V – New Products, Processes and Systems

By July 2nd, 2014

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[ Products ] [ Processes ] [ Systems ]


Vaccine for Black disease (infectious necrotic hepatitis) in sheep
Vaccine for Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
Vacuum gauge – a novel instrument developed in the Division of Chemical Physics in the mid 1940s and early 1950s – See Willis JB, 1987, ‘The CSIRO Division of Chemical Physics 1944-1986′, Historical Records of Australian Science, 7: 153-177
Vacuum pump (oil-free) – for use where contamination of the system with residual oil vapour must be avoided (e.g. electron microscopes, semiconducting and coatings industries)
Vacuum ultraviolet spectrograph – developed in the Division of Chemical Physics in the 1940s – See Willis JB, 1987, ‘The CSIRO Division of Chemical Physics 1944-1986′, Historical Records of Australian Science, 7: 153-177
VASS (Vehicle Allocation and Scheduling System) – fleet dynamics software
VaporMate – fast-acting, safe and versatile fumigant for the Australian grain industry
VAXSTRATE – an immuno-neutering vaccine to control reproduction in cows for up to 9 months; licensed to Peptech Ltd
Vaxxitek™ HVT+IBD – a live, recombinant virus vaccine against Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) in poultry; based on VP2 technology licensed to Merial
VCM (Virtual Comminution Machine) – for modeling at a micro-level – See In-depth insight to improve mill design (Feature Article)
Vegetation Canopy Lidar (Light Detection and Radar) – radar monitoring forest canopies to assess their biomass, structure and condition – See also Canopy Lidar for Sounding Vegetation Canopies and estimating biomass (CSIRO Earth Observation Centre)
Vermillion – wine grape varietal
VERS (Victorian Electronic Records Strategy) – software which ensures that electronic records will be readable for future generations – See Making Electronic Records Last Forever, 1999 (Media Release)
VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) – a sensor that protects electronic equipment
Vesta – a study program, predicting the spread of high intensity fires
VFW (Vertical upflow artificial wetlands) – waste treatment technology for small communities and mining sites
V/I Ceres Maize – visual interactive software version of a computer model of growth and development of maize – See Performance and application of CERES and SWAGMAN Destiny models for rice-wheat cropping systems in Asia and Australia: a review
VIC (Virtual Industrial Community and Virtual Enterprise) – E-business architectural framework and information infrastructure
VineLogic Education – simulation model of grapevine growth and development – See VirtualVineyard (CSIRO Plant Industry)
VineLOGIC Virtual Vineyard – modelling the grapevine software; allows grape growers to ‘see’ how their vines will perform before planting the vineyard
VinLife – natural grape seed extract and antioxidant for incorporation in food; in collaboration with Tarac Technologies Pty Ltd – See New food ingredient for heart health, 2003 (Media Release)
Virtual Classroom – tele-collaboration and distance education technology – See CeNTIE: successful research collaboration (Achievement)
Virtual Mine – a program that combines data into a visually integrated 3D model of entire mine sites
Virtual Rock Laboratory – web-based interface software which analyses the mechanics of rocks; a collaboration between AuScope Grid and ESSCC
ViScope™ – the world’s first non-invasive heart failure predictive tool in the area of mechanical heart sound analysis for early detection of cardiac diseases; licensed to HD Medical Group Ltd
VISOR – software for visualisation of ore-grade data
Vital Signs Sensor Technology – a device which uses a unique radio frequency method to monitor heart and lung conditions without skin contact and over clothing; licensed to HD Medical Group Ltd to detect, analyse and diagnose structural cardiac faults – See Personal Monitoring Clinical Trials Program (e-Health Research Centre)
VOC Probe (Volatile Organic Compound Probe) – an instrument which monitors concentrations in soil and groundwater; developed with funding from CRC Waste Management and Pollution Control
Vortex Mower – uses technology that reduces aerodynamic blade noise to give a quieter rotary lawnmower
VTE (Vehicle Tracking Equipment) – technology that traces vehicles in remote outback areas – See Big brothers watch research vehicles, 2002 (Media Release)


Vectogram™ technology – new generation OVD technology that produces two or more optical fields from a single image pixel, offering an enhanced range of optical effects including hidden micrographic and macrographic images and other new effects for high security printing – See World’s leading anti-counterfeiting technology for Europe, 2003 (Media Release)
Very High Speed Carding process for wool
Virtual Worlds – uses game technology to visualise construction projects in the form of an interactive 3D environment – See Construction Innovation: Bricks and Clicks (CSIRO SOLVE)


ViCCUTM (Virtual Critical Care Unit) – a real-time communication system that links specialists in one hospital with patients in remote hospitals – See Award-winning healthcare technology overcomes the tyranny of distance (Achievement) and IT Networks: High-Speed Skill Online (CSIRO SOLVE)
Virtual Tearoom – a high-quality multipoint videoconferencing system with integrated services – See CeNTIE: successful research collaboration (Achievement)
VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) – a phone system that cuts long-distance call costs by up to 70%; pioneered in Australia by CSIRO on nationwide AARNET – See Internet phone system slashes long distance bills, 1999 (Media Release)