S – New Products, Processes and Systems

By July 2nd, 2014

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[ Products ] [ Processes ] [ Systems ]


S@NITY name changed to P@NOPTIC – web and intranet search and management tools supplying accurate information – See Panoptic™: a better search engine (Achievment)
SafeStor – software that estimates expected storage life of grain
Safe-T-Cam – traffic management system using cameras and computers – See Visions for the future – Monitoring road transport (1994)
Salinity meter – developed by Chemical Physics; manufactured by Techtron Pty Ltd, Melbourne – See Willis JB, 1987, ‘The CSIRO Division of Chemical Physics 1944-1986′, Historical Records of Australian Science, 7: 153-177
Salinometer – portable instrument for in situ measurements of temperature and salinity; manufactured by Yeo-Kal Environmental Electronics
Saltimeter – ready reckoner barometer which indicates red danger zone when salinity level causes crop yield losses
SaltRec – economic cost-benefit analysis model for establishment of eucalypt plantations in saline regions – See Improved information to guide the establishment of eucalypt plantations in saline regions (CSIRO Land and Water)
SAT (Sustainability Assessment Tool) – quantitative tool for Bauxite Residue Management
SATE (Scheduling of Appointments at Trade Events) – software – See Meetings Magic Brings Order Out of Chaos, 1999 (Media release)
SatMap – remote sensing; uses colour coded imagery to reveal pasture growth and fertility status; commercialised by Incitec
SatSlag – software for calculating steel making type slags/phase diagrams
SAVE (Seasonal Activity Variation and Exposure) – software that tracks and measures air pollution
SAW-ELISA (Surface Acoustic Wave-Enzyme Linked In Situ Analysis) – a biosensor instrument or artificial sniffer/bionic nose that detects minute quantities of pollutants; imitates the way animals smell odours
Scanning Kelvin Probe – an instrument that reveals previously unobserved interactions taking place at the birth of corrosion – See Probe promises corrosion revolution, 2000 (Media Release)
SCATS (Sydney’s Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) – software, linked to TRITRAM traffic control – See New Computer Software to Smarten-Up Traffic, 1999 (Media Release)
Scenario Manager – a tool that enables the evaluation of integrated urban water systems, comprising water supply, wastewater and stormwater treatment and disposal infrastructure
Scientriffic – junior science magazine
Scrimber – a reconstituted timber product for structural purposes. See Scrimber (1985)
SDL – an analytical instrument that measures parameters of water, including salinity and temperature
Searise – autonomous Starbug submarine/underwater robot – See also Starbug: CSIRO’s award-winning robotic submarine (Project – Profile)
SedNet – Sediment Network modeling software; assesses catchment water quality; predicts river sediment and nutrient loads
SedSim – sedimentary process modelling software; predicts sediment transport over long periods of time
SelectGene – software, DNA technologies in sheep genetics and wool technology for stud breeding to assist ram breeders
Selector – software for selecting the right trees for the right job
Sentinel Hotspots – software, online map to help firefighters better detect and monitor blazes and hotspots – See Locating bushfires as they happen (Solution)
SEQA (Sequence and Annotation) – database
Sequel – lucerne cultivar
SERM (Simple Estuarine Response Model) – a coupled biological-physical model of estuarine response in Australian estuaries
Sewer Sentinel® – flow-through sensor instruments for temperature, conductivity, turbidity, pH and dissolved oxygen of sewage; manufactured by MACE (Measuring & Control Equipment) Pty Ltd – See Waste management advances, 1993 (Media Release)
Shear deformation analysis equipment – to determine simple shearing and rotational shearing for deforming rocks and soils
