Baclash - jetting compound for prevention of blowfly-strike in sheep.
ATLAS - instrument for measuring wool staple length and strength.
Ornate Lobster, Panulirus ornatus, lobsters undertake a journey that takes them hundreds of kilometres across the Torres Strait to their breeding grounds in the Gulf of Papua.
Australia may no longer "ride on the sheep's back" but wool is still one of our major industries.
We tend to think of plants as being essentially stationary incapable of movement other than that generated by the wind. But all plants do move as they grow and respond to aspects of their environment.
This film shows cattle suffering from Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia.
Heat, disease and parasites prevent European breeds of dairy cattle from realising their full potential for milk production in tropical areas. Cattle native to these regions are hardy and adapted to the conditions but are poor milk producers.
In the late 1950's Australian agronomists realised that the native pastures of northern Australia had to be supplemented by new legumes to produce high quality feed for cattle.
99-year-old South Australian farmer Bob Dawson reminisces about his association with CSIRO in studying the importance of cobalt for animal nutrition - an association that began in 1935.