, volume based protein source. In Australia Tilapia are an invasive species and research is being conducted by CSIRO and elsewhere on effective biocontrol. We know male tilapia grows 30% faster and to use precision breeding to devlop all-male fast growing tilapia. This technology could be used to improve productivity in aquaculture while distorting the tilapia population sex-ratio in Australia that could lead to effective control or eradication. | ON Prime6 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
5G | Monash University | Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) allows for tracking of objects for identification purposes. Chipless RFID does not require a microchip, is very affordable, and can be printed on different materials directly or used as adhesive labels. Current chipless RFID tags have problems with data transfer however and break easily. We have a novel approach to produce chipless RFID tags that have robust responses in different environments and are suitable for industrial applications | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
A diagnostic pipeline for mitochondrial diseases | The University of Sydney | Mitochondrial diseases are the commonest group of metabolic disorders. Estimates suggest 100,000 Australians are at risk of developing a mitochondrial disease. Due to the diversity in genetic causes and clinical presentations, they are often challenging to diagnose and can therefore be a considerable burden on the health system. We have developed an analytical pipeline for comprehensive genetic sequencing that has the potential to reduce the time to diagnosis and increase the accuracy of diagnosis for mitochondrial diseases. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Advanced Data Analysis for Solar Farms | The University of New South Wales | We provide an advanced business intelligence solution for solar asset management. It supports visualised portfolio and system-level performance reporting, production and financial analysis and industrial benchmarks. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Ajendas | The University of Newcastle | Serious Games frequently rely on user performance measures to adapt the difficulty of tasks and behaviours, responding dynamically to changes in performance. However, users may maintain task performance while experiencing increasing levels of cognitive load. These high levels of cognitive load mean the user has no spare capacity, masking true performance, and users may fail to get the maximum benefit from the training. The increased cognitive state may also be detrimental to learning. This research provides a system for real-time measures of cognitive load to dynamically adapt serious games to improve learning outcomes. | ON Prime7 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Allergy diagnosis | James Cook University | Allergic disease is highly prevalent in Australia and imposes serious health risks to sufferers. The diagnosis of allergy is cumbersome, requiring specialised knowledge to identify potential allergic triggers, or allergen sources. Current diagnostics in Australia are limited in the number of allergens they can identify and by the lack of trained health professionals. We propose setting up a telehealth service which will offer a diagnostic test that will screen against hundreds of allergens at once, providing an exhaustive list of potential causative agents. This will enable the GP’s to advise patients on how to adequately manage their allergy. | ON Prime7 | Townsville | Jul-20 |
Analytics on FHIR | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Our healthcare system produces huge volumes of data – the challenge is turning this data into knowledge and applying it for the benefit of patients. We have created a set of tools that help clinicians and researchers to explore and unlock new insights from patient records, leveraging emerging standards in the area of structured health records and clinical terminology. These tools will empower the health system to learn from each patient encounter and optimise patient outcomes and resource allocation. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Antifibrotic Technologies | CSIRO Manufacturing | Implant-associated fibrotic encapsulation is a leading cause of medical device failure and represents a significant hurdle for the next-generation of indwelling biosensors and devices. The fibrous coating can have a detrimental effect on continuous blood glucose monitors, cochlear implants, and cell therapies. Our technology enables the reduction or prevention of the foreign body response via a coating, thereby improving the lifetime of implantable devices. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
ASAP- an Automated System for Assembly Planning | University of Wollongong | Australia is in critical need of automation to boost productivity and the manufacturing industry is of interest due to its susceptibility to automation. Time and labour expenses account for about 20-50 per cent of the production cost, meaning automating assembly process promises high returns.However, automating this process requires an efficient assembly plan, which is usually developed by skilled engineers. Our solution, an Automated System for Assembly Planning, can automate and thus reduce the cost of assembly planning, making automation more accessible to small and medium companies. Widespread automation is expected to step up the performance of manufacturing industry and those it serves. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Augmented Reality (AR) based wearable tele-assistance technology: Remote Hands for Electronics Troubleshooting | Swinburne University of Technology | As future ready learners, students are expected to be equipped with technical knowledge, as well as knowledge with relevant, real-world and global context. This project reimagines learning through a digital environment. To experience this work-integrated learning in an authentic learning environment, STEM students have to learn in parallel with a professional purpose, which increases their employability. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Automated weed control for ginger cropping systems | The University of Sydney | Development of an automated platform capable of implementing site-specific non-chemical weed control in ginger productions systems. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Bait Expectations | University of Tasmania | Tasmanian devil numbers have declined by 80% over the last 23 years due to the emergence of transmissible cancers called devil facial tumour (DFT) disease. To protect the Tasmanian devil, conservation strategies are required to rebuild devil populations in the wild. We propose developing an oral bait vaccine that will be eaten by wild devils to provide immunity to DFTs. Unlike traditional injected vaccines, bait vaccines are dropped into habitat using bait dispensers, thus eliminating the need to capture devils for vaccination. This will allow wide-spread vaccination of devils across Tasmania, thus protecting the entire population from DFTs. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
Biomarker for Herediatry Spastic Paraplegia, a neurodegenerative disease | The University of Sydney | There are no current treatments to halt or delay the progression of HSP. The hurdle for scientists towards this is lack of a biomarker that can quantitate intervention-outcome in patients. We have identified a biomarker that can a) distinguishes patients from healthy controls based on a quantitative disease-specific measure b) quantitate intervention-outcome in patients. The biomarker is present in easily accessible patient blood and skin samples. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Biosensers | The University of Queensland | Every tiny cell and molecule in our body carries out a specific task. When molecules behave erroneously, we can fall ill. Understanding how those molecules behave and move around, is essential to understand how our bodies work, and how we can heal them. We developed a microscopy method that makes the motion of moving molecules visible, without interfering with their motion or damaging them. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
BRAINS’ (Boosting Recovery And Increasing Neuroplasticity in Stroke) | University of Canberra | Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the world and impacts 62million people globally. Recovery after stroke utilises the brain’s neuroplasticity, or ability to reconnect and reorganise itself to relearn lost abilities. One way of improving the brain’s neuroplasticity is through aerobic exercise. However, it is not known how much aerobic exercise is enough to see these improvements, and how this change with different doses of this ‘exercise pill’. Our work will determine the optimal dose for the ‘exercise pill’ by exploring the impact of various doses of aerobic exercise on neuroplasticity and brain health. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
BrillUp | University of Technology Sydney | We are moving to an economy where disruption is the norm, where the boundaries between employment and self-employment are blurring, and we are expected to constantly learn new skills and adapt – but with very little support. We are developing tools and resources to help individuals take control of their professional development to thrive in the new economy. We support individuals taking an entrepreneurial approach to their careers and developing their unique value to create opportunities for themselves rather than depending on others to provide opportunities for them. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Centre for Hypersonics | The University of Queensland | The space economy is experiencing a rapid growth. Australia has a number of unique skills and expertise that could enhance space launch . and space exploration system. This project aims to deliver the appropriately skilled and industry ready graduates required grow the space launch industry in Queensland and to develop an Australian signature system, that allows Australian researchers to have impact on the international effort towards space launch systems and space travel. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
CHASM | The University of Western Australia | Current methods to map aggregate spatiotemporal phenomena, such as disease rates, are fundamentally inaccurate, resulting in inefficient resource allocation and poor outcomes across many areas of human endeavour. However, these inaccuracies are poorly understood and their impact is underestimated. We have developed a solution to the problems of spatiotemporally mapping aggregated data. However, implementation of this solution requires a) an awareness of the problem, b) proficiency in or access to R programming capacity. To solve this, we propose two things: a communications campaign and a user-friendly interface to implement the solution. | ON Prime7 | Perth | Jul-20 |
City Parking Assistance APP Using IoT – “GotIT” | University of Tasmania | Lack of parking is one of the biggest challenges in modern cities and adding more parking spaces is not possible in certain areas. A promising approach is to use the available spaces more efficiently, with real-time information key to implementing such a solution. While certain products available locally provide such information, they do not show availability on navigation software apps such as Google Maps. This project aims to fill this gap using an Internet of Things (IoT)-based novel technique and will eliminate stress in motorists, improve traffic congestion, and promote efficient use of resources in friendly and healthier smart cities. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
Climate – Resilient Economies and Transformative Cities | James Cook University | Orthodox methods of addressing climate change adaptation plans and sustainable economic growth in cities are no longer adequate. They have not only ignored the ongoing structural changes associated with development, but also failed to account for evolving industries’ composition and the emergence of new skills. Marginalised communities and exposed urban-areas (that experience higher susceptibility to climate change) have been largely ignored in adaptation plans. This project provides community empowerment solutions as potential catalysts for capacity building within communities in cities, to facilitate climate change action, and to achieve our vision of transformative cities this is supported through networks of organisations. | ON Prime7 | Townsville | Jul-20 |
ClimateAdapt Crop Technologies | The University of Queensland | Climatic extremes limit crop productivity. In Australia, for example, many growers cite heat waves and drought as conditions that often result in crop failure, sometimes killing the entire crop and almost always negatively impacting harvest indices due to plant-stress-related issues. Current techniques available on the market for Australian growers can exacerbate the problem hence new technologies are needed. Our technologies provide growers with insurance against climatic extremes, using newly developed compounds that assist plants to function normally for longer under stressful conditions. Scientific evidence confirms that crops perform better with these compounds, resulting in better harvest indices under stressful conditions. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
EnCaPsulate | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Encapsulation is a technique widely used commercially to protect and control release of an active ingredient in a barrier to diffusion. However, when the encapsulated is a formulated product the aim is to provide a barrier to diffusion. But for small molecules, this barrier seldom does its job. We have developed novel microcapsules using a mineral shell which are capable of fully preventing unwanted loss of small molecules until release is triggered using an external force. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Compact Fission Reactor for Space Missions | ANSTO | The project is to develop a space-based nuclear fission reactor capable of producing 1 MWe for the entirety of a mission spanning years. It will be able to safely and reliably operate in the vacuum of space, and the atmospheres of Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Disarming pathogens for increased food security and environmental protection | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Plant diseases cause significant damage both economically and through social impacts, especially in developing economies. Annual global losses due to diseases are estimated at 20 per cent of all food production. We have developed technology that could turn some major pathogens into benign organisms. In doing so, we could help reduce losses, increase food security globally and help reduce the use of agrochemicals used to control diseases. This technology could make some plant diseases a thing for the history archives. Furthermore, the technology may be adaptable to exotic pathogens in a conservation context too. | ON Prime7 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
DNA Drafting | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Cattle vary in their ability to resist disease, grow, and produce quality products but currently they is no easy way to identify these differences. We have developed a testing strategy called ‘DNA Drafting’ that enables us to match animals to different production systems based on their genetic potential. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Dream Cheese | University of Tasmania | Australian cheese makers are continually seeking novel ways to improve cheese quality and enhance the unique flavours. To achieve this, it is important to understand the microbial communities and metabolite profiles of raw milk with a view to enabling cheese makers to optimize the quality, safety and commercial value of their products. This will expand Australian cheese makers’ reputation for their products, improving sales and increase demand for both domestic and international markets. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
EarthQuake Busters | Australian National University | Our aim is to improve the warning time for earthquake and tsunami early warning systems using technology developed for the detection of gravitational waves. We expects to gain tens of seconds (and 10s minutes) of warning, compared to current earthquake (and tsunami) early warning systems. This can provide substantial benefit as additional seconds of early warning against damaging seismic waves and large volumes of water can save lives and infrastructure such as halting high speeds, and protection of electrical power stations and gas mains. | ON Prime7 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Easy Gait Velocity Measurement | Western Sydney University | Walking speed is an indicator of health. Reduced walking speed is an early indicator of decline in health status. Ongoing monitoring of walking speed would allow for a better understanding of disease state and would benefit a significant portion of the population including the elderly, diabetics and those undergoing rehabilitation. Accurate measurements are difficult to achieve regularly and reliably. Our idea is to create an unobtrusive, accurate, low-cost, easy-to-operate, automatic walking speed measurement system that is adaptable to a variety of environments, such as a hospital corridor or a hallway at home. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
ECU Melanoma Research Team | Edith Cowan University | Melanoma is a deadly skin cancer. There is a critical need for melanoma-specific markers that can be used for treatment selection, predict response to therapies and monitoring patients that undergoing therapy. We propose the use of a blood test we are developing as a minimally-invasive surrogate to tumour biopsy to aid in the clinical management of patients with melanoma and other cancer types. | ON Prime7 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Emergent neural systems | University of Wollongong | Typically, neural function is investigated by growing single cells in culture and analysing their behaviour after exposure to different drug treatments. However, the brain is a highly complex tissue containing numerous cell types and structures. This results in ‘emergent’ properties that arise when collections of cells interact and generate behaviours that are very different from the behaviour of any individual cell. This research is developing more advanced tissue models to obtain a greater understanding of neurodegenerative diseases and to better replicate human tissue on the bench. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Energy from MSW | University of Wollongong | To solve the problem, a novel and commercially feasible technology will be developed by which energy can be recovered from the biomass in the municipal solid waste (MSW). The conceptual process will include generation of a fuel gas from MSW (supplemented by green waste) via drying/pyrolysis – gasification – combustion processes to be completed in a single equipment/plant. A special design will be invented by which the residual carbon after pyrolysis and gasification of the biomass in MSW is combusted to generate heat, which is then used for gasification and pyrolysis processes. The fuel gas can be used for power generation using gas turbines/engines. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
FilterPipes | Western Sydney University | Fresh water shortage is a global issue and is threatening our food security. Reverse osmosis (RO) is the major technology used for desalination. This technique has downfalls; the water produced using reverse osmosis desalination is too expensive and too pure for agriculture purposes. We aim to develop a cost-effective desalination technology for irrigation. These water purification pipes pass water but reject salt and other pollutants. Experiments have proven the feasibility, and we are in the process of developing the products. These products can be used for irrigation using poor quality water sources, such a brackish bore water, and reduce water wastage. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Fit-for-purpose nanosensors | Monash University | When large numbers of people become ill detecting the cause as quickly as possible prevents further risk to public safety. Currently samples are collected and sent to a central facility for analysis. Using nanomaterials we propose a way for toxins, drugs and chemicals to be detected instantly at the scene for a real-time response. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Food Stori – Food Provenance Platform using Blockchain | Curtin University | Food safety and provenance is a multibillion dollar industry and people are willing to pay more for their food if they know where the food was grown. For this you need to have a transparent and traceable supply chain. Our solution “Food Stori” helps farmers who want to provide provenance of their produce. Our subscription based software platform captures, analyses and immutably records produce history using blockchain technology. We help the entire spectrum of agribusiness supply chain partners from paddock to plate, so the end consumer has confidence in what they eat. | ON Prime7 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Fortifyedge | University of Tasmania | Internet of Things (IoT) devices are easy to hack and have poor security. Users are therefore unable to trust that their smart devices are secure. Fortifyedge is an on-device, behaviometric authentication platform that verifies the identity of a person regarding who they are, who they claim to be using their geolocation and gait to provide a seamless authentication experience. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
Full Endurance | Monash University | Small electric drones suffer from short flight times. This problem limits their range and payload. The flight times of small drones could be significantly extended if the energy efficiency of their electric motors was improved. This may now be possible for the first time due to the recent development of a new type of nanocrystalline soft magnetic material. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
GoKymando | Defence Science and Technology Group | GoKymando have created a pair of underwear that are attractive, comfortable, practical and convenient with all of the benefits of modern active wear. The key feature of the patented design means they can be easily put on and removed without the need to be standing or to remove other items of clothing. This addresses issues Defence members regularly have changing underwear when on a field exercise or overseas on deployment. It is not always practical to change underwear frequently and circumstances can make changing underwear difficult. The concept is applicable across many fields, including defence, sports, disabilities, elderly and travel. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
GP Research | The University of Notre Dame Australia | Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) provide opportunity to build Intelligent Decision Support Systems enabling personalised primary care. Audit tools have demonstrated that general practice patient records held within GP databases can be used to identify individuals at risk of chronic disease using appropriately coded data. Information contained in patient notes and reports are often not systematically coded and accessible. Natural language processing AI tools may be useful in analysing this complex information to support decision making in primary care eg provide the GP with more complete and targeted clear summaries of the patients’ multimorbid conditions, associated medications and services used. | ON Prime7 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Green Concrete with Plastic Waste | University of Wollongong | The record government infrastructure investment and the population growth are expected to push up the demand for concrete by 19 per cent over the next four years. Accordingly, the need for river sand has incredibly increased. Meanwhile, Australia is facing waste crisis due to the ban for recyclables from Australia, where the average yearly plastic consumption is 130 kg/person, only 12 per cent of which is recycled. The plastic stockpile has become an environmental-financial challenge. Our solution is to develop a novel green concrete with the direct use of waste plastic particles to resolve the two urgent issues. The new concrete has better properties. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Guei-Sheung Liu | University of Tasmania | Excessive growth of blood vessels in the eye causes loss of vision and can only be treated with painful and frequent injections of medicine into the eye which in the long-term may cause permanent damage. We have developed a new approach of gene therapy that blocks disease-causing mediator Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) for a prolonged period using a single injection and the effect of intervention can be tailored via a nanocarrier-based eye drop. Such a novel approach in health practices could revolutionise ophthalmic care by making treatment by needles obsolete. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
Health App Delivery | The University of Sydney | A technology program that delivers treatment prescription via an app to the patient with a musculoskeletal disorder. The app monitors the patient’s condition via self-reported features and can amend treatment accordingly. An example would be for a patient who was having a TKR. Once they had been identified, the Pt would be given access to the app, which would prescribe treatment daily, with the patient entering their outcomes. The program would know when the surgery is and amend treatment both before and just after to enhance outcomes. This will lead to improved adherence to treatment and outcomes for patients. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
HealthLit4Kids | University of Tasmania | Health Literacy is an important asset required to manage one’s own health. Tasmanians self-report that they have the worst health literacy in Australia. Health Literacy influences health outcomes, educational attainment and social equity. Tasmanians suffer more from preventable conditions such as heart attack and stroke than other states in Australia. Comparatively, Tasmania’s educational attainment is behind the rest of the nation. HealthLit4Kids aims to bring members of the education and health sectors together with families and communities to improve health literacy in Tasmania. It supports positive health and educational outcomes for children and works towards reducing health inequities for families. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
Hear Here | National Acoustic Laboratories | Current retrospective questionnaires used by healthcare clinicians fail to accurately characterise a person’s hearing difficulties. Poor understanding of the problems faced can cause poor determination of treatment strategies, low adherence and poor client outcomes. Our solution is to develop an interactive hearing health assessment and monitoring smartphone app for use as a clinical tool. The app gathers information about a person’s hearing difficulties in their daily activities using adaptive personalised surveys and measuring environment acoustics. Data is shared with the clinician through cloud services. Intelligent data analysis informs clinical decision-making and leads to better hearing outcomes and positive behaviour change. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
HortIntel | Central Queensland University | Advances in AgTech to improve competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of the Australian horticultural industry is limited by the lack of decision support tools specifically designed for targeted crops. Unlike big commodities (e.g. wheat, cotton, livestock), many small horticulture crops cannot afford to develop their own data analytic and decision supporting tools due to their limited investment capacity. This project will prototype and demonstrate the commercial applicability of a customisable, cloud-based data platform to meet the diverse data analytic needs of horticultural crops. The platform will convert big data into informed real-time decision-making to promote the growth of horticulture production. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
HydraSpectra Autonomous Plant Informatics | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | HydraSpectra Autonomous Plant Informatics is engineering an autonomous vehicle with georeferencing capabilities that could scan whole plants (from the ground to growth tip), producing 3D images of a crop’s nutrient status. It would allow for the capture of essential nutrients translocating from older leaves at the bottom to new leaves at the growth tip. Depth slicing capabilities (sensors capturing spectral data equidistant on the device from ground to growth tip) would capture nutrient supply in real-time. Reduced supply to the growth tip from older leaves low in the canopy would indicate probable deficiencies. This would allow for a proactive approach to addressing nutrient deficiencies earlier, improving plant outcomes. | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Iam4Ag- An Integrative and Adaptative calendar of crop Management for sustainable Agricultural systems | University of Southern Queensland | Accuracy in the timing and amount of nitrogen in fertiliser applications is crucial for efficient management of rice crops. However, pre-season forecasts of a cropping season can become obsolete in the tropics where rice is mostly grown. Variable weather events often dramatically alter key factors of crop growth. We propose to develop a smart crop calendar application, Iam4ag that provides seasonal outlooks in terms of climatic risk but then updates management options for nitrogen application as the season progresses. The Iam4Ag calendar will assist farmers to adapt to climate variability, maximize profitability and minimise nitrogen runoff to the environment. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Ibalance | University of Wollongong | Our fall risk assessment device (Ibalance) helps older people who want to live a healthy independent life by measuring their balance and diagnosing their risk of falling, unlike fall detection devices that detect falls once they happen. Ibalance is a wearable device, capable of real-time, quantitative fall risk and balance assessment. The wearable device will be paired with a mobile application for set up, and data logging. We are mainly seeking for marketing and commercialisation skills and suitable platforms to approach stakeholders. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Improving the safety, productivity and environmental performance of semi-trailers | Federation University Australia | Using novel principles to improve the safety, productivity and environmental performance of semi-trailers. The safety benefits are reduced off-tracking (including corner-cutting), no-skill reversing (of any number of trailers), and immunity to jack-knifing. The environmental benefits are reduced road damage, tyre wear, and fuel consumption on turning. The productivity benefits are that more freight can be transported per driver and per prime mover. The essential feature of the superior trailer trains is that slave reference points on the trailers are made to follow the path of a master reference point located on the prime mover. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
InvisiCrop – A next generation biosecurity research platform | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Data mining methods can be used to scan and filter the data from diverse sources to identify relevant information for sustainability reporting. We aim to acquire the relevant information with high accuracy and create an information repository to store the data and a web-interface and visualisation platform so that Australian agricultural industry bodies and businesses can obtain the sustainability indicators and target values automatically. We have trialled this in cotton and here we will seek to scale this across agricultural production in Australia. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
JCAC | The University of Notre Dame Australia | Scientific evidence highlights the negative outcomes physical inactivity can have on employees, including chronic disease, mental illness and reduced productivity. Employee wellness programs provide exercise opportunities to promote health outcomes. The University of Notre Dame Australia runs a unique EWP program which addresses limitations of typical EWP’s by delivering targeted exercise programs, considerate of an individual’s goals and readiness to change, and is supported with one-to-one supervision. This project seeks to partner with organisations with the explicit intent of enhancing employee health and wellbeing via consolidation of an EWP model evidenced to provide a strong return on investment. | ON Prime7 | Perth | Jul-20 |
LEPH TILES | University of Tasmania | The project aims to deliver new preventative and collaborative services, training and technologies to law enforcement and health professionals to improve support for individuals and families at risk of experiencing alcohol, drug addiction, mental illness and family violence. The program will improve local collaborations between service providers in the areas of primary health, early intervention and crime prevention. It will help develop a culturally appropriate practice model, based and led by evidence, location and trauma knowledge for better service delivery. The program essentially looks at the ways in which agencies can better collaborate to establish primary health as a contributor to community safety. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
MacroKey | CSIRO’s Data61 | Macrokey is a Self-Sovereign Identity Management solution that uses web cryptography to protect personal identity credentials, allows the safe sharing of such credentials with people and organisations, and enables transparency & enforceability in user-consent management. It is developed at CSIRO’s Data61 and consists of a secure mobile app that manages the user’s identity credentials on-device, and a Web-SDK allowing organisations’ websites to connect to the app, in a decentralised way, for authentication, consent management, verifiable credentials and data sharing purposes. | ON Prime7, ON Prime 13 | Sydney, Online | Jul-20 |
Meat Munchies | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Age-related sarcopenia, the global obesity epidemic and rise in non-communicable diseases such as diabetes is in part caused by unhealthy eating habits and high refined carbohydrate, low protein, nutrient poor dietary intakes. Solutions could include availability of convenient, high-protein, low-salt, nutrient-dense red meat snacks. Health-conscious consumers have increasing awareness of the role of protein in a healthy diet and red meat’s bioavailable protein and essential nutrients to reduce sarcopenia in the elderly, manage diabetes and reduce hypertension. This project will validate the value proposition for a red meat snack as a preferred “preventative health and wellness” snack. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
MelDx | Edith Cowan University | The aim of this research is to develop a diagnostic assay for the detection of melanoma skin cancer and is based on the measurement of a combination of autoantibodies. These biomarkers signal the first immune response toward the cancer and allow a high degree of accuracy in the diagnosis of primary melanoma via a simple blood test. In the future, we anticipate the test to be an additional tool for the routine diagnosis of melanoma to enhance diagnostic certainty and prevent the further spread of the cancer. | ON Prime7 | Perth | Jul-20 |
meriSTEM | Australian National University | Australia needs a stronger STEM-skilled workforce, now and in the future, to remain competitive economically by solving multi-faceted challenges such as climate change. Many STEM-engaged students aren’t practising the science inquiry model nor learning as deeply as intended by the Australian Curriculum. The Australian National University’s meriSTEM initiative provides comprehensive, curriculum-aligned, modular resources free to senior secondary STEM teachers, enabling them to ‘flip’ their classrooms in order to maximise deep, engaged learning. Capitalising on the researched benefits of peer-learning and increased teacher-student interaction time, meriSTEM resources allow for more class time in collaborative problem solving and inquiry based learning. | ON Prime7 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