Shear Vessel – an operator-independant instrument for continuous measurement of flocculation performance – See Thickener technology for mineral processing
Shop Floor Scheduler – software that cuts production time by helping manufacturers streamline their factory processes
Shrinkometer – an instrument that measures the length change in filter bags over months of service
Sicala series of fungal resistant cotton varieties – soon became synonymous with high quality Australian cotton – See Cotton breeding and new cotton varieties and the list of Cotton breeding plant variety rights
Sicot series of new cotton varieties – See Cotton breeding and new cotton varieties and the list of Cotton breeding plant variety rights
SIFAN (Single Fibre Analyser)
Silverfish – instrument that measures temperature and salinity of water; hung at front of ships
SilviScan-2® – instrument for the rapid determination of wood microstructure – See Silviscan™ rapid wood analysis
SilviScan -3® – instrument for the rapid determination of wood microstructure – See SilviScan™ rapid wood analysis
SIMED II – reservoir simulator software for multiphase flow in coal
SIMEDWin – a Windows user interface version of SIMED II, for modeling the drainage of gas from coal seams and also to model conventional dry gas reservoirs
Siokra series of new cotton varieties – the first okra leaf variety to be widely grown anywhere in the world Siokra 1-1 had excellent fibre quality and was also resistant to the serious disease bacterial blight. This started a long line of fully blight resistant varieties from CSIRO such as Siokra 1-4 and CS 50 and has resulted in the elimination of bacterial blight from the Australian cotton industry – See Cotton breeding and new cotton varieties and the list of Cotton breeding plant variety rights
Sirag – software, helps irrigators how much water to apply and when
SiragCrop – software, dial-up crop management services for irrigation
SiragField – software, irrigation scheduling component for annual crops
SiragOrchard – software, schedules orchard crops irrigation
SIRATAC – sample tests for pest control management in cotton
Siratro – a tropical pasture legume – See Pastures for the north and Siratro (1977)
Sire-Sine Magnesium Capsule – a product for the control of grass tetany in cattle; marketed by Cheetham Rural
Siro2 – solid electrolyte oxygen sensor instrument – See Solid financial return from science: economic report, 1996 (Media Release)
Siro3D® – uses pairs of digital photographs to generate models of outcrops or rock faces in which a photograph is draped over a three-dimensional mesh
SiroAlarm – instrument that alerts shift workers at the charging stations when charging is proceeding too rapidly
SiroAsh – gauges for on-line determination of ash content of coal – See Coalscan – on-line analysis instruments for the coal industry
SiroBIC (CSIRO Battery Information Collector) – gauge for electric vehicles
SiroCard – a machine that increases carding productivity and improves quality
SIROCCO – Phalaris grass cultivar – See Choosing phalaris (Publication – General)
SiroChek – an instrument that measures radial relief of taps
SiroCLEAR™ – optical yarn sensor for identification and removal of pack fibres
SiroDec – computer based training program that explains the principles of batch pressure decatising of wool fabrics – predicts levels of permanent set
SiroEX – software, models transient electromagnetic (TEM) responses – See SiroTem
SiroEZ – selective ion exchange resins for copper and mercury
SiroFire – software, bushfire spread simulator
Siro FLCSpec® – software, predicts performance of individual fleeces
SiroFlex – a novel ultramicrotome instrument developed by John Farrant which avoided the use of bearings in the specimen support train; marketed, for a number of years, under the name ‘Si-Ro-Flex’ and manufactured by the Fairey Aviation Company of Australasia Pty Limited, Salisbury, South Australia. Schuco Scientific handled sales in the United States and Aeon Laboratories in the United Kingdom.
