People A-Z
Brief biographies of some of the people responsible for CSIRO’s greatest innovations and discoveries.
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- Abel, David
- Adam, Colin
- Allan, Frances Elizabeth
- Anand, Ravi
- Anderson, Denis
- Anderssen, Robert
- Andrews, Murray
- Appleby, Cyril Angus
- Archer, John William
- Augustin, Mary Ann
- Azad, Ahmed Abdullah
- Baddeley, Adrian John
- Badwal, Sukhvinder
- Ballard, Mathew John
- Banks, Jonathan
- Bannister, John
- Barber, Michael Newton
- Barendse, William
- Barker, John Adair
- Barnard, Mildred
- Bastow, Stuart Henry
- Batley, Graeme
- Batterham, Robin John
- Bear, Isabel (Joy)
- Beard, Maston
- Bedding, Robin Anthony
- Beech, Donald
- Beecham, A. F. (Tony)
- Berger, Lee
- Bergersen, Fraser John
- Berman, Mark
- Binns, Raymond
- Bird, Trevor Stanley
- Blevin, William Roderick
- Boardman, Norman Keith
- Boas, Isaac Herbert
- Boas, Walter Moritz
- Bolton, John Gatenby
- Bornemissza, George Francis
- Bowen, Edward George (Taffy)
- Boyle, Brian John
- Brooks, John
- Brown, Ian
- Brown, Robert Hallowes
- Brungs, Attila
- Bryan, Wilfred Walter
- Buckley, Michael
- Bull, Lionel Batley
- Bunton, John David
- Burbidge, Nancy Tyson
- Burdon, Jeremy James
- Burgmann, Victor Dudley
- Butt, Charles
- Caccetta, Peter
- Casey, Lord Richard Gavin Gardiner
- Caughley, Graeme James
- Chattaway, Mary Margaret
- Christiansen, Wilbur Norman
- Church, John
- Clark, Megan
- Clements, Mark
- Clunies Ross, Sir Ian
- Cocks, Douglas Kenneth
- Cole, Keith David
- Coleman, John
- Colman, Peter Malcolm
- Constable, Gregory
- Coogan, Clive Keith
- Cooper, Brian
- Cornish, Edmund Alfred
- Cowley, John Maxwell
- Crewther, William Gordon
- Culvenor, Claude Charles
- Curtain, Cyril Curtis
- Cusack, Jack
- Cutler, Terry
- Cutmore, Nicholas
- Czulak, Józef Karol
- Dadswell, Herbert Eric
- Dallwitz, Michael John
- Dalrymple, Brian
- Daly, Joanne Christine
- Daniels Graham
- Davidson, James
- Davies, John (Jack) Griffiths
- Davies, Louis Walter
- Davis, Ian
- Dawson, Barrie
- Day, Maxwell Frank Cooper
- De Barro, Paul
- Deane, John
- Demediuk, Taisa
- Denholm, William Thomas
- Dennis, Elizabeth Salisbury
- Dichmont, Catherine Mary
- Dick, Alexander Thomas
- Dickson, Bertram Thomas
- Donald, Alan David
- Donald, Colin Malcolm
- Donelson, Richard
- Downes, Alan Marchant
- Drummond, Calum John
- Duffy, Gregory
- Duncan, Annabelle
- Dyadyuk, Valeriy
- Edye, Leslie Andrew
- Ekers, Ronald David
- Ellis, Graeme Reade Anthony
- Ellis, Jeffrey Graham
- Evans, Lloyd Thomas
- Evans, Robert
- Falk, John Edwin Rogers
- Farnworth, Arthur James
- Farrant, John Lascelles
- Farrow, John
- Fazekas de St Groth, Stephen
- Finn, Niall
- Finnigan, John Joseph
- Fitt, Gary
- Fletcher, Neville Horner
- Floyd, John
- Foger, Karl
- Foley, Catherine Patricia
