CSIRO Medals 1999 – Chairman’s Medal – The Wagga Wagga Effluent Plantation Project Team

By November 1st, 1999

Brian Myers and colleagues (CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products, CSIRO Land and Water). For their work on the Wagga Wagga Effluent Plantation project which resulted in the development of national guidelines for growing environmentally sustainable plantations irrigated with municipal effluent.

Brian Myers and colleagues (CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products, CSIRO Land and Water). For their work on the Wagga Wagga Effluent Plantation project which resulted in the development of national guidelines for growing environmentally sustainable plantations irrigated with municipal effluent. Team Leader: Mr Brian Myers. Team Members: Dr Richard Benyon, Dr Warren Bond, Ms Evelyn Colvin, Mr Ian Craig, Mr Randall Falkiner, Mr Gordon McLachlan, Dr Nicholas O’Brien, Ms Wanda Pienkowski, Dr Philip Polglase, Dr Chris J. Smith, Dr Val Snow, Mr Leroy Stewart, Ms Jaqueline Sweeney, Dr Tivi Theiveyanathan, Mr Dean Tompkins, Mr Mark Tunningley and Ms Seija Tuomi.