SiroGas® – software, simulates and investigates gas flows
Siro Gritometer – instrument that measures the amount of soil or grit in fruit
SiroHauteur – software for predicting hauteur (the average length of fibres in the top from results of greasy wool tests)
SiroIndur – software, mathematically models the firing induration pelletisation process for magnetite and iron ore
SiroJoint® – software for rapid non-contact, automatic determination of joint orientations, joint distributions, joint spacing and persistence, joint roughness
SiroKEEN – instrument that sharpens microtome knives; commercialised by Austral Scientific and ‘UltroKEEN microtome knife sharpener’
SiroLan – a Phalaris grass cultivar; has lower alkaloid levels to avoid the risk of phalaris staggers – See ‘New light shed on phalaris toxicity’, Farming Ahead, 173: 60-61
SiroLan ASA – dyeing assistant
SiroLan BAP – shrink proofing polymer for worsted fabrics
SiroLan-Laserscan™ – an instrument developed in the 1990s, that uses lasers to measure the diameter of wool fibres; is the basis of the IWTO standard procedure, developed by CSIRO, for measuring average fibre diameter and fibre diameter distribution; fast and accurate with IWTO accreditation; more than 70 Sirolan Laserscans sold worldwide
SiroLan-TOPSpec® – software, prediction package
SiroLan Yarnspec® – software, predicts what an advanced mill should achieve using a particular wool top for a finer yarn, under specified spinning conditions
SiroLevel – level gauge for bins, silos and hoppers
SiroLock™ – carding solution for fibre control
SiroLot – software for predicting wool contaminants
SiroLotSpec® – software, predicts processing potential of single sale lots
SiroMag – instrument that magnetically marks steel cables and ropes
SiroMAN – mercury pathfinder instrument for minerals
SiroMark™ branding fluids – scourable branding fluids for use on sheep on the farm; replaced the previously used ‘tar’ brands which could not be removed by the wool scouring process; saved the wool industry millions of dollars over the years because it was no longer necessary to clip off the branded section or treat the final fabric with solvents
SiroMCA – rugged amplifier-spectrometer for SiroLog technology
SiroMeat – prime lamb terminal sire breed, crossbred ewes from Corriedale, Cheviot and Dorset Horn
SiroMed – software, resolves conservation disputes
SiroMet – instrumentation for the prevention of cotton fibre entanglements (neps)
SiroMin® – sheep feed supplement, mineral (trace elements) – See Welcome to CELS (CSIRO Centre for Environment and Life Sciences)
SiroMin-BF® – beef feed supplement, mineral (trace elements)
SiroNaria – a safflower variety, resistant to Alternaria and Phytophthora
SiroNem – bioassay in which soil samples are tested
SiroPrint machine – textile printing machine for Vigoreux printing of wool top
SiroPulper – Waste paper recovery machine
SiroPulse – high-resolution sub-surface radar instrument; scans walls, ground surfaces or furniture; can probe distances from less than one centimetre to several metres and will pick up both metallic and non-metallic objects; ideal for counter-terrorism applications including detection of explosive devices and other weapons that may have been buried within solid concrete structures
SiroQuant® – software for quantitative analysis of mineral samples – See Mineral analysis gets better, 2001 (Media Release)
SiroRA – variety of pistachio tree
SiroRes – Model for selective metal absorbing resins for recovering copper, mercury and iron from dilute solutions
Sirosa – Phalaris grass cultivar; has lower alkaloid levels to avoid the risk of phalaris staggers – See ‘New light shed on phalaris toxicity’, Farming Ahead, 173: 60-61
SiroSA – continuous iron ore analyser
SiroSampler – bore water sampling device
SiroSeeder – tillage equipment
Siro ShadeGro – lawn plant grass seed cultivar, amenable to shady conditions
Siro-SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer) – allows compositional analysis of the outermost atomic layers of a solid surface
SiroSize – software for fast non-contact automatic determination of rock fragment size – See SiroSize (1991)
SiroSorb – instrument for the determination of mercury in geochemical samples
SiroSorter – a mill-scale device that sorts through large quantities of undyed fibrous materials in an on-line operation and removes coloured faults in a selective manner, using an electronic sensing and control system; cost effective solution to removing dark fibre contamination from cotton only; commercialised and distributed by Loptex
SiroSpinel – product from processing saline waters
SiroSpot – geographic information system software
SiroSteam machine – for Vigoreux printing of wool top
SiroStep – laser cutting machine for plastics
