2016 Jack Cusack Memorial lecture

By April 27th, 2017

The Jack Cusack Memorial Lecture commemorates the valuable contributions made by expert botanist, Jack Cusack, to CSIRO's research in the Top End.

About the event

Our annual Jack Cusack Memorial Lecture reflects on the contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have and continue to play in addressing the national science agenda in CSIRO and recognises the work we are doing as an organisation to continue to build our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy in 2016.

This year three members of our community, Stacy Mader, Senior Experimental Scientist in Astronomy & Space; Mibu Fischer, Research Projects Officer with Oceans & Atmosphere; and Chantelle Lee, Administrative Assistant at the Australian Resources Research Centre, will discuss their journey within our organisation and we invite you to be a part of the celebrations.