MR-AI | Monash University | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a frequently used for brain, cardiac and body imaging. However, the scan times are often large (few minutes to an hour), and any patient motion during the scan degrades the image quality. In this research, we have developed two imaging solutions using state of art artificial intelligence techniques that reduces the scan time and retrospectively corrects for the imaging errors due to patient motion. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Nano-Brain | The University of Sydney | We’re developing a hardware-based neural network that mimics the structure and function of real (biological) neural networks to achieve natural intelligence. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Nanosensor Engineering Lab | Monash University | Very few technologies are available for real-time/continuous monitoring of disease-related biomarkers. Developing these technologies would have significant effects on how critical decisions are made in patient treatment. In our group we have focussed on developing biocompatible nanoparticles as sensor “tattoos” to generate detectable signals for clinically-relevant imaging. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
New Markets for Fine Wines | University of Tasmania | Our goal is the consistent production of ultra-premium wines by growing and selecting grapes in a modified climate with a low environmental footprint. A pilot learning facility will help wine producers understand and evaluate a new way of growing vines while encouraging direct participation in on-going research and development to integrate practical know-how. The broader community will be engaged for learning opportunities and to attract a future workforce, High-tech facilities in convenient locations would promote visitation for food-wine tourism and scaling out to a global market, especially densely-populated regions where land for grape-growing is scarce, will create value for local Small Medium Enterprises (SME) and regional economies. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
Novel anti-inflammatory formulation | University of Technology Sydney | Respiratory inflammatory diseases impose an immense worldwide health burden and are among the most common causes of severe illness and death worldwide. Corticosteroids are the most effective therapy to control the symptoms of asthma by targeting airway inflammation. However, long-term treatment with high doses of steroids causes significant side effects in patients and inresponsivness to steroids which is life-threatening. Our invention, UTS-L, will provide an innovative and effective approach to managing asthmatic symptoms in those affected. It will significantly improve their life quality and work ability and reduce the social and economic burden of our society. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Omics water quality | CSIRO Land & Water | Current methods for monitoring water quality rely on a combination of physical, chemical and biological assessments. These measurements can be slow to perform, are costly and data can be misleading, which often results in water quality issues arising, a reduction in customer confidence and damage to organisational branding. Here, we propose a solution that uses traditional water quality data coupled with biological activity data, pathogen specificity and viability as well as biological impacts. Thus, providing a tool that has predictive capability of future issues that provides pre-emptive strategies to be implemented that manage and mitigate biological impacts before they occur. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
OminWell Chip | University of South Australia | OminWell are developing a novel platform to support the growth of microtissue in the lab in a way that more closely resembles the three-dimensional microenvironment in the body, where simpler to more complex tumour models can be recreated from co-cultures of tumour cells with other cell types to organs. This platform is designed to provide greater predictive power for screening drugs prior to preclinical and clinical studies and will reduce the burden of cancer and facilitate the study of diseases across multiple stages of disease progression under controlled conditions. | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Optical pH Sensors for Medical and Industrial Use | The University of Adelaide | Reliable measurement of pH is critical to a range of applications including industrial processes, where variations can impact the quality or yield of pharmaceuticals, and within medicine where pH is an indicator of poor health outcomes. The Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing has developed an improved device for measuring pH in industrial and medical samples, based on an optical fibre probe. Traditional probes are limited in where they can be used, whereas this device has been designed to perform reliable, accurate measurements in these challenging environments, presenting opportunities to add value to existing methods and technologies. | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Personalised PSA test | Queensland University of Technology | Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is the current blood-based test for prostate cancer. Its reliability for prostate cancer detection is often questioned. We have data that some variants of PSA may not be measured by the current clinical test. In our current project, we will develop a modified PSA test, to discriminate the conventional and modified PSA variant. This personalised approach to modify the current PSA test could improve sensitivity and better guide decision-making on clinical care in men. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
PHRONESIS | Deakin University | A device that can be used in any environment to be an efficient, real-time monitor of airborne toxins. This project aims to adapt a current instrument for multi-purpose applications, such asair toxicity measurements. Adding a real-time monitoring capability to the already existing features enables the collection of critical knowledge that is useful for industries, governments, and the general public. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Pigs Can Fly | The University of Queensland | Pigs Can Fly’s neonatal clinical training facility will extend training opportunities for neonatal medical and nursing staff across Queensland. Skills are usually increased through intensive practice but this cannot be achieved in real-life situations. This team can provide intensive hands-on training so that skills are rapidly improved and consolidated. This will lead to an improvement in neonatal care across Queensland and beyond. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Rabin Tuladhar | James Cook University | Australia produces 1.5 million tonnes of waste glass every year, only half of which is recycled. This project aims to develop a new commercial market of recycling crushed glass waste as a partial cement and sand replacement in concrete. Use of recycled glass in concrete not only reduces the amount of waste going into landfills but will also reduce the consumption of cement and natural sand in the construction industry. Reduction of every tonne of cement production reduces a tonne of carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere. Avoiding excessive dredging of sand from rivers also help to prevent river ecosystem degradation. | ON Prime7 | Townsville | Jul-20 |
RADDical | University of Tasmania | Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a learning disability that effects 7.4% of Australian children and adolescents and yet there is no known cure. Some therapies, such as reflexology are used as alternatives to medication for children with ADHD. This project explores the impact of foot reflexology to reduce the symptoms of ADHD. Reflexology may benefit children by reducing stress and anxiety, thus allowing them to be more settled in class and to improve their school attendances and grades. The project also involves teaching parents to perform reflexology on their children to make the therapy available when needed and without costs. | ON Prime7 | Hobart | Jul-20 |
Rapid Response Air Medical Unit for Battlefield Trauma Treatment | RMIT University | For stroke victims, treatment is time critical, especially within the first ‘golden hour’ after onset. The Australian Stroke and Heart Alliance is developing an Air Mobile Stroke Unit to improve response time for heart and stroke victims in remote areas. Similarly, studies show that rapid treatment of battlefield trauma is equally essential for a good outcome, e.g. treatment of non-compressible bleeding, airway obstruction, spine injuries and hypoxia. This project looks into the development of an Air Medical Unit based on a standard helicopter configured with equipment and personnel for in-situ trauma treatment in conflict zones. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
RapidScan | University of Technology Sydney | Develop a cost competitive solution to low altitude (airborne or ground based), mobile, LiDAR surveying. The project from the university side will concentrate on developing novel signal processing methods based on the phase space evolution of images using an analogy between pattern recognition in time and space. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Redox Flow Batteries | The University of Newcastle | Storing energy is key in transitioning us to a future 100% renewable energy economy. Many renewable energy resources are intermittent (for example wind and solar), which prevents direct matching of energy supply and demand. Only energy storage offers the possibility to match renewable energy supply and demand. We have invented a conceptually new type of redox flow battery that solves many of the problems of conventional battery technology: it is inexpensive (consists of abundant elements only), scale-able, low hazardous, and simple. This battery has the potential to be used in a range of applications spaning from domestic to large scale. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Reinventing Furrow Irrigation | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Irrigation across Australia is dominated by bed and furrow irrigation systems, in which crops are planted on the beds and irrigation water is supplied down the furrows. This form of irrigation is very inefficient and wasteful of water. We have a solution that uses an impermeable membrane on the base of the furrow to radically improve water use efficiency by minimising the deep drainage vertically below the impermeable membrane and maximising the lateral movement of water and nutrients into the bed, which is where the roots are so they can take up the water. | ON Prime7 | Townsville | Jul-20 |
Remote sensing, field data and machine learning for agriculture | Australian National University | This team are developing a product that will allow the user to find a location on map and obtain crop/forage estimation of vegetation growth in the past 20 years and a forecast for the next couple of months via an electronic platform (phone, ipad, computer). The user will be able to incorporate their own data collected in the field (meteorological, soil, etc) to improve model accuracy. The tool provides a chart showing how vegetation productivity is tracking in the selected location and makes recommendations on optimal day to fertilise. | ON Prime7 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Resource Recovery: Waste to Energy Generation | James Cook University | Microwave pyrolysis is an efficient, fast, cheap and environmentally friendly process to assist breakdown of different kinds of waste materials and manufacture different useful by-products such as biogas, bio-oil and bio char. This project aims to use a custom developed microwave technology to convert different streams of waste into valuable by-products and use the by-products for energy generation. In addition, better waste processing and resource recovery techniques are needed to protect our environment, especially fragile ecosystems such as the Great Barrier Reef in North Queensland. The energy recovery from the by-products will assist to generate income from the waste materials. | ON Prime7 | Townsville | Jul-20 |
ResusRight | The University of Sydney | We aim to develop a world first very low-cost device suitable particularly for the developing world that will assist birth attendants to monitor delivered ventilation and mask leak during resuscitation at birth (and other ages). This device will clip on to the SIB and mask and will show an immediate visual measurement for mask leak and lung inflation volume. This visual aid will enable the attendant to adjust bag and mask technique to provide more effective ventilation during resuscitation of asphyxiated newborns at birth and preterm infants. This device will help reduce infant death and serious long-term brain injury. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Rubberized concrete like traditional concrete | RMIT University | This new technology developed by the project team at RMIT can turn a recycled material, rubber concrete, into traditional concrete material without increasing its production costs. This is achieved by drastically enhancing the material properties of the recycled material through a novel way of concrete casting without use of additional materials. The application of the material in engineering is expected to save natural resources, reduce CO2 emission in constructions, help to resolve the environmental problem caused by dumping of waste tyres, reduce construction costs, and advance the concrete technology and material science. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
SELF STORAGE | RMIT University | A problem with both solar cells and on-chip laser printed graphene energy storages is the optimisation of the designs for TCEs, back contact, and energy storage electrodes. Human efforts to optimise these designs have limitations, highlighting the importance of using machine learning for the optimisation process, which can result in a high efficiency on-chip solar energy storage for the next-generation technologies. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
SoilSpec | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Soil resources have diminished and continue to degrade, due largely to land management that does not take into account the maintenance or improvement of a range of soil properties. In order to manage soil resources there is a critical need to characterise them in a timely and cost effective manner. Our goal is to bring existing and emerging spectroscopic technologies, data management, analysis and prediction into a platform for soil characterisation as a first step in integrating rapid and inexpensive analyses with soil information systems, agroecosystem modelling and decision support. | ON Prime7 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Solar autonomous chiller | University of South Australia | Solar autonomous chiller (SA_Chiller) is an air-conditioner which can handle the space cooling demand of a building using only energy generated from solar energy system. To reliably operate the SA_Chiller with energy from the sun, there is need for large energy storage. The benefit from deploying SA_Chiller is that the energy generated from the PV array buffers is stored both in the battery and inside thermal storage, making the SA_Chiller a cost feasible investment. Our research aim is to techno-economically optimize the SA_Chiller integration to size a system that can reliably satisfy the building occupants comfort conditions while remaining cost efficient. | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Source of light for quantum communication | University of Technology Sydney | A key technology required for the future quantum era is a high-quality source of quantum light. Our proposed source has strong advantages in scalability and mass production. When integrated with existing quantum communication systems, we expect our source of quantum light to increase the communication bandwidth by up to an order of magnitude. This improvement could significantly improve existing secure communication systems and aid quantum-computing development. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Stealth Technologies | The University of Western Australia | We propose a multi-drone carrier variant of our autonomous UGV, to become an Autonomous Drone Carrier (ADC). The ADC will deploy and co-ordinate multiple drones and/or cycle through drones, charging them at the station for continuous operation. The carrier is autonomous and can navigate itself to a launch potion, then the drones will autonomously deploy and perform their required mission. The capability of the drones is interchangeable and can be customised to meet specific requirements. The medium size of the ADC makes them deploy-able via helicopter, whilst large enough to perform multiple drone swarm missions. | ON Prime7 | Perth | Jul-20 |
Sustainabale | Queensland University of Technology | Data mining methods can be used to scan and filter the data from diverse sources to identify relevant information for sustainability reporting. We aim to acquire the relevant information with high accuracy and create an information repository to store the data and a web-interface and visualisation platform so that Australian agricultural industry bodies and businesses can obtain the sustainability indicators and target values automatically. We have trialled this in cotton and here we will seek to scale this across agricultural production in Australia. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Sustainable Futures | CSIRO Services | CSIRO has delivered a leading sustainability education program called Sustainable Futures for over 10 years and is now ready to take its reach and impact to the next level – to equip students nation-wide to solve the biggest, boldest and most complex sustainability challenges of the future. In the next 40 years, Australia will experience unprecedented economic, environmental and social sustainability challenges. To solve them, the future workforce will need stronger foundations in science, technology, engineering and mathematics; skills for innovation; and deep knowledge of sustainability. Sustainable Futures will deliver this solution. | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Team GOLD (Gerontological Older Leadership Dream) | University of Wollongong | The number of people over 65 years of age will double by 2054. Submissions to the current Royal Commission into Aged Care confirm that lack of skills in advanced nursing practices is a huge problem in the aged care sector. Our team have developed an evidence-based Gerontological Nursing Competency (GNC) Framework that structures the professional development of gerontological nurses. Our team want to build a business model to ensure that the GNC Framework is implemented to ensure high quality specialist gerontological care is provided to all older people and their family carers. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
TeamPlantago | The University of Adelaide | Psyllium is currently made exclusively from Plantago ovata seeds grown in India. We have discovered a native Australian psyllium (NAP) with unique and novel properties providing commercial potential. As a native plant adjusted to the Australian climate it may offer a valuable alternative to farmers. It is better agronomically with higher yields, upright stature and non-shattering seed capsules. It has superior gelling and water holding properties. NAP is potentially a more versatile natural food thickening agent with enhanced gut health applications combined with improved nutritional and sensory properties for use in processed food (particularly gluten free baked products). | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Tests R us | University of South Australia | Tests R us has developed an easy to use, high throughput capable, chemo response test will enable clinicians to take the guess work out of cancer therapy, providing patients with a true personalised solution and reducing costs to the healthcare system. | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
The joint application of AI and Conjoint Analysis | The University of Newcastle | We will develop a software solution that can be released under licence to Aged Care Facilities to assist with the assessment of patients in conjunction with the ACFI process. The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a decision-making algorithm such as conjoint analysis or multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) within the ACFI assessment process will allow the existing ACFI checklists and surveys to be codified as an input to the MCDM process, allowing a degree of standardisation across the aged care industry. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
The Plate Group | James Cook University | The project that we are working on is a thermally controlled real time behavioural and growth analysis system. We incorporate a microcontroller capable of computer vision with a precisely controlled heating and cooling temperature plate, the combination of which forms a novel scientific analysis and automatic reporting system. Our device analyses the subject in the real time, embedding data into the video/still feed which can be viewed through its own web page on any wirelessly connected device. | ON Prime7 | Townsville | Jul-20 |
Transformational RNAi technologies | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | The Agricultural industry is actively seeking alternative technologies for controlling pest/pathogens and influencing plant development as a means of increasing overall productivity. CSIRO has developed two new patented RNAi molecules, ledRNA and G:U hpRNA which are less-labile and more efficient in silencing compared to the older RNAi technologies. These RNAi molecules can either be used for short-term applications through topical application or for long-term applications with transgenic approaches to enable resistance against pest/pathogens and changes to plant development. Use of our RNAi technology will markedly improve overall productivity and profitability within the Agricultural sector. | ON Prime7 | Canberra | Jul-20 |
Tuneable Hand-Held Nebulisation | Monash University | Our device is a new kind of nebuliser for the treatment of asthma, which effectively controls the particle size and distribution of drugs delivered to the lungs. Using microfluidics, we are able to produce a mist of micrometre diameter droplets tailored to the treatment of each individual’s condition, improving patient outcomes while reducing the amount of medication needed. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
VIVA | University of Wollongong | The Versatile Intelligent Video Analytics platform is based on a smart camera for monitoring in real time traffic flows of pedestrians and vehicles. It leverages the existing CCTV network and addresses its cost by creating new usages while respecting the privacy regulations. The core of the platform relies on computer vision algorithm and state of the art artificial intelligence technique. Hence VIVA can easily be applied to new problems in indoors and outdoors environments. Being versatile, it can be deployed in sensors, servers and cloud instances. The solution can be of interest for every Council and organisation owing a CCTV network. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
VR technologies for training and education | The University of Adelaide | The tools developed to use VR for tracking and training can be used in a multitude of scenarios. We have the technology, but don’t know what the demand is, nor what the best market for the technology would be. VR technologies for training and education want to develop, evaluate VR scenarios in training spaces. From industry and first responders, the team want to improve training outcomes and ensure it is more reliable. They would like to build in psychological skills to the VR tools to ensure we are adaptive for differing human behaviour. | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
Winegrape extracts | Australian Wine Research Institute | Thousands of tonnes of grape marc (the solid remains of grapes, after pressing for juice) are produced annually as a by-product of winemaking. This material, made of grape skins and seeds, is currently used for recovery of low value products such as ethanol, tartaric acid or fed to stock. Flavour precursors are highly concentrated in grape marc and can be extracted in a simple process, creating an opportunity for generating an extra value stream from this by-product. An opportunity exists for a business or service to process grape marc and sell flavour precursors to a range of customers. | ON Prime7 | Adelaide | Jul-20 |
iRail | University of Wollongong | Rail tracks need to be inspected regularly to avoid derailments. Current inspection methods are expensive and low-efficient. We proposed an AI sound-inspection system to localize track flaws by analyzing the wheel/track interaction sounds. This is a more efficient, cost-effective and reliable track-inspection method for the railway industry. Eventually, it will revolutionise railway industry and build a smarter and safer infrastructure for the future. | ON Prime7 | Wollongong | Jul-20 |
Chipless RFID tags | Monash University | Chipless RFID is a wireless technology for tracking and identification purposes. The price of Chipless RFID tags is very affordable as they can be printed on different materials directly or being used as adhesive labels. However, conventional chipless RFID tags (co-polar tags) cannot be used for item tagging applications due to the tags’ sensitivity to the environment reflection. This problem is the main barrier toward commercialisation of chipless RFID tags. In this project, we have proposed a novel approach to produce chipless RFID tags with have robust responses in different environments and are suitable for industrial applications. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
Canine Cancer Company | The University of Sydney | For several years we have been developing novel cancer vaccines designed to generate an immune response against a patients tumour. Our vaccine is rapid to make and esy to use and is patient specific. We have shown efficacy in cancer models and also safety and evidence of efficacy in canine cancer patients, While the vaccine can work alone for some cancer types we are noww trialling other immune stimulants designed at helping T cells generated by the vaccine work better inside the tumour. We believe this approach will increase the number of cancer types the vaccine works in. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
BARD | Monash University | By fitting a drone with a hyperspectral sensor, we will be able to take aerial sensor readings of crops. We capture hyperspectral data of the crops, apply a computer vision algorithm to predict the plants health and physiology. This captured data will be compared with deep core nitrogen samples and plant clipping samples to validate our predictions. These attributes will contribute to a Bayesian model that will predicted the soil’s nitrogen levels. The intent behind this Bayesian model is that it will provide decision support and scenario modelling for farmers preparing to apply fertiliser to their soil. | ON Prime7 | Melbourne | Jul-20 |
ALTEN | The Garvan Institute of Medical Research | We established ALTEN, (Alginate-based Tissue Encapsulation), a biomimetic hydrogel platform for functional testing of anticancer drugs in explanted tumours. This platform integrates the cross-over of advance tissue engineering, high-throughput drug screening, and cellular classification to launch a dual stream approach to 1) characterise the effects of anticancer therapies in patients (treatment efficacy) and 2) identify resistant cancer cell populations that can instigate a recurrence (drug resistance). ALTEN provides an innovative avenue allowing engineering of tumour explants to investigate the efficacy of therapies in a high-throughput manner and provide preclinical information on optimising treatments for patients. | ON Prime7 | Sydney | Jul-20 |
Printomics | Queensland University of Technology | Digitalisation of global manufacturing has led to the idea of ‘Industry 4.0’ and ‘Internet of Things’, causing many countries to adopt national strategies for unlocking digital connectivity and transformation of their industry sectors. Additive manufacturing has been set to disrupt this global manufacturing, however, requires significant regulatory approval in terms of safety and quality control. Our solution provides an in-process control and machine vision-based system that details the manufacturing process. The data-driven approach utilises the collected data to ensure consistency across all additive manufactured products. | ON Prime7 | Brisbane | Jul-20 |
Advanced Water Accounting | CSIRO Land & Water | Across the Murray Darling Basin (MDB) there is a fierce competition among users and water theft is not uncommon in parts of New South Wales and Victoria. Currently, authorities are using satellite imagery to monitor river flow in the northern MDB to identify when water goes missing. While these images are good for tracing surface water area, they don’t provide quantitative assessment on water volume and how much is illegally diverted. The temporal frequency of satellite imagery is also limited to only monitor daily water offtake. The Modelling Water Ecosystem team combines satellite derived water maps with advanced modelling tools and data from stream gauges, authorities to monitor these water resources more accurately. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Food Technology | RMIT University | Food wastage due to quality and safety concerns is a societal and environmental burden. The demand for safe quality food warrants more early testing, with the food safety testing market expected to hit US $24 billion by 2025. The current methods of pathogens/spoilage micro-organisms testing are expensive, time consuming and skilled labour intensive. The Food Technology team aims to develop a rapid, reliable and cost-effective technology with the potential to be used for on-site detection of micro-organisms from paddock to plate. The technology will be of interest to diverse stakeholders both in Australia and worldwide, as detection is important to food producers/farmers, processors, food testing/diagnostics laboratories and regulators. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Lipid Paladins | RMIT University | The Lipid Paladins team is striving to develop a triggered, responsive, nanoparticle delivery technology for RNA therapeutics. These therapeutics are on the rise to defend against global health issues ranging from pandemic diseases to cancer. The biggest challenge in successful clinical translation of RNA therapeutics, despite its numerous distinctive advantages, is safe and effective delivery to the target cells and tissues. This team’s responsive platform delivery system offers a solution to transport the RNA therapeutics in the body without quick clearance and degradation. Taking advantage of pathological conditions, our system would trigger release of RNA at the site of the disease and facilitate in it crossing the cell membrane. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Robot Freeform Fabrication | CSIRO Manufacturing | Robots offer new opportunities for 3D printing. Robots can build larger objects that are 3D at a faster rate, without the geometric constraints imposed by your average 3D printer. However, integrating robots, sensors and build heads is a challenge. Conventional slicing software made for plastic 3D printers just doesn’t cut it! The Robot Freeform Fabrication team is developing digital solutions for robot tool path planning and feedback control. The team has years of experience in integrating robots with metal deposition processes such as cold spray, laser and weld tools. They’ve been through the process and are hoping their software will make it easier for others. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
CT Motion Correction | The University of Sydney | Motion artefacts are a common problem in clinical CT scans of the head performed for a range of investigations such as head trauma and stroke. We have developed a computer algorithm that can reprocess motion-degraded CT scans to produce images without motion artefacts for more accurate diagnosis and better treatment decisions. Its efficacy and breadth of application has been demonstrated on clinical CT data. To enable patients to benefit from this technology the CT Motion Correct team are seeking to establish a partnership with a manufacturer of clinical CT imaging systems to convert their invention into a viable commercial product. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Noble Solutions | CSIRO Land & Water | Understanding how groundwater and other fluids move underground is crucial for sustainably managing these resources and maximising their economic benefit. Noble gases are a new tool for the understanding of natural underground fluid systems in the Australian market. They are the most ideal tracers to derive groundwater fluxes such as recharge and discharge, groundwater velocity, mixing and dispersion and connectivity between different aquifers. Noble gases also make it possible to quantify ocean fluxes, date ice cores, understand the genesis of oil and gas reservoirs and show promise in novel applications in the understanding of mineral genesis through the analysis of noble gases in fluid inclusions. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
ALA-IEK | CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure | ALA-IEK Project bridges the gaps between Indigenous and western science knowledge for plants and animals by linking them in the Atlas of Living Australia, Australia’s national online biodiversity database. Indigenous people manage more than half the Australian land mass and their ecological knowledge is essential for good land management and conservation across Australia. This work also supports the health, wellbeing and empowerment of Aboriginal people by creating opportunities for reconnection to traditional language and cultural knowledge through physical, spiritual and environmental practices with plants and animals during language and knowledge workshops on Country. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
DeepBreathe | The University of Sydney | ETOM is a portable and compact medical device that measures the oxygenation level of critically ill patients prior to Rapid Sequence Intubation, which is an emergency airway management procedure. Recent studies have highlighted that clinicians don’t properly oxygenate their patients prior to intubation, which, can lead to low oxygen levels, low blood pressure and in some case even cardiac arrest. ETOM will allow paramedics and doctors to determine when it is safe to intubate their patients whilst also reducing the level of stress associated with this high-risk procedure. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
ANZCA PCORE | Monash University | ANZCA PCORE: Pilot is a pilot national registry that will collect a minimum dataset on adults undergoing inpatient noncardiac surgery in Australia. Funded by an ANZCA Pilot Grant and developed in consultation with the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), ANZCA PCORE: Pilot has ethics approval for a period of three years. There are 28 hospitals across Australia currently in the process of joining the pilot registry, representing every state and territory. In partnership with the CSIRO’s Data 61 data science team, the registry will provide regular feedback to hospitals for quality assurance and research. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Hex20 | The University of Adelaide | The Hex20 hardware platform is based on flight proven, highly scalable and flexible spacecraft bus which will integrate raw computing power with highly complex algorithms for greater attitude control and image processing, which can deploy a real-time neural network for data driven control applications. The platform will be driven by data processing capability, with optional plug-and-play functional subsystems. A software library based on easily configurable architecture will allow customers to re-configure their platforms for new applications with less integration effort; enabling prioritisation of data enabled experiments. This modular and highly scalable architecture will lead to enormous cost savings. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
VitiCanopy | The University of Adelaide | VitiCanopy is an accurate and inexpensive alternative to the current techniques used to measure and map vine canopy size and vineyard variability. Grape growers can obtain objective data with a simple snapshot instead of relying on expensive instrumentation or time-consuming destructive techniques. Smartphones also allow for the acquisition of geo-referenced data, which is then used to map the variation of canopy size in the vineyard and to identify zones of high or low biomass or water demand. The insights from this data can then inform management strategies to reach desired yield and fruit quality targets. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Endocytosis Therapeutics | The University of Sydney | Immuno-oncology is a rapidly expanding field of cancer therapeutics, using highly specific antibodies to target cell-surface receptors. The average therapy response rate sits around 20–30%, leaving numerous patients with limited alternative options for treatment and survival. Cancer cells in non-responding patients internalise receptors inside the cell, hiding it from the antibody therapy, in a process known as endocytosis. Conversely, for patients that respond to treatment, receptors are routinely localised on the cell surface. Temporary inhibition of dynamin and endocytosis presents an opportunity to dramatically improve efficacy of immunotherapies, by preventing the route with which cancer cells evade antibodies. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
