Sidebar 12: 75th anniversary of CSIR Mk 1; 60th anniversary of CSIRO computing network
Sidebar 12: 75th anniversary of CSIR Mk 1; 60th anniversary of CSIRO computing network
Started 18 Nov 2024.
Last updated 21 Nov 2024.
Robert C. Bell
This page is a starting point for information about the event held in Canberra on 14th November 2024, to commemorate CSIR Mk 1’s first execution of a test program in November 1949, and to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the setting up of CSIRO’s computing services and ‘network’ which became Csironet.
The Event
Here is the announcement.
Approximately 80 people attended the event.
After registering at reception, guests were able to catch up with former colleagues (and in some cases their family members), before taking a short walk to the grassy area where building 401A used to stand – the original CRS/DCR building which housed the CDC 3600 and all the early staff. Here, Joseph Antony. IT Manager, Data, from CSIRO IMT gave an introduction before taking the tour parties into 401C. Here, visitors could see automated tape libraries, reminiscent of the Calcomp/Braegan Automated Tape Library (ATL) which occupied the same building from 1981 onwards. The ATL used round tapes holding up to 160 Mbyte. Current tape cartridges hold 18 to 20 Tbyte native, but typically store more because of the compression capabilities in the tape drives themselves.
The current tape libraries feature aspects of CSIRO’s science in bold posters on their sides.
After the tours, participants walked to the Discovery Centre for morning tea and more talk.
I set up a display of artefacts – coding forms, punched cards, flowchart template, printed output, magnetic tape, CSIRO and CDC publications, etc. Many of these are pictured in Appendix 7.
The main part of the program commenced at 11:00.
Links to information
Event presentation video:
CSIRO web article:
Cosmos magazine article
ABC Radio Perth – Saturday Breakfast – ABC listen
Social media: and Facebook and Instagram too.
Here are the slides which also include Angus’s presentation 75th anniversary of CSIRAC
Photos collected by Peter Heweston from the event can be seen here.
The ACS also held a special event. Here is an article.
To be continued ….
Thanks to all who helped organise the event. In particular:
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