SiroStrain – stress analysis software
SiroTem (Transient ElectroMagnetics) – instrument for detecting ore bodies; manufactured by Geoex Pty Ltd – See SiroEX and New Mineral Detector (1978)
Sirothora – safflower variety, resistant to Phytophthora
SiroTope – instrument for geochemical analysis using the lead isotopic characteristics of ore bodies
SiroTrace – instrument for tracing the profile of hacksaw blade teeth
SiroWet – instrument for measuring weatherability of buildings – See Building and construction testing services (Fact Sheet)
SiroX – instrument, novel flotation collector
SISAL – image processing software
Sizer – software for processing size/assay data
Skin PolarProbe – automated melanoma diagnosis instrument – See Spot Check (1997) and CSIRO unveils new healthcare technology, 1999 (Media Release)
SLAMM (Scripting Language for Applied Mathematical Modelling) – a formal language for mathematical modelling. It allows the programmer to describe a mathematical model, specifically LP problems
SLAMP/Shear Magic (Simplified Loading and Manipulation Platform) – a machine developed by IWS (International Wool Secretariat) and Livestock Industries WA
SLIM (Strategic Landscape Investment Model) – can demonstrate the likely returns from a range of environmental activities in different locations across New South Wales
Sliver guillotine – for the preparation of snippets from wool tops
Slocum Glider – a new window into our coastal seas; designed for coastal deployments, it is capable of moving to specific locations and reaching depths of up to 200 metres by tracking controlled spatial and temporal grids for a maximum duration of about four weeks; moves both vertically and horizontally, driven in a sawtooth vertical profile by varying its buoyancy
Slurry Particle Size Analyser – link to UltraPS analyser – See Continuous on-line monitoring of particle size to improve alumina production (Profile – Project)
Smart Test – microprocessor controlled battery tester
Smelt2/3 – software for mass and energy balance calculations in pyro-metallurgical reactors
Snakebot – software for computer simulation of a robot that looks like a snake; could be used for search and rescue operations of the future
SNAP (Soil Nitrogen Availability Predictor) – instrument
Snapshots – software, simulated factory that enables users to simulate restarting the process under changed conditions
SNOROCKET™ – software that processes medical data 10 times faster than other classifiers – See Australian technology in global health toolkit, 2009 (Media Release)
Snowy – soybean variety that combines both high yield and high quality; suitable for tofu making, providing growers with up to a $200 per tonne premium compared to soybean sold for oil – See Soybean research for a growing industry (CSIRO Plant Industry)
SOCOFI – software for calculation of heat tables from solar radiation
Softly® detergent – for woolen blankets and garments
Soil Carbon Manager – software, soil carbon simulation model
SOILpak – part of a comprehensive information manual on cotton nutrition and advice on fertiliser management – See FIBREpak introduction (Cotton Catchment Communities)
Sokoll Logger – a cheap, low-power data logger monitors and records data at remote sites; manufactured by James Sokoll & Associates
SolarGas – greenhouse-friendly gas that has about 26 % more energy than natural gas; development and demonstration of SolarGas, Solar H2 and the Solar Turbine at the National Solar Energy Centre – See CSIRO solar energy research (Overview)
Solar hot water panels – efficient solar panels for domestic water heating were developed by RN Morse, Division of Mechanical Engineering in 1953; the technology was transferred to create a new industry in Australia
SolarHT – software, solar energy absorbers
Solicon – software, a flexible image analysis system for quantifying soil structure images; the software, which runs under UNIX, has its own command language
SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) – a mining and exploration analysis tool, the method allows industry to quickly identify promising targets, areas of concern and a multitude of other knowledge that assists with better exploration, mining and processing strategies – See Extracting knowledge from complex datasets (Capability)
SpaceGram Service – a telephone service that records messages that will fly into space on FedSat, Australia’s newest satellite – See New service puts your message into orbit, 2000 (Media Release)
SPC (Sliding Pin Consistometer) – an instrument that can measure objectively the spreadability of butter & margarine
SPICE (Spatial and temporal Process Integration in Complex Environments) – model
SPIF (Scenario Planning and Investment Framework) – tool