3D Beam-Shaping Lens Antenna | University of Technology Sydney | The aim of this project is to develop new millimetre-wave beam-shaping techniques using metamaterial-inspired technologies. As an emerging field, the millimetre-wave frequency band has attracted tremendous attention for a wide range of applications, particularly, the telecommunication industry. This project proposes a novel scheme as a revolutionary resolution of millimetre-wave beamforming and shaping, which has significant meaning in beam control by restructuring the fundamental components, such as lenses and reflectors. Successful delivery of the project will testify the conceptual prototype resulting in a competitive idea for winning prestigious grants in the near future. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Soil Remediation | University of Technology Sydney | An enhanced electrokinetic (EK) process is suggested for the treatment and removal of organic pollutants and heavy metals from fined-grained soils. A porous and high-permeability permeable reactive barrier (PRB) will be strategically positioned in the soil for controlling the advancement of acid and alkaline fronts and capturing pollutants in the soil. The PRB medium will be either an organic or composite of an organic-inorganic matter of surface functional groups to capture solubilised contaminants in the soil. At the end of the EK process, contaminants are retrieved from the PRB by a suitable solvent for regeneration and reuse. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
MemBrains | University of Technology Sydney | MemBrains project aims to develop an innovative biodegradable mulch film for the sustainable production of agricultural commodities in Australia. This mulch is not only capable of improving the agricultural productivity via increased soil temperature, suppressing weeds, conserving soil moisture, reducing pest insects and improving soil fertility, but also significantly reduces environmental pollution problems due to its ready biodegradation. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Sydnicon RF | University of Technology Sydney | Batteries don’t currently last the life of a sensor, leaving system designers with two options: either let the battery determine the life of sensors or create a strategy for replacing sensor batteries. Sydnicon RF’s MMIC solution will allow wireless systems to transmit useful amounts of data while using as much as it takes to push a button. There is huge market potential for this solution, as societies move towards more WSN Devices for a range of IoT applications from Smart Cities to Smart Agriculture. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Access Breeding | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | CSIRO has assembled a customisable, multi-component advanced technology breeding platform suitable for a range of crops. It includes the delivery of components in cost-effective, high-throughput technologies such as genomic selection, gene editing and phenotyping techniques (as examples) and their integration through support in crop specific expertise in physiology, breeding, genetics, pathology and agronomy. These are being made accessible to mid-level breeding programs to learn, adopt and access exemplar tools, techniques and capabilities. It’s anticipated that Access Breeding will fulfill a market need for mid-tier international breeding programs, allowing them to make step changes toward increased genetic gain and competitiveness. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
SkullPro2 Smart Helmet | CSIRO’s Data61 | Brain swelling may ensue following brain injury and, in some cases, requires an operation to remove a section of the skull to alleviate intracranial pressure which can take months to subside. The project will implement a wearable smart skullcap with an integrated data processing framework for craniectomy patients. The proposed telehealth system will provide clinicians with personalised data driven assessments, using a near real time dashboard, facilitating rehabilitation and cranioplastic reconstruction leading to improved health outcomes for patients. Currently there is no device available that remotely monitors ‘brain swelling ‘and recovery in craniectomy patients making this approach entirely novel. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
e3DP | Australian National University | Team e3DP’s developed 3D printing method combines unprecedented three-dimensional control and material flexibility, to culminate in a new process for 2D patterning and 3D printing of polymeric, organic, semiconducting, or metallic materials into complex shapes. This 3D printer is expanding the range of materials that can be printed using a single device reducing the number of pre- and post-processing steps that are necessary to manufacture computer chips, implants, sensors, and other devices. This new technology offers a unique self-monitoring and self-learning advantage, which allows for on-the-fly quality control and adjustment of the printing process, while being environmentally friendly. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Leave it | Griffith University | The Leave It project delivers engaging programs designed with pet owners and supported by stakeholders. The program and approach has been proven to successfully engage pet owners and stakeholders to undertake behaviours that protect Australian wildlife. This program is for pet owners and local government areas and it features online training modules, marketing communication campaigns, community events and delivery of accreditation programs that can be delivered online or in-person. | ON Prime8 | Online | Dec-20 |
Expand ExScan | CSIRO Mineral Resources | We have built a robust, compact sensor system that takes 3D scans, then translates them into real-time actionable information and/or visualisations that can be used to automate processes in order to remove people from dangerous environments. | ON Prime9 | Online | May-22 |
HandPrint Sustainable Agriculture | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | We help agribusiness and government develop and implement a full pathways towards sustainability. Handprint offers: 1) benchmarking and measurement to establish baseline and tracking of performance 2) technology landscape and brokerage to implement the required improvements and change 3) business innovation and enactment to realise value-chain advances required | ON Prime9 | Online | May-22 |
Advise Rehab | SME/Startup | ‘AdviseRehab’ is a world first software package that helps identify the likely recovery time for any musculo-skeletal injured patient, then track their progress. It assists in identifying those likely to be slow to recover and why this may occur. It identifies what treatment interventions are effective, or not, provides motivation to the injured individual and accountability of effectiveness for treating professionals. All this is achieved through an integrated ‘Computerised Decision Support System’ that uses research based outcome measures. It is designed for insurers, industry, Medical and Allied Health professionals, rehabilitation specialist, rehab advisors or managers and Sporting Clubs. | Queensland Biomedical Launchpad | Brisbane | May-22 |
AVA | SME/Startup | This idea offers assistance for cranial surgery. It assists the surgeons to transfer their treatment plans into the operating theatre cost-effectively and accurately. This idea decreases the cost of patient-specific cranial implants dramatically and makes them more affordable without sacrificing the quality. for everybody. | Queensland Biomedical Launchpad | Brisbane | May-22 |
Blue Ocean Robotics | SME/Startup | The UV-Disinfection Robot supports conventional cleaning regimes to save lives, reduce pain and suffering and avoid escalating costs to the Australia’s healthcare system. Reducing Australia’s 200,000 annual HAIs by 1% will free up 150,158 bed days allowing approximately 38,500 new admissions annually with no additional medical or nursing staff and save an estimated financial burden of $1 Billion a year. | Queensland Biomedical Launchpad | Brisbane | May-22 |
Genui | SME/Startup | We are going to build malleable, comfortable and stylish helmets for falls risk patients that (for example) will allow children with epilepsy to attend school without as much worry about wearing an unsightly helmet. | Queensland Biomedical Launchpad | Brisbane | May-22 |
MedWatch | SME/Startup | MedWatch is an Apple Watch Application compatible with the Apple Watch 4 that allows clinicians to securely and efficiently administer medications at the patient bedside. The application allows for a more patient-centric approach as the clinician only needs to scan, review, and swipe the medications on the watch without turning around to use the Electronic Health Record on a computer, or worse, writing the medications administered on paper and walking away to document later. | Queensland Biomedical Launchpad | Brisbane | May-22 |
Safe & Healthy | SME/Startup | Many patients are suffering from respiratory illness, Asthma, COPD and emphysema. These patients have an extremely poor quality of life and recent research show an excellent opportunity to deliver an evidence based treatment which can transform their lives. With the advent of bluetooth capabilities to transmit large amounts of data, and the uptake of smart devices, Safe & Healthy have created a treatment package that users can connect with on their smart devices. With the expertise of our health professionals we can deliver this treatment to people in their homes, improving the quality of life, and outcomes for these patients. | Queensland Biomedical Launchpad | Brisbane | May-22 |
SassyBio | SME/Startup | After founder Rhonda Sorensen, a microbiologist with an MBA, was laid low for almost a month with dengue and typhoid together in 2016, she has researched, grown and developed the medicinal ginger Kunchi. Kunchi stops dengue from replication in your body, and the SassyBio Kunchi team has completed some important pre-commercialisation market research activities. They will use the Biomedical Launchpad to develop a Far North Queensland Ginger and Turmeric industry that provides the raw material to launch Kunchi as an anti-dengue herbal remedy.Kunchi is a detox cleanser that may cause weight loss, remove wrinkles, and improve your sex life. | Queensland Biomedical Launchpad | Brisbane | May-22 |
StickyCell Pty Ltd | SME/Startup | StickyCell is developing novel companion blood test to assist medical staff to optimise therapies for patients with autoimmune diseases. These tests will improve the lives of millions of suffers. | Queensland Biomedical Launchpad | Brisbane | May-22 |
A9-ESM | SME/Startup | Aegis9’s ESM is designed by cyber security specialists who are part of a dedicated Australian owned cyber SME. ESM delivers the entire Intelligence, analytics, cyber operations, architecture, detection, response, compliance, and risk capability into a single platform. This approach ensures visibility through the entirety of the environment, utilises information eciently to enable faster decision making and response times, reduces the overall FTE footprint and is saleable for varying size and numbers of systems | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
Biological Passports | CSIRO Land & Water | In warzones and remote service areas, the military personnel are exposed to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards, traumatic events and stressors. These can lead to chronic mental and physical health disorders such as PTSD. Therefore, for both psychological and physical health, early detection, monitoring and intervention for faster return-tooperation-readiness or recovery of long-term health impacts is essential. An integrated multi-omics approach measuring Metagenomic-Microbiome-Metaproteome-Metabolome alterations will aid to comprehensively understand a healthy biological system and identify any deviations over dierent timeframes, stressors and challenges. This will aid towards identifying optimal performance biomarkers, allowing tailored approaches towards developing enhanced human performance. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
DroneShield | SME/Startup | DroneShield will build a Deep Learning-based software system enabling faster, more reliable detection of new Radio Frequency (RF) Signals of Interest for defence, governmental, and security end users. Land, sea, and air applications are all possible with a low-power-consumption approach that will lend itself to being embedded in hardware small enough to be hand-carried or sent airborne on a drone. With a phased approach built on a Convolutional Neural Networks, the complete solution will eventually eliminate the need for manual RF signature library updates, enabling elded devices to autonomously detect and classify never-before-seen emitters and provide new levels of protection. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
Matrix Composites & Engineering | SME/Startup | Existing two phase syntactic bouyancy for UUV platforms cannot scale to meet the needs of XLUUV aspirations. Three phase syntactic bouyancy, on the other hand, has been widely used as a cost eective deep sea buoyancy solution in the oil and gas industry for decades. Matrix seeks to adapt this technology to defence applications and provide a disruptive option for the XLUUV market. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
Osmotic Propulsion | Western Sydney university | We have conceptualised an osmotic engine with no moving parts that renders it silent and thus suitable for use in covert operations. It can drive pumps, turbines, etc. in naval ships but covert advantages are most exploitable when it replaces the commonly used battery powered propellor drive and rudder steerage systems of smaller watercraft used for remote naval surveillance. When powering submersibles the engine facilitates manoeuvrability in all planes with zero turning circles. It utilises salt as a fuel as an alternative to the present hydrocarbon fuels that increasingly threaten terrestrial climates and environments. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
Seeing in deep water | La Trobe University | For undersea operations, poor visibility is due to water current, suspended particles, low illumination, water absorption of spectrum, and imaging sensor noise. Undersea image enhancement technicals are essential in many applications including search and rescue, underwater equipment inspection, scientic survey and remote undersea surveillance. This project aims to develop a real-time underwater video enhancement technology which will be a stand-alone low-power embedded system. The system can be carried by divers or tted onto an underwater UAV. The system will greatly help divers to quickly identify underwater objects and recognize patterns. It will also aid the onshore oce in decision making. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
SensaWeb | SME/Startup | SensaWeb is commercialising the world’s first scalable real-time radiation monitoring and reporting system, revolutionising the current manual processes for the multi-billion dollar radiation, nuclear and environmental monitoring systems for industries including health, medicine, nuclear energy, mining, defence and research. Through the creation of proprietary IoT sensors and data analytics platform, SensaWeb provides real-time information on radiation exposure to immediately identify and manage risk. Compared to the 3-6 months it currently takes for exposure feedback, SensaWeb provides a critical life saving improvement when cancer causing exposures can happen in minutes. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
Sentio IQ | SME/Startup | Cyberspace is a critical domain for military operations, however the understanding of cyber space and how it may be secured from enemy attack or utilised to achieve advantage remains a challenge. Existing 2D methods of planning and situational awareness are insucient to enable a full understanding of the technical complexity and integrate cyber capabilities and effects into operations efectively. Our project will therefore explore the use of immersive spacial simulation technologies (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality) to create solutions which enable cyber situational awareness and enhance cyber security training. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
SightGraph | SME/Startup | SightGraph oers capability that can respond to grey-zone activities; by modelling diverse data sources, detecting disinformation and information operations by adversaries, and predicting the eectiveness of oensive information warfare campaigns. The SightGraph toolkit combines human and machine intelligence, delivering insights through dashboards and API integration. SightGraph’s analytics support situational awareness, decision-making and optimise the precision of counter strategies to grey-zone threats. Our solution’s underlying capabilities have already provided insights informing high-prole analysis of information operations by the People’s Republic of China. SightGraph oers sovereign capability that supports the shift in Australia’s defence posture driven by the 2020 Defence Strategic Update. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
Sonic Skunkworks | Swinburne University of Technology | AFV Ambisonics proposes a one-stop solution for battleeld spatial hearing (localisation and awareness) for crews operating Armoured Fighting Vehicles. Research demonstrates that spatial hearing precedes vision in target localisation and although many AFVs are equipped with cameras, audio systems have lagged behind due to vehicle noise conditions. This project applies Ambisonic audio technologies to provide crews with cutting edge “easy to use” battleeld hearing, “audio-telescope” hearing, target sound display (directions and distance), vehicle noise reduction, remote spatial hearing (drone application) and nally new opportunities for immersive simulation based training. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
Voyager Lungo | SME/Startup | To provide a sovereign capability for air-launched, satellite equipped tracking buoys suitable for remote vessel detection over extended periods of time. Further, to build an air-launched, ocean drifting device capable of being tted with a range of 3rd party sensors for Defence, Industry, Environmental and Research purposes. | D.Start Ignite 01 | Online | May-22 |
AIRPOWA | SME/Startup | The concept behind our idea centres on the ability for a RPAS to charge at high altitudes whilst achieving a minimum payload that can aid the military with enhancing its surveillance and reconnaissance performance. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Cybentus | SME/Startup | The interdependencies between industrial control systems, communications, and water systems have created numerous challenges concerning security, reliability, and robustness. These vulnerabilities have been increased by the interoperable technologies created for a shift towards a smart water system. In turn, these susceptibilities provide opportunities for adversaries to penetrate a network, gaining access to controllers to disrupt the water supply and wastewater systems, destabilising them in unpredictable ways. This project will develop multi-level security mechanisms to enhance robustness against failures and cyber-attacks, and enable the smart water system to recover from large-scale failures. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Dvirus | QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute | Dr David Harrich and team has developed a new therapeutic agent to treat dengue virus, based on defective interfering particles (DIPs). DIPs are potent antiviral agents that are highly effective at controlling dengue virus. The group has developed a system to mass-produce DIPs in order to undertake pre-clinical trials. The platform technology can potentially be expanded to treat other viral illnesses. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
ExMachina | University of Technology Sydney | Currently, the inspection of ship hulls (including naval fleets engaging in warfare) relies on reports provided by specialised divers and/or equipment. These inspections can put crew, fleet, and mission at stake. To overcome these problems, we want to design and develop autonomous underwater vehicle-based solutions to bring real-time data about the health of the fleet to the planning table that enable decision-makers to confidently take global decisions to protect forces and country under/at/above the sea level. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Green Shield | Monash University | Green Shield offers a class of materials that are highly adaptive and provide unique solutions for radio frequency shielding or signature management, also known as object camouflage. | D.Start Ignite 02, ON Accelerate 7 | Online, National | May-22 |
JSSL Space Communication | The University of Sydney | This project seeks to ensure the efficiency and security of the microwave spectrum for military satellite communications. An increase in the number of transmitters and demand on bandwidth has led to an increasingly crowded microwave spectrum. The spectrum now requires frequency-agile mission configurable filter solutions to remove unwanted signals. We propose a fully chip-integrated microwave photonic filter that has ultra-wide frequency tunability (40GHz), high-frequency selectivity (10-500MHz), and is fully reconfigurable (multiple pass- and stop-bands). Led by the Eureka Prize Winner of the Defence Category, the project builds on previous successes of the team in integrated microwave photonic signal processing. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Metakosmos | SME/Startup | The company aims to produce next generation multi-layered space suits, with embedded digital biomechanics. The suits will be connected to artificial intelligence and machine learning enabled proprietary software. This digital capability enables data capturing related to body vitals, biomechanics and mobility, helping users train better and enhancing the spacesuit experience. The three suit variants (Vyom, Aqua and Terra) will be customised for the various training environments of land, water and simulated microgravity chambers. The suit has the capability to be used across various industries. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Microbiome and Health | University of Tasmania | Gut microbiota (all the beneficial microbes) and the products they secrete have been clearly linked to human health. Our gut microbiota can be altered under stressful conditions such as poor nutrition (lack of fibres), extreme climate conditions, sleep deprivation or physical and mental exhaustion. An altered microbiota leads to decreased gut health and cognitive function. This proposal aims to investigate how combinations of functional foods can lead to improved gut health and cognitive function for people such defence personnel and emergency workers who are constantly exposed to stressful conditions. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
QPLAN.DEF | University of Wollongong | The aim of this project is to develop an innovative and adaptable decision support tool for Defence that is able to compare military capabilities within conflict scenarios by contrasting live, historical and predicted data with a view to reducing psychological biases that can be attributed to the decision-maker. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
UXMachines | SME/Startup | Our solution takes human performance metrics typically studied in Usability and User Experience and translates them to a novel dashboard solution specific for AI-enabled human-machine teaming. HumPT visualises human-machine performance parameters from teams of human ground forces working together with unmanned aerial vehicles. HumPT presents a dashboard solution showing: AI-proposed machine actions; human-team interactions/communication; human-defined level of delegation; representation of information uncertainty; predicted risk, and predicted outcome. This tool supports the human-AI-enabled team by providing human decision-makers with better understanding of AI-proposed machine actions, allowing them to dynamically override and delegate levels of machine actions for improved operational outcomes | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Vecta | SME/Startup | Vecta’s recent research has developed a deep learning based solution for detecting and identifying radio frequency interference signals in terrestrial cellular telephone networks. Vecta would like to expand that capability and be given the opportunity to adapt it to a suitable Defence application, for example EW support measures, spectrum sensing, anomaly detection, signal classification and attribution of interference sources. Access to subject matter experts and interested Defence groups will be key to developing the capability and achieving longer-term success. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Atrax | SME/Startup | Huntsman is a battlefield signals analysis platform in small form factor that identifies and geolocates known blue force and potential red force personnel and assets, and relays that information in real time to the command centre for analysis and action. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Australian Aerospace Industries (AAI) | SME/Startup | Goshawk will be an autonomous coaxial compound helicopter drone, with a lift capacity of 100 kg minimum and maximum mission range/flight duration of 400 km or 10 hours. It will be a modular platform able to be configured for maritime radar roles, ISR roles, electronic warfare roles and submarine warfare roles. Currently we are working with Leonardo to incorporate a 20 mm gun for a gunship version. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
BioAlarm | Griffith University | BioAlarm is a unique immediate alert system for air-borne biological agents, ready to be developed into a device for deployment as part of a soldier’s combat ensemble and on a wide range of platforms. It also can be extended to serve as a platform-based threat detection and identification system, for air-borne biological and chemical agents. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Frazer-Nash Consultancy | SME/Startup | REARM instructs where autonomous delivery vehicles should go and what loads to carry in order to meet troops’ needs. * Rapid on and off-road route-finding. * Can run on low power computer hardware. * Manages vehicles simultaneously with live tracking and display. * Easy to use interface. * Reacts to events – routes are diverted and plans updated if no longer viable. * Estimates time of arrival, providing users with accurate expectations. * Exploits AI to produce traversable maps. Suitable for use in a range of scenarios; the core of the system is to predict evolution, plan actions, monitor for changes, react accordingly, and learn for next time. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Geocorr Australia | SME/Startup | Corrosion Prognostic Health Management (CPHM) system has been utilised in many countries including Australia for the sophisticated management of defence and commercial equipment. However, there is a need for expansion of these key skills to provide significantly trained scientists to meet the industry needs. As a starter company, we are committed to provide these specialised services in collaboration with ADF and Boeing Australia to regional parts of Australia and commercial clients to international market. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Hiroco | SME/Startup | Based on extensive research, we have developed a prototype 2D topological mapping solution that enables robots to have spatial and situational awareness to a level previously unseen (98% precision). Our mission is to extend this technology and develop 3D topological maps, which requires a process to segment a map into a collection of meaningful regions, such as navigable zones, which are given some constraints. Once this phase is complete, we will look to develop automated AI based situational awareness analysis. Our preferred strategy is to target the defence sector and co-develop the technology based on specific defence applications. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Monash IP Observatory | Monash University | Real-time information about the availability and quality of ICT infrastructure is critical for risk management and decision making in information warfare as well as for conventional defence applications. KASPR Datahaus has developed a proprietary technology that can monitor global internet availability and quality at highly granular spatio-temporal scales in real-time and for any location on the globe. Our technology provides decision makers with timely, location specific knowledge about the conditions of ICT infrastructure during events of geo-political or humanitarian crisis. This information allows for faster and more accurate planning and allocation of military and emergency resources. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
MUVi | SME/Startup | MUVi is addressing healthcare-acquired infections that globally affect one in 10 patients. Around 700,000 people die every year from infections that are preventable. This also places a burden on the international healthcare system and equates to more than $60B in lost bed days. MUVi is developing a disinfection system that kills superbugs in the air and on highly touched surfaces and equipment. We are focussed on high-risk patients (e.g. those who are immunocompromised or are the recipient of a bone marrow transplant) or patients in high risk infection wards (e.g. burns, ICU, operating theatres, dialysis, oncology, neonatal).We are focusing to reduce healthcare acquired infections and the impact to vulnerable patient that are immunocompromised in high risk infection wards, burns, ICU, operating theatre dialysis, oncology, bone marrow transplant neonatal wards. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
NORRLINK | SME/Startup | Vessel monitoring is one of the challenges of port security. Poor weather, out of radar range, and no radio connectivity allows vessels to go undetected. Subsea acoustic monitoring is essential for real time vessel monitoring and security. This project aims to deploy a subsea acoustic harbour monitoring network. The system will lay on the sea floor with minimal disruption to sea life and passively monitor all surface and subsurface vessel traffic. The network greatly aids harbour masters, providing vessel classification data, real-time positioning, heading, and speed over ground. It will also alert of unwanted ship movements or fisheries of illegal boat movements. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Red Piranha | SME/Startup | According to the Australian Cyber Security Strategy 2020, cyber incidents targeting businesses can cost the economy up to $29 billion per year (1.9% of the GDP). For decades, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) were overlooked when it came to affordable cybersecurity solutions, even though these businesses are a major contributor to the nation’s defence industry. The Crystal Eye XDR Platform is designed for SMEs that need extreme security. It features rapid deployment, simple configuration and customisable alert tuning to reduce administrative burden. We’re committed to offering superior security solutions and services at an accessible price so SMEs can access enterprise-grade ironclad cybersecurity. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
RingIR | SME/Startup | RingIR systems provide an unrivalled level of sensitivity and chemical identification speed in a portable form factor. Due to the high throughput sampling rating and cleardown times of this technology, these systems provide capabilities desirable for integration with mobile platforms such as UAV/UGVs. A control system architecture of this nature could assist in source localisation of both intentional and unintentional chemical releases, as well as measuring the affected environment to differentiate between hazardous and safe areas. Utilising onboard communications, this could effectively cordon off the perimeter of the hazardous plume, significantly enhancing the safety of operators nearby. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
The Engineering Factory (TEF) | SME/Startup | The Engineering Factory delivers immersion cooling technology for datacentres enabling the highest performance, density, sustainability and longevity of computer hardware. This is done through our product partnership with Submer, where we have the rights to manufacture and develop the technology in Australia. The technology platform is suitable for central, graphics and data processing units (CPUs, GPUs and DPUs) of the highest grade and performance which support the functions of cyber security, AI, blockchain and high performance computing. Our product is commercially deployed and can easily be adapted for the Defence network. | D.Start Ignite 02 | Online | May-22 |
Code 46 | SME/Startup | Current personnel tracking onboard RAN Ships is cumbersome and long outdated. These systems utilise physical head counting, peg board allocations, verbal role calls, ships Public Address (PA) and manual pursuits with radios. Chayson Tech aim to develop an individually personalised wearable device using sovereign Automatic Identification and Data Capturing (AIDC) technologies as part of the solution. In doing so we won’t only be able to resolve the personnel tracking issues but look to further improve the ability to register, track and simplify administrative tasks like; post in and post outs, drug and alcohol testing, briefing attendances and the like. | D.Start Spark 01, D. Start Ignite 03 | Online | May-22 |
Security Surveillance Radar | University of Technology Sydney | The project aims to develop a polarimetric ultra-wideband (P-UWB) security system to detect and distinguish visually obscured weapons from medical implants and personal belongings hidden under clothing. The proposed system emits and receives low-power non-ionizing microwave radiation. Detection and recognition of weapons such as hand-guns and knives are based on the distinct polarimetric and resonant signatures embedded in the return signal. The technology does not form any images such that privacy information is not visually disclosed. The proposed technology can operate jointly with closed-circuit television (CCTV) such that threatful visually-obscured objects can be identified without disclosing privacy information. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
Superior Wheeled Robots | Federation University Australia | The new robots maximise traction and efficiency by making all steering effects have a single instant centre (IC). All steering effects are trying to make the vehicle follow the desired path. If each “pair” of wheels has different theoretical ICs, they will fight one another to determine the actual IC. This conflict increases ground damage, tyre wear and fuel consumption. To maximise manoeuvrability we must be able to locate the single IC anywhere in the operating plane. High manoeuvrability will maximise ability to avoid obstacles. This requires that all wheels can be turned through an angle range of 180 degrees. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
Sutureless Corneal Surgery | The University of Sydney | Objective: To develop an easy-to-use version of Kleer-i sutureless technology for use by unskilled personnel and assess its performance in sealing corneal wounds and preventing infection in the military setting. We will also seek to determine how to engage with defense whilst developing technology for eye wounds. Specific Aims: The specific aims of this proposal are to: 1)Establish the irradiation parameters for pulse-laser activation of the adhesive film. 2)Design a delivery device for the Kleer-i adhesive film. 3)Evaluate the technology through animal trials. 4) Develop a business model canvas incorporating the defence industry | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
WaterHynergy | SME (with registered ABN) | A modular design for rapid deployment of water and electricity generation that can be easily air dropped for disaster relief, field hospitals, and remote operations. Our solution requires less cargo space, is more reliable, and is easier to maintain than current technologies for generating electricity and providing clean water. The extra reliability when producing electricity is even more important with demand for electrical equipment and robotics increasing constantly. With the potential to generate hydrogen on-site our technology enables remote operations to be more self-sustainable producing their own clean water and electricity. | D.Start Spark 01, D. Start Ignite 03 | Online | May-22 |