- Forrester, Peter John
- Fox, David
- Frankel, Sir Otto Herzberg
- Franklin, Mervyn Clarence
- Fraser, Paul
- Fraser, Robert Donald Bruce
- Frater, Robert Henry
- Frederiksen, Jorgen Segerlund
- Freer, Michael
- Frith, Harold James
- Fulton, Elizabeth
- Garvie, Ronald Charles
- Gaskin, Arthur
- Gibson, Donald Charles
- Gilruth, John Anderson
- Giovanelli, Ronald Gordon
- Gordon, Hugh McLeod
- Gottlieb, Paul
- Gough, Russell
- Green, Andrew Ashley
- Green, Roy Montague
- Griesser, Hans Jörg
- Gunatillake, Pathiraja Arachchillage (Thilak)
- Guo, Yingjie Jay
- Hall, Ruth Milne
- Hamann, Sefton Davidson
- Harding, Myles
- Harrap, Brian
- Harris, Graham
- Hatch, Marshall Davidson
- Hatton, Tom
- Head, Alan Kenneth
- Heij, Elizabeth Gordon
- Henshaw, David Ernest
- Henzell, Edward (Ted) Frederick
- Hetzel, Basil Stuart
- Higgins, Huntly Gordon
- Higgins, Thomas Joseph
- Hill, Geoffrey
- Hill, Robin
- Hobbs, Bruce Edward
- Holan, George
- Howard, Alfred (Alf)
- Hudson, Peter John
- Hunt, Barrie
- Huntington, Jonathan
- Hurley, Andrew Crowther
- Hutchinson, Michael
- Hutton, Mark
- Huxley, Sir Leonard George Holden
- Hyatt, Alexander Duncan
- Jacobsen, John Viggo (Jake)
- James, Jim
- Jeffrey, Robert Graham
- Jeffrey, Shirley Winifred
- Jermyn, Michael
- Johns, Stanley R.
- Johnson, Mike
- Jones, Raymond
- Jorgensen, Frank Richard Arthur
- Julius, Sir George Alfred
- Jupp, David
- La Salle, John
- Lam, Lan Trieu
- Lamb, David
- Lampard, Douglas Geoffrey
- Lascelles, Alexander (Alick)
- Lawrence, Michael Colin
- Lee, Bruce
- Lee , Robert Arthur
- Leicester, Robert Hocquard
- Lennox, Francis Gordon
- Leong, Ta-Yan
- Leslie, Keith
- Lightfoot, Gerald
- Lines, Edward Wolrych Low
- Lipson, Menzie (Pip)
- Llewellyn, Danny
- Locock, Katherine
- Lovatt, Howard
- Lowenthal, John
- Lyon, Alexander Victor (Bill)
- Macfarlane, John Cameron
- Mackerras, Ian Murray
- Madsen, Sir John Percival Vissing
- Makinson, Kathleen Rachel
- Manchester, Richard Norman
- Mansfield, William Walladge
- Marshall, Larry
- Marston, Hedley Ralph
- Martin, Sir Charles James
- Martyn, David Forbes
- Mason, Neil (Fox)
- Mathieson, Alexander (Sandy) McLeod
- Mau, Albert
- Mayo, Oliver
- McCracken, Kenneth Gordon
- McDougall, Trevor John
- McEwan, Angus David
- McGee, Richard Xavier
- McIntosh, Sir Malcolm Kenneth
- McKern, Neil Moreton
- McMaster, Sir Frederick Duncan
- Meijs, Gordon Francis
- Meyer, Wayne
- Miller, Anthony Dennis
- Minnett, Harry Clive
- Moad, Graeme
- Money, Catherine Anne
- Moore, Alan James William
- Morse, Roger Neill
- Mulcahy, Maurice Francis Robinson
- Munns, Rana Ellen
- Munro, Ian Stafford Ross
- Murray, Keith
- Myers, Brian John
- Newnham, Ivan Edgar
- Newton, Peter Wesley
- Newton Turner, Helen Alma
- Nicholson, Alexander John
- Nielsen, Ebbe Schmidt
- Nix, Henry Allan