SpinMag (Spinning Rock Magnetometer) – characterises minerals in rock samples – See Superconducting devices and systems (Capability)
Spinning Cone Column – a unique and extremely efficient gas-liquid contacting device for the production of high quality flavours with minimal thermal damage and minimal product losses; commercialised by Flavourtech Pty Ltd
Splenda setaria – first ever Australian tropical grass variety, marketed by Primac Seeds
S-PLUS – software for advanced data analysis
Spot – a microarray spot detection and characterisation software package which extracts more meaningful numerical information from cDNA microarrays than other software
Sportwool™ fabrics – high performance active sportswear combining the physical performance attributes of synthetics with the comfort and breathability of natural fibre
SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) – See Superconducting devices and systems (Capability)
Stac-Pac – a compact modular dc power supply unit that could be stacked one upon the other to provide an extended range of either current or voltage; developed by Billington at Chemical Physics in 1954; manufactured by Klarion Electronics and later by The Fairey Aviation Company of Australasia Pty Ltd – See Willis JB, 1987, ‘The CSIRO Division of Chemical Physics 1944-1986′, Historical Records of Australian Science, 7: 153-177
Stakeout – software for security surveillance monitoring; invented by John Reid after he left CSIRO and started up a company called Red Engine Software; developed by Glebe Systems
Starbug – an autonomous, miniature submarine for underwater monitoring and surveying of ecosystems such as the Great Barrier Reef
Starplus™ – resistant starch product that delivers short chain fatty acid for the maintenance of bowel health
Stowell cox – a cross varietal between Cox apple and Democrat apple; resistant to disorders of bitter-pit and storage breakdown
StrataSnoop – an instrument that measures thickness of mudstone or shale in underground coal mines
StreamTone – software that delivers the best bubbles for biotechnology, mining or manufacturing applications – See New science for bubble trouble, 2000 (Media Release)
Stuart – soybean for coastal and tropical Queensland; licensed to BSES
Subsurface Oxygen Probes – instrument based on diffusion cell technology to monitor oxygen and/or water concentrations in soils, groundwater, rivers, lakes
Suction – software which did simple equations on a calculator (no longer available after 2002); upgraded to the Intelligent Tensiometer
SunGel – solar energy storage battery
Sun-Muscat – drying grape variety with distinct muscat flavour and no seeds – See Grapes and wine overview (Overview)
Sunola – sunflower oil
SunSorb – sunscreen additive to block UV rays; commercialised by Micronisers Pty Ltd – See An ultrafine way to prevent skin cancer, 1999 (Media Release)
Super Milk – product based on technology that can lift calcium levels in white milk to around 200 mg per 100 ml; this milk is capable of carrying 20 % more calcium than many of the calcium-enriched milks currently on the market – See Healthier milk enriched with calcium and minerals (Achievement)
Super Model 3D – structural model of regional geology (Bowen Basin)
SUSTAIN (Sustainable Urban Structure & Interaction Networks) – model for planning of transport and water management
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) – computer language, describes two-dimensional graphics in XML – See CSIRO brings great graphics to the web, 1999 (Media Release)
SWAGMAN® Series – software for irrigation management
Swagman What If – software, interaction between climate, soil and water
SWAGSIM (Salt Water And Ground Water Simulation) – model of irrigation/water table/salinity
SWAMP (Spatial Water Modeling Program) – software
SWIM (Soil Water Infiltration and Movement) – software that simulates water infiltration and movement in soils; published in 1990. A second version, SWIM v2.0 was completed in 1992.
SWIPS (Short Wave Infrared Profile Spectrometer) – See Drill core ‘magic’ to save millions, 2002 (Media Release)
SWSY (South-West Western Australia Sustainable Yields Project) – provide water managers and users with robust estimates of current and future water yields for Western Australia’s south-west
Synchro-Pulse Controlled Drop Transfer welding system – pulsed arc welding machine
SysNova – software


SBC (Sequential Biological Concentration) technology – permits repeated reuse of drainage water to grow crops – See Award for CSIRO Land and Water, Griffith, 1999 (Media Release)
Scrimber – an engineered alternative to sawn lumber/thinnings; now licensed to TimTek Australia P/L and marketed as TimTek – See Scrimber (1985) and TimTek (Mississippi state university)