Advent Atum | SME/Startup | The work which is completed by defence personnel is potentially high-risk, especially when there is political conflicts around the world and Australian soldiers go to provide support to our allies around the world. Well what we are doing at Advent Atum, is we are developing an electric, fully autonomous UGV (un-manned ground vehicle) which can be optionally manned based on custom requirements. In fact, our UGV works directly with HORAS (High Order Reinforced Autonomous System), so that our UGVs can complete logistics, combat and ISR missions and go out into high-risk environments. | D.Start Spark 01, D. Start Ignite 03 | Online | May-22 |
BrainBridge | University of Technology Sydney | EEG sensors based on epitaxial graphene for a biocompatible, accurate and highly reliable reading of brain signals. The sensor are embedded in a helmet that is easy to use also for prolonged use with minimal impact. These sensors will benefit Defense, healthcare as well as the monitoring of the cognitive load in some critical professions. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
CLIMBERS | Murdoch University | One key factor restricting the adoption of AI in many defense domains is the “black-box” nature inheriting in most prevailing deep-learning-based AI. This project provides an innovative solution to enable AI-assisted decision making and recommendation to be trustworthy and easy to understand while still maintaining the high accuracy of the performance. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
Daedalus | Australian Defence Force | Project Prometheus is a data integration project designed to provide ready now capability from the junior leader through to senior leadership of defence. It is designed to improve the accessibility of our information about our people and assets so we can make data driven decisions more effectively. Project Prometheus is deisgned to serve as a interim platform that is iterated on rapidly to provide the required capability today and provide lessoned learned to future integration projects. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
High entropy materials | The University of Sydney | Based on the recent breakthrough by the CIs, this project aims to design and develop a new oxide containing multiple elements that can resist damages through a self-repairing mechanism. Fabricated by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering, this extraordinary self-repairing phenomenon makes this new material highly desirable as a coating to protect structures and machinery working in hash conditions. Therefore, it has broad applications in space technologies, nuclear power facilities and aerospace industry, as well as in shipbuilding industry. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
Luminere Systems | University of Technology Sydney | There is a requirement for a high-brightness, high-purity source of single-photons to be used as fundamental carriers of information in quantum-based information processing and cryptography. Most sources suffer from low signal-collection efficiencies, and those which are integrated require complex fabrication procedures. Our project aims to create a scalable means to produce robust, compact, integrated devices which produces single-photons at a high output, side-stepping both these issues. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
Waste to Building | James Cook University | Different types of waste is disposed to the landfill, where the waste remain in the soil for several hundreds of years. Often waste removal and disposal is a tedious process, and create environmental hazards. Most of the waste materials can be converted into different value added by-products. The **waste to building** project uses the Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis to convert non-metallic waste into biochar using an environmentally friendly process. The obtained biochar will be used to manufacture building materials required for the defence applications and hence could contribute to the circular economy. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
Battlerz Fintech | SME/Startup | Battlerz is collaborating with ADF to assist with the Consumer Financial Education of their personnel. I hope to connect with other fintech / payments related companies within the Defense vendor network. | D.Start Spark 01 | Online | May-22 |
AtOne | SME/Startup | AtOne targets stress and builds long-term capacity using virtual reality technology, meditation and training mind fitness. AtOne uses a multi-sensory approach to take people into a virtual world of relaxation with smell, sound,sight and guided meditations, taking users into a deep state of relaxation, faster. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are used to individualise the experience with mind fitness reporting. Mind fitness is measured and tracked in 5 areas of recovery, focus, emotions, engagement and clarity. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
BankVault Cybersecurity | SME/Startup | BankVault’s product, MasterKey, is an intelligent new approach to creating Passwordless Authentication for websites that is invisible and frictionless for users. The seamless experience achieves MFA in one step and is 10-100x faster to deploy than other solutions. It requires: (i) No client software or user setup, (ii) No change management, and (iii) No backend system changes. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
HackHunter | SME/Startup | Enhanced and integrated intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and cyber security capabilities are required to accurately understand the environment to improve decision-making and protect employees, data, systems and operations. Without a real-time, accurate picture of WiFi communications at the protocol level, actual activity in the area is unknown and threats cannot be identified and located with precision. HackHunter detects and analyses all WiFi communications in an environment, including identifying individuals’ WiFi activities, and locates WiFi sources with precision, to within centimetres. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Ichor Autonomy | SME/Startup | The application will improve the decision tempo in the close fight by enabling those in that fight the ability to leverage highly autonomous, robotic agents to explore and find contacts with only supervisory human oversight. It will enable the improved situational awareness at lower levels of command and lead to better decisions and faster delivery of effects in difficult and complex situations. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Industrial Automation & Security | SME/Startup | Modify the Honeywell Aerospace AGT1500 gas turbine and other reciprocating piston diesel engines used by Defence to use Liquefied Natural Gas as fuel, thus securing a homogenous liquid fuel source in times of constrained supply chain circumstance, such as prolonged armed conflict. Additional dividends can be extraxted by utilising the waste cold energy created during the liquid / vapour phase change of the fuel to provide crew cooling and thermal infra-red signature reduction of engine exhaust systems, mitigating threat from top-attack munitions. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Inspection Radar | University of Technology Sydney | The project aims to develop a polarimetric ultra-wideband (P-UWB) non-destructive testing (NDT) system to rapidly inspect defects and cracks in military aircrafts. Compared with current X-ray screening technology, the proposed system utilizes non-ionizing microwave radiation and only requires a small number of measurements, which is practically safe and significantly reduces the data acquisition time. The technology relies on the wideband signal scattered from the “volume under test” (VUT). Locations of defects can be identified through signal processing and machine learning. The proposed technology can serve as a complementary rapid inspection solution for military aircraft, vehicles and other equipment. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Quantum Link Verification | The University of Queensland | Cyber criminals and threat actors will have access to encryption-breaking quantum computers in the coming decade. Protecting information in transit needs to be assured now, because information may be harvested now and decrypted later. Post-quantum encryption proposals require replacing the entire security infrastructure with a new system that is too slow, range limited or resource intensive to be practical. Quantum Link Verification adds a quantum-protected layer to existing security deployments with quantum-verified physical layer integrity even on legacy communication channels without adding overhead or reducing data rates. Nothing is more secure than knowing that no one else saw your message. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Ready Team One | SME/Startup | Army and SASR training requires repeat exposure to a variety of complex combat scenarios. Resource constraints makes live training logistically difficult and limiting for army trainers and trainees. Ready Team One’s virtual reality platform that empowers trainers to rapidly customise different scenarios allows highly scalable and repeatable training options. It enables unlimited numbers of lifelike virtual locations and environmental variations together with a virtually unlimited array of non-player characters within the same physical space. A large number of trainees are able to practise customised training serials in groups situations completely immersed in a portable and low cost free-roam VR simulation. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Waste to Building Materials | James Cook University | Different types of waste disposed in landfills remain in the soil for several hundred years. Often waste removal and disposal is a tedious process, and create environmental hazards.Our waste to building, a deployable microwave assisted pyrolysis system, helps to convert non-metallic waste into biochar, which can be used as partial cement replacement in concrete and other constructions. This not only helps reduce the waste going into land fill but generate value out of the waste. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
ANU Nanopore Team | Australian National University | This project aims to develop real-time portable sensors to detect and identify molecules with extremely low concentrations in liquids and gases. The sensors are based on our innovative technology to fabricate membranes with molecular sized pores with desired size, shape, and functionalisation. The sensors have potential impact on measurement of biomarkers for personalised healthcare, disease monitoring in rural settings, and detection of chemical and biological threats in defence settings. The project seeks to take the technology from proof of concept to development of prototype sensors for specific target molecules. This includes development of data-processing and analysis software using machine learning. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Enhancing Visuomotor Skill | Federation University Australia | Virtual reality (VR) is crucial to simulate military and sport scenarios to improve visual-perceptual motor skills such as decision-making in an accessible and safe manner. Current design of VR simulators focuses upon how realistic the display is relative to the real-world setting. VR design needs to better target the mechanism underpinning skill acquisition to maximise performance improvement and skill transfer to field-based settings. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Hex20 AltData | SME/Startup | Data is the fuel for all AI engines. We at Hex20-AltData intend to solve the inadequacy of real-world data with Synthetic Data. Our Synthetic Data can empower companies without the hassles of any privacy or legal issues. Value proposition statement – replacing real-world data with a much cheaper, scalable alternative Unlike other data providers, we can generate Synthetic Data where real-world data is not available. Our primary areas of Synthetic Data segments are: – Defence & Space, Bioscience & Healthcare, Fintech, Robotics, Manufacturing, and later expanding to other areas. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Hyper Q Aerospace | SME/Startup | Hyper Q Aerospace has designed a next generation, evolutionary, high performance, uncrewed hybrid electric rotorcraft that may become the fastest helicopter in the world. By rotor disk size, this aircraft will fly faster, lift more and fly longer than any comparable VTOL aircraft. Our modular design will enable a simple transition to solely renewable energy power sources as the technology becomes available. We need to fund a number of academic several studies then complete the engineering design. Our goal is to design, construct and fly a proof-of-concept hybrid electric rotorcraft. With suitable funding we will be airborne inside three years. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Hyprfire | SME/Startup | Cyber crime is rising exponentially, with the global cost of cyber crime rising from $3 Trillion in 2015 to an estimated $6 Trillion in 2021. One of the reasons for this rise is the lack of network visibility tools that can find intruders when they breach your network. Existing NDR solutions are ineffective, slow and expensive. Hyprfire’s Firebug software provides organisations with an affordable, flexible and effective early warning system on internal computer networks and alerts to vulnerabilities and intrusions before a cyberattack is launched. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
LCAT Team | University of Wollongong | The research team aims to propose a smart, protocol-aware jamming system, which is based on the in-band full-duplex communication architecture. Smart disruption algorithms will be devised for common communication protocols, including Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation (OFDM), Frequency-Hoping Spread Spectrum (FHSS), and WiFi. With suitable adaptations, these algorithms are also applicable to near-peer communication protocols. This proposed jamming system can overhear the information transmitted from the enemy and transmit the interference signal at the same time to disrupt a targeted receiver. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
SABRN | SME/Startup | Future conflicts against enemy with greater capability will make extraction of our combat casualties from austere environments significantly more difficult. SABRN, a medical technology R&D company, is developing a self-contained “Patient Retrieval Pod” for the purpose of casualty extraction from hostile environments. The Pod can be transported by unmanned remote-controlled or autonomous vehicles (ground, aerial and marine). Medical equipment contained within the Pod would enable a medic or doctor to perform life-saving interventions on the injured patients during the extraction process. The Pod would significantly reduce the risk to the rescue teams as air superiority may be compromised. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Solinnov | SME/Startup | The Arrowtooth concept has the potential to change the way the ADF addresses compact radio-controlled weaponised threats such as IED’s, drone warfare and mechanised autonomous platforms at a tactical unit level. Arrowtooth aims to deliver a soldier-portable capability that can be aimed and ‘triggered’ (like a rifle) at an incoming weaponised object to deliver an RF jamming beam which limits the offending object’s control and/or operation or communications. The innovation is further enhanced by its ability to upload signal characteristics gathered in the field to establish new jamming techniques thereby increasing the effectiveness and longevity of the system. | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Valkyrie AeroSpace | SME/Startup | Our solution is an armed drone, that is carried in a backpack by combat troops. It has a VTOL capability, and wings for longer horizontal flight linger times. It is controlled by one person within the combat unit, who would coordinate with the commander on the ground and/or a Joint Tactical Air Controller. The drone has proprietary Ai for the protection of the drone in flight, but all commands are controlled by the pilot | D.Start Ignite 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
B.A.A.D | Monash University | Decision makers contend with substantial volumes of information when making timely decisions. Methods of managing and analysisng this data in a timely manner are critical to informed decision making. Artificial Intelligence approaches such as Natural Language Processing and Bayesian networks are well suited to addressing this challenge. They model complex systems under uncertainty and are appropriate for knowledge fusion of disparate upstream data sources. Automating ISR (intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) systems or emerging cyber threat early warning are potential use cases. Generally, this solution projects to provide a full spectrum capability for Command, control and cyber situational awareness. | D.Start Spark 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Counter Grey-Zone Activities | University of Technology Sydney | This project examines coercive statecraft and evolving grey zone activities within three layers of interaction: physical, network (cyber) and social (information). By adapting best-practice deterrence and counter-coercion responses, tailored to the Australian context, this project responds to Grey Zone activities in three stages: monitoring the information spaces, detecting information and influence operation in real-time, and deploying countermeasures. The latter step involves estimating the effectiveness of influence operations and designing reactive and preemptive counter-narratives. This project will develop an autonomous system that Defence personnel will interact with to understand and counter threats to national resilience and map pathways towards addressing them. | D.Start Spark 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
ECHO Lab | Macquarie University | Communication difficulties and lack of spatial awareness can increase response errors and uncertainty during fast-paced high-risk interactions on the battlefield. Our team specialises in developing immersive 3D audio-visual assessments and novel sensing methods to identify the biological and environmental markers that reliably detect and predict the breakdown of communication and spatial awareness. By exploiting these markers, our goal is to minimise or prevent breakdowns by fusing sensor networks with hearing technologies to innovate the next generation of hearing devices and algorithms to enhance human performance and increase survivability on the battlefield. | D.Start Spark 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Internet anytime anywhere | Macquarie University | This project aims to deliver a new portable satellite terminal antennas for the upcoming non-geostationary satellite constellations. The proposed technology is operational on both stationary and mobile platforms on the Earth thanks to its planar configuration, low power consumption. This game-changing antenna system makes the real-time satellite internet affordably available anywhere, anytime, even on moving vehicles in the most remote areas, making the emerging concept of Smart Ambulances and smart fire trucks fully operational all-around Australia, combating digital divide in Australia and the world. | D.Start Spark 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
IVES@MURDOCH | Murdoch University | We have designed and developed a prototype Multi-User Collaborative and Interactive Virtual Environment using XR (MUCIVE-XR) system (hardware and software). Below are some sample modules developed for various industry to show MUCIVE-XR’s possible uses: 1) Watch officer handover on a submarine for FSCCS (Defence) 2) Digital pathology: Identifying region of interest of cancerous cells from WSI (Whole Slide Imaging) (Medical) 3) Urban Planning and Co-Designing (Town planning) 4) Assembly room (Training 5) Cell-biology and mRNA vaccine education (under development) (Education) We propose further designing and developing the MUCIVE-XR system to focus more on a targeted application for a specific industry. | D.Start Spark 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
NDE Solutions | SME/Startup | Research, design and development of IoT sensory modules determing in-situ structural integrity, with additional unified engineering architectures to support design protocols and verification matrixes for a safety factor equal to 1.0. The latter numeral value is to be streamlined within data conceptualization to secure desgn life during use and authorize continious operational mandates without incurring cost for premature out of service engineering maintenance assessemnt. Streamlined data are to be adopted within the modular structure to not only build proactive regimes but conceptualize machine learning comms to identify signatory data affecting the structural safety value of 1.0. | D.Start Spark 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Sour Power | The University of Newcastle | Sour compounds may help to improve cognitive performance. This research project aims to assess the effect of sour stimulation on cognitive function. Peak cognitive performance is important in military, academic, sport, and work settings. Sour compounds or foods may offer a simple, easy to access, cost effective way to improve cognitive performance. | D.Start Spark 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
Team 3 | SME/Startup, University of South Australia | Data Intelligence, Search & Analysis (DISA) is a mission orchestrator. Its main strengths are: 1. Modelling of systems 2. Simulation and testing 3. Targeted influence In real time, with an optional responsive UI that is decoupled from the processing logic. It enables automation of routine operations and collaboration on complex problems. The platform works with any type of data, from multiple sources and within the same project. Portable and lightweight, with open architecture and transparent representation of the information flow, DISA helps people to make decisions supported by evidence rather than a guess. | D.Start Spark 03, ON Prime 14 | Online | Aug-22 |
Team Echo | Queensland University of Technology | The proposed solution consists of an easy-to-use ultrasound (US) device consisting of localized capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducers (CMUTs) to produce images coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms trained to automatically identify, segment and track the regions of interest in the scanned section, such that the final user is only presented with the information needed, bypassing the need for viewing or interpreting ultrasound images. This technology, which has applications within the defence, space, healthcare and athletics sectors would enable independent and remote continuous monitoring of vitals, organs, muscles, and ligaments. | D.Start Spark 03 | Online | Aug-22 |
3D Situational Awareness | Data 61 (CSIRO) | 3D Situational Awareness technology is a patented multi-camera real-time platform developed by CSIRO. The technology provides real-time situational awareness for factories, mines, construction sites, and warehouses. It is being developed in some of the largest factories in the world. This technology utilises off-the-shelf security cameras, network hardware, and a processing cluster to create 3D objects of activity in the environment. Our system respects anominity and fuducial markers are used to identify vehicles. The system offers a low cost and scalable option to providing real-time situational awareness for: * Safe co-mingling of robots and humans * improved time of task * Process flow optimisation | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
Climate Services for Agriculture | CSIRO | Climate Services from Agriculture (CSA) is an online tool that helps Australian farmers to adapt to climate variability by linking past, current, and future weather and climate related information to support decisions for the future. The program is an initiative under the Federal Government’s Future Drought Fund and it is delivered by CSIRO and BoM. The target users are farmers and advisors but we are also looking at other parts of the agriculture eco-system to understand who might benefit from our product to scale up the impact or alternatively provide a commercial revenue stream in the future. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
Drought Energy Generation | Griffith University | Farmers, urban water utilities and industry are increasingly competing with energy generators for water. Amidst increasingly intense and long droughts, Australia’s transition to 50 percent renewable energy generation by 2050 involves more water use for hydropower and ‘pumped hydro energy storage’ or PHES. Our team will model energy transition scenarios incorporating drought scenarios over the next three decades, to inform accurate availability of current and planned PHES infrastructure, balancing water system resilience with reliability and stability in the generation system. Planning for reliable agreed access to water and energy is critical, for farmers, communities and industry to succeed. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
Fermenting to fight food waste | CSIRO | In Australia, 7.6 million tons of food waste are generated per year and about 70% of this waste is edible with an estimated cost to the Australian economy of 36.6 billion per year with huge implication to environmental and economic sustainability. Agri-food waste is a rich source of carbon and other nutrients that can be used as an alternative and cost-effective feedstock in biomass and precision fermentation processes and edible insect cultivation. The cost of feedstock is a major contributor to COGs of precision fermentation processes that impact the feasibility of the technology for production of novel food ingredients. The use of agri-food waste as feedstock can potentially improve the cost competitiveness and sustainability of precision fermentation manufacture of food ingredients. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
ON the Pulse | The University of Queensland | Globally, demand for plant-based protein is increasing. Alternate sources of plant-based protein are urgently required that are well suited to Australian production systems. Chickpea is an ideal source of plant-based protein as it is devoid of major allergens, has high nutritive value, high protein digestibility and is well suited to diverse agronomic systems. Although an ideal protein source, chickpea has a lower seed protein content compared to other legume crops. Adopting new breeding technologies to chickpea provides an opportunity to rapidly develop high yielding, high protein chickpea varieties, creating a new market for Australian growers to meet increasing demand. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
Rooted in Success | The University of Queensland | Extreme weather conditions and droughts have had a devastating impact on Australia’s farms, agriculture and crop growth, causing financial loss and stress to farmers. The University of Queensland’s leading soil and crop researchers and experts will partner with Queensland’s regional farmers to develop and promote new crop and soil assessment methodologies to identify soil constraints and develop management responses to improve water infiltration, nutrient supply, increase soil health, and identify tolerant crops and crop varieties with aim of maximising the agriculture sector’s drought resilience. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
UpCell | CSIRO | Cultivated meats are an emerging new alt-protein industry, estimated at $26 billion by 20301. While the first lab-grown burger in 2013 represented a half million-dollar academic achievement, today a growing number of startups have attracted over $400 million in investment2 and the first commercial products are starting to appear in restaurants3. Despite the considerable technical advances over the past decade, high cost, quality inconsistency, component instability as well as sustainability and ethical concerns associated with growth factors in the media represents a central bottleneck that is holding back the broader industry. In context, media cost represents 70% of the cost of production. Advances in protein structure modelling/prediction (Alphafold) and synthetic biology (precision fermentation, molecular pharming) offer an opportunity to engineer more stable and cost-effective growth hormone factors that are sustainably produced using non-animal production systems. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
Sustainable Farms | Australian National University | Create a training framework for NRM professionals to deliver farm extension activities that build natural capital including biodiversity. The goal of this training framework is to prepare the participants to present robust best-practice information to farmers in an effective manner that supports participants’ learning and interaction needs. This framework will support subject matter experts to share their expertise in supporting biodiversity on farms. Using the “train-the-trainer” model – our ecologists will teach NRM practitioners about Natural Asset Management on farms and at the same time train them to facilitate the exchange of this knowledge effectively with land managers. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
SymPellet | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | A commercial microbial-based SymPellet™ premix formulae, protocols and low-cost manufacturing technology will be developed to enable sustainable and affordable on-farm production of a complementary fermentation-based aquafeed that employs local agricultural residues as biomass feedstock for fermentation. The resulting feed adds flexibility to farmers by replacing commercially available feeds at different feeding strategies while maintaining animal performance and survival. This concept is also an avenue to tailor feeds based on species, unexpected events, farm’s preferences and strategies. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
Plant Turbotech | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Plant protein yield is a key factor in the delivery of healthy and sustainable foods and more recently, novel medicines and vaccines. However, we are currently limited in our ability produce sufficient protein in plants. With the growing demand for plant-based food proteins and vaccines, there is a critical need to devise technologies to help boost protein yields and make these future industries viable. Towards this goal, this project will implement novel genetic systems to turbo charge protein yield in plants. This cutting-edge technology will help farmers, industry and consumers benefit from more efficient, higher yielding and alternative crops. | ON Prime 11 | Online | Aug-22 |
Cognitag | Data 61 (CSIRO) | CSIRO Data61’s Cognitag empowers visionaries to create the next generation of smart, fast, and secure IoT solutions for the world’s future industries. | ON Accelerate7 | National | 2024 |
Spritz-O.M. | Telethon Kids Institute | Spritz-OM is a low-cost nasal vaccine to prevent ear infections. Spritz-OM targets the major pathogen that is responsible for over 50% of the 700 million annual ear infections worldwide. | ON Accelerate7 | National | 2024 |
FytoBio | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | CSIRO’s FytoBio team has developed a process technology for the super-efficient and scalable production of specialised performance proteins in food-appropriate quality, quantity and cost. | ON Accelerate7, ON Prime 11 | National | 2024 |
DHI | Monash University | DHI-AI is a decision intelligence company, leveraging multi-model artificial intelligence techniques to drive positive change in the world. | ON Accelerate7 | National | 2024 |
CELLWorks | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | The WEHI Application Development ‘CELLWorks’ venture will help to lower the cost, increase the effciency, and improve the ethical treatment, of using animal models in research environments. | ON Accelerate7 | National | 2024 |
Evolve Food | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | CSIRO’s Evolve Food team has developed patented technology that can reduce the sugar content of fruit and vegetable based products by up to 70%. | ON Accelerate7 | National | 2024 |
Rainstick | James Cook University | Rainstick is a northern Queensland startup combining indigenous knowledge systems and modern electrokinetics to encourage fungi and plants’ natural systems to grow faster and increase yield. | ON Accelerate7 | National | 2024 |
WhalePOD | Australian National University | WhalePOD is a technology to enable a new age of industrialisation where environmental conservation and scientic contribution is an outcome of business, not a burden. | ON Accelerate7 | National | 2024 |
Terahertz Communications | CSIRO Manufacturing | Increasing the speed at which satellites can transfer data to other satellites and/or the ground using Terahertz frequency communications technology. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Senoptix | The University of New South Wales | Electrochemistry is a potent sensing technique. A glucose meter for example measures glucose levels in blood in seconds. But if we want to measure multiple analytes, we need as many electrodes and connecting wires. So when the number of wires goes up, things become physically impossible. Senoptix enables high density electrode arrays for sensing applications based on light-activated electrochemistry. Therefore, detecting many analytes simoultaneously becomes possible. It will allow the detection of multiple contaminants including pesticides or PFAS in water, soil, and food products in a short time, directly in the field, and with minimal operator training or sample processing. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Microwave 3D printing | CSIRO Manufacturing | Imagine to enter the parameters and grow your component like you heat up your frozen meal. To create a scalable (bench-size to full factory) rapid (~25x more rapid than laser) metal 3D Printer of low capital cost (~$100k), lower energy (more efficient energy conversion for melting) that can use cheaper flexible feeds (non-spherical, granular) and produce quality distortion free components on demand and use the microwave as a safe and reliable heat source to fuse, anneal and act as a feedback loop sensor during component manufacture | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Greendynamics | The University of New South Wales | GreenDynamics’ mission is to enable intelligent material discovery and manufacture for the renewable energy industry. We want to accelerate the development of renewable technologies by providing the ability to harness the power of AI with zero code. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Plasmid Therapy | The University of Sydney | We developed a strategy to protect the microbiota (e.g., human gut) from antimicrobial resistance (AMR) invasion. We tested the strategy for in vitro AMR protection . We now aim to test this novel strategy in the mouse model for feasibility to use in humans. This novel, proactive and high-precision approach will be a safe strategy for AMR management by controlling AMR invasion and spread. This is the only positive approach to manage AMR. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
USyd Team Immunotherapeutics | The University of Sydney | This project will develop novel bispecific immunetherapeutics for different kinds of cancers. We will use monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to form bispecifics, which will be able to simultaneously engage with immune cells and tumour cells. In addition to cancer, our bispecifics system can be used as a platform for the development of next generation targeted immunotherapeutics for a wide range of applications including autoimmune disorders. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Neuro-K | The University of Sydney | Our idea is to make the early detection of neurological disorders such as traumatic brain injury, epilepsy and dementia disorders possible through a blood test that can identify small fragments of DNA derived from the brain. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Digital Ergonomics | Data 61 (CSIRO) | Ergomechanic is a system that measures how your body moves and is loaded during work, sport, or lifestyle activities. It uses cameras as 3D movement sensors and provides feedback on the amount of load your body has experienced in a day or over a week. It does not record anything else about you, your appearance, or the nature of your activities. This evidence-based system will be used to understand which parts of your daily activities could lead to injury in the long term, how you could perform better physically, and how your environment could be improved to reduce injury risk. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
