Record funding package backs CSIRO’s future

By May 8th, 2007

The announcement today by the Federal Government of $A2.8 billion over four years to CSIRO has been welcomed by the Chief Executive of the organisation, Dr Geoff Garrett.

“This year’s Budget is a win for Australian science and its ability to tackle the big problems facing Australia,” Dr Garrett said.

“The Budget allocation represents the largest investment of public funding to CSIRO in its history with the $A2.8 billion allocation representing an increase of 19.5 per cent over the preceding four-year period”.

Dr Garrett said the move from a three-year funding cycle to four years, along with increased investment in a number of new initiatives, would provide CSIRO with greater certainty about its future. 

“The budget announcements are a strong vote of confidence in CSIRO’s direction and reflect a strong commitment to the organisation’s future and the importance of the research carried out by our very capable and dedicated staff,”

Dr Garrett said.

“The record level of public funding will provide us with a solid platform for the future from which the organisation can better tackle issues of national importance such as research into how to mitigate the effects of climate change, industry innovation, sustainable agriculture, clean energy, manufacturing and environmental sustainability,” Dr Garrett said.

In addition to announcing baseline funding of $A2.562 billion over four years, CSIRO’s successful National Research Flagships program will be expanded by $A174 million to increase the organisation’s research effort in clean energy, climate adaptation, niche manufacturing and minerals exploration and processing.

$A51.7 million will be provided to develop Pathfinder, a next generation radio telescope that will assist Australia maintain its world class standing in astronomy. $A16.8 million will be provided for the Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) National Facility to increase protection against the incursion of exotic diseases such as avian influenza, and $A2m will be provided for the development of a wellbeing plan for children’s health. 

“The budget announcements are a strong vote of confidence in CSIRO’s direction and reflect a strong commitment to the organisation’s future and the importance of the research carried out by our very capable and dedicated staff,” Dr Garrett said.

Dr Garrett said the organisation would continue to review and adapt its science to ensure that it undertook research aimed at maximising the benefits for the whole community.

Download more images Three new National Research Flagships join the fleet.

Fast facts

  • The Budget allocation represents the largest investment of public funding to CSIRO in its history with the $A2.8 billion allocation representing an increase of 19.5 per cent over the preceding four-year period
  • The record level of public funding will provide us with a solid platform for the future from which the organisation can better tackle issues of national importance such as research into how to mitigate the effects of climate change, industry innovation, sustainable agriculture, clean energy, manufacturing and environmental sustainability