SeasonAir – technology using a vertical feeds drier for the complete seasoning process of timber
Self-twist yarn – a novel approach to the spinning of worsted yarn which formed the basis of self-twist spinning, an entirely new concept in textile processing
Sensor Sock – developed in 2009, is a continuous monitoring and diagnostic device for measuring plantar (sole of foot) pressure used in the diagnosis and care of peripheral neuropathy
Short-term preservation of hides and skins – an alternative to salt preservation; adopted widely by the tanning industry; minimised hide and quality problems and led to substantial cost savings and environmental benefits
Sicor™ – technology that helps to stick polymers and polymeric products to other material; used in car industry – See Stuck on Sicor (2002) and Australian credited for new science, 2000 (Media Release)
Sidoak – process to obtain low-cholesterol dairy products
SinterStation 2000 – selective laser sintering, transforms a design into a 3D model in hours
SiroChrome – recycling chrome tanning liquours in the leather industry; now called Direct Chrome liquor recycling – See Tanning waste minimisation processes
SiroCirc™ – fumigation technology for bins in grain storage system
SiroCLEAR™ – an optical sensing method for the detection and removal of contaminants from yarns while they are wound from a bobbin onto a cone
SiroCurd – cheese making starter system technology
SiroFAST™ (Fabric Assurance By Simple Testing) – a quality assurance system developed by CSIRO to meet industry’s need for a simple reliable method of predicting fabric performance
SiroFix – a resin treatment to give reduced felting and shrink resistance
SiroFlash – in which a brief exposure to UV light followed by conventional bleaching is used to prepare wool fabric for printing; also improves dye uptake and prevents the pilling of wool and cotton knitwear – See Vibrant colours for wool clothing (Profile – Project)
SiroFloc – fast water treatment technique using magnetite process for the preparation of potable water – See SiroFloc cleans up sewage in record time, 1993 (Media Release)
SiroFrag – technology for post-blast rock fragmentation size distribution measurement (photogrammetric sizing of blast rubble)
SiroFume™ – stored grain fumigant technology for sealed storage bins
SiroGlobin – process that recovers high grade protein for human consumption from animal blood; a by-product of meatworks
SiroGrip – water-based surface treatment for improving adhesion to natural polymers such as wood
SiroLanBAP™ process – an aqueous shrinkproofing process using polycarbomoyl sulfonate prepolymers (PCS); can be applied to both woollen and worsted fabrics without the necessity for prior chlorination or a subsequent washing-off stage
SiroLanCF – treatment for scour wastes; removes >95% dirt and wool wax from waste water; introduced to industry worldwide in the 1990s
SiroLan FleeceScan™ – portable, reliable, laser-based, on-farm wool classing system; enables growers to class their flocks objectively; licensed to AWTA – See Objective measurement of wool
SiroLan Laserscan™ – procedure for measuring average fibre diameter and fibre diameter distribution
SiroLan LTD (Low Temperature Dyeing) – a gentler, low-temperature dyeing process for wool; increases dyebath exhaustion and dye penetration; allows dyeing at below boiling for standard cycle time, or at boiling for a shorter time; technology licensed to Asia Pacific Specialty Chemical Ltd; used by mills in Australia, New Zealand and Asia – See Clean green way to dye wool takes off, 2000 (Media Release)
SiroLan PressTest™ – assesses the pressing performance of fabrics; manufactured by Swedish Packaging Machinery Pty Ltd and distributed by Wool Development International
SiroLan Tensor™ – tensile tester integrated with the user’s balance, personal computer, and printer for improved measurement of fibre bundle strength
SiroLan ZAOX™ – a continuous top shrink resistance treatment
SiroLime – recycling lime unhairing liquours to reduce effluent problems in the leather industry, now called hair-saving unhairing process – See Tanning waste minimisation processes and Leather Transformations (1990)
SiroLock™ – revolutionary card wire that increases capacity of individual card teeth to retain fibre; licensed to ECC-Platt SA (Roubaix) commercialised by Bekaert in 2007
SiroMat – optical technique for measuring fibre maturity; the process is now commercialised as the product Cottonscope and was licensed to BSC Electronics in 2010 under new startup Company Cottonscope Pty Ltd – See Cotton textiles (Overview)
SiroMoth – insect (clothes moths and carpet beetle) control for specialty animal fibres such as wool
SIRON – a process that breaks down cellulose feedstock to produce rayon
SiroNizing – a process to generate washable non-iron garments – See SiroSet