- O’Donnell, Ian Joseph
- O’Keefe, Christine
- O’Sullivan John
- Oakeshott, John Graeme
- Ogilvie, Graeme John
- Olley, June Norma
- Oreb, Robert
- Ostry, Diethelm
- Parslow, John
- Passioura, John
- Pawsey, Joseph Lade
- Payne-Scott, Ruby
- Peacock, William James
- Pearcey, Trevor
- Pearman, Graeme Ivan
- Percival, Terence
- Peters, David Edward
- Philip, John Robert
- Phillips, David
- Piddington, Jack Hobart
- Pitman, Michael George
- Pitt, John Ingram
- Plante, Enid Campbell
- Plate, Dieter Erich Alexander
- Possingham, John Victor
- Poulton, Geoff
- Prescott, James Arthur
- Pressley, Thomas Athol
- Price, Graham Pope
- Price, Sir James Robert
- Priestley, Anthony John
- Priestley, Charles Henry Brian (Bill)
- Prins, Martin Willem
- Raison, John Kenneth
- Ratcliffe, Francis Noble
- Rees, Albert Lloyd George
- Reid, Alan Forrest
- Reid, Peter Ewan
- Rendel, James Meadows
- Rickard, Michael Desmond
- Richardson, Arnold Edwin Victor
- Rintoul, Stephen Rich
- Rivett, Sir Albert Cherbury David
- Rizzardo, Ezio
- Roberts, Paul
- Robertson, Sir Rutherford Ness
- Robertson, Thorburn Brailsford
- Robinson, Brian John
- Room, Peter
- Rovira, Albert
- Sainsbury, Keith
- Sanders, John Veysey
- Sandland, Ron
- Sangster, David
- Scroggie, James Gilbert
- Sevimli, Oya
- Sharpe, Ron
- Shukla, Dharma Deo
- Simpson, Stuart
- Sinclair, Malcolm
- Singh, Surinder
- Sinha, Hari Narayan
- Skyring, Graham
- Slatyer, Ralph Owen
- Slee, Owen Bruce
- Smith, Raymond Ernest
- Smithers, Geoffrey Welsford
- Solomon, David Henry
- Sowerby, Brian David
- Sparrow, Lindsay Gale
- Spurling, Thomas Harley
- Stanley, Gordon James
- Stauber, Jennifer
- Stillwell, Frank Leslie
- Stocker, John Wilcox
- Sutherland, Keith Leonard
- Swan, John Melvin
- Syme, Geoffrey
- Tellam, Ross
- Thang, San
- Thomas, Bruce MacAulay
- Thomas, Richard Grenfell
- Thompson, Arthur Melville
- Thomson, Norman John Perry
- Tickner, James
- Tillyard, Robert John
- Topping, David Lloyd
- Tracey, John Geoffrey
- Trahar, William John
- Tucker, Gilbert Brian
- Turner, Arthur William
- Turner, Henry Greig
- Turner, John Stewart
- Tyndale-Biscoe, Cecil Hugh
- Wadsley, David
- Walker, Brian Harrison
- Walker, G. F. (George)
- Walkley, Allan
- Walls, Gordon
- Walsh, Sir Alan
- Wang, Ming-Bo
- Wapshere, Anthony John
- Ward, Colin Wesley
- Wardrop, Alan Buchanan
- Wark, Sir Ian William
- Waterhouse, Douglas Frew
- Waterhouse, Peter Michael
- Watt, John
- Webb, Leonard James
- Weiss, Donald Eric
- West, Eric Stodden
- Westfold, Kevin Charles
- Wharton, Ronald Harry
- White, Michael James Denham
- White, Sir Frederick William George
- Whiteley, Kenneth James
- Whitten, Maxwell John
- Whitton, William Ivo (Bill)
- Wild, John Paul
- Wilkins, Stephen William
- Williams, William Thomas
- Winks, Robert Gordon
- Wood, Paul
- Wright, John
- Wylie, Russell