Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Impact Excellence Medal

By April 4th, 2022

Introduced in 2018, the Impact Excellence Medal recognises a team that has created value and impact for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.


Indigenous Research Grants

For exceptional achievement in advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement through the Indigenous Research Grants Program. 

Team members: Cas Price, Fiona Smallwood, Shari Saunders, Brett Hiscock.


CSIRO Young Indigenous Women’s STEM Academy

For delivering the Young Indigenous Women’s STEM Academy, in partnership with Career Trackers and the National Indigenous Australians Agency, the first program in the world of its kind. 

Team members: Kim Dyball, Cassandra Diamond, Jess Stimson, Alex Lewis, Pat Saunders, Jessica Hildyard, Daniella Borg, Lizzie Brydon, Charlie Griffiths, Chelsie Davies, Teresa Cochrane, Erin Gear, Dee Taylor, Myra Singh, Melissa Tipo, Hannah McCleary, Amy Gulbinas, Elise Tonnet, Jen Parsons and Carlie Ring. 


Boolardy Services Team with industry partners – Pacific Services Group Holdings (PSGH) and Wajarri Enterprises Limited

For significant contribution to the formation of a joint venture between two Indigenous-owned companies, increasing capacity for Wajarri people to benefit from opportunities on Wajarri Country through operation of the Boolardy Accommodation Facility.

Team members: Vicki Drazenovic, Jeff Arbon, John Reynolds, Brett Hiscock, Ross Casey, Mark Coleman, Russell Farr, Adam Beckett, Dwayne Mallard, Daryl Smith, Sharon McGuire, Geoff King 


Indigenous Research Group, Australian e-Health Research Centre

For championing the co-design and co-development of potential e-Health solutions as prioritised by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Community Controlled Models of Care.

Team members: Ray Mahoney, Andrew Goodman, Jed Fraser, Georgina Chelberg, Kaley Butten.


Indigenous STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Education Project

Working in partnership with schools and communities, the Indigenous STEM Education Project established best practice education models that increased participation, aspirations and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and communities in STEM.

Team members: Therese Postma, Max Lenoy, Dr Jen Parsons, Kim Dyball, Dr Christopher Banks, Caja Gilbert, Dr Kaye Price AM, Scott Philip, Carol Rance, Geoff Guyme, Alex Lewis, Carlie Rin, Alex Ibarra, Mhairi King, Dr Renee Chapman, Sarah McDonnell, Elizabeth Driver, Torres Webb, Nerissa Jones, Jess Stimson, Amy Gulbinas,Jesse King, Cassandra Diamond, Joe Sambono, Liz Kupsch, Emma Sugget, David Broun, Cameron Hugh, Mary Mulcahy, Marian Heard, Caroline Makin, Amanda Baker, Fiona Webb, Fifi Harris, Chris Deslandes, Meg Mooney, Jessica Fidler, Kate Cherry, Prem Mudhan, Kirsten Sadler, Josie Douglas, Michael Tynan, Karlie Noon, Alisha King, Megan Ladbrook, Trish Morton, Ashleigh Boyle, Celia McNeilly, Kate Shackleford, Nathan Meredith, Professor Michelle Livett, Professor Tom Cooper, Gillian Farrington, Sarah McKelvie, Raj Sharma, Felicity Dillon, Tiahni Adamson, Chloe Sobieralski, Michelle Raftus, Felicity Morrall, James Ensor, Rod May, Denise Bailey, Lyn McDonald, Trevor Heldt, Dr Cass Hunter, Louisa Warren, Gail Fulton, Dr Marcus Zipper, Seth Westhead, Professor Jill Milroy, Scott Gorringe, Professor Martin Nakata, Professor Gail Garvey, Peter Radoll, Kadisha Haynes, Beth Webber, Christian Maskey, Marlee Hutton, Sally Deslandes, Felicity Bradshaw, Joanna Griffith, Felicity Walsh and Karen Rodrigues.


Atlas of Living Australia – The Tracks App

The Tracks App is a collaborative software development project involving the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and the Central Land Council (CLC) on behalf of many Indigenous Ranger Groups and communities throughout Australia’s sandy desert regions. The App simplifies the collecting and sharing of standardised field data, enabling a more timely and comprehensive understanding of threatened and pest species across a region of Australia which is generally very data-poor.With smart-features and multi-lingual functionality, the Tracks App is providing Indigenous communities with a means to participate in valuable scientific work using their first language and traditional tracking practices, and to pass on these skills and knowledge to future generations.
Team lead: Peter Brenton. Team members: Sathish Sathyamoorthy and Temi Verghese.


Awarded to enabling successful joint management at Arakwal National Park

This team has showed how Indigenous knowledge can be used with science to negotiate optimal solutions to complex environmental problems such as the care of the significant Byron Bay Orchid (Diuris byronensis) and its clay heath habitat. Supported through the Threatened Species Recovery Hub of the National Environment Science Program the team has worked with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to apply the IUCN Green List standard to enable effective, equitable and successful co-management of significant places and habitats.