3D ultrathin endoscope | RMIT University | Thousands of patients with suspected lung cancer or other pulmonary diseases undergo a bronchoscopy every year in Australia. However, bronchoscopy often fails at diagnosing smaller or non-superficial lesions and cannot image deeper into the lungs where the airways become too narrow for the bronchoscope. We have developed a 3D microendoscopy technology to address this problem. Our system combines thin optical fibres (under 0.5 mm in diameter), simple optical components and an image processing algorithm that allows for fast 3D imaging. By imaging in different colour channels, our technology has the potential to generate diagnostic information based on disease-dependent light-tissue interaction. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Pumped to do hydro | The University of Melbourne | The technology is a framework to allow government and private parties interested in pumped hydro to easily measure project time, quality and cost. This should unlock interest in pumped hydro and solve the question on how to implement it. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
BreathEasy | Monash University | Silicosis is an occupational lung disease caused by breathing in silica dust during unsafe cutting of stone benchtops. People with silicosis find it hard to breathe due to scarring in their lungs. Our project will measure silicosis-specific biomarkers from lung samples from exposed workers and develop a non-invasive breath test to detect early disease. We have developed a unique way to test novel drugs for silicosis in human lung tissue. By improving diagnosis of early disease alongside identifiying new treatments, our research will offer hope to silica-exposed workers facing the prospect of poor quality of life and shortened life expectancy. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Aptamer Oncology Theranostics | Deakin University | The number of patients diagnosed with cancer spreading to the brain are unfortunately increasing. Treatment is made harder due to the small number of drugs that cross into the brain. Normal chemotherapy kills cancer cells but indiscriminately kills healthy cells too. We have developed a system that turns a chemotherapy agent into a targeted delivery system so it only targets cancer cells, reducing side effects. We have also joined this to a system that can slinghshot this package into the brain to only target cancer cells. This will lead to a paradigm change in how cancer is treated in future. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Smart IoT and Drones | Central Queensland University | This project will use a method of collecting images of the crop farm using a light-weight drone (Drone 1) and detecting weeds from the images using image processing techniques, as drone-based image processing has been proven efficient for weed detection. Based on the detected weed locations that are obtained from image processing, an Artificial Intelligence driven Internet of Drones (IoD) system will be developed. This system will direct the Drone 2 to spray herbicide only on targeted areas. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Molecular Nose | Monash University | Molecular events that lead to dementia begin decades before symptoms are obvious. In order for dementia researchers to develop preventions and therapies for dementia, they need to decode the early events that lead to this debilitating condition. To achieve this, they need an accurate record of the formation and distribution of molecular assemblies during pre-symptomatic and early stages of cognitive decline. Instead of requiring researchers to purchase expensive technologies, our solution will provide them rapid access to a simple, low-cost method that allows them to map different molecular species responsible for the onset of dementia. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Flow Metrology Solutions | The University of Newcastle | High accuracy gas flowmeters are currently used on the gas pipeline for ensuring fair trading between producers, operators and consumers. These meters require regular calibration at pressures between 20-100 bars. Due to lack of appropriate calibraiton facilitiy in Australia, these meters are therefore sent overseas. This results in major interruption to associated businesses, damage to the flowmeter during tranport and can be costly. The cost of building a calibration facility in Australia exceeds AUD100MM. This project proposes to build alternative metering and calibration technologies that cost effective, minimise risk to meters and reduce interruption to business operations. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Squid Team | The University of Newcastle | Squid is a system for creating, deploying and managing quizzes and exams, both online and on paper. Questions are drawn from randomised question pools and each student gets a unique assessment, thereby decreasing the scope for cheating. The entire process, from setting the assessment to processing the results is streamlined, saving time for overworked teachers and academics. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
A fertile future | The University of Newcastle | What if we could eliminate preventative infertility on a global scale? In fact, did you know that 1 in 6 every couples will experience infertility? It turns out they have this problem because fertility education is not taught in schools and many people don’t really know how their reproductive system work. Well, what we’re doing is developing a resource to increase awareness and understanding of sexual health and fertility for use in high schools. Going forward our goal is to identify and remove the barriers to accessing sexual health and fertility education and improve future fertility outcomes. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
DePlag | The University of Newcastle | Source code similarity is a well-studied area and applied across many application domains, including: (Academic) Source Code Plagiarism Detection, Code Clone Detection, and Software Theft Detection. The DePlag team has developed some innovative approaches. The preliminary evaluation suggests that these approaches have great accuracy and can used in practice. This project is going to investigate ethical use, licencing and IP issues for commercialize these research fundings, which will pave a pathway towards public accessible tools that will ensuring the authenticity of tertiary computing education; and aid in the detection of code clones to enforce software copy-rights and protect IPs. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Backyard Detectives | The University of Newcastle | Backyard Detectives: Building community momentum for social change. Backyard Detectices is an innovative and community based ‘science project’ crowdsourcing information to contribute to the environmental challenge of coal dust in the atmosphere and the harmful effects it can have. We aim to harness known local public health concerns through a crowdsource methodology to both prove the reality of the coal dust phenomenon through indicative data sampling, and to build community momentum towards social change. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
3 Squares Team | The University of Newcastle | We are a team of clinical psychologists and researchers in the field of eating behaviours. We wish to develop an innovative product that will bring psychological help home to individuals who wish to improve their eating behaviours that aid not just with weight loss but also with weight loss maintenance. While there is a saturation of online apps, few of them are scientifically evaluated. Our proposed product will be scientifically based, and we plan to deliver it through a novel technologically assisted mode. This product could be used as a stand-alone or as powerful adjunct to other weight loss/management programme. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Wild Yeast Zoo | The University of Newcastle | Brewing sour beer using native wild yeast has inspired a vibrant and growing culture and market. The product is attractive because it’s boutique — and the story behind the wild yeast is vital to the branding and sale of the beer. The flower or fruit used is highlighted, and the traditional process used to brew the beer is presented as a more sustainable, ethical option that requires fewer chemicals, water and power. We are creating a ‘zoo’ of these yeasts and their stories — a reliable biobank of genetically sequenced yeast that can be purchased and used for brewing privately or commercially. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Lifted Systems | University of Southern Queensland | Dynamical systems describe and control the behaviour of many systems around us, from vehicle cruise control to electricity generation and weather prediction. When these systems are *linear* they can be quickly and efficiently analysed an controlled. However, when they are *nonlinear*, analysis is difficult, and often less accurate approximations are used. Using applied mathematical techniques, nonlinear systems can be transformed to linear systems of lifted states, so that they are much easier to predict and control. The benefits of this method are broad, but are particularly relevant to small and portable devices with limited computational power. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Blasthole Radar | CSIRO Mineral Resources | Borehole radar allows accurate positioning of blast holes in overburden meaning better blasts results, less waste, more recoverable coal. Your reserves will require less processing lowering production costs, greenhouse gas emissions and rehandling. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
UQ Learning Lab | The University of Queensland | The Learning Lab is a professional learning and research collaboration that seeks evidence-informed, sustainable solutions to a partner-identified learning or training need whilst building partner knowledge and capabilities. Through tailored co-designed research, we collaborate with our partners to build a shared understanding of their unique learning and training challenges and needs and explore solutions that are contextually relevant, meaningful, and effective. With a focus on process, not just product, our partners develop knowledge, skills, and the collective efficacy to implement, evaluate and adapt evidence-informed solutions to real-world needs within and beyond the lifetime of our partnership. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Critterpedia | Data 61 (CSIRO) | Critterpedia combines technology and nature, encouraging people to use their devices to interact with their environment. Including our core feature, an AI-powered computer vision tool, developed in collaboration with the CSIRO, that instantly identifies animals via a smartphone camera. For the more adventure-driven Critterpedian, AR technology gamifies this Shazam for Animals, bringing real-life critters into the metaverse, encouraging outdoor play, inspiring imagination, educating about wildlife, and creating lifelong positive mindsets toward the environment. Via user participation, Critterpedia will collect crowdsourced data, connecting with biosecurity departments and research institutions to serve an underlying purpose, of aiding in the preservation of biodiversity. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
TRAPS | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | TRAPS is a platform that facilitates tracking of the pharmaceutical products throughout the supply chain. It is based on a mechanism that utilizes hierarchical product coding in association with a distributed ledger. The platform enables (1) the hospitals and patients to validate the authenticity of the pharmaceutical products, (2) pharmaceutical manufacturers to save their intellectual property, brand reputation and market share by preventing the counterfeits from entering the supply chain and sales of their products on black market, and (3) regulatory authorities to prevent market manipulation through stockpiling, tax evasion through misreporting of sales and monitor handling of controlled substances. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Pipe jacker | Griffith University | Small diameter tunnels are commonly constructed by jacking concrete pipes using a tunnel boring machine and hydraulic jacks. The length of pipes jacked underground depends on the friction between the pipe surface and the surrounding soil. Being unfamiliar with surrounding geology and its properties, engineers have been overdesigning such infrastructure. Using custom-built laboratory equipment, advanced particle simulations and artificial intelligence, a more accurate frictional resistance calculation can be derived for different types of ground conditions to produce a sustainable and cost-effective project through reduction in material usage, equipment/resources deployment and carbon emission. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
CONSULT Neurosurgical Tool | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | CONSULT is an advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) processing and presenting software that will allow clinicians to identify key white matter pathways. It will warn when surgical plans may disrupt vision, motor functions, bodily sensation, or language. CONSULT can be used even when major brain damage is present. It is automated, and therefore requires almost no training to use. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Team Plastic Biorecycling | The University of Queensland | Our project provides a sustainable solution for biodegradation of plastic waste coupled with microbial production of value-added products such a bioplastics. We will identify, characterise, and optimise microbial enzymes for breakdown of commonly used plastics, and will provide this IP to commercial partners in the recycling industry. Our approach supports a circular economy by incentivising plastic recycling, which will lower fossil fuel demand for de-novo plastic production and will reduce environmental plastic pollution. Overall, our project will promote a more sustainable lifestyle, by exploring a biotechnological approach for an economically feasible and sustainable solution to the global plastic waste crisis. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
AI Creative Technology | The University of Adelaide | Artifical Intelligence is already being use in society. It helps shortlist potential employees for business, supports the diagnosis of medical conditions and it can create simple artistic output. Soon it will be able to create as well as humans. In what ways does this already happen, what can we meaningfully predict will be the future in these areas, and how do we navigate and manage our use of AI to enhance rather than supplant our own highly skilled creativity? | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
MinExMod | CSIRO Mineral Resources | Finding mineral deposits that are buried beneath the earth’s surface is challenging, due to the large search space and the high cost of conventional exploration techniques. An alternative approach is to use computer simulations of geological processes to identify areas where mineral deposits are likely to occur. In the past such simulations have been limited by lack of data and difficulties in modifying models to test different scenarios. Our new tools and workflows address these issues, enabling rapid generation of 1000’s of model scenarios with realistic distributions of geological properties, which can be run rapidly using supercomputers or clusters. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Ear disease model | Curtin University | Hearing loss is one of the most common disabilities affecting over 466 million people, and expected to rise to over 1 billion people globally by 2060. The most common type of hearing disorder is sensorineural loss with the degeneration of hair cells in inner ear. Recent advances in stem cell science mean that regeneration of inner ear hair cells as a therapeutic strategy for treatment of hearing loss has become a promising alternative. We propose an innovative method for generating patient specific inner ear organoids for drug screening to promote hair cell and neural regeneration for treatment of Usher syndrome. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Team RADS | The University of Western Australia | RADS (Remote Automated Dental Screening) is a simple mobile application that automates the dental screening process, providing a cheap, easy 24/7 service. Our algorithm uses artificial intelligence to analyse images taken on a mobile phone, provides an instant dental assessment, and notifies patients of an outcome immediately. Our innovation tackles barriers that prevent thousands of Australians from accessing timely oral health care services (including telehealth) including: affordability, lack of available and qualified workforce, and fear of clinical dental procedures. These factors exacerbate the severity of not only dental health outcomes, but associated general health outcomes (including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, oral cancer), and leads to higher cost impacts for delayed treatment and procedures. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Team RNA | Australian National University | mRNA is emerging as a powerful new tool of therapy and biotechnology across a wide range of sectors. Harnessing the molecular and digital technologies to design and optimise new mRNA molecules with desirable properties will enable the “ideal” use case of mRNA that is only imagined today – that of a precise tool for accelerated cell reprogramming. We leverage the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence and synthetic biology in a digital biotechnology platform to empower accelerated development of mRNA-based biologicals and deliver efficient mRNA design and optimisation solutions for applications in vaccines, gene therapy, biotechnology, regenerative medicine, agriculture and ecology. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
easy-compost | Central Queensland University | This project targets root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.), the most serious nematode pest of many horticulture crops in the word. Currently, many growers rely on soil fumigants and nematicides to achieve control and reduce nematode damage. However, several of these chemicals have been removed from the market in the last four decades, and many of the remaining nematicides are detrimental to human health and the environment. Therefore, As a sustainable and ecologically friendly option, biocontrol could play an important role in the development of integrated control strategies in agriculture systems of both developed and developing countries. | ON Prime 12 | Online | 2024 |
Wearable ultrasound | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Our research idea is to develop a wearable imaging platform technology that allows imaging of our internal body structures while we perform everyday life activities, in a completely safe and automated way. The device could consist of a patch, a belt or a t-shirt embedded with miniaturized ultrasound devices to be positioned on the anatomical area to be scanned (depending on the specific application and target anatomical area). The system could provide an automated artificial intelligence(AI) -based interpretation of the images obtained directly to the user, depending on the specific application selected. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Innovative hydrogen compression | CSIRO Energy | CSRO, in collaboration with Griffith University, are developing metal-hydride (MH) based H2 compression technologies. MH-based H2 compression utilises a reversible heat-driven interaction of a hydride-forming metal alloy or intermetallic compound with hydrogen gas. Metal hydride-based compressors have various advantages including safety, absence of moving parts, compactness, low operational and maintenance costs, and the ability to use waste heat instead of electricity to achieve compression. The project aims to design, build, and demonstrate a MH compressor able to compress H2 from 10 to 350 bar. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
The ProProtein Project | Queensland University of Technology | “Nourish your performance, the natural way. Power up with our heat-enhanced energy bars.” Our technology provides a healthy and tasty snack option for everyday athletes that are protein-rich, non-allergenic, and free of artificial flavours and added sugars or syrups. Our innovative plant-based preparation method uses heat to enhance the natural flavours and properties of the ingredients, providing a healthier and more delicious alternative to traditional energy bars. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
ON-farm Gen | The University of Queensland | Imagine the benefits for Australian farmers to select genetically superior animals. This project aims to implement a rapid, on-farm DNA sequencing process in northern Australia’s beef industry. This is achieved by a program developed by UQ researchers to pair with a market-proven, portable DNA sequencer known as a MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technologies). The DNA sequencer reads DNA like a VCR reads a cassette, and the program will determine an animal’s genetic makeup, allowing farmers to make rapid selection decisions about their animals. The ultimate goal is to increase the efficiency, profitability and environmental sustainability of beef production. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
SDM for mental health | The University of Queensland | Mental health disaster response programs are traditionally reactive and largely focus on encouraging help-seeking behaviours. However, the evidence for these approaches is lacking in the context of repeat extreme weather events. New knowledge is needed to inform agencies about where, when and how to intervene to optimise community wellbeing. A digital decision-making tool, using community-based model building, can simulate diverse climate-driven scenarios and identify the most impactful intervention points to improve mental health outcomes. The tool will provide valuable insights to stakeholders to preemptively guide more targeted and effective investment to support mental health in communities impacted by natural disasters. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
QTrialBank e-Analytics | QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute | The QTrialBank analytics project is a cloud-based recruitment analytics platform integrating data from a volunteer cohort to help clinicians and trial recruiters navigate hurdles of identifying the correct participant for their trial programmes. Our integrative approach combines idea from big data analytics, health tech and cohort science, with the potential to make a huge impact in cost-savings for targeted trials. We founded this project on the core values of potentially empowering the medical science community, to appropriately value and acknowledge the participant’s contribution to research and development, and finally generate an active engagement between academia, the industry and the public. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Avail Solar | The University of Melbourne | We are developing a process to make solar cells from non-toxic, earth-abundant elements. Our process requires far less energy, equipment and time to make solar cells than existing technologies, which greatly reduces the barrier for local Australian manufacturing. Our solar cells are also much lighter than currently available silicon solar panels, which allows their use in locations where existing products are too heavy. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Hydrothermal Carbonization | Federation University Australia | The present project aims to solve an environmental and economical crisis resulting from accumulation of biosolids by wastewater treatment companies by efficiently converting the sewage to value added products. Biosolid accumulation causes soil and groundwater contamination and releases methane if stockpiled for extended period of time. The current project will aim to solve the accumulation issue and at the same time generate value added products from sewage waste. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Surgical Mesh | RMIT University | Pelvic orgna prolapse or stress urinary incontinence, affect approximately 41% of women aged 50 to 79 (~4.4 million globally). This project aims to develop flexible and visible surgical mesh to be used for the people who reuqired surgical mesh especially women, by increasing their independence, imporving quality of life/well-being and avoidance of unnecessary surgery. Additionally, this technology could be adapted to a variety of biocompatible polymers currently used in medical technology, offering broad applications across a wide range of biomedical devices for implantation. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
UniCargo | Swinburne University of Technology | This project is to develop a novel data-sharing platform for the air cargo industry to solve the problems of information islands. The platform will provide business insights and decision support tools to help airlines, airports and forwarders to better use their resources. The platform can help an airline better match demand with supply; identify new cargo opportunities; and improve accuracy of demand forecasting. Airports can increase its cargo volume, and optimise the usage of the existing facilities, while freight forwarders can also benefit from the platform which help them find the most suitable airline partners. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
ForkedIP DAO | RMIT University | ForkedIP DAO is prototyping and experimenting with a new Intellectual Property repository system and decentralised peer review system for commercialisation. ForkedIP DAO is building a digital infrastructure that allows researchers to deposit IP onto a blockchain-based repository. This new distributed network will be governed by its users through a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) that allows firstly for Commercialisation Potential Peer Reviews. Secondly for the commercialisation of promising IP into a new venture or a sub-DAO. Commercialisation can be enhanced, when a DAO, comprised of diverse stakeholders has a laser-focused mission to solve problems commercially beyond a lab or paywalled journal. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
S3 | The University of Sydney | Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a common procedure designed at alleviating pain and restoring function in patients with advanced osteoarthritis. Despite this procedure being established, studies report a 5-20% dissatisfaction rate. Anterior knee pain being one of the major causes of dissatisfaction is thought to be related to abnormal soft tissue tensions following TKA. A team of researchers at the University of Sydney is tackling the challenge of designing a minimally invasive instrumentation capable of assessing the tension in soft tissue structures and thus equipping orthopaedic surgeons with tools necessary to optimise TKA procedure and reduce post procedural pain. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Red Blood Comic | Australian National University | What does my blood do? Why do you need chemotherapy? What is cancer? How does my muscle work? Sometimes it is hard to explain these things to our young children. With Red Blood Comic, we aim to provide factual and accurate medical information for young children in an entertaining manner. With topic ranging from general health knowledge to various diseases and their treatment, we help parents understand and explain these very important issues to their children. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
GreenCoat | The University of Sydney | GreenCoat is a next-generation plasma-coating smart window solution that changes the opacity of windows in response to real-time environmental conditions to maximise the energy efficiency of buildings. GreenCoat, by significantly reducing unwanted heat transfer through windows, allows building operators to reduce their reliance on financially and environmentally costly Heating Ventilation Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems resulting in energy savings of 10-40%. GreenCoat’s smart windows as a service also allows users to track their energy and financial savings in real-time on our data and analytics platform. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Responsible Agile | Data 61 (CSIRO) | Agile project management frameworks are commonly used to support Agile software development processes, including software with AI components. AI software are often underspecified, which leads to a higher probability of risk in violating ethical principles. There is an emerging trend of using risk assessment-based approaches to identify the possible ethical risks in AI software and mitigating them. For example, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA recently introduced a high-level AI risk management framework. This project aims to embed the risk assesmment-based approach to Agile project management framework to enable a responsible agile process. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Environmental Measurement Units (EMU’s) | The University of Sydney | Our idea is to deploy a highly specialized, bespoke device that can seamlessly and accurately measure local environmental conditions (Environmental Measurement Units or EMU’s) at multiple locations on-site to model the level of heat stress at a given location. To compliment these devices, we plan to provide an accompanying service that aims to structure end-users thinking by helping them interpret the data collected through the development of a simple, intuitive scale that provides appropriate, evidence-based interventions according to the level of estimate heat stress present. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Intelligent Extrusion Platform | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | While extrusion is a widely adopted manufacturing process in the food and animal feed industries, there’s an urgent need to further understand the physicochemical mechanisms that occur during the process to shift from the current trial-and-error approach to a more predictive approach for new product development. Our project proposes a digital platform for food/feed extrusion to predict product quality and answer questions about mechanisms driving material transformation and product structure development. This platform will empower industries to streamline their R&D activities, incorporate novel or under-utilised Australian ingredients, and ultimately create new, healthy products that meet changing consumer dietary needs. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
WaterTECH | Swinburne University of Technology | The WaterTECH project is a low-cost water-treating technology for water tanks and dams that doesn’t use chemicals, has a negligible operating cost and requires minimal maintenance. Many Australian homes rely on water tanks to meet their clean water needs; however, bacteria and viruses can live in this environment and harm humans. Our technology greatly reduces this risk and other harmful elements that can be found in stored water. Similarly, we aim to treat farm dams containing chemicals and substances harmful to livestock and crops at low costs because existing practices require costly processes and frequent maintenance. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Premium Beef Blockchain | Federation University Australia | A premium beef blockchain is a game-changer in terms of Australian Premium Beef export to Southeast Asia, e.g. Indonesia. It helps to combat fake products and to provide the necessary information to financiers and insurance companies to scale up this lucrative industry. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
CIAIRI 3D | RMIT University | This project provides a solution to support activities in remote or complex environments where network connection is poor or none existent, for example, logging, mining, and bushfire fighting. Our prototype will demonstrate the capability of using AI techniques to construct a small yet accurate 3D model of the surrounding based on point scanning. With the digital model, a range of tasks can be realised efficiently on a handheld device, including navigation and situation evaluation. The technique can work under harsh conditions for example poor visibility and even complete darkness. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Finem Apicomplexan | The University of Melbourne | Australia’s $33 billion livestock industry is under constant threat from disease outbreaks. Infections with apicomplexan parasites are a prominent cause of disease and result in animal deaths and reduced yields. Treatments, when available, are costly. Apicomplexan parasites also sicken people exposed to infected meat and animal faeces, and cause devastating diseases, such as malaria. This project explores the use of new genetic tools targeting the parasite breeding cycle to rapidly change parasite populations. These changes can be designed to reduce disease severity or even eradicate parasites entirely. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Plastic degrading enzymes | CSIRO Manufacturing | Plastic debris and microplastics represent a serious hazard for the environment and the human and animal health. The main source of plastic pollution is mismanagement of post-consumer waste, primarily because of poor collection and processing of the plastic, even for recyclable resins. New, advanced recycling technologies can produce more valuable products (monomers), enabling new repurposing and manufacturing pipelines for recycled waste. These technologies suffer from technical impediments that hinder their implementation at large scales. Here we propose to a combinatorial approach that addresses the main technological issues at hand, providing a solution to advance Australia’s advanced recycling capabilities. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Reaching New Heights | Burnet Institute | For decades, an expensive heavy, bulky height board, prone to measurement error has been used to detect stunting in young children from low-resource environments. We found an accurate, cheaper, lightweight, handheld digital height measurement device. We want to validate this device and make it more user-friendly for health care workers from low- and middle-income countries to screen for childhood stunting and undernutrition without having to lug heavy equipment around difficult terrain. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Laser Lock Box | Swinburne University of Technology | Accurate laser frequency control is crucial in modern technologies, particularly in research involving atoms, ions, and molecules, as well as applications in the emerging quantum industry. Moreover, the ability to remotely control and monitor laser systems has become increasingly essential. To address this need, I propose developing an electronic solution that can precisely tune a narrow-linewidth laser over a minimum of 10 GHz frequency range. The device will be compact, robust, cost-effective, and easily integrated into new and existing laser systems. This development will enhance the capability of conventional laser frequency stabilisation, making it much more tunable than previously possible. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
RPM2 Fluidics | The University of Melbourne | This project aims to transform the way in-vitro biology is conducted by commercialising a highly multiplexed and modularised perfusion system compatible to conventional practices and protocols with significantly enhanced throughput to achieve physiological emulation in cell culture for both academic research labs and biopharma preclinical drug development pipeline. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Fast Carbon | The University of New South Wales | We are about to enter an age of small, unmanned aircraft and seagoing vessels enabled by lightweight, high strength composite materials. With manual layup inconsistent, joining processes difficult, moulds expensive, there is a growing demand to produce complex parts in days, not months. Researchers at Fast Carbon have developed a composite manufacturing method for rapidly produced hollow structures using deliberate warpage. Expensive investment in process design time and capital is no longer required, allowing industry innovators to rapidly iterate on parts not prototypes, push the boundaries of their design cycle timeline and decouple from the constraints of current moulding practices. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