SiroPack – process that adds tracer compound for UV detection of wool faults
SiroPlan – land use planning procedure
SiroScour – technology for scouring Australian wool; yields clean, tangle-free scoured wool. See Fleecy Clean (1989)
SiroSeal – process that spreads very thin layer of hexadecanol over water surface to cut evaporation losses; also known as the Mansfield process
SiroSet – process for producing permanent creases in fabric
SiroSkin – sheep skin tanning process
SIROSMELT – improved smelting of metals process
SiroSOM – exploratory data-mining technology based on self-organising maps (SOMs)
SiroSpun – involves the combination of spinning and doubling in the one wool yarn production process
SiroTherm – process for softening of water by ion exchange using resins
SKIM (Skin Impression) Technology – accurately identifies type of wool follicles in adult sheep
Slow Mow – technology using a hormone which slows the growth of grass
SMART*CUT Technology (Super Material Abrasive Resistant Tools) – an advanced, very strong and highly wear-resistant, super-material cutting head system, developed for mining and excavation of soft to very hard rock. SMART*CUT technology is a patented bonding process for attaching diamond composite cutting elements to the body of cutting tools – See also SMART*CUT makes hard rock mining faster and more efficient (Solution)
Smart Dust – wireless sensor technology
‘Smart’ fridges – technology networking household and commercial fridges that allows them to negotiate the best time to consume electricity using ‘Smart Agent Technology’ or ‘Distributed Energy Agents’; have electronic controllers that delay the switch-off point when the electricity supply stops
SOAP (Selective Oil Agglomeration Process) – recovers fine coal from washery tailings streams
Soft Wear – process to produce non-irritant woollen jumpers
Soil Slotting – technology for the amelioration of poor soils – See ‘Born Again’ Soil (1989)
SolarScan™ – skin lesion and melanoma monitoring and diagnostic system; commercialised by Polartechnics – See Spot Check (1997)
SoLiquid – technology that turns powders and solids into processed liquids, by mimicing whirlpool generated by cyclones; licensed to Saurin
SoloSpun™ – wool yarn production technology; a simple, inexpensive, clip-on attachment to standard long-staple spinning frames that produces robust, single-ply worsted yarns that withstand the stresses of weaving
SOSS (Self-Organising Sentient Structures) – a simulation of an aerospace vehicle that senses when it has been hit by debris and dispatches a robot to inspect and repair the damage
SpeedGrader – technology for high-speed scanning and grading of timber using microwave technology
Spillows™ – pillow (porous bag) technology for containing/collecting oil spills
Spinning Cone Column process uses a unique and extremely efficient gas-liquid contacting device for the production of high quality flavours with minimal thermal damage and minimal product losses – See Spinning cone column [PDF 510 KB]
Sportwool™ process – produces a lightweight, composite fabric consisting of a layer of machine-washable superfine Merino wool next to the skin and a layer of tough, easy-care polyester on the outside
Spot – an advanced microarray spot detection and characterisation technology for imaging analysis – See Image analysis activities (CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics)
SR Motor (Switched Reluctance Motor) – direct-drive switched reluctance motor with advanced electronic control system; drives new Electrolux washing machine – See New washing machines use CSIRO technology (Solution)
SREP (Synthetic Rutile Enhancement Process) – for removal of thorium from ilmenite
Supercapacitors – energy storage devices with both high power and high energy; fills a gap in energy storage systems for miniaturised wireless communication applications where supercapacitors can extend battery life and device useability over a wide range of operating conditions, and enable some new functions; used globally to improve the performance of GPRS mobile stations; marketed by CAP-XX
Superwash – technology for the finishing of wool products to improve washability – See Keeping wool in shape (1983)
SWAT-HT (Soil and Water Amendment Technology) – based on Hydrotalcite – See Developing technologies and products (CSIRO Land and Water)
Synthapret BAP – shrinkproofing treatment of wool
Synthapret BAP/Silicone – shrinkproofing treatments of wool allowing soft handle


Safe-T-Cam – a world-leading technology aimed at improving road safety by monitoring transport; uses generic technology with broad applications in the vehicle operating and traffic law enforcement industry – See Safe-T-Cam: keeping an eye on the road (Solution)
