
By April 16th, 2016

In a major restructuring of CSIRO in 2014, Divisions were replaced by Flagships as the organization’s major operating units. The bulk of the Agriculture flagship came from the Division of Plant Industry (471 staff). Other staff came from: the Division of Animal, Food and Health Sciences (100 staff); the Division of Ecosystem Sciences (76 staff); the Division of Land and Water (44 staff); and the Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research (24 staff). The histories of these Divisions can be found at the following links:

Plant Industry (1929-2014)
Animal, Food and Health Sciences (2012-14)
Ecosystems Sciences (2011-14)
Land and Water (1997-2014)
Marine and Atmospheric Research (2005-14)

In 2015 the term Flagship was dropped by the Organization.

History of Agriculture Divisions

Agriculture Divisions

Chief of Division/Officer-in-Charge/Director

Division/Business Unit Chief/O-I-C/Director
Animal, Food and Health Sciences (2012-14) Martin Barry Cole (2012-14)
Ecosystem Sciences (2011-14) William Mark Lonsdale (2011-14)
Land and Water (1997-2014) Graham Harris (1997-2000)
John Williams (2000-02)
Robert Alexander Vertessy (2003-07)
Neil James McKenzie (2007-14)
Marine & Atmospheric Research (2005-14) Anthony Douglas John Haymet (2005)
Gregory Peter Ayers (2005-08)
Bruce David Mapstone (2009-14)
Plant Industry (1929-2014) Otto Herzberg Frankel (1951-62)
John Edwin Rogers Falk (1963-70)
Lloyd Thomas Evans (1971-78)
William James Peacock (1978-2003)
Jeremy James Burdon (2003-2012)
John Manners (2012-14)
Agriculture John Manners (2014-)


• Schedvin CB, Trace K, 1978, Historical Directory of CSIR and CSIRO 1926-1976, CSIRO Publishing.

Encyclopedia of Australian Science

• CSIRO Annual Reports

• CSIRO Communications