MarsRoverWheels | CSIRO Manufacturing | Conventional materials for rover wheels (rubber, aluminium, cast iron etc.) cannot meet the harsh Martian surface. This project aims to combine adavanced materials and addtive manufacturing to develop high-performance space rover wheels for next generation explorations: longer distance, all terrains, longer service life, customised design, lower-cost and flexible manufacturing for small batch productions. This project aims to provide the space industry with a complete rover wheel solution, including materials, design, manufacturing and testing. Outcomes of this project can support successful deployment of rover wheels and payloads, particlulary for new space institutes, startup and industry partners. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Twisted | The University of Western Australia | Our project is focused on developing a new type of microwave device that has unique and never-before-seen properties. This device will have a high rate of frequency tuning and will introduce helicity into microwave radiation, leading to sensitivity to chiral media. The device will have potential applications in telecommunications and chemical manufacturing processes. The team at UWA has expertise in microwave resonators, oscillators, and sensing applications, and we aim to design and optimize prototypes for these potential applications. This technology will bring a new degree of freedom into microwave technology, with benefits such as in-line or in-the-field sensing and robustness. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Self-Powered Ankle Exoskeleton (SPAE) | Victoria University | Self-Powered Ankle Exoskeleton (SPAE) is a state-of-the-art solution for individuals who are at risk of falling due to muscle weakness, sensory-motor deficits, and gait impairments. It offers active assistance to the ankle joint without relying on external power sources, making it a cost-effective solution. Additionally, its game-changing energy harvester feature can generates electricity during walking, promoting the use of renewable and emission-free technologies. With falls estimated to cost Australia $3.9 billion by 2050, SPAE presents a valuable impact. It represents a transition from electricity-driven to smart passive exoskeletons, offering a unique solution that benefits both health and the environment. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Infinite Seafood | James Cook University | Imagine an ocean without fish. Infinite Seafood is pioneering a new approach to seafood production. Using ‘Cellular Agriculture’ techniques we are growing tropical fish protein to help feed the planet without putting any pressure on our wild fish stocks and grow fish cells of high value species that dont respond to a traditional aquaculture setting. We will work with partners to deliver a range of unique tropical fish species cell lines and also provide a line of proprietary non-GMO accelerants to help increase the speed and reduce the cost of scaling this new production method. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
QUADGEN AQUA | Griffith University | Our technology offers a powerful solution to the problem of poor water quality and safety by preventing the spread of water-borne pathogens. We will provide a portable molecular diagnostic platform that is faster, more efficient, and more user-friendly than traditional methods. The data acquired from companies will be used by artificial intelligence and machine learning to give a spatial and temporal map of the pathogens in the area and the efficacy of current preventative efforts. We plan on helping individuals and communities access safe, clean drinking water by addressing these public health concerns. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
SSA with Radiotelescopes | CSIRO Space & Astronomy | Our extremely sensitive radiotelescopes and technical expertise offer the opportunity to support niche applications and track transmitting objects more precisely than most other systems. Our radio telescopes are designed to observe faint radio emissions from astronomical objects. They can also pick up radio signals from spacecraft. Non-astronomy uses of our telescopes include: * Tracking satellites and other spacecraft: refining their trajectories using doppler information and interferometry from multiple telescopes. * Passive radio frequency surveillance: characterising emissions more sensitively and across broader bands than most other systems. * Bistatic radar – tracking objects such as asteroids, defunct assets, and debris, characterising objects from reflections. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
FM – Make It Count | The University of Newcastle | Best Start FM is to provide an engaging and time efficient assessment of children’s foundational movements through a tangible playground resource that can efficiently be used by classroom teachers. The assessment tool not only informs teachers of a childs progress through an online summative report of the students capabilities. Furthermore, the assessments playground markings are then able to be used as a stimulus to deliver lesson plans and evidence based curriculum engagement/support. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Self-managed Data privacy | Central Queensland University | While data sharing is beneficial and necessary for many consumer and business services, data leaks are continuing to erode confidence in those services. As consumers demand increased data privacy, they currently have little control in how, when or who their data is shared with. We combine a blockchain solution with novel access control and revocation techniques to empower users with control of their own data, while supporting secure data sharing across multiple organisations. Operations on data are immutable and traceable, improving transparency in data sharing and ultimately consumer trust in online services. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
FarmVoice | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | FarmVoice aims to close the gap between the mountains of agricultural data that has been created and the interpretation of that data to help increase agricultural productivity. By creating value for farmers in the interpretation of their data, opportunities emerge to aggregate and link new data to build complex datasets that help to answer the currently unanswerable, while also creating a new mechanism to collect future data when traditional data collection methods are failing. In the digital world, making use of data provides immense opportunities to create new value and knowledge for the industry. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Building Fire Simulation | The University of Adelaide | As a team in fire engineering, we focus on providing consulting, training and future collaboration to our customers, so that appropriate measures to mitigate the damage from fire are implemented and potential risks of life losses and property damage can be minimised. By offering expertise in fire-based simulation, high performance computing service, and facilities for experiment validation, we are looking for customers or industrial partners in South Australia and Queensland for future opportunities, as well as seeking fundings for future research opportunities. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
HIFU in Dentistry | The University of Western Australia | High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology has the potential to revolutionize dental treatments by making them cheaper, faster and more effective. Researchers from the University of Western Australia have developed HIFU for various dental applications including acid-free bonding of restorations to tooth dentin, biomimetic remineralization of dental hard tissues, non-invasive eradication of oral biofilms, and synergizing dentin-pulp complex regenerative therapies. The team has already undergone proof-of-concept verification and preclinical validation, and is now seeking industry partners to commercialize the technology. The goal is to develop a multi-functional HIFU treatment unit for widespread use in dentistry. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
CoffeeKii | Australian National University | CoffeeKii is an exciting and highly sustainable, green plastic alternative made from the coffee beans you throw in the bin. The material is composed entirely of sustainably sourced feedstocks, and 30% waste (spent coffee beans). The chemical process to produce it is mild and scalable. Adoption of this technology will up-cycle this large waste stream and significantly decrease its carbon footprint. Our remarkable plastic alternative can change the way plastics are made and disposed of. The feedstocks are sustainable, the products can then be recycled (increasing reuse) and at end-of-life they can be composted at home. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
The V Team | The University of Adelaide | Our safe, IP protected, platform technology reduces anti-nutrional compounds in grains for the animal feed and human food markets. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
Allergy vaccine development | University of South Australia | Peanut allergy is the most common cause of food-induced anaphylactic reactions in Australia. Current clinical practice advice dietary avoidance to prevent fatal anaphylactic responses. We are evaluating the use of an immunomodulatory vaccine developed using a novel and safe vaccine platform technology, to re-write the immune response to peanut antigens, from an allergic to a tolerant phenotype, with an emphasis on safety and induction of persistent state of non-reactivity to peanut. This aims to reduce the burden on parents and care-givers to monitor dietary intake, enable children to engage socially without fear and reduce the number of emergency presentations. | ON Prime 13 | Online | 2024 |
UTA | Data 61 (CSIRO) | UTA (UI Task Automator) helps the user to complete any tasks given by natural language on any APPs by discovering action paths automatically, saving the time and killing the pains for users who are dizzy or not familiar with the usage of various APPs. With the novel non-intrusive UI understanding techniques and the astonishing ability of large deep-learning model, UTA is independent with the system and does not demand any extra engineerings of the APP developer, which makes it able to fulfil tasks on arbitirary apps and distinguishes it from all the existing virtual assistant, such as Siri or Alex. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
ASK Technologies | The University of Sydney | DISSOLUXION aims to offer a technology that can substantially reduce the time it takes to assess the quality, deposition, and dissolution capability of a new aerosol in a non-intrusive, and physiologically realistic way. The technology encompasses a modular design that can be integrated with standardized equipment, streamlines the drug development process, and has the potential to cut experimental testing time in half. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Ficus | The University of Sydney | We use a cost effective method to produce a digitally automated ecosystem wherein any plant or fungi can survive by regulating the internal conditions. This ecosystem can be configured in various ways to provide the optimal conditions to maximise the yield capacity. By using data analysis, we not only can suggest the ideal conditions given the species but also minimise the power usage by taking advantage of the external conditions as much as possible. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Explorer | Australian National University | Sea ice prediction is crucial for climate research, conservation, policymaking, and industries. It helps understand climate change, protect polar ecosystems, and guide resource management. Governments use it for policies and territorial claims, while shipping and oil industries plan operations in ice-covered regions. Fisheries benefit from predicting fish habitats, disaster preparedness improves, and tourism ensures safer travel. Accurate predictions assist stakeholders in informed decisions for sustainable development, environmental preservation, and climate resilience. From scientists studying ice dynamics to governments negotiating Arctic policies, sea ice prediction plays a vital role in shaping responses to the changing polar environment and its global impacts. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Up and Under | The University of Sydney | Archaeology is the present probing the past to inform the future. We are Digital Archaeologists. We investigate above and below the surface to provide crucial information to researchers so they can make better decisions regarding heritage and ancient spaces that contribute to a deeper understanding of our human past so that in the present, we might make better decisions about our collective future. We do this using an evolving and advanced toolset of instruments that include aerial and terrestrial imaging products, and follow up by providing analysis, insights, and recommendations based on the data gathered. We are Archaeologists, helping Archaeologists. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
sBeacon | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | sBeacon is the only search engine allowing clinicians to query patients’ genomes alongside medical data, facilitating bedside medical insights and enhancing diagnostic journeys. Furthermore, it empowers disease researchers to access global datasets and analyze complex multi-gene diseases at population-scale. In the context of pandemic preparedness, sBeacon enables rapid tracking of emerging pathogen strains. The cloud-based deployment makes it cost-effective, enabling smaller genomic consortia to contribute valuable information to rare disease research, especially from underrepresented populations. Above all, sBeacon prioritizes individual empowerment, allowing people to control and stay connected with their most personally identifiable data—their genomes. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Jessie Data Input Technology | Australian Catholic University | ACU is proposing the use of autonomous data input technology to capture data in existing care management systems in near real-time, hands-free, during care and health support conversations between age care workers (nurses and personal care workers) and residents/patients. The goal is to enhance the accuracy of mandatory data input into existing health and care activity systems while supporting workers in their data collection task – reducing the burden of data entry on the worker and leading to less staff burnout. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Kimaritec | Queensland University of Technology | Kimaritec design, test and develop inhibitors of a modification to proteins that supports their cancer promoting functions. By blocking these protein modifications, Kimaritec aims to provide new small molecules suitable for the treatment of cancer. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Berry | Griffith University | Our unique quality training tool can help farm owners and mangers to streamline and quantify the employee quality performance improvement process. An AI smart device application is used along with the device camera to inspect the produce being picked or packed in real time – and provie feeback mechanisms as well as QA records. This will allow farmers to automate the training process as well as increase quality and reducing waste. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Performance Sports Turf | The University of Queensland | The Australian turfgrass industry relies on US-bred varieties, lacking resilience for local conditions. Limited collaboration between scientists and commercial industries stifles progress in plant protection services and varietal improvements. Turfgrass managers are therefore resorting to costly pest and disease control with few options. Adaption to climate change will demand turfgrass varieties for urban cooling with greater water efficiency and wear tolerance. The University of Queensland holds a diverse collection of native and naturalised turfgrass varieties, offering benefits for various stakeholders. Investment can develop new elite commercial varieties suitable for the Australian climate, enhancing sustainability while meeting diverse market needs. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Endo Screen | The University of Queensland | The development of our integrated patient screening system will allow endometriosis patients to receive personalised treatments based on their own biology and physiology. It will ensure the right treatment is provided to each patient and that each individual is treated in the most appropriate manner for them. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Aqua.Wel | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | Together with industry stakeholders we aim to address challenges and opportunities to normalise the continuous improvement of the welfare and wellbeing of animals in Australian aquaculture. Our collaborative approach is designed to build a strategy from the beginning in close partnership with stakeholders to foster innovation and market competitiveness, address industry priorities and ensure ethical practices are aligned with global trends in animal welfare and wellbeing. By adopting industry driven evidence-based practices the strategy empowers the industry further to drive sustainable growth, increase resilience of their animals, enhance production efficiencies, and maintain a strong market presence with favourable trade status. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Wild Search | The University of Queensland | Field surveys have long been used to identify and count species – a fundamental requirement in managing natural resources and conserving biodiversity. The problem is that field surveys are expensive and time consuming. With advancements in technology, AI models can be developed to automate this process. AI has the potential to significantly increase speed, and decrease costs, associated with identifying and counting species. However, the models first need to be ground-truthed to prove they work accurately, and more efficiently, than traditional human-based methods. Our team at Wild Search develops and tests AI solutions for more efficient identification and counting of species. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
RaDintern | The University of Queensland | Australian industry’s collaboration with higher education and research institutions ranked the lowest of 27 countries in the OECD, both for large businesses and for SMEs. Our software service aims to provide students with top-notch internship opportunities, giving them hands-on experience, mentorship, and networking with industry experts. Students benefit from academic supervision as well as industry mentors. Industries, get ready to harness fresh talent and innovative ideas! Embrace cost-effective solutions, access a talent pool of motivated students, and foster collaboration with academia. We envision technological innovation for shaping a brighter future in industry and university connections. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
The Irresistables | The University of Queensland | Intensive use of antibiotics over the last 70 years has resulted in widespread antibiotic resistance in microorganisms. The most efficient and rapidly-evolving cause of antibiotic resistance in bacteria are the metallo-beta-lactamases (MBLs): metal-dependent enzymes that rapidly degrade antibiotics, including last-resort drugs. Effective inhibition of MBLs is a key objective of global health care to fight against antimicrobial resistance, but no clinically-useful inhibitors of MBLs are currently known. In this project, we aim to develop a platform for identifying and developing MBL inhibitors for fast and effective development of treatments with prolonged efficacy, and low toxicity, to combat resistance. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Virtual Empathy Educators | University of Southern Queensland | Domestic and family violence (DFV) is a significant issue in Australia, demanding early intervention strategies to improve attitudes. Workforces play a vital role in addressing DFV through bystander efforts, and VR is a promising tool to build empathy, increase prosocial behaviour, and enhance competencies in recognizing and responding to DFV. This project aims at developing and delivering proven early interventions that leverage VR to create experiential and customised training for varied practice contexts. Through this, we aim to improve attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge towards DFV in the Australian workforce by fostering empathy and improving prosocial behaviours. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
IoD Research Team | Central Queensland University | This project is the design and deployment of an Internet of Drones (IoD) system to monitor security threats to cattle on farms in regional Australia. It uses a holistic approach to consider regulatory constraints and community impact to ensure a system that is effective. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
ErythroSight | Australian National University | Our manufacturing platform produces natural therapeutic delivery vehicles that addresses current challenges in the drug delivery space. Utilising the body’s own cells and natural communication pathways we have created natural drug delivery vehicles which can be redelivered back into the same patient, preventing any adverse side effects or reactions. In this way, patients can effectively treat themselves. Our platform has been validated in preclinical testing models to be both safe, and efficacious. Our promising drug delivery system therefore offers personalised and efficient treatment options for therapeutic delivery across the body. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Built Environment | Victoria University | Our project offers a unique value proposition by leveraging urban green spaces and vegetation to create energy-efficient and healthier indoors. Through a comprehensive investigation of input factors, such as green space area and vegetation type, along with output parameters including indoor air quality, we design sustainable and green courtyards in line with the government’s Cooling and Greening Melbourne initiative. By providing evidence-backed guidelines, this research empowers the stakeholders to prioritize indoor quality and energy efficiency in their projects and urban planning. This approach fosters a more sustainable and environmentally responsible urban landscape, promoting healthier communities, aligning with global sustainability goals. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
VICOLOURS | Australian National University | We propose a fast, green technology for creating colour images directly on metals and other materials using lasers. The unique surface modification is visually appealing with brilliant colours and hologram-like effects. The colours are created by nanoscale surface modification without using any pigments or dyes. Created nanostructures can be used for the toughest anti-counterfeiting applications with an easy verification of authenticity of various objects. The technology is fast and can be used to create exterior artworks that will withstand the test of time in the tough environment. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Calcined clay innovation | RMIT University | The cement industry is responsible for 7-8% of global CO2 emissions, which requires an innovative solution to cut down the carbon footprint of cement concrete. Recently, lime and calcined clay concrete has been gaining huge traction due to its lower carbon footprint. However, it has some limitations, such as (i) low reactivity compared to that of Portland cement, which hinders its early strength development and (ii) the strength results are highly dependent on the type and concentration of clay minerals. We have overcome that barrier through an innovative thermochemical treatment process that transforms low-reactivity clays into highly reactive cementitious material. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Energy Weather Nowcasting | Bureau of Meteorology | Our project intersects meteorology and energy, addressing the need for accurate short-term weather forecasts that are critical for the operation and strategic planning of the energy sector. Using machine learning technology, we’re overcoming timeliness limitations of traditional physics-based weather models, which take immense amounts of computing power to run. Our approach utilises machine learning algorithms to rapidly process real-time weather data, enabling us to predict short-term weather changes more accurately. This work benefits the energy sector through increased operational efficiency and grid stability, ultimately driving down costs and improving decision-making in an increasingly weather dependent energy system. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Sustainable Brick | Victoria University | Based on the above background. The research objective can be listed as follows: 1. Investigate changes in strength and durability for bricks containing different proportions of silica fume. 2. Investigate the changes in freeze/thaw resistance of brick containing different proportions of silica fume. 3. Find the optimum proportion of brick silica fume to improve strength and durability. 4. Develop a deterioration model for the brick with optimum silica fume composition and a maintenance plan using risk-cost optimization. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
STICKE | Solving Problems | Deakin University | Our approach to solving complex problems revolutionises how insights and decisions are made to share, analyse and track change using systems science. Systems Thinking in Community Knowledge Exchange (STICKE) is a software platform that has led to a breakthrough in the understanding of factors contributing to obesity and has been successfully employed in programs across health and government sectors. Using STICKE, these partners have achieved world first results, by enabling people to design and execute interventions that enact change within their communities, businesses and research, and which empowers them to make change at a local level. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Decision Analytics Group | The University of New South Wales | This project aims to develop an integrated and intelligent decision support system to equip decision-makers with effective methods and tools to manage the disruptions in supply chain networks (SCNs) and mitigate the ripple effects of the disruptions on the entire SCN. This project expects to generate new knowledge on how different AI-based approaches can be applied successfully to ensure the resilience of a global multi-tier SCN. The expected project outcomes provide significant benefits making Australian critical infrastructure including energy, health, and transport sector more resilient against the disruptions led by uncertainties in the global SC and promoting economic prosperity. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Space Travels: Recycling the Molecules of Life | CSIRO Energy | A fully efficient recycling of waste waters in space operations is paramount to space endevours beyond the earth’s orbit. The current recycling system used on the ISS is not entirely efficient and regular deliveries of water and hydrogen from earth are required. This issue prevents space travel. Our idea leverages amalgamation of two technologies: 1. the Bosch process which transforms hydrogen and carbon dioxide into water and graphite for a completely efficient recycling of waste waters. 2. a process involving microwaves and novel catalysts to lower the temperature of the Bosch process, so to make it viable for space travels. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Controlled Environment Biologics | The University of Queensland | Unique peptides and proteins, both natural and designed, are essential for life with applications in medicine, agriculture, and industrial processes. Unfortunately, the cost of producing peptides and proteins can be high, as is the environmental footprint for their production. One avenue to improve this is to harness plants and the power of photosynthesis for their production. Here we will combine cutting edge plant synthetic biology, to domesticate of plants for the sustainable production of peptides and biologics. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
BiomeMega | The University of Sydney | BiomeMega is an innovative ProbioTech company, creating a bacterial platform to obtain functional ingredients with Australian provenance. Our value proposition is supported by our ability to understand a broad range of subjects, ranging from bioinformatics to precision fermentation, and from synbio to quantum biology, and as our first assignment we are working with industry to bring Australian probiotic omegas to market. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
GOHOH | The University of New South Wales | Our PV-electrolysis technology will revolutionize H2O2 generation, offering an environmentally friendly, safe, and sustainable approach. Our objective is to establish green H2O2 as a standardized and widely available commodity, providing a sustainable solution worldwide. This includes various applications such as industrial processes, household uses, wastewater treatment, disinfection, and aerospace fuels. With this innovative technique, we can precisely tailor H2O2 production to meet the needs of our customers. Moreover, green H2O2 generation serves as a carbon-free medium for long-duration energy storage, addressing the intermittent nature of PV and providing viable solutions for the pressing issue of renewable energy storage and conversion. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
MSMA Innovations | CSIRO Manufacturing | Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) can change their shape rapidly when close to a permanent or an electro-magnet, or perhaps even within the magnetic fields of different planets or stars. The energy offered by this shape change could potentially enable microfluidic pumps in biomedical industries or fast acting valves and grippers in robotics or even space-based deployment of structures and energy generation and storage. Unfortunately, none of these potentials are yet realised due to the excessivly high current manufacturing costs. My innovation gives rise to MSMA-based structures with a fraction of the current manufacturing cost, thereby enabling their industrial feasibility. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Innovative Airspace Conservation | The University of Queensland | SE Queensland’s airspace is vital habitat for a variety of species. These species are reliant on the airspace for nesting, foraging and protection from predators. Any disruptions or encroachments into the airspace can pose a significant threat to their survival. Air Taxi/eVTOL advancement in Queensland could potentially revolutionize urban transportation, but also raises potential concerns over environmental and community impacts. The lack of research on potential widespread negative effects demands a comprehensive review involving all stakeholders. We aim to provide guidelines on how to best use to the airspace while implementing eVTOLs to balance technological advancements with environmental conservation. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Lignik | University of Southern Queensland | Lignik is world’s first 100% renewable and recyclable biosynthetic wood. It is an Australian innovation that allows meeting the challenges of emissions reduction, housing shortfall and wastes. Lignik is produced from CO2 and wastes and 3D printable thereby not only helping to reverse climate change and reduce waste but also lower the construction cost. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Cleaner fuel team | Central Queensland University | Concept Co-combustion of hydrogen and diesel has the potential to reduce diesel emissions significantly. Aim −Reduce GHG and other emissions. −Develop and use artificial intelligence-based (AI-based) techniques to optimise and evaluate injection timing for hydrogen injection systems. Methodology −Establish and develop retrofit technology to allow existing diesel engines to run on hydrogen/diesel dual fuels. −1-dimensional model data for engine performance and exhaust emissions will be validated with those of AI and experimental data. Expected outcomes −Prototype diesel engine system capable of hydrogen/diesel co-combustion. −The system will be suitable for retrofitting existing internal combustion engines. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Monash DAC Carbon2 | Monash University | Our direct air capture (DAC) unit will have novel methods that reduce capture costs, offering the first commercially viable engineered solution to DAC. We will remove CO2 from ambient air and concentrate it for geological storage. This process will yield high-quality carbon removal credits that can be traded in the voluntary carbon market and can offer: * Additionality: carbon removal would not occur without this project * Carbon accounting: quantification of all greenhouse gas emissions associate with the project, ensuring net CO2 removal * Monitoring, reporting and verification: long-term monitoring of carbon removal * Durability: Storing CO2 permanently (>10,000 years) | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
easy screen | Victoria University | This project will deliver a reliable, inexpensive and portable explosive screening technology that will not require any analytical skills to operate. The differences in analytical signals will allow the user to differentiate a false positive from a real positive originating from a single sample swab. Members of the state and federal police force, defence personnel and security agencies are the end user of the proposed rapid and reliable explosive screening technology. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
SPRINT Gait | Australian Catholic University | The objective assessment of gait is a useful tool in the diagnosis and treatment of concussion and lower limb musculoskeltal injury. Hower, this currently requires the use of complex and expensive laboratory equipment or the use of multiple sensors. This project utlises a single sensor currently commonly worn by athletes to obtain valid and reliable gait data as part of a field based protocols for assessment and rehabilitation of concussion an lower limb injury. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Plunge-Uino | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Plunge-Uino is a project that aims to transform cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) with groundbreaking advancements in plunge freezer technology. We propose a novel state-of-the-art cryo-EM plunge freezer that promises unparalleled speed, reproducibility and yield at low cost. This breakthrough device will empower researchers to consistently and easily freeze biological samples with utmost fidelity, unlocking high-resolution structures of intricate proteins at the near-atomic scale. By significantly increasing sample yield, our innovation will accelerate scientific discoveries across various disciplines, including structural biology, drug development, and disease research. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
COSMix | Monash University | Food processing is a globally significant industry; however, its generation of substantial waste calls for urgent utilisation for sustainability and food security. Being an important winemaking country, Australia wine industry leaves over 30% of harvested grapes as waste, making it a major food-loss stream. Our project tackles this challenge by transforming the winemaking by-product into a high-value functional beverage rich in bioactive antioxidants and prebiotic fibres using a sustainable bioprocess. By valorising winemaking waste for value-added beverage, we promote consumer well-being, secure Australia’s future prosperity, and improve overall sustainability. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Possability VR | University of Tasmania | We have access to unique evidence based knowledge which has shown to improve the lives of people with a disability, published and referenced in the Australian NDIS Capability Framework for Behaviour Support Practitioners and the California State Guidelines for use of restrictive practices. We have spent over 15 years refining our content and delivering it face to face with a small group of highly skilled trainers and we have evidence of it’s effectiveness for improving outcomes for people with disability. Virtual Reality provides an accessible and affordable medium to scale this work, increase the reach and impact while maintaining fidelity. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
The TRAIN – The ‘Teachers’ Rights and AI Network’ | Victoria University | Our unique value proposition lies in addressing the critical concern of intellectual harm associated with AI in education. We aim to ensure that AI-driven outcomes in education genuinely uphold teachers’ workplace, human and consumer rights in the AI design and adoption that they opt to, are mandated to or coerced to use. By doing so, we can create an inclusive and equitable teaching and learning environment where stakeholders can maximize the benefits of AI while safeguarding human dignity and promoting meaningful education for all. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Lumi-solve | Monash University | Balloon angioplasty is a procedure used to widen a blocked or narrowed artery. After a balloon angioplasty, the artery will often re-narrow, meaning that repeat surgery is needed. These repeat surgeries use a drug-coated balloon, and often have significant side-effects. We have developed a new medical device to reduce these side-effects, and improve the efficacy of the surgery, using a light-activated drug. This will improve the quality of life of patients with vascular disease and reduce the costs of these procedures. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