SaltMap – remote airborne system mapping electromagnetic data reflecting regolith thickness and conductivity providing information on the spatial distribution of salt storage in the landscape – See Regolith geochemistry for mineral exploration
Seabed ore systems for mineral exploration on the deep ocean floor
Sediment quality assessment frameworks for water ecosystems
SEE Grid (Solid Earth and Environmental Sciences Grid) – a paradigm in internet technologies and computers
SenSys – remote access system for collecting and storing data from various sensors (e.g. oxygen, pH measurement); commercialised by Innov8, a Perth start-up company acting as global licensee – See Developing Technologies and Products (CSIRO Land and Water)
Sentinel Hotspots – a state-of-the-art internet-based satellite mapping system developed by CSIRO, the Department of Defence and Geoscience Australia to demonstrate the utility of rapid delivery satellite information for strategic bushfire management; designed to provide fire location data within an hour of NASA satellites detecting the hotspots, up to seven times a day – See Developing Technologies and Products (CSIRO Land and Water) and Locating bushfires as they happen (Soluton)
SESS Framework (Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery) Framework – a scientifically based assessment and harvest strategy framework developed by CSIRO and provided to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority to set Total Allowable Catch limits for 32 stocks and species for 2006 – See Fishery assessment in south-east Australia (Achievement)
ShrubKill – shrub control system – See Fire: Good for Pastoral Country, 1993 (Media Release)
SilviScan™ rapid wood analysis system
Siratac – a computer-based pest management system used in the Australian cotton industry
Sirex wasp eradication using the nematode Beddingia siricidicola
SiroCirc – is a low-flow recirculation SIROFLO® system to provide a balanced flow of gas through a complex of bins at once. Unlike other recirculation systems it is effective in bins which are capped but not gas-tight – See SIROFLO®
SiroFAST™ fabric quality assurance system – developed by CSIRO to meet industry’s need for a reliable method of predicting fabric performance
SIROFLO® – fumigation system to protect grain from insects – See Psocid research leads to more targeted control (Fact Sheet)
SiroFume® – a new, low-cost, method of fumigating and protecting grain in sealed storages. It is an automatic top-up process that maintains a constant concentration of phosphine in grain – See SIROFLO®
SiroLog – a suite of instruments in use in Australia and overseas for exploration, mine planning and production; also being evaluated for its potential as an environmental management tool including the measurement of salt concentrations in soil as part of the assault on dryland salinity; includes hand-held instruments and other borehole logging probes based on natural gamma and gamma-gamma techniques – See Nuclear probe may be new weapon against acid mine drainage, salinity, 2002 (Media Release)
Solar Thermal Technology – uses a field of computer-controlled mirrors (heliostats) that accurately reflect and concentrate sunlight onto a receiver on top of a tower. The concentrated sunlight may then be used to heat and store molten salt, which can generate superheated steam to drive a turbine for electricity generation.
Spatial Information Systems
Spectrum Colour Imaging System – digital colour imaging system for scanning electron microscopes (developed with Dindima) – See Fantastic Images Now In Colour, 1998 (Media Release)
Spot-Lite – an online image distribution archiving system
SQIS™ (System for Quick Image Search) – facial recognition system; now known as Valencia and marketed by Argus Solutions – See CSIRO’s ICT expertise on show, 2002 (Media Release) and Now Just Look At This! Computers That Can See, 1993 (Media Release)
SSX (Synergistic Solvent eXtraction system) – uses commercially available reagents i.e. existing organic solvents, as synergists to improve the selectivity of existing extractants in nickel and cobalt recovery resulting in simplified process flowsheets and low capital and operating costs – See Old solvents offer new solutions for faster nickel processing (Profile – Project) and Solvent extraction for metals recovery (Overview – Science)
Steep Dip Highwall Auger Mining System – being developed by Cutting Edge Technology Pty Ltd
Sustainable effluent-irrigated tree plantations
SWIMS (Scour Waste Integrated Management System) – See Australian wool technology to help India and China, 2000 (Media Release) and Scouring process yields the fertiliser that grew on sheep, 2000 (ECOS Magazine)
Synchro-Pulse Controlled Drop Transfer Welding System