Achievements A-Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Aerogard
- Air Cargo Scanner
- Antennas for radio telescopes and satellite communications
- Atmospheric dynamics and predictability
- Atomic absorption spectroscopy
- AUSSAT-B and other antenna research
- Australia Telescope Compact Array
- Bacterial drug resistance, gene cassettes and integrons
- BarleyMax™ foods and improved bowel health
- Barrier Reef Image Analysis System (BRIAN)
- BCAider
- Beta-carotene industry establishment
- Bitter-pit control
- Black disease vaccine for sheep
- Burns injury reductions through improved textile flammabality standards
- C4 Photosynthesis
- Carbon nanotube yarns and sheets
- Cattle for the tropics
- Cattle genome project
- Cell membranes and how living organisms resist the cold
- Ceramic Fuel Cells
- Chicken interferon gamma
- Cloud seeding
- Coalscan – on-line analysis instruments for the coal industry
- Cobalt deficiency and the cure for coast disease
- Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia eradication
- Cotton breeding and new cotton varieties
- CSIRAC – Australia’s first computer
- Cycloprothrin – the first designer insecticide
- Dairy products for improved human health
- DELTA taxonomic computer programs
- DHA canola
- Dung beetle program
- Ecologically sustainable fisheries and marine industries
- Effluent-irrigated plantations
- Elast-Eon™ biocompatible polyurethane
- Energy research and development in CSIRO
- Engineered performance of timber
- Entomopathogenic nematodes
- Enzyme technology and fellmongering
- Extended wear contact lenses
- Gastro-intestinal parasite control of ruminants
- Gene shears
- Genetic selection for multiple births in sheep
- Genetically modified cotton varieties
- Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor discovery
- GrazFeed
- Greenhouse effect and climate change
- Hendra virus identification
- Hydraulic fracturing in mining
- Hydrodec – good oil on electricity
- HySSIL™ building material
- Infectious bursal disease virus vaccine
- Influenza virus – how epidemics and pandemics emerge
- Insulin and epidermal growth factor receptor structures
- Interscan aircraft landing system
- Iodine deficiency
- Measuring the absolute ohm
- Mechanised cheese making
- MIEX® water purification process
- Murray-Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project
- Myxomatosis to control rabbits
- Nickel deposits
- Nitroxide-mediated living radical polymerisation
- North-West Shelf gas platforms
- NovoSorb™ biodegradable polymer
- Objective measurement of wool
- Optical fibre nephelometer
- Optically Variable Devices
- OPTIM™ fibre processing
- Oxygen sensor (SIRO2)
- Panoptic™ search engine
- Parkes radio telescope and the Apollo 11 moon landing
- Parkes radio telescope construction
- Pastures for the north
- Pollination biosecurity
- Polymer banknotes
- Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study
- Potyvirus taxonomy
- Prawn fishing industry in the Gulf of Carpentaria
- Prickly pear control
- Pulsar surveys and the discovery of the double pulsar
- Radar
- Radar and the birth of radio astronomy in Australia at Collaroy Plateau
- Radio astronomy – observing explosions on the sun
- Radio astronomy amplifiers using millimetre wavelength imaging
- Radio astronomy at Dover Heights
- RAFT polymerisation
- Rainforest frogs study – discovery of chytridiomycosis
- Rainforests – Australia’s green cathedrals
- Regolith geochemistry for mineral exploration
- Relenza®
- Remote sensing
- RNAi
- RoadCrack system
- Rust resistance in plants
- Salvinia biocontrol
- Scribbly gum moths
- Seabed ore systems
- Sediment quality assessment frameworks for water ecosystems
- Self-twist yarn
- Sheep blowfly and other insect pests
- SilviScan™ rapid wood analysis
- Simulations of marine ecosystems dynamics
- Sirex wasp eradication
- SiroSet
- SiroSmelt
- Sirospun
- Skeleton weed biocontrol
- Softly detergent
- Soil Map of Australia
- Solar hot water systems
- Solospun™
- Spatial Information Systems
- Spectacle lens design
- Supercapacitors
- Superconductivity – its contribution to the absolute volt
- Synchro-Pulse Controlled Drop Transfer welding system
- Tanning waste minimisation processes
- Thickener technology for mineral processing
- Total Wellbeing Diet
- Tuberculosis diagnosis in animals and humans
- Transforming the Australian Wine Industry
- Water allocation practices
- Waterfowl in Australia
- Weather and environmental prediction
- Wheat breeding in Australia’s high rainfall zone
- Wildlife ecology
- Wireless LANs
- Wireless network (gigabit)
- Wool fibre structure