RehabChat | Flinders University | It is important that people with brain injury and stroke engage in rehabilitation activities outside of their clinical appointments to maximise their recovery. Issues with memory, motivation, and therapy engagement can make it difficult for clients to undertake activities between appointments. RehabChat is a goal-setting App used by clients with brain injury or stroke to enhance their usual rehabilitation care and help with completing their practice activities. RehabChat is easy to use and helps clients be motivated and involved in their rehabilitation so they can reach their rehabilitation goals. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
QUOCA (Quantum Optimisation and Computing Australia) | The University of Western Australia | Quantum technologies provide an opportunity for Australian industries to increase operational optimisation and efficiencies by orders of magnitude. QUOCA can help you take advantage of quantum computing as it develops while delivering benefits today. We incorporate breakthroughs in classical HPC and quantum computing to identify areas of “quantum advantage” for organisations who want to defend their business models from disruption. We develop well-specified quantum-inspired solutions that can fit into existing workflows and pipelines, laying groundwork for systematic adoption. Our solutions are designed to be easily interchangeable with a quantum solution when it emerges. We can also advise on training and skills pathways. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Team Sperm Sorter | The University of Adelaide | Male infertility contributes to ~50% of infertility in couples seeking assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment. Current methods of sperm preparation for ART procedures select on the basis of motility and morphology, but these characteristics alone don’t always reflect their ability to achieve a successful pregnancy. These existing isolation methods circumvent all the natural selection processes that occur within the female reproductive tract prior to fertilisation. We have developed a sperm isolation device that mimics the natural, complex, selective mechanisms that exist in the female reproductive tract, providing Embryologist’s with a vastly improved pool of sperm to choose from for ART. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
OptiGrid | The University of Adelaide | Renewable plants, such as solar and wind farms, have power generation that is uncertain and highly dependent on weather conditions. This can result in significant errors in their predicted generation, leading to financial penalties and self-curtailment of renewable energy. Our project targets this issue of renewable power unpredictability. We have developed an innovative model to optimally size batteries for each plant and manage their operation for better renewable power prediction, consequently reducing penalties and self-curtailment. This will increase the predictability and profitability of renewable plants, ultimately enhancing power grid reliability and lowering consumer electricity prices. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
REFLEX | The University of Western Australia | REFLEX is a digital learning management system designed to support metropolitan and rurally based tertiary medical education providers by housing learning materials and securely storing student assessment grades. REFLEX’s versatility is not limited to a specific industry and can be easily customised to improve efficiencies by streamlining a variety of organisational requirements. REFLEX most popular features enable organisations to create interactive activities, resource libraries, and assessments. The web-based platform is mobile friendly and centralises resources to cater for users working in multiple environments, both local and remote locations. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
DOORS for Children | Charles Darwin University | One out of five children are out of school globally and there are 258 million Out-of-School Children (OOSC) worldwide. UNESCO’s agenda of quality ‘Education for All’ demands attention to a deteriorating situation. EDvantage Digital Learning System (EDLS) is Digitally Operated One-Room Schoolhouse (DOORS) Network providing free international quality inclusive education to underprivileged OOSC, adapting their social, cultural, and financial limitations/challenges. Presently, 13 campuses in Pakistan and Tanzania are transforming 400+ lives. EDLS-DOORS is a globally applicable Education Technology (EdTech) model and can be implemented in diverse environments. We strive to benefit other underprivileged regions around the world through EDLS-DOORS model. | ON Prime 14 | Online | 2024 |
Dragonfly Thinking | Australian National University | Dragonfly Thinking tools and techniques enable users to: see in more complex multifaceted ways using a Multi-Lens Analysis (MLA.ai); and apply integrative ways of analysing complex systems problems using the innovative Risk, Reward and Resilience Framework (RRR.ai). Our techniques are academically based and our tools leverage generative AI. We have a prototype of RRR that we need to develop into an app. We are receiving significant attention from AI specialists as this is an excellent example of how to productively use generative AI. Once we have developed RRR1.0 , we want to develop MLA1.0 and have the two work together. | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
Wild Yeast Zoo | The University of Newcastle | Our technology is focused on harnessing the untapped potential of native yeast strains from Australia’s diverse and unique ecosystems. By isolating and characterising these unique yeast species, we aim to unlock novel biochemical pathways with applications across industries such as brewing, baking, pharmaceuticals, and biofuels. Our approach is rooted in sustainable practices and aligns with growing consumer demand for environmentally friendly products. With the potential to create distinct flavours, improve production efficiency, and contribute to a more sustainable future, our technology offers a valuable solution for innovative product development and market differentiation. | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
EMU Systems | The University of Sydney | Our product provides comprehensive heat stress management systems that use scientific grade sensors, locally deployed hardware that accurately monitors the local environment, analyses the information gathered, and provides real-time assessments of heat stress risk based on characteristics specific to the user. This assessment of risk is in the form of a simple, intuitive scale that is accompanied with evidence-based cooling strategies specific to each heat stress level. These strategies provide clear, actionable steps for the user to take that simultaneously manage risk and improve productivity during hot weather. | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
Cytophenix | The University of Western Australia | Our patented technology is a rapid, AI-boosted, antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST) that provides clinically actionable evidence that an administered antibiotic will be effective, with results in 3-5 hours. Current ASTs take 2-5 days to return results. In preclinical trials incorporating our technology into existing pathology workflows, we have demonstrated true same-day susceptibility results. For a patient with sepsis, every hour without effective treatment is a cumulative 6.7% increased risk of death. A rapid AST that can provide same-day results will save lives and reduce costs to the healthcare system from bloodstream infection and sepsis (currently >$1.5B AUD per year). | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
Infinite Bioworks | James Cook University | Infinite Seafood is a B2B focused startup producing high performing starter cells and ingredients for the global cultivated meat industry. Our value proposition is to help our customers solve their biggest challenges, reduce costs, increase scalability, and create the right cell characteristics to bring outstanding, cost competitive and delicious cultivated seafood to market. Our initial targets for commercial development are high value Australian Tropical Fish species. We will subsequently optimise and target our cell development platform across numerous species, based on customer demand. A short video from our CSIRO On Prime Marketing Award is available here: https://vimeo.com/845790173/c46b4327c7 | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
Jessie Technology | Australian Catholic University | ACU is proposing the use of autonomous data input technology to capture data in existing care management systems in near real-time, hands-free, during care and health support conversations between age care workers (nurses and personal care workers) and residents/patients. The goal is to enhance the accuracy of mandatory data input into existing health and care activity management systems while supporting workers in their data collection task – reducing the burden of data entry on the worker and leading to less staff burnout. | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
Plasmid Therapy | The Westmead Institute for Medical Research | AMR in Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria is spread by ‘conjugative’ plasmids. Conjugation (bacterial sex) promotes spread of plasmids into different bacterial populations in the human gut. Plasmids defend their turf in bacteria with ‘exclusion’ systems to prevent like plasmids from entering – this is an Achilles heel we have discovered how to target. We constructed probiotic plasmid that excludes invading plasmids from bacteria by using the same mechanisms they use to prevent plasmid re-entry once a like plasmid is established. This fundamental biological feature, present in all conjugative plasmids, operates at the level of cell entry to block the plasmid from entering. | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
Continuous3D | CSIRO Manufacturing | Continuous3D is a fully automated solution for robotic repair of critical metal components and infrastructure. Using sensors and advanced algorithms, it enables independent 3D scanning and repair, empowering multi-axis robotic systems to create objects with diverse growth directions and restore intricate geometries. The software improves repair precision through AI and machine vision, generating complex 3D toolpaths for techniques like weld repair, laser metal deposition and advanced robotic arm printers. Continuous3D eliminates laborious robot programming and alignment, incorporates sensing and feedback control, reducing costs while enhancing quality in the growing robotic market. | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
AquaTone Solutions | Griffith University | Our technology can simply be described as a three-stage integrated system. Starting with sample preparation, where we introduce a novel enrichment unit that ensures a representative sample volume. Followed by a fully automatic multiple sample processing unit where a wide range of parameters are measured in a real time basis. Finally, a sophisticated machine learning model interprets all generated data to produce a massive sample identification report. Which will be utilised to build an expert system that will be used to provide personalised, predictive and preventive insights. One day, this model will prematurely warn farmers of infections, locally and globally. | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
ErythroSight | Australian National University | A major challenge in treating retinal diseases including Age-related macular degeneration, is producing a therapeutic that does not exacerbate inflammation. We have developed a manufacturing platform that overcomes this and other existing therapeutic hurdles, by harnessing the most abundant and non-inflammatory cells in the body, red blood cells. Using our platform pipeline, we have produced a safe and efficacious therapeutic product that has been validated in preclinical models to slow retinal disease progression. Our platform technology provides a personalised medicine pipeline where patients can effectively ‘treat themselves’ using their own blood, revolutionising therapeutic approaches for retinal, and other neurodegenerative diseases. | ON Accelerate8 | National | 2024 |
Water Research Business | Griffith University | Regenerative Ecosystems Research and Development Services will offer diagnosis, assessment, and certification/validation services to help businesses minimise their environmental impacts. The main resources are based on research and development to apply new technologies (nature-based solutions) to develop sustainable and innovative processes, products, and services to implement the circular economy concept. Also, it provides evaluation and planning services to transform traditional businesses into ones with a positive socio-environmental impact. The company aims to promote socially and environmentally responsible businesses with nature-based solutions and focus on the circular economy concept. These solutions will focus on the water and waste management processes throughout the life cycle of the products, as well as on the industrial process and the resources and technologies to refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, remanufacture, repurpose, repair, refurbish, and recover the inputs and outputs of the industrial process. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
FluoProt | James Cook University | Currently, new recruits and students shy away when presented with the prospect of having to develop protocols from scratch for the DNA/RNA-binding protein they have been assigned to study whether in a University or Industry laboratory. There is just no easy way to get these new recruits going and very often it becomes all too hard before it has even started! | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
AllBio Oliban & Balsam | Queensland University of Technology | The value proposition of our idea lies in unlocking new opportunities for economic growth and environmental sustainability. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Bio-Transformers | Queensland University of Technology | While waste accumulation and their conventional removal strategies such as burning, incineration and landfill leads to various environmental concerns, chemical and thermochemical methods enable the extraction of key biopolymers from agricultural, organic, and fisheries waste. These biopolymers, including cellulose from crop residues and straw, chitin from crustacean exoskeletons (particularly shrimp and crab shells), lignin from lignocellulosic biomass like straw and corn stalks, alginate from seaweed scraps, and pectin from fruit waste, provide renewable, cost-effective, biodegradable, and nontoxic alternatives. The abundance and environmentally friendly nature of these materials makes them highly attractive for replacing unsustainable petroleum-based products. Through various repolymerization techniques, these extracted biopolymers can be transformed into value-added materials, resulting in bio-based polymeric products with properties comparable to traditional synthetic polymers. Resulting biobased polymeric products can be used in various applications such as consumer products, packaging and biomedical applications. After their initial use, these products can undergo additional processing through methods like hydrothermal liquefaction and carbonization, resulting in the production of biofuels and energy-storing materials. This closed-loop approach not only reduces waste but also fosters the circular economy. Producing biofuels offers a sustainable alternative to depleting fossil fuels, especially when comparing the carbon footprint of the two products. According to the approach described, this innovation helps to provide solutions for both waste accumulation and fossil fuel depletion concerns. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
OzCeutics | The University of Queensland | We are experts in the bio-evaluation of potent natural non-antibiotic compounds, novel formulation methods and antimicrobial assays to confirm the value of our products. Our approach avoids the need for harsh chemicals or antibiotics, which are ineffective against microbial pathogens that have developed resistance to these medications. The prepared formulations were evaluated for gelation temperature, viscosity, gel strength, muco-adhesion strength, compounds load efficacy, ex vivo drug permeation, and stability study. The cytotoxicity was examined to confirm that it is non-skin-irritating and safe for animal and human use. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
AimedAI | The University of Queensland | By using state of the art AI accelerated molecular simulation of mineral beneficiation processes we will provide a highly accurate and detailed information about the precise physical properties necessary to fully understand and optimise these processes. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
BlueWave Solutions | The University of Queensland | This project overcomes the above challenges and problems specifically. Novel reusable sorbents developed by the Zhang Group at UQ can be used to capture PFAS rapidly and selectively from aqueous liquids, including drinking water, wastewater, industrial process water, and groundwater. To be more specific, this invention is a block copolymer ion-exchange resin with outstanding and selective absorption of PFAS, that are widespread and persistent organic pollutants of significant concern. Proof-of-concept results show that the level of sorption of PFAS is superior to other existing technologies (e.g. over 30 times in sorption capacity and 10 time faster in sorption kinetics). In addition, the designed sorbent is tolerant of other dissolved species and the polymers are highly selective for PFAS. Release of the PFAS from the material is a simple manner and the materials are fully reusable. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
SVRPU | University of the Sunshine Coast | Staff working in services engaged with vulnerable populations (e.g., youth serving institutions, aged care providers, and disability services) require training and tools to extend their safeguarding practices to include environmental protection targets, to enhance safety for their clients. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
SMA foils | CSIRO Manufacturing | The solution that we developed is to develop a novel melt delivery system for a planar flow process that can cast thin SMA foils directly from melts at a fraction of the current cost and free of oxidation defects. The direct conversion of the melt into thin foils eliminate the expensive and time-consuming hot rolling passes and heat treatment contributing the dramatic cost reduction. More importantly, the minimizing the oxidation of the SMA alloy by the CSIRO novel melt delivery system is th key to obtain wide-width SMA foils free of defects. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
VoxelNET | CSIRO Mineral Resources | The value of VoxelNET is that it is then possible to select an asset of any description, and any of its component pieces and know its origin (the provenance of that asset) and journey over time (supply chain traceability). | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Evidence X | CSIRO Services | Evidence X will contribute to a broader set of efforts and initiatives in service of empowering young minds with greater STEM literacy and, in turn, the skills and knowledge to become the citizens and leaders we will need for the future. The specific form or solution that Evidence X will take has not been established yet. As at February 2024, the three leading solutions are focused on: | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Smart Bin | Data 61 (CSIRO) | The solution proposed is a sophisticated Smart Bin system at TRL5, utilizing improved AI algorithms for precision sorting, robust 5G/IoT integration for data management, and blockchain for secure data sharing. This system will proficiently classify complex waste, including bottles with residual contents, ensuring effective recycling and material recovery. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Super Gurus | James Cook University | This project addresses the problem of “high-attrition” rates of adult learners in higher education. DTS software uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms like Natural Language Processing to analyse student data based on adult education theories. DTS also provides tailored visualisations and sends customised notifications using Nudge technology. Students can get timely insights and appropriate guidance for better learning outcomes in the form of engagement, satisfaction, results, degree completion etc. For educators who are time-poor, this software application could save time by analysing vast volumes of student data. Also, DTS increases the decision-making capacity of educators to communicate and help students just in time. Thus, DTS can reduce the communication barriers between educators and adult learners which could enhance their online learning experience. Similarly, DTS can be applicable in industries to minimise the onboarding time of new recruits in corporate human resource training, thereby increasing a company’s productivity. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Hypersocks | The University of Melbourne | The combination of the latest results of molecular dynamics, fundamental theoretical methods of kinetic theory, modern methods of computational fluid dynamics and validation of models using experimental data will provide reliable results. The impact of this project and its expected deliveries is concerned with both fundamental research in the field of nonequilibrium physico-chemical kinetics and gasdynamics and to applied problems strictly related to sovereign capabilities. Technical challenges for both planetary exploration and national defense include, in fact, vehicle maneuvering and thermal protection systems during hypersonic flight where nonequilibrium effects are the strongest. Moreover, the problem of reducing the carbon dioxide concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere will be addressed using new efficient methods that do not require large energy costs (discharge, low-temperature plasma). Thus, this project will fill the theoretical and technical gap in both of these areas. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
CogDec | University of Technology Sydney | 1. Promote healthy ageing for older adults by using the VR application at the comfort of their home. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Women in Energy | University of Technology Sydney | * Enhancing the talent pool of women aiming to join the energy sector, including those working in other sectors, universities and TAEF students. The program will provide them with knowledge and practices to effectively address gaps in renewable energy skills. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Sustainable Energy Team | Central Queensland University | This research will take a case study approach to consider proceeds for optimization of solar PV, wind and diesel with storage system (i.e., battery storage) for economic point of view and reduces the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) at a small town using social, economic, and technical analysis. Determine a possible solution for condense cost of electricity generation at a remote island in Australia (i.e., Rottenest Island, WA or similar). This review will consider hybrid models in economic and technical analysis. The modelled results will indicate that the hybrid system is substitute when associate with current and future development of electricity generation. The results obtained from this analysis will confirm a better combination of hybrid energy systems for sustainable future, which will not only increase the reliability of the hybrid system but also reduce the levelized cost of energy (LOCE). This proposal demonstrated for the design of hybrid system using solar, wind and diesel for the reduction of GHG which are produced from the diesel generators only at Rottenest Island. It also reduces the net present cost and LOCE. Moreover, the proposal is directly aligned with the Government’s GHG emissions reduction strategy by 2030. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Smart Outpatient Scheduling | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | Two Innovative strategic solutions are developed to help manage ever-growing waiting lists: | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Quantum Shield | Data 61 (CSIRO) | Our quantum machine learning technology stands at the forefront of innovation, merging the computational prowess of quantum computing with machine learning to elevate capabilities, enhance security, and address vulnerabilities. Distinguished by unparalleled data processing speeds and heightened accuracy, it tackles complexities beyond the reach of traditional AI algorithms. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
RUBICON | La Trobe University | Addressing the issue described above, our focus is on providing a solution that could revolutionize PD management. We aim to develop reliable biomarkers and an innovative blood-based detection method. This combination could drastically alter the course of PD. By enabling early detection through a simple blood test, our solution has the potential to transform the landscape of PD diagnosis. Not only could it enhance patients’ quality of life by facilitating timely intervention, but it also holds promise for disease progression monitoring and predicting treatment effectiveness. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Antimicrobial Eutectogels | RMIT University | Our patented black phosphorous nanoflakes (BPNFs) are antimicrobial, non-toxic to human cells, and well-tolerated in mice studies. BPNF’s antimicrobial action arises from the production of reactive oxide species (ROS), natural wound-healing components required for body function and tissue regeneration. This is a significant advance on current best practice using silver-based hydrogel technologies that often lead to tissue toxicity. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Road Safety Group | Swinburne University of Technology | The project will provide cost-effective and environmental friendly road safety barrier technology to effectively reduce fatalities and serious injuries in road accidents. In the meantime, the new system shall have competitive installation cost as compared with the conventional systems. The new system can be easily serviced with the components being fully recyclable. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
AuScope Earth Living Lab | The University of Melbourne | Living labs have been widely adopted across the academia and government in Australia including at CSIRO (Urban Living Lab, Darwin Living Lab), RMIT, the Government of South Australia (MIT Adelaide Living Lab), The University of Sydney, The University of Melbourne, Macquarie University and more in recent years. Studies at Curtin University in 2017 (1) and Monash University in 2023 (2) identified various strengths (like social learning and empowerment amongst participants), challenges (including governance, funding, culture and communication agenda clarity, feedback monitoring) and recommendations to overcome those challenges for living labs. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
BudMore | Australian National University | The propose idea of cold atmospheric plasma based disinfection is an eco-friendly, zer–chemical process with could be employed at any point of time with out affecting the farming cycle with quiet afew lateral benifits. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
NAPPING | Australian National University | Our solution directly addresses the challenge of adapting AI systems to unforeseen scenarios by integrating the NAPPING module (Novelty Adaptation Principles Learning). This innovation enhances the adaptability of established AI systems, proven effective in closed-world scenarios like simulators or datasets, enabling them to rapidly adjust to real-world novelties. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
FlyTech | Australian National University | This innovative project paves the way for a new era in agricultural pest management by leveraging artificial intelligence and mobile technology to swiftly identify fly species through image analysis. It offers a practical, immediate solution for farmers and agricultural workers, providing them with a straightforward app- based solution. For instance, in case of insect incursions, farmers can get real-time idea about the insects and insights on its potential impact on crops and propose solutions for effective control measures. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Varroa surveillance | Australian National University | Currently, methods failed to detect mites for almost a year post-infestation and there are no methods available to directly identify mites from protein or RNA without inspecting beehives. Beekeepers conduct hive inspections, but these are prone to significant variations in quality and may lead to underreporting of infestations. Each inspection requires approximately 20 minutes of work per hive and imposes significant costs on operators who have to screen thousands of colonies multiple times a year. The personnel-hours cannot be easily replaced by hiring more staff, given the episodic nature of the tests and the fact that they occur at remote sites. These costs are significant enough that beekeeping may become uneconomical since existing personnel resources may be insufficient to keep up with new screening requirements. Additionally, screening feral bee populations, potential reservoirs of mites, is not feasible. The market lacks comparable tests, making this solution a potential means to generate a real-time map of varroa movement in domestic and feral hives, emerging as the preferred bio-surveillance tool. A novel method would allow beekeepers to save time and disruption to the colony (e.g., by screening adult forager bees and not having to open the hive) and increase the reliability of the process by minimising operator error. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Found in Translation | Australian National University | Our product addresses a problem common to all organisations seeking to increase their capacity and capability to attain and maintain productive collaborations. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Medivox | Australian National University | Our solution (Medivox) is an AI-powered digital platform that delivers reliable and accessible interpretation tailored for healthcare settings. The core functionalities of the platform include: 1) a speech-recognition engine and machine-translation engine adapted to medical language; 2) the integration of open-ended translation, pre-translated phrases, and rule-based safeguarding systems to validate the quality of the translation; 3) an interface design that enables seamless integration into clinical workflows with minimal learning curve for users; 4) ability to run on mobile devices and on custom-designed hardware; 5) cybersecurity features and data protection. This solution offers reliable and real-time access to language interpreting in any clinical workflows where access to human interpreters is not available. Compared to generic automated translation systems (e.g. Google Translate), our solution is built to ensure that the translation is not only accurate but also reliable for use in health-care settings. Compared to existing digital platforms for health-care interpreting, our system provides a higher degree of flexibility. Current digital solution for automated health-care interpreting provide access only to sets of pre-translated phrases, which limits the applicability of these systems in actual clinical workflows. Furthermore, these systems are impractical, as they require navigation through complex databanks of pre-translated phrases. Our solution enables interpretation across a wider range of communicative scenarios and simplifies usage through speech recognition and voice commands. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Genomator Team | CSIRO Health & Biosecurity | * Genomic data contains information about an individual’s genetic makeup, it is highly sensitive and has the potential to reveal sensitive health and personal information. **Genomator can create synthetic data that can be freely shared or commercialized** as it retains the statistical properties of real genomic data but eliminates information which could be used to identify individuals. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
AmpuEase | The University of Adelaide | The design of our prosthesis uses airbag technology and knowledge of human anatomy to identify where pressure can be applied on the remaining leg from the prosthesis to create a secure yet comfortable fit which has the ability to be altered throughout the day as required and without development of pressure sores. Rather than adding additional sock linings throughout the day, our prosthesis incorporates an airbag which can be inflated or deflated as needed to provide the optimal fit. Initially this will occur manually with further developments to include an automated system which is adjusted through sensing physiological markers. An example of the need for an adjustable system is allowing the user to inflate the airbag to 35psi for walking in sand while allowing deflation of the airbag to 15psi while sitting or driving. Our research on the human anatomy has identified specific regions of the remaining leg stump where we can tailor the prosthetic design to put pressure to secure the fit without the complication of pressure sores developing. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Biohotspot | The University of Western Australia | Biohotspot presents a disruptive value proposition offering a comprehensive and customizable biodiversity monitoring platform, addressing the many structural issues associated with the sector. Depending on the nature and volume of the work, it ensures accessibility for projects of all sizes through the free of charge ‘Pay as you grow’ payment model or a SAAS model. It integrates streamlined best practice project implementation, eliminating inefficiencies and inadequacies that plague the sector. It cuts operating costs for data quality and assurance, storage, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting. Users benefit from a reliable efficient platform containing comprehensive functionality and robust processes, designed by experts and backed by real-world validation. All users benefit from new functionality to support increasingly sophisticated programs and new regulatory frameworks. The platform’s collaborative ecosystem serves as a hub for sharing projects with experts, funders, and collaborators, facilitating increased support and opportunities. Its mobile app component enhances field data acquisition, providing a convenient platform for communication with remote users. Its online database ensures data are secure and immediately accessible from anywhere. Ultimately, Biohotspot’s value proposition lies in its ability to empower stakeholders across sectors, providing a unified, cost-effective, and user-friendly platform that supports biodiversity monitoring projects’ entire lifecycle. From project design to accreditation, collaboration, real-world validation, and financial sustainability, Biohotspot positions itself as a transformative technology driving positive impact in environmental conservation and restoration efforts. | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Aortic Aneurysm Risk | The University of Western Australia | Our AA risk assessment tool provides a reliable and cost effect method of measuring biomechanical properties of a patients vessel wall from data collected during a routine imaging procedure. Using this personalised information the cardiovasascular surgeon can improve patient outcomes | ON Prime 15 | Online | 2024 |
