Division of Materials Science and Engineering

By July 10th, 2013

The Division of Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE) was formed in 2007 by the merger of the Division of Manufacturing and Materials Technology with the Division of Industrial Physics.

In 2008 the Division of Textile and Fibre Technology and the Division of Forestry Bioscience also merged to become part of CMSE as did the Parkville and Clayton laboratories of the Division of Molecular and Health Technologies in 2010.

The Divisional changes that led to the formation of these five Divisions that now comprise CMSE are summarised in the figure below with further details at the following links:

Chemical and materials research divisions
Forestry and forest products divisions
Manufacturing and building research divisions
Physics, measurement and standards divisions

In a major restructuring of CSIRO in 2014, with Flagships replacing Divisions as the organization’s operating units, the Division of Materials Science and Engineering was renamed the Manufacturing Flagship. In 2015 the term Flagship was dropped by the Organization.

History of Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Sci & Eng Divisions

Origins of the Division of Materials Science & Engineering. AOC: Applied Organic Chemistry; Applied Chem: Applied Chemistry; Applied Phys-I: Applied Physics mark I; Applied Phys-II: Applied Physics mark II; ATNF: Australian Telescope National Facility; Biomol Eng: Biomolecular Engineering; Biotech: Biotechnology; Bld Constr Eng: Building, Construction and Engineering; BMRS: Building Material Research Section; Bld Res: Building Research; C&P: Chemicals and Polymers; CAWT: Chemical & Wood Technology; CEW: Central Experimental Workshops; Chem Phys: Chemical Physics; Chem Tech: Chemical Technology; Cloud Phys: Cloud Physics; CMHT: Molecular and Health Technologies; Electro Tech: Electrotechnology; ENSIS: ENSIS; En Tech-I: Energy Technology (mark I); Eng Sect: Engineering Section; For Prod-I: Forest Products mark I; For Prod-II: Forest Products mark II; FPL: Forest Products Laboratory (non CSIRO); For Res: Forest Research; For: Forestry; For & For Prod-I: Forestry and Forest Products mark I; For & For Prod-II: Forestry and Forest Products mark II; For Biosci: Forestry Bioscience; FRI: Forest Research Institute (non CSIRO); FTB: Forestry and Timber Bureau (non CSIRO); HN: Human Nutrition; HSN: Health Sciences & Nutrition; ICT Centre: Information and Communication Technology Centre; Ind Chem: Industrial Chemistry; Ind Phys: Industrial Physics; Lub Bear Sect: Lubricants and Bearings Section; Man & Infrastruct Tech: Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology; Man & Mat Tech: Manufacturing and Materials Technology; Man Sci Tech: Manufacturing Science & Technology; Man Tech: Manufacturing Technology; Mat Sci: Materials Science; Mat Sci Tech: Materials Science & Technology; Mech Eng: Mechanical Engineering; Metrol: Metrology; Mol Biol: Molecular Biology; Mol Sci: Molecular Science; NML: National Measurement Laboratory; NSL: National Standards Laboratory; Org Chem: Organic Chemistry; Phys: Physics; Phys Chem: Physical Chemistry; Phys Met Sect: Physical Metallurgy Section; Prot Chem: Protein Chemistry; Radiophys: Radiophysics; SESU: Solar Energy studies Unit; TFT: Textile & Fibre Technology; TI: Textile Industry; TIP: Telecommunications & Industrial physics; TP: Textile Physics; Tribophys:–Tribophysics; Tribo Sect: Tribophysics Section; Wool Tech: Wool Technology.

Chief of Division/Officer-in-Charge

Division Chief
Industrial Physics (2004-07) Gerald Neil Haddad (2004-06)
Calum John Drummond (2006-07)
Manufacturing and Materials Technology (2006-2007) Vicki Lyn Tutungi (2006-07)
Division of Materials Science and Engineering (2007-14) Calum John Drummond (2007-11)
Catherine Patricia Foley (2011-14)
Forestry Bioscience (2007-08) Richard Ede (2007-08)
William Mark Lonsdale (2008)
Textile and Fibre Technology (1999-2008) Brett Oliver Bateup (1999-2005)
Nigel Anthony Gull Johnson (2005 -2008)
Molecular & Health Technologies (2005-10) Graeme Woodrow (2005-10)


• Schedvin CB, Trace K, 1978, Historical Directory of CSIR and CSIRO 1926-1976, CSIRO Publishing.

Encyclopedia of Australian Science

• CSIRO Annual Reports

• CSIRO Communications