Assethub CAMS | RMIT University | The Central Asset Management System (CAMS) developed by RMIT University is a SaaS solution designed to digitise, automate and revolutionise infrastructure asset management through predictive modelling and data-driven decision-making. Developed by Professor Sujeeva Setunge and the RMIT CAMS team, CAMS targets the proactive maintenance of large infrastructures like buildings, bridges, and drainage systems. Key features include self-calibrating stochastic deterioration models, real-time monitoring via sensor integration, and scenario analysis for cost and risk forecasting. By shifting from reactive to proactive maintenance, CAMS aims to optimise asset lifespan, reduce costs, and enhance the sustainability and resilience of infrastructure assets. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Deakin Remote Exercise | Deakin University | Exercise is strongly recommended in clinical guidelines to help people with heart disease stay fit and healthy, but figuring out the best and safest way is tricky. Rehabilitation programs in hospitals and health centres provide personalised coaching, but travel challenges mean many people can’t access that help. Our digital technology remotely connects people with rehabilitation professionals to receive real-time coaching, from any internet-connected location on earth. By keeping the coaching but cutting the inconvenience, we make it easy for people to get the help they need to live their best life, and for rehabilitation providers to grow their services. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Deakin Textile Recycling | Deakin University | Textile waste is a global issue, and globally there are 7 Billion USD worth of polyester cotton blend textiles produced each year that are destined to end up in landfill since they cannot be recycled. Separating the polyester and cotton, therefore, is the major hurdle in the circularity of textiles. To answer this problem, we have developed a technology based on mechanical recycling that can separate polyester and cotton from blend fabrics without the use of chemicals in a scalable, low cost process, transforming a significant portion of textile waste into valuable resources. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Electrified Reformer | Monash University | Biogas is a renewable energy with high market potential due to wide scale availability of organic biomass. While biogas is expected to grow in future, it is used for energy production only, which leads to carbon dioxide emissions. An alternative is electrification of this biogas upgradation pathway which has the potential to provide net negative carbon footprint by using renewable energy. In this project we intend to scale-up our electrified reformer technology, which has been proven at lab scale to convert 100% of methane and carbon dioxide into a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (or syngas). | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Point-of-care parasite diagnostics | Federation University Australia | Our team is working on a range of rapid tests to control the impact of gastrointestinal parasites in animals. These tests are both genetic and protein based and would revolutionise parasite diagnostics in the livestock industries. Currently, the test to identify parasitic worms in livestock and to breed for animals with natural resistance to worms is by counting the number of eggs in the faeces (worm egg count). However counting the eggs in the faeces is not a reliable measurement for a range of worm species and animals require a high infection for selective breeding posing an animal welfare concern. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Precision Newborn Health | Murdoch Childrens Research Institute | With advances in medical care, more high-risk infants are surviving now than in the past, but at a cost: health and developmental issues are as high as 50% in survivors. We have no tools to predict which infants will go on to develop long-term health and developmental problems. We urgently need methods to identify these infants so they can be directed to surveillance programs where timely interventions can be delivered effectively. We have developed predictive models using combinations of risk factors and machine learning methodologies and are now positioned to build clinical “prediction calculators” to be used in hospitals nationally. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Primary Protein | Swinburne University of Technology | Primary Protein is a project lead by a team of physiology and nutrition researchers that has been established to fill a crucial and highly overlooked gap in nutritional care: a high-quality, protein-based supplement backed by science and innovation aimed specifically for older adults to promote skeletal muscle growth and maintenance. Our research project will be the first to advance and utilise current technologies that ’hydrolyse’ high quality protein to increase and promote protein digestion and absorption which are processes that decrease with advancing age but are highly crucial to promote muscle growth. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Reverse Logistics Optimisation | Federation University Australia | To save environment and minimise inventory cost, reverse logistics plays an important role. Taking products back from people contributes towards the environmental sustainability. The next question is whether to repair the product is beneficial or to dispose off will help in minimizing the cost. This research aims to develop a mathematical model for a reverse logistics system using EOQ and EPQ models to minimize inventory costs. The model also addresses environmental concerns such as waste disposals, CO2 emissions and energy consumption by incorporating them into a multi-objective mixed integer framework. This project is beneficial for the manufacturing and retail industry. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Smart Electrochemical Diagnostics | Deakin University | We are developing an innovative medical sensor to measure ferritin levels in blood samples with efficiency and precision. This sensor uses advanced electrochemical technology to deliver calibration-free results, eliminating the need for intricate calibration or extensive sample preparation. Featuring disposable strips, the device is designed for ease of use and cost-effectiveness. By streamlining the process and minimising the need for specialised personnel, our sensor aims to provide a practical solution for monitoring iron levels in various medical conditions, thereby enhancing patient care and health outcomes. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Vaxcterin | La Trobe University | The rapid and precise production of vaccines plays a pivotal role in effectively responding to animal health threats, preventing their escalation into widespread outbreaks, such as the recent case of the Japanese Encephalitis Virus in Australia. Our mission was to create a vaccine platform that embodies qualities such as speed, safety, scalability, affordability, antigen versatility, and a reduced reliance on the cold chain. To this end, we harnessed the strengths of subunit and bacterin vaccines, resulting in the birth of our groundbreaking vaccine platform, known as ”spikecterin”. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
WEARABLES | Murdoch Childrens Research Institute | Children diagnosed with cancer have an 80% chance of long-term survival, however surviving does not mean thriving. 1 in 3 survivors suffer life-long complications, and early death relative to the broader population. Improved management of treatment-related toxicities is vital for optimizing long-term health outcomes and quality of life for childhood cancer survivors. Our project will use wearable technology and artificial intelligence to develop toxicity prediction models, enabling earlier detection and intervention of treatment related toxicities in children undergoing cancer therapy. We will start with a prediction model for sepsis/infection as we know early detection is the cornerstone of comprehensive care. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Autonomous and Collaborative Urban Logistics | Victoria University | The project, Hibye!, offers a comprehensive citywide on-demand delivery service that uniquely combines the versatility of multiple vehicle options—including cars, vans, trucks, and drones—with advanced technology to cater to various delivery needs. Its key features include a multi-vehicle fleet capable of handling different item sizes, precise AI-driven pricing, multi-destination routing, and real-time notifications. Customers benefit from customizable delivery options that are both cost-effective and efficient, ensuring that everything from small parcels to large furniture can be transported swiftly and securely to their destinations. This service is ideal for both personal and business use, providing flexibility and reliability in urban logistics. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
BrightFuture Displays | The University of Queensland | Perovskite materials have emerged as one of the most promising semiconducting materials for the next generation of high-efficiency solar panels, LEDs, and X-ray sensing devices. However, their practical use is hindered by instability and heavy metal leaching. Our project focuses on developing advanced perovskite lighting composite materials from low-grade minerals to enhance brightness and stability under practical application environments to ensure long-term performance and environmental safety. This product can be applied to achieve cost-effective MicroLED displays and colour converting films. This innovation unlocks significant value-added opportunities for the mining industry and display manufacturers, transforming low-grade minerals into high-performance lighting solutions. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
CarbonCraft Nexus | Deakin University | Our project transforms a diverse range of biomass and textile wastes into advanced hierarchically porous carbon fibres featuring unique micro, meso, and macropores. Our patented method utilizes minimal chemicals and precise thermal processes to create nanostructured pores, resulting in materials with exceptional surface areas, abundant active sites, and selective adsorption properties. This innovation addresses environmental sustainability by repurposing waste and opens new frontiers in catalysis, energy storage, water purification, and more. By converting waste into valuable resources, our team aims to revolutionize multiple industries and promote a circular economy. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Deker | Deakin University | Finding the best solution to a problem is difficult, especially when testing solutions is a lengthy, expensive, or infrequent process. Built on an AI-enabled adaptive experimental optimisation platform, Deker offers an easy-to-use software package that allows users to optimise their design or process in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the expense, compared to conventional methods. Deker can be applied to any optimisation problem, allowing it to be used in fields as diverse as designing new materials, optimising manufacturing processes, enhancing wildlife conservation efforts, or professional athlete training. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Insight Narrative Visualisation | University of South Australia | Insight is a web-based visualisation and analytics tool that ingests both qualitative and quantitative data at scale to support better, data-informed decision making in complex environments. Insight support ingesting, filtering, annotating and ultimately presenting data as information that can be actioned. Insight is focused on supporting a variety of heterogeneous datasets (e.g. events, stock movements, metrics, maps, and images) that have some aspect of temporality (e.g. when they occurred or were captured). Insight leverages data storytelling principles to present large volumes of this data as a cohesive narrative that better helps users connect the relationship and causes between the datasets. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
OzLunar | The University of Newcastle | Our project is designed to test a cross sub-disciplinary (Space Law and Ocean Law) methodology within the field of International law, and deliver Australia’s first-of-its-kind comparative studies on the governance of mining activities in deep seabed and outer space. This comparative research project is specific to international rules-making for mining activities on the Moon by referencing the development of deep seabed mining treaties. It will inform Australian regulatory bodies and space industry on engaging in international negotiations on a governance framework for lunar mining in light of Australia’s national interests and the ‘rules-based’ global order. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
PROLIFERATE_AI | Flinders University | With 80% of technology projects failing due to uncertainty and organisational resistance, disruptions and risks are critical concerns. PROLIFERATE_AI* addresses this issue with a behavioural solution that rigorously evaluates the implementation of interventions, processes, and technologies like AI, driven by user demands. It facilitates collaboration among researchers, service providers, and end-users, ensuring solutions meet operational needs. By engaging diverse stakeholders, PROLIFERATE_AI co-creates user-centric solutions. It tracks and models feedback to ensure effectiveness, safety, and sustainability, making it a smart investment for innovative industries by addressing high failure rates and organisational resistance. *https://doi.org/10.3389/frhs.2023.1154614;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hlc.2023.06.833; https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI230050. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Quantum Coherent Diagnostics (QCD) | CSIRO Manufacturing | The growing quantum technology sector in Australia lacks specialised quality testing and certification capabilities. For the sector to sustain its growth this critical need must be addressed. We aim to collaborate with industry to establish a venture focused on semiconductor and quantum technology quality control. We propose using multidimensional coherent spectroscopy (MDCS) to enhance quality testing for semiconductors like silicon carbide, gallium arsenide, and gallium nitride. Additionally, MDCS can quantify the dynamics and interactions of quantum materials, crucial for understanding the mechanisms that facilitate quantum technologies. We seek the support of ON Prime to understand industry needs and build connections. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
XRiEd | University of Technology Sydney | Immersive technologies like Extended Reality (XR) offer numerous benefits, such as experiential learning, along with challenges like equity and health concerns in educational settings globally. Yet, there remains limited understanding of their long-term and short-term impact, as well as their functional, social, and emotional value for students across various subjects and age groups. Our goal is to develop an artefact, specifically the XRiEd (Extended Reality in Education) ) Framework, to aid educational stakeholders in comprehending students’ perceptions of XR technologies. This framework will assist in designing XR-enhanced learning activities aimed at enhancing learning outcomes in different subjects. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Salehpour Synergy Solutions | University of Technology Sydney | Our project leverages AI to enhance energy management for electric vehicles (EVs) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) resource optimization, focusing on the needs of customers and businesses. By integrating AI-driven methods, we aim to make EVs more usable and profitable for owners. The project targets three key goals: optimizing V2G resources, coordinating EVs with photovoltaic (PV) systems, and strategically placing charging stations. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Krisaitia | Data 61 (CSIRO) | Krisaitia will revolutionise data-driven decision-making with advanced AI-powered tools for causal discovery and inference. Our innovative methods transform observational data into actionable insights, helping organisations across various industries make informed decisions based on a deep understanding of cause-and-effect relationships. By leveraging cutting-edge AI and uncertainty modeling, Krisaitia provides unparalleled accuracy and clarity in identifying causal links, driving smarter strategies and solutions. Our mission is to empower businesses and decision makers to unlock the full potential of their data, leading to more effective and impactful outcomes. _Krisaitia: Turning Observational Data into Actionable Solutions_. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
MetaMax | University of Technology Sydney | Our technology combines the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) with advanced machine learning techniques, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNN) and federated learning (FL), to revolutionize digital twinning in the biotechnology industry. This unique approach leverages IoBNT devices to capture biological data from diverse environments, which is then processed by CNNs for robust pattern recognition. By employing FL, we integrate data from multiple sources without compromising privacy, creating a precise and reliable global model. This significantly improves the deployment and accuracy of digital twins, enhancing predictive capabilities, operational efficiency, and decision-making in biotechnology. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Immersive Data Insights | Data 61 (CSIRO) | Immersive Data Insights’ (IDI) vision is to revolutionize data visualization for decision-making through multi-dimensional (3D/4D+) immersive experiences. Leveraging extended reality and web platforms developed through extensive customer feedback. IDI offers dynamic insights through advanced visual analysis and user-friendly onboarding for researchers, analysts, and policymakers. IDI prototypes also include features with AI/ML enabled data visualisation, multi-sensorial haptics, and improved user experience through immersive capabilities. With the potential for integrating models and simulations across disciplines, IDI promises to transform complex data into actionable insights, accelerating scientific discoveries, informing decisions, and unlocking new value across industries. IDI is endorsed by Data61’s BD Director. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
INOWAYTION | The University of Sydney | We are in the process of developing a platform aimed at forecasting crash risk within New South Wales road network. Effectively pinpointing these crucial risk factors requires integrating current crash data with variables such as traffic patterns, land use characteristics, geometric attributes, and weather conditions. To identify these risk factors, we utilise artificial intelligence models to analyse the integrated data comprehensively. Moreover, we are implementing a smart decision support system (DSS) that will be connected to this AI-powered model. This DSS will aid in identifying optimal solutions to enhance traffic safety at each location and during various time intervals. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Game Changers | University of Technology Sydney | In higher education, integrating innovative teaching methods is crucial for meeting evolving demands. Digital educational games in engineering education, has shown great promise in enhancing student engagement, improving learning outcomes, and better preparing graduates for the modern workforce. However, the high costs associated with the development of educational games present a significant barrier to their widespread adoption. This project proposes an integrated modular design approach for the development of educational games with the aim to reduce the cost and to make the educational games more accessible in Australia, aiming to boost student engagement, enhance learning outcomes, and improve job readiness. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
ForeSight | The University of Newcastle | We are developing a hybrid spatio-temporal forecasting algorithm to address the challenges posed by the complexity of noisy data in the renewable energy industry. This innovative algorithm aims to enhance forecasting accuracy and resolutions significantly. Additionally, we believe it has the potential to reduce computational costs associated with forecasting. Our approach combines advanced techniques to deliver more reliable and cost-effective predictions, making it a valuable tool for the renewable energy sector. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Circular Mortar | The University of Newcastle | Our project is developing a world-first mortar that addresses the brick re-use problem by creating a new mortar design with tailored adhesion that allows easy debonding from demolished bricks. Unlike traditional modern, cement-based brick mortar, the new, removable mortar can unlock the reuse of whole bricks at their highest value, extend their usable life, reduce reliance on virgin materials and reduce greenhouse gas emissions of construction. Our unique studies will help to determine the most economical and environmental way(s) to reduce the upfront embodied carbon value of the mortar and to reduce the landfilling or downcycling of construction materials. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Local Government Accountability | University of Technology Sydney | Our research seeks to understand how and why local government organisations engage with their community, particularly those with barriers to participation. The quality and extent of engagement has significant impacts in identifying constituents’ needs and providing appropriate solutions through the delivery of critical services. These services should be sustainable and councils accountable to the community via the sustainability reporting cycle. The purpose of this research is to provide a framework and tools for organisations to more effectively engage with stakeholders by understanding what their expectations are and having an appropriate accountability mechanism that addresses social, environmental and financial performance. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Breeding Better Dogs | La Trobe University | Carefully-selected dogs will be fostered in the community and participate in a structured socialisation program hosted at two La Trobe University campuses. Exceptional graduates of this program will be trained to work as therapy dogs and supported to reproduce at a specialist facility. The resulting puppies will be expertly raised before being placed as trainee assistance/therapy dogs, replacement breeding dogs, or pets. We will comprehensively evaluate the efficacy of this innovative approach to dog breeding in terms of: improving breeding dog welfare; ensuring puppies are well-prepared for modern life; providing trained assistance/therapy dogs for use by researchers and community groups. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
FundMatch Pro | The University of Newcastle | FundMatch Pro is a web application designed to help applicants find, plan, and apply for funding opportunities such as scholarships, research grants, and awards from a wide range of fund providers, including universities, for-profit and non-profit organizations, and government funds. The app matches applicant profiles with funding criteria, offers performance improvement plans, and guides users through the application process to enhance their chances of securing funding. This platform also streamlines the process for funding providers by ensuring a higher number of high-quality submissions and efficient evaluations, thereby enhancing the overall funding system. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
LipidGenex | CSIRO Manufacturing | During the COVID-19 pandemic, mRNA vaccines were a game-changer emerging as the front runner to combat SARS-COV-2. Beyond vaccines, this technology holds promise for other therapeutics. However, mRNA is fragile and easily degraded by our natural defences so cannot be injected directly into the body. Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) provide a protective envelope that can shield the mRNA to be transported to its intended target. The design of new lipid molecules that can act to protect the mRNA cargo is crucial. These lipid nanoparticles can be designed to increase efficacy and specificity and to reduce toxicity of the mRNA therapy. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
PinPoint Labs | The University of Adelaide | We will develop a system for detecting positional anomalies in indoor environments. This system will contain two key components: 1. An indoor positioning system 2. An explainable anomaly detection system Our team has developed a novel indoor positioning system using visible light – a breakthrough that is accurate, low cost and energy efficient. It uses simple hardware such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodetectors, but contains our specially designed hardware receiver. We will be combining this with our anomaly detection system which integrates advanced anomaly detection algorithms into a dashboard equipped with a natural language chat interface. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Real Carbon | CSIRO Energy | Real Carbon models the real-time carbon emissions intensity data at the substation level within the National Electricity Market (NEM). Updating every five minutes, this model provides detailed spatial and temporal data allowing the calculation of the emissions produced through electricity consumption at a suburb level instead of the existing state level resolution. This supports granular carbon accounting, the identification of emissions hotspots for spatial planning purposes, enables targeted energy efficiency strategies, and optimizes demand response programs, all of which support Australia’s renewable energy transition and emissions reduction efforts. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Virtual-to-Reality Materials | University of New England | Imagine accelerating the development of sustainable energy solutions, life-saving medical implants, or lightweight, durable aerospace components. Novel technological advancements demand new materials with predefined properties and unparalleled performance. Yet, traditional materials discovery can take decades and often leads to products that can’t be manufactured at a suitable scale. Our project develops an AI-powered platform that harnesses vast chemical databases to rapidly design and optimize materials for specific applications. Our platform then virtually tests the materials’ performance and their potential for large-scale manufacture. Our holistic approach to the materials design process enables the design of materials with unparalleled efficiency and accuracy. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
ThriEV | University of Technology Sydney | Our project contributes to global net-zero roadmaps by 2050, focusing on electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030. Currently, 85% of EV motors rely on permanent magnets made from rare earth elements, crucial for high torque production. However, these elements are becoming scarce, impacting sustainability and increasing production costs and complexity. Our innovative technology achieves high torque performance without rare earth elements by injecting additional magnetic flux through auxiliary coils in EV Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM). This method ensures sufficient performance and is adaptable beyond EV applications, promoting a more sustainable and cost-effective solution for the green transportation industry. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
RAES | University of South Australia | We have developed a prototype Virtual Reality tool (RAES) for use in Ergonomics and Design Assurance. The VR tool immerses designers into a virtual environment inhabited by a Digital Human Model (DHM). As designers navigate through the space, they can experiment with different body sizes, facilitating design evaluation considering the full range of target users. This hands-on approach provides designers with a tangible understanding of physical sensations and experiences that are otherwise unattainable. By employing real human movement rather than digital simulations, the VR tool eliminates the limitations of motion simulation, while removing the need for costly physical prototypes. https://www.unisa.edu.au/research/ive/research-impact/advancing-anthropometric-design/ | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Cobeo | Australian National University | Cobeo is an innovative framework and set of game-like tools designed to enhance collaboration across various domains. Developed by Dr. Maya Haviland at the Australian National University, Cobeo emerged from the Scaffolding Cultural Co-Creativity Project (SCCCP). It addresses the need for effective, adaptable tools to improve collaborative practices in diverse contexts. Cobeo helps individuals, teams, and organisations navigate the complexities of co-creation by making intangible processes visible and providing practical support for planning, reflection, and troubleshooting. Suitable for facilitators, educators, and practitioners alike, Cobeo aims to foster sustainable collaboration, ultimately contributing to society’s ability to tackle major challenges. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Supply Chain Intelligence | The University of New South Wales | By proactively disseminating relevant news to the right people, our unique value proposition is that our AI-based risk monitoring system enhances supply chain resilience and responsiveness to emerging risks, which translate to millions of dollars in savings. To lower supply chain risks, our system continuously monitors news sources using machine learning algorithms to extract relevant information (e.g., natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, trade policy changes, etc.) The system is capable of catergorizing risks based on a well-defined risk taxonomy and severity. It is able to notify relevant stakeholders such as procurement managers, logistics teams and executives, promptly when critical news emerges. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
AImbience | University of Canberra | Deliver your projects faster, cheaper and at higher quality with a fine-tuned sovereign AI engine that works continuously to give clarity on compliance as your project progresses through your organisation’s stage gates. Our turn-key security-approved sovereign AI capability will unlock more project resources for outcome delivery whilst maintaining and improving the quality, relevance, and utility of your documentation needs. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Digital Solutions for Advanced Manufacturing | The University of New South Wales | Our project focuses on developing innovative digital solutions for advanced manufacturing processes. We aim to integrate cutting-edge technologies to support modelling and simulations, real-time monitoring, analysis and optimisation of manufacturing processes to produce high-quality parts with superior properties through knowledge-driven decision making. We offer the development of original software solutions tailored to customer needs, enhancing efficiency of manufacturing processes. Our goal is to support the manufacturing sector driving towards a more sustainable and intelligent future, fostering economic growth and technological advancement. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
UTS Heat | University of Technology Sydney | We have developed a novel proof-of-concept technology capable of controlling and absorbing bursts of thermal energy to minimise localised heating. This relies on 3D-printed components to rapidly transport heat. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Access Abode | Bond University | RHeI complements sustainable residential healthcare infrastructure solutions, leveraging LiDAR (geoSLAM), 3D modelling and cloud-based, user-friendly BIM-based database platform for stakeholders, primarily healthcare providers, AREITs, developers and end-users including people with disabilities and older Australians. Key features of the platform: * Provides comprehensive search engine for virtual inspections for property transactions and modification assessments for people with permanent, temporary or situational disabilities * Facilitates remote pre-discharge requirements through fit-for-purpose assessments in an ecatalogue * Supports housing contractors and field workers remotely with 3D surveying and visualisation capabilities, WHS compliant Its user-centric, interactive design exemplifies lean construction, promoting Net Zero/decarbonisation outcomes, eliminating costly physical inspections. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
MED_AI_SAFE | Griffith University | How can an AI-assisted cloud-based application facilitate precision of medication records, specifically elderly patients being transferred between hospitals and Residential Aged Care facilities, from admission to post-discharge? MED_AI_SAFE is designed to be accessible to all medicated patients, (including those aged 65 and above), their caregivers, and to healthcare/age care staff when applicable. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
OZPolyculture | CSIRO Agriculture & Food | This project explores the viability of commercial production of CSIRO pathogen-free marine polychaete for the prawn industry in Australia (currently valued at $484 million) and that globally via exportation. The demand for polychaete for feeding prawn broodstock alone is estimated of around 6,000 – 10,000 kg/year. The polychaete germplasm and farming technologies that CSIRO have developed can certainly satisfy this growing demand in Australia and eventually the global market which is 200 – 300 fold larger than our domestic one. Furthermore, there is the opportunity to explore the demand for this product for bait in the highly valuable recreational fishing sector. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Tech Grads for SMEs | Data 61 (CSIRO) | The Technology Graduate Program offers a dynamic, hands-on curriculum designed for graduates in small to medium enterprises. It integrates cutting-edge technical training, leadership development, and practical problem-solving skills. Graduates gain expertise in emerging technologies, project management, and innovation strategies. The program fosters career growth through mentorship, real-world projects, and industry networking opportunities. By investing in this program, companies enhance employee retention and cultivate a highly skilled workforce ready to drive their business forward. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Spinal Injury Project | Griffith University | Researchers at Griffith University has developed a nerve repair technology, whereby patient cells are harvested from the nose, uniquely processed and grown into customizable orientations to match the path an injured nerve is required to grow. This 3D cell construct is then implanted into the injury site of the patient where it facilitates the regeneration of the injured nerve, leading to improvement in sensory and motor function. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
Mechanical Metamaterials Devices and Surfaces | Queensland University of Technology | Treatment of critical-sized bone defects is yet a tremendous unmet clinical need. A key to the treatment success is the development of materials that possess mechanical and biological properties close to those of cortical bone. Bioceramics and bio-glasses offer a close duplication of biochemical properties of bone, but their use to repair bone defects has been restricted to non-load-bearing sites of the skeletal system because of their inferior mechanical properties compared to cortical bone. At QUT, we developed anatomically-shaped brick-wall bioceramic scaffolds that duplicate cortical bone’s mechanical and biological properties. Your advice in commercializing these products is highly appreciated. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
CONNECT-EDUCAIT | Queensland University of Technology | CAPRI-BLOCKS offers a provable and action oriented digital skills development platform for indigeneous and rural communities high school students. The supply side is enabled by capable and well qualified international IT students from reputed universities using circular economy model. The platform treats as gained digital skills as an asset for all students. It offers a blockchain based skills- wallet service. That allows for all dis advantaged student communities to develop and manage life-long learning behaviours starting from the high school. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |
AxBio Fusion | Queensland University of Technology | The project aims to integrate synthetic biology, innovative oxidative stressors, and precision fermentation to address the industry challenge of supplying natural astaxanthin (AX). Used as a pigment for salmon, trout, and shrimp and as an antioxidant for humans and animals, the AX market was $2.3 billion in 2023. Due to high production costs, natural AX isn’t competitive with petrochemical-derived AX. However, safety and sustainability concerns make natural AX preferred. Our innovative integration of advanced biological tools and novel yeast strains underscores our commitment to cutting-edge bioprocessing. Optimizing and scaling AX production will add value to sugarcane by-products, enhancing Australia’s economy. | ON Prime 16 | Online | Feb-25 |